Thursday, September 8, 2011

SWF>>>>Edwin Forsythe NWR

My post for  Skywatch Friday  is a tribute and remembrance of Sept 11, 2001. It is the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attacks on the USA. My post is to remember and honor the loved ones lost and a tribute to all the wonderful firefighters and police who put their own lives at risk on that horrible day.

Sunrise on the way to the wildlife refuge.

A closeup of the sunrising

The sun's rays shining thru the clouds. A beautiful start to our day.

A groups of Egrets and Glossy Ibis taking off at the refuge.

Terns and gulls in flight

The sun reflecting on the refuge pool at the end of our visit.

Please visit to see more skies and thanks to the Skywatch Friday team of Sylvia, Wren, Sandy and Fishing Guy. Thanks for visiting my post to see my skywatch. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Preferably a dry weekend.


  1. Gorgeous sky watch photos, and the birds in flight are fantastic, Eileen!

  2. Eileen-I envy you being able to be AT the refuge at sunrise---dear hubby can't get up early enough for that! We always miss the best part of the day birding! Sigh....

  3. Watching the sun come up is one of my favourites.

  4. A fitting tribute Eileen and a very beautiful one. Will never forget all those brave people.

    I hope all is well your way and I wondered about you when I heard about the tornado watches in Maryland. Hope they were nowhere near you. We seem to be okay here, just lots and lots of rain. Have a great weekend

  5. I remember that day!
    I was in a trip in Turkey and I heard the news on the car's radio!
    RIP to all those whom passed away!
    Sorry for them!
    Sorry for my english , too!

  6. the 3rd shot is spectacular. thank you.

  7. Wow! all your shots are gorgeous but I love that fireball of a sun! stunning!

  8. I always enjoy your birding shots. I'm looking forward to California's birding season, are avian friends should be returning in another month.
    I hope you are not in the flood zone. The pictures we have been seeing from the east are pretty frightening.

  9. The contrast between the ibis and the egrets is so beautiful - you couldn't have arranged it better!

  10. All shots are beautiful but the close-up of the sun is a winner. WOW!

  11. That sun looks close enough to touch!


    Cloudy, clear,
    Bright or drear—
    Blessed be the sky!

    Sun and star,
    Near or far—
    Blessed be the sky!

    Rain or snow,
    Sunset glow—
    Blessed be the sky!

    Wind or calm,
    Healing balm—
    Blessed be the sky!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Arizona Sunset

  12. beautiful sequences of sunrise. i like the bird shots as well.

  13. Such breathtakingly beautiful captures, Eileen! Awesome skies and colors! And a wonderful tribute not only to those who died on that dreadful day, but to the firefights who were/are responsible for saving so many and at the risk of their own lives.


  14. What a beautiful tribute Eileen.

    Your skies are gorgeous, I love the close up of the sunrise.

  15. Beautiful set of shots. Very nice tribute.

  16. Eileen, That is spectacular!!!! What a magnificent photo, and what a nice tribute to those we lost on 9/11, and those who did so much to help. A weekend to remember. Mickie :)

  17. Well these are just gorgeous..your header is the sun and glistening water! This was a fine tribute Eileen!
    I enjoyed your photos of the mushrooms below too.
    Wishing you a terrific weekend-

  18. One amazing shot of the sun, just like a lollipop!


  19. Great tribute!
    Fantastic captures.

  20. Sigh - what a fabulous sun!

  21. Altough all photos are very nice, but the photo no. 2 is just wonderful, it's a very lovely and wonderful shot.

  22. I have joined the Skywatch meme for the first time this week, calling by to visit you this time as another participant. A beautiful tribute for a sad day.

  23. Oh, it is beautiful!! I love that nr 2. Warming.
    Happy weekend to you:-)

  24. This is beautiful! I hardly see our sunrise here. Thanks for sharing and happy weekend!

    Sky View

  25. Wow! Beautiful photos and my favourite is the second pic.

    Have a great weekend.

  26. This is so very magical!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...