Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bald Eagle

I am linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

I wanted to share more of the adult and juvenile Bald Eagle photos from our trip to Blackwater NWR.

On the closeup you can see some white close to the beak and on the top of its head.

The is the juvenile Bald Eagle I shared on my previous post. And the same bird as in the photo above. I was told it maybe be a third year juvenile Bald Eagle.

The shots are above are my zoom in shots of this Bald Eagle perched in the tree.

Juvenile Bald Eagle and a Red-tailed Hawk. From the visitor center parking lot I was able to watch this juvenile Bald Eagle chasing this Red-tailed Hawk. It was quite the chase! The hawk gave up and went into hiding..From my photo I could see the dark area on the tail and wings..

 To id the hawk I had to crop the larger shot above and now you can make out the brownish belly band on the Red-tailed Hawk.

The Blackwater NWR does not disappoint  if you want to see a Bald Eagle.. The day before we were there a Golden Eagle was sighted..Also great news on the Blackwater Eagle's nest the day we were there one of the eggs hatched. And as of today two eaglets are in the nest...Here is a link to the cam: Friends of Blackwater_Eagle Cam

Thanks for stopping by my post and for all the nice comments.

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird photos please visit:
 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes.  Thanks to our host Michelle our host Stewart.  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. Soe nice images there, and interesting behaviour too. It does sound like a good spot for raptors.

  2. Piękne ptaki. Miałaś szczęście je zobaczyć. To wspaniale. Pozdrawiam.
    Beautiful birds. You were lucky to see them. It's great. Yours.

  3. A great place for Eagles. You got some great shots Eileen. Thank you for the link. That was really eat to see.

  4. birdie in flight. so pretty. gorgeous shots. you enjoy your week too!! ( :

  5. Always a pleasure to watch eagles. I like the juveniles as much as the adults.

  6. how awesome. even as juveniles, they look so commanding!

  7. Magnificent shots, Eileen.

  8. I do like eagles, we have a few sea eagles not many land ones.
    Tell me why is the bald eagle called so, he is not bald.

  9. Nice close up shot of the juvenile bald eagle!

  10. These are awesome! They're such good looking birds!

  11. Great shots - love the eagle on the bent branch - what a view - so clear!!

  12. Gorgeous shots! Magnificent view of the eagles.

  13. I wouldn't have know what that juvenile Bald Eagle was! I've never seen one. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Nice shots! I haven't gotten any eagle close-ups ever. Unless you count sculptured ones.

  15. Quite the site to see the Bald Eagle and watch the flight!

  16. Hello Eileen!!!The eagle is a beautiful bird!!Excellent shots!!Great captures!!Thank you for sharing these wonderful images!Wish you a happy day!Hugs!

  17. It is so good to see eagles are thriving again! My husband saw quite thrilled to see one right outside his office this afternoon--the first he ever saw in the wild!

  18. Amazing! You have the young ones as well as the adults!

  19. Beautiful juvenile, that is the youngest I've seen. Well done Eileen.

  20. how wonderful to capture this beautiful raptor; and in flight photos too; well done

  21. Hi Eileen,
    Beautiful pictures of the eagles, both young and adult.
    Greetings Irma

  22. Hello from Greece, Eileen!
    I was introduced to your blog by my friend Dimi. Your photos are really stunning!!!!I also love to shoot birds and flowers, although I am only an amateur photographer...
    The eagle is fantastic!!!
    I am now following you!
    All the best!

  23. I love seeing the Bald Eagles! These are great shots, Eileen.

  24. Great captures, Eileen. Good for you. the excitement shows in the photos. MB

  25. I am so jealous that you always have these beautiful eagles in your area!! What wonderful pictures you bless us with.

  26. Such majestic birds they are. Great shots.

  27. such a powerful bird....such magical moments!! lucky you!!

    your first image is, wow, so much detail in that close-up!!

    i am just a tad jealous!!

  28. I don't know anything about eagles so this is great info for me..thank you for linking in Eileen..Michelle

  29. Olá Eileen, espantosas as suas fotos! Sempre proporcionando momentos tão belos dessas aves lindas da América! Um abraço. Ailime

  30. I bet that chase was something to see! I really like bald eagles. They just look so majestic and beautiful!

  31. Lovely photos of these magnificent birds! Have a great week, Eileen!

  32. wonderful photos, such magnificent birds

  33. Such a majestic bird of prey. Lovely, lovely images!!

  34. Such great shots of a the great bird!

  35. Fine!!!.. just as beautiful raptors .. Greetings from Spain ..

  36. Dearest Eileen;
    These Bald Eagles sure look noble, don't they♡♡♡ I can only see them in the blog land:-)

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  37. The eagle and hawk photos are amazing! I'd love to see a bald eagle here, but there isn't much chance of it. We do get Cooper's Hawks, Grey Hawks (kind of rare) and Harris Hawks. Plus a few others. I always love seeing them close. The birds in my yard don't agree however. :-)

  38. Spectacular shots Eileen, you got some wonderful views. Thanks for sharing them.

  39. Wow Eileen!
    I've got to make it to Blackwater one of these days.
    Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience. I've only seen an eagle once in the wild so I'm always envious of other's sightings but so joyous for you as well.

  40. Love your shots of the bald eagle! Fantastic!

  41. Fantastic shots of the Bald Eagle, especially that first one! Well done!

  42. Amazing what beautiful!
    This mighty eagle have captured beautifully Eileen!
    My compliments.

  43. You are blessed to be able to take all these stunning photos of our feathered friends.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that ...