Monday, October 17, 2011

The Eastern Bluebird

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes

The Eastern Bluebird was the first bird that started my interest in birds and birding. Now my hubby might call that interest an obsession. That reminds me I really want to see the new movie out called the "The Big Year". So far it seems to be getting some good reviews, especially from the birders. I really like Owen Wilson (of Marley and Me)  and Steve Martin.

Here is a link to the trailer for the movie.

Back to reality, I do not think my hubby needs to worry about me doing "The Big Year" chasing birds all around the world to see if I can have the highest count of birds seen in one year. First, I will need to win the Mega Millions or Powerball whichever comes first. HaHa! I can dream though!

Back to my yardbirds, for me the Eastern Bluebird was the prettiest bird I ever saw in my yard. And I was just tickled that they started using my birdhouse for their nest. I felt honored that they chose my yard. I am just thinking back now if I had not seen the first bluebird in my yard, I would not be as interested in birds or have become a "birder" or started a life list nor would I have the thousands of  bird photos that I have now.

The Eastern Bluebirds are year round birds here in Maryland or what is called a resident.  They feed on berries and insects. The male is a beautiful blue on top and rufous underparts. Oh and they love, love, love meal worms, so much so they started looking into my house waiting for more meal worms to be brought out and served to them. You may think I am crazy but I swear these birds would sit in our tree next to the deck and scold me if I didn't bring out more meal worms to them. I think they were telling me they would not let me see their babies if I didn't feed them the meal worms. It sounds like I was being blackmailed or threatened.  I often wondered what the UPS man thought when they delivered all these 10,000's meal worms to my house. As far as they know my son's Gecko ate too much. Buying live meal worms started becomming scarce for some reason. So, I decided it was time for the Bluebirds to fend for themselves. And I think hubby is happy he no longer has to see meal worm containers in the fridge.

To see more wonderful birds from all around the world check out Springman's World Bird Wednesday  and for more lovely nature scenes how about clicking on my link for Michelle's Nature Notes.

Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post, I appreciate all the visits and the comments. Happy Birding and I hope the rest of your week is great and filled with wonderful birds.


TexWisGirl said...

love these shots. show such personality!

penny said...

Beautiful shot of Mr Blue bird, Eileen.
I haven't seen one in person.. sigh.
Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful day.

podso said...

Your eastern bluebird shots are beautiful. Such a wonderful combination of colors--no wonder people use those colors together in decorating!

Nancy said...

Such pretty little birds. Great captures, Eileen. :)

EG CameraGirl said...

I have yet to see an eastern bluebird close enough for me tp photograph. They are elusive in my part of Ontario but they are on my wishlist, :) Maybe next year.

936000 said...

I don't think you are crazy, or anthropomorphizing, at all! Last year I had the same thing with the hummingbirds (but not mealworms)!
Your photos are gorgeous Eileen!

Gattina said...

This bird is such a beauty ! I only see Magpies here, maybe it's because of the cats.

Betty Manousos said...

what a lovely bird!

the shots are great as are the colours in those photos!

nicely done:)

Irene said...

Lovely shots! And what a beauty! Wish you a great week!


Unknown said...

They're beautiful, Eileen. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Larry said...

Great post Eileen! Of course the Western Bluebird is my favorite passerine because they nest in my birdhouses too ;-)

I literally just got out from the theater having seen "The Big Year" and I really enjoyed it! I laughed, I cried and I felt good all over!

My wife thinks I am obsessed also and she's probably right! I will be writing a review soon, maybe tonight ;-)

Martha Z said...

It was moving to Northern California that got me interested in birding. Blue birds in the bird box, quail on the ground and raptors in the air, I was soon hooked. I'd be lost without the camera, though, I need the photo and my guidebooks to identify many of the birds I see.

Reena said...

Oh, I so love this little birds. I have not yet seen one in my backyard. Surely they are in Pennsylvania as well.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great post! We've only seen the Western Bluebirds. I want to see that movie too! (Texas has a state-wide competition, maybe it's part of the larger one, but when we were there we saw some 'professional' birders hit our favorite spots. It was an interesting thing to see!

mick said...

They are such beautiful birds and it would be great to have them in my yard - but unfortunately that's another bird we don't have in Australia.

Autumn Belle said...

Wow, it must be really nice to be so close to such lovely birds.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - the Bluebird is a bit of an icon really - would love to see one in real life.

Great pictures.

Stewart M - Australia

Carole M. said...

oh such a beautiful bird; lovely photographs you captured. No wonder you were smitten.

Fjällripan said...

Wonderful images of the greatlooking bird!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you they moved in to your bird house. We have the occasional Western Bluebird but so far no takers on our specially made for bluebirds bird house. Pickey, pickey.

Ebie said...

Now I know why this bird inspired you to birding. She is a beauty, though I have not seen one in person.

Lovely colors of blue and brown!

magiceye said...

they are so pretty..

Jen Sanford said...

Beautiful photos... I always like hearing what bird got people into birding, so your story is great too. Mmm, mealworms...

Springman said...

Interesting post Eileen. Isn't it amazing how our life's focus can change on so small an occurrence? I remember sitting in my back yard along the Pine river when I was still contemplating buying it. For some reason I recalled the pictures of Baltimore orioles I had seen as a kid and thought were so cool. To that point I had never seen one. Just like a movie and on cue what should alight on a tree limb right in front of me? A brilliantly colored oriole! Was it the first time ever a bird sighting sold a house? Probably not. Certainly though, it changed the direction of my life and the way I perceive the planet. Strange stuff!

Johnny Nutcase said...

that's a pretty obliging bluebird! Great shots!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Oh gee..well that movie looks like it would be a Steve Martin and Owen Wilson!
I can totally understand the worm deal, and that's certainly a lot. One year they kept crawling across the road in the early morning hours when I'd walk my dog. I'd collect them in my coffee mug (lol)
But just to get a closer view of those beautiful birds- such a treat! Ahh, and your son's gecko had a feast. Too much..thanks Eileen

joo said...

Isn't it a beauty? I wish I could see one in real. I also can't wait to see this film - hope it will be on the cinemas in Poland:)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That's a beautiful blue bird, and you took terrific photos of it!

NatureFootstep said...

you have this beautiful bird all year round? You are lucky. :)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The sparrows in my new house are "wild" they do not come to the rice I throw out to them. Those in my old house must have been pampered by me.

No, I don't surf, though many young people do.

subirdia said...

I have visited two blogs about birds that started out b/c of their interest in blues...I love them...miss them as they don't visit my yard when they are not nesting. You have lovely pics of birds on your blog I'll visit soon!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your post! The Bluebird shots are wonderful - such sweet little birds!

Rambling Woods said...

I have never seen one in person, but my sister has nesting boxes in her yard that are occupied every year. Funny you should mention the movie as a friend had sent me the book and I look forward to seeing the movie..Michelle

Debbie said...

he is just so cute and these really show off his personality!!

we are obsessed, i always tell the hubs it's a lot cheaper then shoes. which i personally could care less about!!

Carver said...

Great post and I love the shots of the eastern bluebird.

Anonymous said...

Wow - what fabulously lovely shots of the bluebird!

Celeste said...

Fabulous photos, isn't it great when you know exactly which species sparked your interest in a certain field? It always holds a special place.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I love Bluebirds also, Eileen. They have a way of grabbing your heart and not letting go.:) I only offer mealworms if the weather is super bad and they have chicks to feed. I love your handsome male!

Yesterday I went to see The Big Year. I loved it! Of course Hollywood got some facts wrong. Parts brought up some tears that only a serious birder would understand.:)

MyMaracas said...

Outstanding bluebird shots. We have them here too, but I draw the line at buying mealworms. I find they come to the birdbaths on my deck nearly every day, though. They are indeed among the most beautiful and gentle of all our backyard birds.

I'm looking forward to that movie, too!

Leora said...

He looks like a gorgeous but simple bird.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...