Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ruddy Turnstones

The Ruddy Turnsotne for my World Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes 

I am so happy to have my electric and cable back on, it is a terrible feeling to lose your electric. I hope everyone's electric is back on soon. We were lucky everything is fine here. Just a lot of downed trees in the reservoir and next to the road. I feel for the people who lost more, some were flooded, trees were down on their houses or cars and some lives were lost.

So, now on to a better subject the Ruddy Turnstone. For those who are not familiar with the Ruddy Turnstone it is a shorebird that nests mainly on the coastlines. They winter on beaches and rocky ocean coasts. The breeding adult's head is mentioned to have a harlequin look, ruddy pattern on its back and white and black on its bottom. These photos are from my archives and a previous visit to the Delaware shore.

This shot below has the Ruddy Turnstones, a Laughing Gull and a Dunlin.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my Ruddy Turnstones and to see
more wonderful and pretty birds check out Springman's World Bird Wednesday 
and for more nature post and photos please visit Michelle's Nature Notes

Special thanks to Springman and Michelle for hosting these fun memes and
 thank you for visiting my blog and post. I hope the rest of your week is peaceful and wonderful.


Diane Writes said...

Hello Eileen! Good to hear that you and your family are safe. I enjoyed the pictures. I love them. :)

Saun said...

Glad to hear your electric is back on and all is well. Love your Ruddy Turnstones pics. :)

Sue said...

All nice photos (and good info)--I love the 3rd picture best where they all are facing the camera. Nicely done!

TexWisGirl said...

glad you have power once again! i know so many have been waiting...

what an interesting mish-mash colored bird! :)

Bob Bushell said...

Great collection od shorebirds you've got there, superb.

936000 said...

Glad to read that you came through all right Eileen!! Thank you for letting us know.
Great photos of the RT (and the gull too)!!

Jen Sanford said...

WOW, look at all those Ruddy's!! I love the shot with one standing on horseshoe crab!

Jo said...

Glad all's back to normal in your area, Eileen. You have some amazing bird sightings. I love the Ruddy Turnstones but adore the Laughing Gull. Have a great week. Blessings, Jo

Unknown said...

Great shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

joo said...

It's so good to hear that you're safe! Great post, by the way:)

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you made it through the hurricane okay. We had lots of rain and 29 mph winds so we got off pretty lucky. Lovely photos of your Ruddy Turnstones.

mick said...

I'm glad you are OK after that terrible storm went through. Great photos of the Ruddy Turnstones. I see them here in SE Queensland, Australia as well but they are in non-breeding plumage down here. It's not nearly so striking as what you have photographed.

Dina said...

Ditto on your power and that you guys are safe. Love these ruddy shots. We get a few here but not too many. What is that ruddy sitting on in the first picture? It almost looks like a horseshoe crab.

Arija said...

Lovely shore birds Eileen and I am so glad tha you weathered the storm safely.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I thought the RTS was standing on a horseshoe crab! What a great picture.

Stewart M - Australia.

PS: Glad you came through the storm

Indrani said...

Losing internet connection is horrible, I don't mind darkness though. :)
You got great shots, a joy to see these scenes.

BrandNewStudio said...

Thank you for sharing
This Wonderful Pictures
Good creations

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm glad to hear you weathered the storm well. I sure do hate it when there's no electricity!

This is the first I am aware of ruddy turnstones.

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful images...a lovely post.

John @ Beans and I on the Loose said...

Do they turn over the Horseshoe Crabs and peck at them or do they just take advantage of the ones they find turned over and make a meal of it?

Tina´s PicStory said...

Beautiful shots :)

Springman said...

I'm so glad you were able to ride the storm out with nothing more than loss of power and some downed trees. Gosh, first the earthquake and then a hurricane! What a couple of weeks! Suzanne and I offer those who suffered loss of life in their families our sympathy. That was one heck of a storm, I'm glad it wasn't worse.

Anonymous said...

I think all sea birds are splendid! Thanks for sharing these!

Tammy said...

They are pretty little birds. I love the third shot. What is that he is standing on in the first shot? They look like a pile of horseshoe crabs.

Carver said...

Fantastic shots of the birds. I always enjoy seeing the birds you capture with your camera. I'm glad your power is back on. I know what a drag it is when it's off for an extended time period. I felt lucky that mine only blinked on and off Saturday morning but never stayed off.

Unknown said...

Great photos - I like the 3rd one with the bird coming in for a landing!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Eileen, I am so happy y'all are safe!
Yes...I love your Ruddy Turnstones. They look much like the Killdeer we have here.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The ruddy turnstones are wonderful birds! And I like the "mixed bird" shot a lot.

I'm glad you are OK!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm glad you got your power back on. Being without electricity is really frustrating.

Reader Wil said...

Eileen, thank God you are safe, but how terrible it must be for those who lost their possessions and who are flooded. I hope they get the help and support they need.
I like your Ruddy Turnstones very much. Thanks for sharing them.

Kathie Brown said...

I would love to see just ONE ruddy turnstone. You have them in hordes! Wow!

Glad your power is back on. My Mom just got hers back yesterday and my sister is still waiting!

Hilke Breder said...

Glad you made it through the hurricane alright! Fantastic Ruddy Turnstone shots! I love the gravel beach - beautiful stones.

??? said...

Are those horseshoe crabs the turnstone is sitting one? Lovely bird.

Anonymous said...

A horseshoe crab makes a nice perch!
Wonderful shorebird captures!

Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, I love them. Happy weekend.

Dawn Fine said...

Great Ruddy photos! I am glad your electric is back on. My parents and sister are still without in CT. they are not happy.

Rambling Woods said...

I'm sorry you lost your power, but happy that you didn't have any serious damage...that was an awful storm and people are still dealing with the aftermath..

Al said...

That's a great series of bird photos, I've never seen a Ruddy Turnstone before. I'm glad we don't get hurricanes where I live, just tornadoes and blizzards. But we did lose power for a few hours on Tuesday when a contractor cut through a main electrical line!

Phil Slade said...

I love those shots of the turnstones Eileen with their white heads picked out against the darker shades of the water. I was so pleased to hear that Irene didn't cause you too many problems although it must have been worrying. It was definitely worrying for us all over here and thinking of our US friends and how they were coping with the storms.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you are okay, Eileen. I've been thinking about you. Beautiful photos of the Ruddy Turnstones.. Love those little birds. They are so pretty...

Thanks for sharing, and have a great Labor Day Weekend.

Steve said...

I have never seen a Ruddy Turnstone, but you have peaked my interest!

forgetmenot said...

Glad you did not have extensive damage with all this crazy weather we have been having. Nice shots of the turnstones--always fun to "get out there" with your camera and take some great photos-makes the world seem like a little nicer place. Have a lovely weekend. Mickie :)

Iowa Gardening Woman said...

Wonderful photos and so glad you have power again!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "A walk in nature walks the soul back home." "May the joy of simple thing...