Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Common Redpoll

Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes

This was my second try for my latest lifer..the Common Redpoll.  I always watching the Maryland listserve and saw that the Common Redpoll was still being seen at a local park in Montgomery County, Maryland.. I went once and missed seeing this bird by 30 minutes.  I had to give it another try for this cute bird.

A brownish grey-finch with dark streaks and a red patch on its head. This is a female, the males have more red on their breast. It looks a little like the Pine Siskin to me..

A partial migrant moves southward in late autumn and stays until mid March or April. As you can see it is a seed eater.. From what I have heard there have been more sightings of the Redpoll in the Mid-Atlantic states..

This bird seemed to like hanging around some other birds like the Pine Siskins and Golfinches which are seen above..

I was happy to add this cute Redpoll to my life list, which is now at 448 lifers.

I hope you enjoyed my wild bird post.. Till next week's wild bird post.. I wish you happy Birding and have a wonderful week!

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes

Thanks to all of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. Puxa, que belo achado e encontro! São lindos todos! Valeu! beijos praianos,chica

  2. Yes it certainly is a lovely bird to see and another lifer. congratulations.

  3. Your wildlife photography is always spot on. I really enjoyed the photos.

  4. Hello Eileen,
    That is one bird I have never seen although is looks much like the Linnet!
    You must have a ball observing all your visitors at the feeder!
    Great post, congrats on this new lifer!!

  5. that's so exciting eileen, it's a beauty. i have never had a redpoll at my feeders but i am loaded with goldfinches right now!!!

  6. Nice to look at the birds in your feeder. Regards.

  7. Exciting Eileen . . . Congrat's . . .

  8. Fun reading you serious birders. I LOVE birds, but wouldn't know a siskin from a bunting. I use to love watching ...can't remember the name of it, or the naturalist's name, on PBS...but I remain in awe of you folks that can categorize so many species in your head (and recognize them). I would love to go out in the woods with you. :)

  9. We have common red polls here! Having said that, I don't usually get them at my feeders ... more a country bird. You got some great shots of them. That's an impressive list of birds you have! I've kept a list since I was quite young, but it's not nearly as long ;) Wendy x

  10. Lovely birds, Eileen, as always. Great captures.

  11. Congrats on succeeding in finding a red poll! I've never seen one myself.

  12. so happy for you to add to your list. she is beautiful and I love that last shot with the two cuties in it...

  13. Clearly they are a beautiful little bird. They sure don't mind be captured on camera either. Busy little birdies!

  14. These pictures are gorgeous, beautiful shots of birds and beautiful colors!

  15. Congrats, Eileen! Such a sweet face .

  16. that's awesome! glad you got to see it! 448 is amazing!

  17. Looks like your bird feeder is a busy place! Nice pics of your visitors.

  18. Oh he's a cutie! Love that little red spot.

  19. Always so fun to score a lifer! I have redpolls at my feeders some winters (Minnesota) but not yet this year. I love their little red hats.

  20. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful birds, the last one is my favorite.
    Best regards, Irma

  21. Hello Eileen!!
    Gongrats for having this beautiful bird in your list!!
    Wonderful pictures and great captures!
    I hope you have a lovely week!

  22. I am so happy for you! When I read your earlier post I couldn't imagine how I'd feel missing it by thirty minutes. So glad you got another chance. Wonderful photos! You have an impressive list of sightings. It really shows your dedication.

  23. Really nice images, and so very pleased you got to add it to your life list.

  24. How exciting to add this to your life list Eileen. Adorable little bird and outstanding photos. Have a great day :)

  25. Hello Eilleen, for some days since I visited her. That magnificent photos! "Posts" magnificent! Hugs, Ailime

  26. I don't live very far from you. Up here in Reading, PA. Have been to Chincoteague a number of times. The Red Pole bird is one that I've never seen here. Cute little thing.

  27. Great shots! Glad you finally got to see the redpoll! It's one I've never seen.

  28. I don't know if we have Redpoll birds here. Nice images!

  29. Such lovely friends have come to call… what a handsome cap the Common Redpol is wearing!

  30. They are superb, we get them over here. Excellent shots Eileen.

  31. Cute birds and beautiful photos.

  32. Lovely photos Eileen!:) Congratulations on your sighting of the redpoll.:) It's a pretty bird, and they are often seen in the company of siskins.

  33. I am so glad you got to see this little beauty! It does look like a siskin, but the beak is totally different, among other things. I had no idea they made it that far south! What a neat find! Congrats on your Lifer!

    1. I was excited to finally see this cutie! Thank You, Kathie!

  34. Wow! 448 lifers - that's great! The Redpoll is a lovely little finch.

  35. Beautiful birds and you shots are so lovely !

  36. I've heard they're coming down now and visiting feeders! I would love to spot these birds. Congrats!

  37. Love that stare in the first shot. I'm imagining the finches are sunning their feathered coats until the become yellow.

  38. Glad you got your Redpoll..The Finches are very confusing..The males pretty much look the same to me except for the Goldfinches..I'll have to pay more attention to them and try to see if I can see a female..They're a little more distinctive than the males..

  39. Congratulations! I've never seen one. Cute little birds!

  40. Great shots of the birds. I love the markings on the redpoll's head.

  41. I'm a birding novice, but I could sit at my kitchen table and watch them all day. Enjoyed seeing all of the birds that I don't get to see here!

  42. A sweet little gal! I wish I had your expertise at identification. When I was walking in a Denver park today, I saw a huge bird with a white breast high in a cottonwood. I hope I can enlarge my photo enough to identify it in my bird book.

  43. Congratulations on your new lifer - and a lovely little bird to make that for you. I hope you weren't badly affected by forecast storms.

  44. Dearest Eileen; Wow, Common Redpoll (finch) is your 448th lifers☆☆☆ Congratulations and I always admire reading your vast knowledge about them♪ Great photographs of sweet birdies♡♡♡
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  45. Hi Eileen, I have never seen a Redpoll. Cute bird. Have a pleasant Wednesday!

  46. That is an impressive list of lifers. I like the little daub of red paint on its head

  47. I hardly even spotted them this winter. :( Glad to see yours. :)

  48. Congrats, Eileen! It's a very pretty bird.

  49. I think my first comment was eaten lol. I love this bird and I love the red cape!!

  50. What cutie pies, these little guys are! They seem very curious, as well. Congrats on your observations, Eileen! Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!


  51. Ohhhhhh .... great photo of the redpoll. I see that really never! Great to see Eileen because it's a magnificent bird:-)

  52. Wow, so many on your lifers. I like these little sweeties... all the best :D)

  53. Happy to got your life. I haven't seen any this winter, but have a few siskins at the thistle...Michelle

  54. Ah a successful day of redpoll searching! Congratulations. She's a cute little one!

  55. Our birds at the feeder aren't this colorful. I'm so jealous--but happily enjoy your photos1

  56. Great photos and congrats on another lifer.

  57. Lucky you, Eileen! I've heard that redpolls are around right now but so far this year I have not seen any.

  58. Congrats on adding it to your list!

  59. You've snapped some super photos of this little darlin'. Thanks too for adding all the information to go with them.
    Lovely post. Thanks.

    Have a nice day.

  60. Nice little bird - always good to see a new bird.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  61. What a cute bird! And I'm not just saying that because it's RED :D

  62. I sometimes wonder if I get the redpoll here,with your close-up of the little guy I should be able to id them better,thanks for sharing! Phyllis

  63. Poor squirrel...Sad...Pretty birds!!

  64. These are so clear! Great photos, again!

  65. Lovely little redpoll! I love the goldfinches too.

  66. If you are getting redpolls now we should be seeing them in the next few weeks as they start to migrate north.


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