Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Panama Birds

I am linking up with Friday Ark  and Camera Critters

These are more pic's from my birding outing with Justo of Panama's Just Adventures

Arriving a day early for our tour allowed hubby and I to go out for our day of birding. Justo took us to the Discovery Center and the famous Pipeline Road. I got 30 new lifers from our Panama trip.

These are some of the birds and a sloth we saw at the Pipeline Rd and the Rainforest Discovery Center.

Pipeline Rd sloth,  the first of three sloths we saw while in Panama for the week.

Rufous Motmot a beautiful bird and one of my 30 new lifers.

Social Flycatcher....lifer

Crimson Crested Woodpecker, similiar to the Pileated Woodie I see at home. Near this same spot we saw a Black Striped Woodcreeper. I was sorry to see it fly away before I could snap a pic. Both of these birds were also lifers.

Lots of new Hummingbird lifers, like the White Necked Jacobin another lifer.

The Pipeine Road, famous spot for birding in Panama.

A group of Black Bellied Whistling ducks, these are one of my favorite ducks. At this spot we saw the ducks, GB Heron, Wattled Jacana, Ringed Kingfisher, a beautiful Blue Dacnis. I was sorry to see that my photos of these beautiful birds were just a blurry mess. But, it was still exciting to see all of these new birds.

I hope you enjoyed my birds and sloth post. I hope you all have a great weekend and Happy Birding.

I hope you can check out more birds and animals on the Friday Ark  and Camera Critters.  Thanks to the host of Friday Ark and to Misty Dawn of Camera Critters. I look forward to these memes and to seeing all the birds and critters.


  1. Quite a number of birds!

    I can imagine how excited I am with my telescope lens eyeing at them.

  2. Your birds are a little more exciting than mine ;)
    (Love the hummers by the poster)

  3. Those are super enjoyable photos Eileen. I would have been so excited to see the sloth let alone all those beautiful birds.

  4. What a beautiful, tropical place, and excellent shots. I've never seen a sloth (and probably not any of those birds either).

  5. OOooohh!! love it all...especially the sloth...the rufous...and the hummers!! beautiful!

  6. Quite an assortment! Great shots and congrats on the lifers!

  7. that's a lot of critters, i like that last shot of all the ducks - cool finds!

    happy weekend =)

  8. hurray for black-bellied whistlers! :)

  9. Oh, you saw 30 lifers, wow, that's a manic holiday.

  10. Amazing birds! Love it a lot :)

  11. Beautiful bird shots! Love the hummingbirds.

  12. I'd be jazzed just to walk inside this beautiful forest! What a bright, colorful series! Thanks-
    Sorry I haven't been blogging much and have fallen a little behind (missed you).
    Wishing you a relaxing weekend Eileen-

  13. ... wonderful pictures ...
    LG: Karin

  14. Beautiful shots, my favorites are the hummingbirds.

  15. Thanks you comments on my blog Eileen :-) I wish I could visit you more often, but I never seem to have time to get round to everyone!!

    You certainly have some birds on todays post that are real beauties, lucky you :-)

  16. Great shots!
    Beautiful birds, love the hummers.

  17. Lucky you, Eileen! You saw and photographed some great birds.

  18. The woodpecker is my favorite of all these gorgeous critters Eileen.

  19. Wow, what a wonderful experience! Thanks for sharing these shots and letting us experience a little. It must have been exciting ti capture those shots!!!

  20. wow....another great collection!! it's so special to see the hummers again, i miss them so much!!

    you always leave such kind comments on my blog, thanks. i hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your sister. it will be funer for you, not having to cook. xo

  21. Great set of photos! So many varieties! I am hoping the woodpecker fly my way.

  22. wonderful photos, thanks for sharing.

  23. Wow, those are beautiful birds and how wonderful to see sloth in the wild. Beautiful photos as always.

  24. The area looks to be rich in birdlife. It must have been delightful to visit.

  25. Absolutely fabulous!!! I so enjoyed this post. Amazing.

    SHADOWS & Sunday Summary

  26. I love the sloth just hanging out
    and the woodpecker is beautiful
    we have one around here and I'm always looking for him but he avoids me at all costs

  27. Geeez! Panama! I'm envious. What a blast. I'd have to buy a badzillion more gigs of memory cards, that's for sure!

  28. You did great in Panama. Both of my visits were non-birding ones. Over 40 years ago I studied tropical medicine in Panama City, but because there was so much travel and field work I was limited to 10 Kg of luggage, so the binoculars and bird books had to stay home. A more recent trip that included the Darien Jungle and the San Blas Islands was non-birding and I was not yet into photography.

  29. Hi Eileen, As you can guess, my favorite is the Crested Woodpecker! I have never seen one but it is quite similar as you said, to the Pileated. Have an excellent Sunday!

  30. I enjoyed your variety of birds and loved to see the sloth.
    happy days

  31. Great photos Eileen, looks like you had a great time!


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