Sunday, May 31, 2015

Fort Island Gulf Beach

I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday   They are both fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts.

It is the last day of May, unbelievable how fast the days are going..I love summer so I am hoping for lots of warm sunny days ahead.. Are you ready for some more of Florida? These are shots from the Fort Island Gulf beach in Crystal River on Florida's gulf coast.

The Fort Island Gulf Beach was a pretty spot with a nice sandy beach.

I am not positive but I am guessing that the Terns above are the Royal Terns with some Laughing Gulls.

We saw a lot of  Terns, Gulls, Sanderlings and the Piping Plovers. Any help with bird id's are appreciated. I do not claim to be an expert, lol.

I saw that there were a lot of Black Skimmers at one end of the beach.

Black Skimmers, Terns and Gulls.

Above hubby in the orange vest tried snorkeling at a park called Hunter Spring in Crystal River. I sat near the car watching the White Ibis, Mallards and some Scaup ducks hanging around the parking and in the water. I hope you enjoyed this collection of images from our Florida trip. I still have more to share. 
Thank you for visiting and for all the nice comments.. Have a great day and week ahead!

I use Pic Monkey to create my mosaics, you can use Pic Monkey free or pay for an upgraded version.
I hope you can join in on our fun with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

 Thanks to Judith our host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  


TexWisGirl said...

the terns have such cool attitude. :) the skimmers are just plain quirky.

chica said...

Fotos lindas, belo passeio! E como voou MAIO! Que JUNHO chegue trazendo alegrias! bjs, chica

A Colorful World said...

We lived in the Florida panhandle for three years when our daughter first started elementary school. Used to love walking on the beach at dusk. Hated spring break and the frequency of the hurricane watches & warnings. My hubby learned to scuba dive and dove with manatees once. I tried to learn, but am not a strong swimmer so gave that up...snorkeling I could handle, but I never tried it. We even had an inflatable boat and would go out on the water sometimes, and I remember seeing dolphins and once when we were on a pier, an entire school of rays swam through beneath us...that was breath-taking! I bet you had a great time while you were in FL!

Linda W. said...

Wow - there were a lot of birds on the beach for you to photograph! I like all your mosaics.

Gail said...

A great vacation spot and a great variety of birds.

This N That said...

What a great variety of birds..I always enjoyed watching the Sandpipers at the shore...Happy Sunday..I sure wouldn't be of help to you in bird ID...:)

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
So many different kinds of birds I see on the pictures.
Many types you do not see in the Netherlands.
Have a good Sunday.

Maude Lynn said...

Pretty shots!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Truly flocks of birds there! I used to love snorkeling ... in Australia. Even getting a toe into Scottish waters fills me with dread; cold cold and again I say cold!!! YAM xx

Debbie said...

I so enjoy all these gulls and shore birds. You have been visiting some great places!! How did the hubs do with snorkeling, I went once in Florida and loved it!!

Mersad said...

Those beaches have me dreaming. Thanks for sharing these with us Eileen. Wish you great rest of the day.

Mersad Donko Photography

Zizi Santos said...

Prety shots!
foi um ótimo passeio!
que venham mais fotos para nossa alegria!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Fine collection, Eileen. I keep meaning to try out the collage tool and then don't get around to it.

Suzan said...

It's fun watching the little sand pipers and gulls feeding in the sand and running when a wave comes in. I'll visit Mom soon and look forward to watching all the beach birds and eating "real" seafood!!
Your photos made me homesick !!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it has been about 28 years since we were there and there was no beautiful beach like this, just goes to show how much coastal waters can change over the years. what a beautiful spot and so many different birds in one place.

Stephanie said...

Wow, so many nice shots!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW1 Eileen What a wonderful collection and variety of birds you found and photographed from Florida. I love seeing all your finding on that holiday.

Celestina Marie said...

You always capture the best shots and your mosaics are awesome.
Beautiful place to visit and vacation.
Have a great day.

Phil Slade said...

Those Florida beaches look absolutely beautiful Eileen. Good for sunbathing but also great for gull and wader watching.

Enjoy the week ahead with lots of birding and snorkeling.

DeniseinVA said...

These are so neat Eileen a wonderful series of photos. Thanks for hosting :) and have a great week.

Tammie Lee said...

birds are such characters
so fun to see your images

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Wow - great shots - wish we had that many shorebirds up here - but we don't have many beaches that they like - lots of big boulders and rough shores.

Julie G. said...

Eileen, you were able to see a nice variety of shorebirds on your Florida vacation. I especially love the skimmers and little plovers. Beautiful birds and photographs!

Our photos said...

Very nice !

The Yum List said...

For me there seems to be something very romantic about living by the water.

HappyK said...

Nice group of photos. I like how the one bird is standing on one leg. : )

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great shots of the Royal Terns. They look so elegant promenading up and down the sand. I guess that's why they deserve the name "Royal."

EG CameraGirl said...

This is a treasure trove! As yet I have not seen a piping plover and REALLY want to. ;)

Michelle said...

I like seeing those terns.

Anonymous said...

Eileen, I would love to sit with you and admire the birds. I am no help in identifying them! Your photos are wonderful. Have a good evening.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

I can nearly smell the salt water and hear the gently hum of the sea. Beautiful photos, Eileen.
Thank you for your visit and supportive comments in regards to our move.
Thinking of your sister and wishing her well!
Happy Sunday Evening,

Ida said...

What a great selection of sea birds. I find them fascinating.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Great pictures of the beach that I go to for swimming in the warmer months (when fewer birds are on the shoreline too). I have not yet made it to the springs but I will some day. Have a wonderful coming week. Don't know why my blog is not reminding you of new posts. Hmm? Don't know what the answer is. Hope it gets the easy fix.

Pietro Brosio said...

A great variety of birds in these very nice mosaics! Beautiful!

Halcyon said...

I have no idea what kind of birds they are, but they look pretty all together like that!

Nancy Chan said...

Eileen, I can imagine hearing all the different sounds of birds while you were taking these pictures. I would have a hard time recognizing the different birds!

Gayle said...

I love the last photo in the lower left---leader of the pack.
The RG commented yesterday that there are very few gulls at the state park this year so far. Wondering what's up with that.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

Looks like you enjoyed my adopted state :)

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Hello, Eileen!
Your photos are lovely, as always. Beautiful landscapes and interesting birds... and many of them look so cute too!
Have a great week ahead!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow / Sacred Eclectic said...

That beach looks idyllic ...wonderful shots as always ! :)

Tom said...

The beach sure is crowded. Tom The Backroads Traveller

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Nice beach photos! I am not a birding expert but I enjoy the bird photos. Thanks for sharing and have a great day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i enjoy seeing the waves. i wonder why the bird like standing all together ... i would need more space. so curious? you enjoy your week & this glorious day!! ( :

Tomoko said...

So many birds! Looks like they are paradises for the birds!

bj said...

Love your seeing all the birds.

Alexa T said...

Always a pleasure to have a walk through your pictures! I love the sea and I'm far from... But looking at your lovely pics and I imagine myself on the shore with sand and some birds, seagulls around...
A gorgeous start in week for you!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fantastic photos of your walk on the beach and all these fabulous birds. Amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

Gail Dixon said...

Love your collages! Thanks for the Picmonkey tip.

I love shorebirds, but I have the most difficult time ID-ing them. I know Fosters, Royal and a few others, but that's about the extent of it. Looks like a great time there with numerous opportunities for birding.

Vee said...

That brach looks like a wonderful walking beach with plenty of interesting birds and sights to see. I'd have been watching the orange vest loke a hawk if my hubby were snorkeling. LOL!

Jackie @ travelnwrite said...

Eileen, seems ages since I've had internet access and time to visit my blogosphere Budd.ies! Finally got internet but Live Writer and PicMonkey have shut me out (so hope to reconnect on Mosaic Mondays after we get back in the States. At least I can see what you all have been doing. . .

Anonymous said...

Beach looks good with the birds around them. I love to spend time in beach...

Montanagirl said...

Lovely Mosaics, Eileen - I've always like Terns.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Hi, Out visiting a few different blogs. Came over from biebkriebels. I've never lived by salt water or on East Coast.
I like watching the large birds of prey. In our back yard we have quite a few mountain blue birds.
I sure hope your day is going good...Stop in some time and have a cup of coffee.

Bob Bushell said...

Wonderful array of the birds, thanks Eileen.

Lorrie said...

Great photos of the Florida beaches. The skimmers look like they would be interesting to watch. You might not consider yourself a bird expert, but you know far more than I do. Have a great week, Eileen.

Ohmydearests said...

It looks like a fantastic place to visit! Love all the birds!

Stacy said...

What a fantastic vacation with birds for you and snorkeling for your husband. Your photos are great. I'm not a bird id expert either but having a bird book with real photos rather than the drawings are much more helpful, for me anyway. Have a great day, Eileen!

ann said...

I always enjoy your bird photos, but I am especially enjoying the water birds since I have never been to Florida. And I just saw your Share Your Critters. I think I should participate. We have critters. I think the bat post would be a good one. I'll be back for that next time.

Helma said...

Hello Eileen, the photos are really beautiful to see again. The terns are very nicely. The White Ibis is a beautiful picture. Your husband was snorkeling but you could enjoy the beautiful birds :-)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots.

Sylvia said...

Eileen, My favorite are the black and white birds with the large beak with a strip of red/orange on it. Love the bird pics.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful place with so many variety of birds.

Sylvia K said...

So many beautiful birds and what a great place!! Love your captures as always!! Hope you have a great new week!!

Small City Scenes said...

Wow lotsa birds.

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful beach and great shots of it and our 'feathered friends'!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

mick said...

Beautiful beaches and so many birds! That is certainly a place that I would love to see. Great photos and thanks for sharing.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Well that definitely is a bird's beach....I figure if they love it, it must be wonderful!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Those are wonderful pictures .... And a new beach to me... It's going on my list! I will never forget the first skimmer I saw ... They are such different birds.

Ingmarie We said...

Interesting and nice photos of the birds. They seems to lke the beaches.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Another nice beach area and I beg to know your birds very well Eileen. If these were my photos I'd just say 'lots of birds on the beach'. :-)
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Eileen! I always learn so much of birds. It is the first time I see a picture of terns. We have plenty of mallards, white swans and canada geese. And I almost forget the coots.
So you are having summer! Overhere it is cold even if the sun is shining.
Anyway I wish you a happy week.
Wil, ABCQ Team

My name is Riet said...

Sand beach and birds, what more can you want. Beautiful photo's and mosaics Eileen. Have a Nice week.

Gwen said...

love the beach shots. Thanks for putting a smile on my face with them.

colleen said...

If I was a bird I'd fly there. Soon I'll drive. Such a nice reminder.

Laura said...

Wonderful series as always Eileen. Oh how I long to be on a beach sometime this summer. We'll see.

Fun60 said...

So much to see and enjoy.

Linda H said...

You got some awesome shots of the birds on the beach. And I'd say you've done a fine job of ID'ing them. Ahhh, I love the beach!! Can't wait for summer beach days!

Country Gal said...

Fantastic photos ! I love Pic monkey I use to use it free but then Papa said why not get the best out of it and upgrade it is cheap for what you can do with it so I did Happy , happy , happy !!! lol ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

Brian King said...

Beautiful! Love all the shorebirds!

Al said...

What a lovely beach - it must be a joy to walk down it. Have a wonderful week!

Photo Cache said...

What a fun time to be birdwatching.

Worth a Thousand Words

VioletSky said...

What a great variety of birds enjoying the beach. We mostly just have gulls, mallards and the ubiquitous Canada Geese. Not nearly so interesting!

Karen said...

Lovely scenery, so many birds!

September Violets said...

Loved all these water bird shots Eileen! Good idea to sit back at the parking lot to capture the birds on camera, rather than snorkeling ;)

GranthamLynn said...

Great pics. And great mosaics. I love the beach. Thanks for sharing.

cedarmerefarm said...

That's a lot of birds! It must have been very noisy (happy noises). Very fun, Eileen.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen.Glad to see all those Piping Plovers--I know they are endangered species.

handmade by amalia said...

A beach full of noisy birds, is there anything nicer.
Great photos, Eileen.

Birgitta said...

So much birds here! Beautiful mosaic!

Unknown said...

I'd love to go walking on that beach. Lots of birds as well. Enjoy your week.

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful beach scenes. and what a stunning gathering of birds.

NatureFootstep said...

I don´t know why, but there is always a special place for terns in my heart :)

Life Images by Jill said...

I am always happy to see your photos Eileen in Florida or anywhere.
Happy travels and have a great week. I guess you are enjoying the start of summer as the cold winds blow in here.

LifeRamblings said...

such a big variety of birds there. the beach looks inviting

Amy said...

every time I visit your blog I learn about birds so thank you for that :-)

Rose said...

What a wonderful bunch of birds!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Wonderful photos! So many beautiful birds.
Take 25 to Hollister

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; What a great number of the varieties of birds(^_^)v I just wonder how much of my joy if I could get to see them :-)
Well, I enjoyed your last picture as well, Dear friend. Must be fun for your husband that he tried snorkeling, my right ear-drum has a whole innately; so I always dream if I could swim or get into the sea with snorkel p:-)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Lynne said...

Love your pics . . .
I thought of you yesterday during our channel walk . . .
I have a critter pic for Saturday . . .

21 Wits said...

Wow, now this is a fun outing for all! What a place to visit, lucky you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful beach. You always make me want to travel.

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde. excelente fotorreportagem do lindo passeio pela natureza, assim vale sempre a pena.

Salt Lick Shop said...

awww, such a cute little newborn of the ponies!!!!

Jeanne said...

Love the appearance of all of these seabirds. Great shots!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...