Tuesday, November 29, 2011

On the move

I am linking up with World Bird Wednesday   and Nature Notes

It is neat to see different birds during their migrations.... like the winter ducks. But, my favorite bird that is sometimes seen in the winter is the Snowy Owl. I have been reading the Jersey reports and HEADS UP  birders a Snowy Owl is being seen in New Jersey. The Snowy Owls breed in the artic but can be found along the Atlantic Coast in the winter months. They are looking for food and they are usually juveniles.

This is my Snowy Owl seen here a few years ago in Maryland. It might be worth a trip back to this spot to see if another Snowy Owl has shown up.

These ARCHIED photos are cropped I was a good distance away from the owl. I wanted to view this beautiful bird so I stayed a distance away so the bird did not flush or feel harassed. I watched this Snowy owl for a while....sometimes it would turn its head and sometimes its eyes were closed.

The Long Tailed ducks are also showing up, hubby and I saw a female this past weekend at Hoppers Island. My favorite place to see ducks is the Barnegat Lighthouse Park in New Jersey. I have seen these beautiful Long Tailed ducks and the pretty Harlequins.

Above is the female I saw last weekend, the male is from Barnegat seen last February.

I just realized I have not change my list of Top Ten Most Wanted to see birds from 2009

1. Snowy Owl.. seen @ Assateague...added Snow Bunting...seen Cape Henlopen...2011

2. Whip-poor-will...Seen at Magee Marsh.. 05/2011

3. Blackburian Warbler...a male...seen at Magee Marsh 05/2011

4. Green Jay....maybe a Texas trip

5. Snipe....seen Baltimore County...2011

6. Horned Lark...seen Freeland, MD....American Woodcock... seen Magee Marsh  05/2011

7. Yellow Breasted Chat

8. Bittern... any------seen April 2009 birding trip with club

9. Chestnut-backed Chickadee

10. Whooping Crane
I have now seen 6 of my top ten list. Now I need to make a new list.

To see more wonderful birds check out World Bird Wednesday  and Nature Notes..  Thanks to Springman for hosting World Bird Wednesday and to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes. Also, thanks for stopping by to see my post. Have a great week and Happy Birding.


TexWisGirl said...

those are great sightings! neither of which we see here in Texas, obviously! love the calmness of that header photo, too!

Bob Bushell said...

The Snowy Owl and the Long-tailed Duck is only fantastic, I love your wildlife pictures.

Unknown said...

The Snowies have been seen west of me!! Great [post Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

936000 said...

I love your photos! I'm like you, I don't like to stress the birds at all if I can help it.
Congrats on your 6 of 10!

caite said...

I have never seen a Snowy Owl..lovely.
..and I must pay more attention next time I am at Barnegat..I may be missing things.

mick said...

The ducks are beautiful but the Snowy Owl is beautiful and very special also. Great photos.

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful images of your lovely birds...
I would love to see a Snowy Owl in the wild...

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great photos and narrative!

One said...

That is one gorgeous looking owl. I don't think I'll ever see one like that. I'm glad it stayed around for you to capture it.

Rambling Woods said...

It's good of you not to stress the birds as I wonder how much that does happen..what a treat Eileen..I haven't gotten my Nature Notes post up yet..am working on it...

Reena said...

That snowy owl is so cool ... would love to see one!

SquirrelQueen said...

The Snowy Owl is an amazing find, he is a beauty. Maybe if you get back there you will see more. Congrats on seeing six out of the ten on your list Eileen.

LeenaH said...

Aren`t those birds like art pieces of nature!
It must have been a fine experience to see this owl - I have only once seen two Great Grey Owls or Lapland Owl (Strix nebulosa)sitting side by side in a tree of our summer place, it was great. They have a lot of white.
Nice to see your good photos

Stewart M said...

Hi there - what a great owl - I think I would travel a decent distance to see one of those!


Stewart M - Australia

Arija said...

What a thrill to see that snowy owl, I've always love the creatures.

Dan Huber said...

wonderful sightings and photos


rainfield61 said...

The snowy owl should hide itself very well against a snowy background.

Tina´s PicStory said...

wow, this owl is so beautiful! wonderful shot :)

Brian King said...

What a beautiful owl! Great photos, Eileen!

EG CameraGirl said...

Apparently there was a snowy owl on the edge of Lake Ontario in Rochester when we were there last week for Thanksgiving but we were so involved with family that I never got to go and see it. DARN!

Hilke Breder said...

Wow! What a beautiful shot of the Snowy Owl catching the sun on the beach, Eileen! Gorgeous also the Long-tailed Duck! They are both on my list to see. You are doing great with your wish list.

Jen Sanford said...

Awesome, I just saw my first Snowy Owl on Monday- definitely exhilarating! Still amazed with your Long-tailed Duck photos.

sunflowerkat said...

We had snowy owls here on Long Island a couple of years ago and it was a thrill to see and photograph them. I am excited to read here that they've been spotted in NJ. Your photos are just stunning. Birding here on the Atlantic coast in winter is lots of fun!

NatureFootstep said...

wow, that owl is really something. So gorgeous where it sits in the white sand. Or is it snow? You are so lucky. :)

LindyLouMac said...

That snowy owl is beautiful. Thanks so much for your lovely comment on News From Italy recently about the olive oil, so much appreciated.

Jenn Jilks said...

Wow. What beautiful birds.
Feast fot the eyes, and being inundated with cold rain!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Carver said...

The snowy owl shots are fantastic. All of your nature shots are good for that matter but the snowy owl is a treat.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, You have a splendid post today! I just love the pictures of the ducks! WOW! Have a fantastic day tomorrow!

betty-NZ said...

What a wonderful subject to shoot! Lovely, as always.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Owl!I love your photos of the ducks also.

Debbie said...

the ducks are cute but that snowy owl is just so special!! can you tell me where they have been seen?? i live in ocean county, new jersey.....about 10 minutes from the atlantic.

thanks eileen, this was a real treat!!

Springman said...

Splendid post Eileen, the thought of seeing a Snowy owl sends me. What an experience that would be! Great idea there to have a wish list. Good luck on the Whooping crane, that'll be a tough one. It would be near the top of my list too!

agreenearth said...

What beautiful images. I especially like the snowy owl. What a magnificent bird.

diane b said...

The snow owl is the most beautiful bird. How lucky you were to see one. Hope you get another chance this winter. You certainly are crazy about birds, 6 out of 10 is pretty good. Good luck with your next list.

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

Wow,what a beautiful picture of the owl!I love all your birds,but the owl sure is unique.phylliso

Larry said...

The Snowy owl is gorgeous Eileen and is also #1 on my to see list. I think this may be the year for my Snowy sighting considering the influx.

Congrats on whittling down your list!

Other people interested in seeing a Snowy Owl should check out eBird's website where they have an article on this phenomenon and a caution to go with it.

Redgannet said...

That's a good idea. I must make a top ten list.

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