Thursday, May 21, 2015

North Point State Park

Linking up with Skywatch Friday  and Good Fences  

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

For this week's Good Fence and Skywatch Friday memes I am sharing our outing to a local Baltimore County park called North Point State Park. Local birders were seeing lots of Little Blue Herons and an American Bittern... They have a great trail and a nice view of the Chesapeake Bay.. included are some sky shots, fence shots and of course my birds..

We started our day early so we were able to catch this neighborhood sunrise. Still a little dark out but can you see the fence along the road.. I love a combo sky/fence shot...

The start of the trail at North Point State Park, another shot for my Good Fences.

One of the many Little Blue Herons..

The American Bittern was too busy hunting for food and was not shy at all.

Another American Bittern photo.

A look at the sky from the trail..

How many Little Blues do you see?

Little Blues everywhere, even in the sky.

A view of the Chesapeake Bay and the sky..

I did say the Little Blue Herons were everywhere.. Standing high on a dead tree..

Another look at the bay, includes the fence and sky. A pretty spot for a picnic, birding or just a walk..

I am ending this post with one of my favorite subjects the moon. I hope your enjoyed this post and my walk, the bay and birds. Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comments..

To see more pretty skies from around the world please visit  Skywatch Friday
and check for more fence shots at Tex's Good Fences

Thanks to Theresa @ The Run*A*Round Ranch for hosting Good Fences and thanks to Sylvia, Yogi  and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.    I wish everyone a happy day and weekend ahead..


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

fantastic shots of both birds and sky. Now I see 5 very visible Herons but I think there may be another bottome right that you can only see his rear end!

Uppal said...

Dream like sky watch,simple and appealing fence and attractive images of the smug looking birds!
WOW palette of images!

Nancy Chan said...

Eileen, another amazing post of beautiful birds pictures. Lovely sunrise.

Tom said...

What a wonderful way to start the day, sebd the day and finish the day. Lucky you! Tom The Backroads Traveller

Sue said...

Hi Eileen
You're so fortunate to be able to get hubby out and about early enough to catch a sunrise. Mine thinks 7 am is "EARLY"!!! Most of the time, I relish that peace and alone time, but when you want to SEE wildlife, sunrise is much better.
You got some very good shots. Looks like a fun outing.
Have a wonderful week

Phil Slade said...

A smashing post Eileen. I loved to see all those Little Blue herons, and boy are they blue?
The reflections on Chesapeake Bay are simply stunning and what a beautiful morning for walking that trail.
I simply can't imagine our European Bittern ever showing like that American one. Nicely taken pictures.

chica said...

Muito lindas! Adorei as aves, os céus, tudo!! bjs, chica

Alexa T said...

I think I already told you that your moons in the sky are gorgeous!!! And the sunrise is incredible,... I, also, imagine myself being on that trail in the forrest and I see 5 birds... right? yap, no? :);) *_* Lol
Always a pleasure to have a walk with and through your camera lens!!!
Warm greetings as always! Alexa

Christine said...

Eileen, what wonderful photos! From the sunrise until the moon rise, it was a fab outing with so much beauty along the way!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I adore those heron shots Eileen... well all your shots but those especially!!! YAM xx

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, your posts share the best photos. Lovely bird shots and the split rail looks so peaceful in that sunrise shot.
Have a great day!

Kathie Brown said...

I love the sky shot through the tree tops and the view of the trail. It makes me want to walk into the picture and follow the trail to its end. You have been so many amazing places, Eileen, and seen so many birds! I wish you well! Thanks for all your comments on my blog. Enjoy your weekend! Enjoy your Life!

Nancy's Notes said...

Eileen, your photographs are incredible, amazing and truly awesome! Great shots and I have to say, those American Bitterns have such beautiful markings! Aww, that moon, well I could go on and on!

Have a great day!

Debbie said...

being "under" a tree, is the best place to be!! the first image is really gorgeous....perfect for today's fence party!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen more than one blue heron at a time, these are amazing. i love that second shot, he is so cute. and i have not seen a bittern, love his markings. and the sky and trees OH MY. love it

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds. Very nice close ups of the American Bittern's markings. Wow!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

lovely photos

I'm with you. Trees, clouds, Moon, and rainbows...not necessarily in that order. And of course anything critters.

I had been writing a decade when I was mesmerized by the full moon one particular night, walking my pups.

It was so intense hanging there...I knew one day I had to write a werewolf novel. It took me a while...but I'm glad I got a round tuit.

Andy said...

So close to the herons!

Lynne said...

Great pics Eileen . . . I think I found five Herons in that one picture . . .

Montanagirl said...

Hi Eileen - Beautiful series of photos. Loved seeing the Herons. I think I see 6 as well.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Lovely moon, and I like the Little Blue Herons and their characteristic slumped over pose!

Mary Hone said...

I love how they are all lined up on the tree. Great shots.

Ileana said...

Excellent photos!

TexWisGirl said...

so very envious on all the little blues! that opening shot was beautiful.

Irma said...

Hi Margaret,
Beautiful pictures of the sunrise and the herons.
I see 5 herons.
The bittern is great, which are almost never seen in the Netherlands.
Best regards, Irma

Anonymous said...

Oh, your bird shots are adorable!

Back In Thyme Primitives said...

Stopping by from Good Fences. What beautiful nature pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I liked #2 and & I guess it is when I counted down. The moon is beautiful too.

The Artful Diva said...

So refreshing to see beautiful photos of the Baltimore area and not the stuff news is made up of lately. Wonderful photos!

Linda W. said...

Beautiful sunrise, and nice pics of the birds!

Life in the Carolina Mountains said...

Lovely sunset and moon shot!

A Colorful World said...

Great shots of the fences and sky! And oh the Chesapeake Bay. sigh. And I loved the herons and other birds. Wonderful sunrise and moon shot too. Great post!

Small City Scenes said...

Love that first shot. So peaceful to me.
Great shots of the birds. Lotsa Blues.

Maude Lynn said...

These are really stunning!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!Great post!!
Beatiful birds and amazing sunrise!
Lovely moon!!Like the Blue Heron shots and the flying birds!Great captures!Have a happy weekend!

Ida said...

What a treat this post was. That sunrise shot was so pretty. Loved thos little Blue Herons and the Bittern. You got some awesome shots of them. The view of the bay was delightful, great sunflare capture. Gorgeous moon. I would so enjoy walking that trail.

Cloudia said...

Always such a pleasure, E!

( '>

ALOHA from Honolulu,

Gail said...

Wow! and Wow!!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous!! luv the sun & fence shot! ( :

GreenComotion said...

Hi Eileen,
I particularly loved the photos of the bay with the fence in the picture. All photos are superb. Aside from the pictures in this post, I love the Cedar Waxwing - looks so pretty and well-groomed!
Lovely photos of birds, fences and the Bay!
Have a Super Day!!
Peace :)

Nancy J said...

The bay, the fence and the sky, with a few bare branches for contrast, that is my pick for today. A beautiful place to visit again and again.

Caroline Gill said...

Superb American Bittern shots, Eileen. I wonder how your Bittern differs from ours ... Thank you for 'popping by'!

Bob Bushell said...

The Bittern is absolutely stunning, fantastic bird.

Linda Kay said...

Excellent pictures as always, Eileen. Your birds are always so pretty.

Hannah said...

What a great time for birding, and great shots. I especially like the bittern, I hadn't noticed such cool colors on their bills, particularly the rosy color under their eyes.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love looking up at the sky through the tree branches! I get excited about the sign at a new trail, and your bird photos are the best. Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

Amy said...

oh my goodness you do take some lovely photos, I can't decide which is my favourite :-)

LV said...

Truly an amazing assortment of wonderful birds and outdoor sights. The blue heron is something else.

HappyK said...

Love the sunrise and the looking up at the blue sky through the trees.
Of course all your photos are beautiful.

DeniseinVA said...

Your photos are incredible, I especially loved the Bittern peeking at you through the reeds.

Sylvia K said...

Awesome, amazing captures as always, Eileen!! So much beauty and I do love the birds! And, thanks as always for sharing the beauty!! Have a lovely weekend!

Laura said...

A beautiful series as always Eileen… we are so lucky to travel with you.

Our photos said...

Very nice series ! I love the Sunrise !

The Yum List said...

I seem to capture more sunsets than sunrises these days. ;-)

This N That said...

Great Heron shots..May be 6 there?? Fantastic Bittern..Enjoy your evening.

Gerald (SK14) said...

great skys and lovely herons

NatureFootstep said...

beautiful images of the little blue. In the first iamge it is competing with the color of the sky :)

Juni said...

Oi Eileem, adoro fotos do céu, do Sol nascendo!
As garças azuis são lindas, todas as imagens muito belas.

Gert said...

Wow! Gorgeous pictures of those birds!! What an amazing walk you had.

Lois said...

Beautiful pictures! I especially like the Little Blue Herons. I will be spending the first week of June with my sister in Bel Air to attend my nephew's high school graduation, so I might have to check this place out.

Carola Bartz said...

Lucky you for seeing the bittern! I haven't seen one in two years. The Little Blue Herons are fabulous, we don't have them here so it was nice to see them in your photos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, That solo portrait of the Little Blue Heron is spectacular! I especially enjoy seeing the big wading birds and Little Blue Herons are perfect! Have a good Friday and a nice holiday weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent sky shots and wonderful bird photography ~ All lovely!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Michelle said...

Those Little Blue Herons are lovely.

Stephanie said...

All terrific shots, Eileen!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful park and there is so much to see here.

Rose said...

Oh, wow, what a great bunch of photos...I love seeing the bittern. I have only seen one or two in my life.

lina@women perspective said...

Great walk and wonderful park, Eileen. Enjoying your shots!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Very nice post!! My favs are the beautiful sunrise shot and the shots of the American Bittern.

Pietro Brosio said...

A delightful walk indeed! All wonderful pictures, Eileen, very nice the moon.

ak_ut said...

very beautiful!!!
happy weekend :-)

Gwen said...

a stunning sunrise, and you are such a talented photographer. Thanks!

Leovi said...

beautiful sky, wonderful pictures! Greetings !!

Jo said...

Eileen, your moon shots are always spectacular! The little blue heron are lovely too. I counted five on the branches. Have a great weekend. Jo

magiceye said...

Beautifully captured!

don said...

A fine post. I have never seen a blue heron in person.
These shots show the bird very well.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful skies and birds !

My Maine Blog said...

Loved going on your walk with you and what a beautiful, nature filled place to spend the day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and hope you have a very nice Memorial Day weekend.

Pat said...

What a great place with beautiful views of the bay. Love the shots of the often hard to spot Bittern.

fredamans said...

Such beautiful photos. I love the birds and the bay shot!

Hootin Anni said...

I see five little I even close in number?

Love all your photos today Eileen. Over time your blog just gets better and better.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

What a plethora of Little Blues. They seem to be loners in my neighborhood, and like to chase the first year (white) ones away. One day I had 7 together (6 blue and 1 white) and that was really unusual. Love that sunrise. Thanks for stopping by my blog and best wishes for a nice weekend-- we travel back to Florida and hope the airport won't be too crowded.

Al said...

Pretty birds, and a great place to see them!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

This was a delightful tour Eileen and your photography of the birds is amazing!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's amazing to see so many little blues together. I've never seen so many in one spot. They are such a pretty bird.

Brian King said...

The heron and bittern shots are outstanding! Beautiful skies, too!

Unknown said...

Wonderful photos, Eileen! Your skies are gorgeous.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great photos. I'm not sure that I have ever seen a Bittern or a Little Blue Heron. Such beautiful birds they are.

Crafty Green Poet said...

A bittern that isn't shy? That would seem unusual to me, but maybe our bitterns are different!

Betty Manousos said...

your close-up's are incredible! and the moon shot! xoxo

Helma said...

The bittern and heron are great to see! Very beautiful and well photographed clearly.
Regards, Helma

Suzan said...

Amazing shots of the bittern!!! Loving the little blue herons!!
Great shots Eileen!!

Anonymous said...

This is a great series. I especially like that sunflare. Your moon shot is amazing!

GreenComotion said...

Gorgeous sunset and lovely birds, Eileen! You are lucky to live near all this.
Have a Great Weekend!
Peace :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Always take the scenic route." Cape Flattery, northwest tip of Washington stat...