Saturday, October 15, 2016

Saturday's Critters #148

Saturday's Critters #148

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

We have been dog sitting for my son, Nibbles our cute grand-doggie.

Nibbles has become a very good dog and she loves to chase the squirrels off the deck.

As always thanks for the visits and the nice comments. I also thank everyone who is linking up and sharing their critters.. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend!

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. Such a cute dog and lovely photos! We would need somebody to chase the squirrels off the bird feeder. :)
    Thank you, Eileen, for hosting Saturday's Critters! Have a happy weekend!

  2. Awww! Nibbles looks lovely! And lively! Have a lovely day!

  3. i'm sure the squirrels can't wait until your son gets home! Nibbles has certainly grown into a handsome dog as well as a good one. Thank you for hosting SC!!

  4. I think Nibbles is a very beautiful dog :) And seemingly good temperamented too.
    Thanks for hosting :)

  5. Your grand-doggie looks a bit like a dingo :-)

  6. She is lovely, and how wonderful to know she is with you for a while, safe and with lots of TLC and those necessary photo shoots.

  7. Nibbles looks good - and that comes from a cat person!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. Nibbles is lovely and obviously doing a good job there Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a very happy weekend Eileen.

  9. Nibbles is one handsome dog! He looks so alert, I'm sure he'd be a great guard dog!
    Thanks for hosting!
    Happy weekend!

  10. Hari OM
    Hiya Nibbles - you are looking gooorgeous, gal!!! You are mind kinda pupster. Good work on the the tree-rat defence! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
    (pee ess, thanks to your 'granma' fur letting you share the bloggy today &*>)

  11. Maybe he needs to come here to chase the squirrels from my deck because the latter keep uprooting my plants! Thanks for hosting Eileen!

  12. Hi Eileen,
    What a beautiful picture of this beautiful dog.
    Best regards, Irma

  13. Lovely pictures of your grand-doggie Eileen. I think you will miss Nibbles when he leaves. Have a great weekend.:)

  14. Nibbles is a beautiful dog. I am sure it is fun having Nibbles with you. Have a beautiful day!

  15. Nibbles is looking good in his youth.

  16. Nibbles looks very alert and maybe mischievous, and you imply that he has overcome some of his earlier indiscretions and has "become" a good doggie. The Tibetan Mastiffs took about 2 years to outgrow puppyhood before settling down.

  17. Hello,

    Beautiful dog! Dogs are so cute and lovely animals. Wonderful photos!

    Happy Saturday, and enjoy your weekend!

  18. Aaaw... Nibbles is adorable! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  19. Your grand-doggie Nibbles is adorable. I love your beautiful header collage, too.

  20. What a cutie. He has to keep the wildlife in check. LOl

  21. Very beautiful dog...looks a lot like the one I had growing up. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  22. I sure would love to give nibbles a hug.. so beautiful

  23. she's beautiful eileen, a lovely colored coat!!! i hope you have a wonderful weekend and as always, many thanks for hosting!!!!

  24. Hello Eileen and Nibbles. I hope you are both enjoying your day. I just wonder how Nibbles acquired that name? Quite likes a treat or two I'm thinking?

    Thanks for letting me join in today and have a lovely week ahead both of you.

  25. Oh, your dog is so beautiful, Eileen !
    Happy weekend !

  26. What a beautiful creature Nibbles has become! I wonder if squirrels enjoy the chase too....

    Happy weekend Eileen!

  27. I suppose Nibbles had a wonderful time with you, he looks so cute!

  28. Nibbles is very cute Eileen. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend :)

  29. I believe Nibbles is having a fun time, and I bet you are too! Enjoy your weekend, I hope it's nice, not too many left before it becomes that next season!

  30. So lovely little and cute baby dog! A very good saturday and weekend!

  31. Nibbles is adorable, Eileen! Great photos! Happy weekend to you. :)

  32. It must be a granddogmother for just for a while, lovely canine.

  33. Hi Eileen-
    Nibbles has grown into a beautiful dog.
    I love the color and so does Chaka.
    I see Chaka and Nibbles have chasing the squirrels in common. Minimally :)
    Thanks for hosting.
    Have a Beautiful Weekend!
    Peace :)

  34. My mom used to cat sit for us. Then as she got older we gave her our cat (also elderly by that time) and they became fast friends. - Margy

  35. Beautiful dog and gorgeous photos ~ how lucky you both are ~

    Wishing you a special week ~ ^_^

  36. What a cuttie Nibbles is

  37. such happy dogs! made my day!

    I've been missing my dog for quite some time now.

    Take care


  38. A nice looking dog. She has gotten big!!

  39. What a cute name for a precious pet.

  40. It is very handsome, Eileen. They are the most loyal friends
    I wish you a good Sunday.

  41. Aw Nibbles looks like such a nice grandpup!!

  42. Nibbles is so cute! And I love his name!

  43. Hi, Eileen!
    I apologize for my absence over here.
    A few days busy with paintings at home, didn't allowed me to visit all the blogs as I wanted...
    But I'm here now... at last!... :-D
    Cute shots from Nibbles!
    I loved them all! Enjoy your Sunday!
    All the best!

  44. Haha chasing squirrels sounds fun for nibbles
    Thank you for sharing dear

  45. She looks smart enough and cheerful and watchful! Enjoy your time with her :)

  46. Nibbles - what a cutie! Wishing you a great week ahead Eileen.

  47. Thank you for hosting Eileen and love the photos of your grand-doggie!

  48. No critters this week...sorry..Nibbles is a cutie..I too, will be dog sitting soon..My sister is going away for a long weekend...Have a good week..

  49. Dog is man's best friend

  50. My how Nibbles has grown. I remember earlier how small a puppy he was. He's quite handsome!!!

    ps...Yay!!! I'm here, getting around to visiting my Blogger buddies! You're on my list of catching up with since my week's absence. I'm so happy I stopped by today.

  51. Hi Eileen. Sorry I missed your Saturday's critters. Nibbles is a pretty dog, glad you enjoyed her. I had my grandson this weekend, and, we stayed pretty busy with pumpkins and other fall stuff. Take care, and have a great week!

  52. Good dog - get those squirrels. Have a grand week ahead.

  53. Hi Eileen,
    a wonderful portrait of this beautiful dog and a big collection of animals too.
    Best, Synnöve

  54. Great dog! We look forward to getting another dog after we move! Can't wait. We miss our Rhodesian Ridgeback we lost over five years ago.

  55. Lovely to see these photo's of Nibbles.

    I hope you had a lovely weekend and that this new week has started well.

    All the best Jan

  56. hey, Eileen. hope you are well this week. i love the doggie. ( :

  57. Olá Eileen, belas imagens as suas de animais.
    Boa continuação de mês.

  58. Dearest Eileen; So sorry for my belated comment, Dear Friend. 
    How CUTE and adorable Nibbles is♡♡♡ Always wish to have one, can not my husband's approval (^^;)

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

  59. Here I am, here I am, better late than never my beloved mother always said. The dog is way too cute, as were the ones that you shared on FB this day. They certainly make a difference in our lives~


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...