Monday, September 4, 2017

Hermit Thrush

Hello everyone, happy Monday!

Happy Labor Day to all in the USA and in Canada.

I had some good views of this bird, I believe is the Hermit Thrush.  This bird was seen at the Hillsborough River State Park in Florida back in February 2017. It is listed as a winter bird in Florida, so I guess my guess could be right.

The Hermit Thrush has a complete eye ring. Their underparts are pale with distinct spots on the throat and smudged spot on the breast..

They has a red tail, my photos do not show the tail feathers.

The Hermit Thrush can be found in our local forest but recently I have been enjoying all the mushrooms and fungi. For more Nature Note  images I wanted to share these mushrooms and fungi I am seeing along our fire roads. It is amazing to see all the various fungi and mushrooms, the different colors and shapes are pretty. I am not sure of their names or if they are edible, hubby and I just enjoy seeing them.

I beleive the fungi below are called Cortinarius Iodeoides, what a name. Maybe there is a more common name for them?

I hope you enjoyed my photos and post.
As always I thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes

Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Gordon said...

That spesies of Thrush is new to me Eileen, quite interesting, also what an amazing amout of Fungi you have found, I believe some will be ok to eat.
Take care, Gordon.

Marit said...


Beautiful photos of the little Hermit Trush. Pretty mushrooms too.
Happy Monday, and Happy New Week!

Stewart M said...

I like that thrush - I have plans to photograph one of our native thrush species in a couple of weeks - wish me luck!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Christine said...

Hello Eileen! Wonderful photos of the Hermit Thrush and its pretty markings.
You sure found an amazing selection of mushrooms and fungi! Some of the brightly coloured ones look poisonous to me!
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your week!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Um excelente e belo trabalho.
Um abraço e boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

rupam sarma said...

Hello, Amazing photos.
Have a nice week ahead. Greetings.

chica said...

Lindos pássaros e mosaicos belíssimos! Ótima semana! bjs, chica

Karen said...

Nice close-up of the thrush. Amazing how each type of bird and plant has distinct details. So many colors of mushrooms I'd never seen. Happy Labor Day

Sandi said...

A stinkhorn!

My kids and I found one of those in the yard one day. Had no idea what it was. We happened to be going to a nature presentation at a local park later and the ranger knew right away what we had found. Bizarre!

Lowcarb team member said...

What a lovely looking bird, I enjoyed your photographs.

Loved seeing your mosaics of fungi, so many different shapes and colours.
Nature is amazing.

All the best Jan

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sure looks like a Hermit Thrush to me. And you are right about the fungi, the sheer variety is quite incredible.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, pretty mushrooms but probably poisonous. Glad you only look at them and share photos with us! The Hermit Thrush is so pretty and I love its name. Thank you so very much, Eileen, for your kind comment on my post today. Grant has really come a very long way from a year ago. We missed Parkrun on this Saturday past - will post about it tomorrow. Thank you again for your continued visits to my blog - I appreciate you very much. Have a great Monday. Jo

Tom said...

...nature at it's best.

Hootin Anni said...

Enjoyed the 'shroom collage very much, but oh, the Thrush poses you captured just steals the show today Eileen

Debbie said...

awesome captures of the thrush!!! fancy fungi, isn't it amazing the variety of mushrooms - i always like the orange ones and some look like flowers!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you have the most amazing array of fungus and mushrooms I have ever seen. you must have the hunting fungus instinct

Carol Blackburn said...

Good morning, Eileen. I love seeing all the mushrooms and other fungi that come up this time of year. We have a nice place called Ordway Grove nearby that usually has some pretty interesting ones too. I just might have to take a walk this afternoon. Have a great day!

Lois said...

I like seeing all of the different types of mushrooms and fungi. I don't think I have seen any like those purple colored ones before. They are pretty!

Jeevan said...

Wow! Awesome collection of mushrooms and fungi, and I ever seen so many varieties… very interesting in shapes and colors.

Cute bird

italiafinlandia said...

Pretty collages of mushrooms! Shapes and colours are so funny!
Happy Labor Day to you too.

Small City Scenes said...

Wow you are seeing lots of mushrooms. I like the different ones. Some are very odd looking and some are very colorful. Don't see many here I guess I'd better take a better look

Linda said...

Your photos are fascinating and beautiful, Eileen! Happy Labour Day to you as well! Enjoy your week ahead!

Jeanna said...

Fantastic 'schroom shots, Eileen. Some of those colors are pretty wild looking and you'd have to be an expert to pick them, no use chancing it. That white ring on the Hermit Thrush must help identify him.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

You were just up the road and didn't stop for coffee. Darn.


Maggee said...

I agree that you saw QUITE the collection of different mushrooms and fungi. Wow! And some very great shots of the Hermit Thrush! I saw one in the middle of a dark swampy natural area... needless to say, pictures were not ideal! Thanks for sharing! Hugs!

Linda W. said...

Love all the colorful mushrooms!

Anonymous said...

I never knew there was a thing as PURPLE mushrooms! LOL

Cloudia said...

Such a dear bird. And wonderful mushrooms! Thanks. Wishing YOU a fine day!

Bob Bushell said...

Happy Labour day……and Thrush is tremendous, thanks Eileen.

Karen said...

What a sweet little bird! I love the purple mushrooms.

HappyK said...

So many different mushrooms. You have taken a great collection of pictures of them.

Lady Fi said...

Sweet shots of the thrush.

Janneke said...

I'm impressed by the subtl colors of the photos with the Hermit thrush, these are just wonderful.
You have seen already a great variety of fungi on your walks, autumn is definitely on the way.

RedPat said...

Your fungi pics are amazing, Eileen! I would be afraid to eat them too!

Jeanie said...

While I love your sweet hermit thrush those mushrooms make my day! Reminds me of a 60s or 70s poster with all those colors!

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

I'd have thought he was a sparrow :)

I wouldn't be surprised to see a little fairy or gnome peeking out from under some of those mushrooms ! :)

This N That said...

Great Fungi shots..It has been really good weather for them lately..You have found quite a variety..I hope you are having a wonderful Labor Day..

Suzanne said...

I am a lover of mushrooms, to eat, and to look at! You really captured some beautiful specimens! Happy Labor Day, Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Amazing pictures as always. Thank you.

Red said...

You really got on a roll with the fungus. fungus is far more important than we think. there should be much more significance put on Labor day.

ellen b said...

Happy Labor day to you, Eileen! Love the sweet Hermit Thrush and those mushrooms are something else!

Angie said...

Eileen - I have NEVER seen purple mushrooms before! My favorite color - so thrilling. Thanks for sharing! Happy Labor Day to you and have a wonderful week!

The Furry Gnome said...

A lot of very interesting fungi!

Rose said...

You have the most amazing assortment of mushrooms...I love seeing them. And love that little Hermit Thrush.

NatureFootstep said...

wow, you found a lop of mushrooms. They have been scarce over here but I think that with the rain they are comming :)

Love that little trush. :)

Cat Lover said...

Hi Eileen, I really enjoyed all your photos of the fungi and mushrooms. What a variety!
The little thrush was so sweet. Great shots!
Take care.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Sweet looking thrush with a complete eye ring♧♧♧
I love eating mushrooms but never thought there are SO many varieties of them :-)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely little hermit thrush and a great array of fungi. Like you I mostly just like to look at fungi,though I try to identify as many as I can. I'm not a huge fan of eating wild mushrooms and a wrongly identified wild mushroom can lead to illness....

Lynne said...

Great views indeed!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love those fungi! We walked in a place in Alaska where we saw a huge variety like that, but other than that time I've never seen so many kinds.....looking only is definitely the best policy... that and taking and sharing pictures. Thanks for doing that!

Phil Slade said...

Good to see your Hermit Thrush Eileen. Nice photos that show up its salient points. So many colourful fungi - It's time for our own but they are never that colourful.

Our photos said...

Wow, wonderful mushrooms !

Klara S said...

Happy Labor Day USA and Canada! Pretty mushrooms. What a colours. Violet ones 100% poisonous :-)

The Yum List said...

There were long weekends all around the world I see. We just had a super long weekend here in Malaysia with national day, the king's birthday and a celebration because the country won the SEA games.

Michelle said...

Those mushrooms are gorgeous!

DeniseinVA said...

I am very grateful to you for introducing me to this darling little Hermit Thrush Eileen, thank you! The mushrooms are great too and that little slug is a very interesting little creature. Super photos. Have a wonderful day :)

diane b said...

What an amazing array of fungi. So many different shapes and colours.

Birgitta said...

Many good shots here!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
wonderful photos of the birds, this many mushrooms and the nature around you, Just wonderful !
Best regards, Synnöve

Blogoratti said...

Beautiful and wise as they come, lovely bird indeed and great scenery. Greetings!

likeschocolate said...

Beautiful photos! Hopefully you had a great weekend!

Lea said...

Wow! That is a lot of different mushrooms!
Cute bird, too.
Have a wonderful day!

Joyful said...

Loved your photos of the Hermit Thrush and you certainly captured a lot of different mushrooms. Enjoy the rest of your week, Eileen. xx

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful photos of the mushrooms and fungi. I really love the lavender ones! Sweet Hermit Thrush. Hope your week is good.

Turn The Page said...

Wow...your photos always make me smile! And I just love all the shroon pics. I have so many out in my forest right now, and I am capturing all of them, in hopes of one day identifying them all. Another great post! Aloha!

Bob Bushell said...

Excellent shots of the Hermit Thrush, and the Mushroom, lovely Eileen.

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What a pretty little bird, Eileen, and an amazing variety of mushrooms! I have not seen any yet around here, but I haven't looked either. I love the colorful ones with the spots. Of course, those would be the poisonous ones! haha! Hope you are enjoying some cooler days now that it is September. Where does the time go? xx Karen

21 Wits said...

Lovely little birds, just enjoying everyday, holiday or not. For me I worked Labor Day but that's okay, today is a day off!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, those mushrooms look Purple on the screen, that's so interesting. And the orange ones are something else too. : )


William Kendall said...

The thrush is quite photogenic!

Rambling Woods said...

Love the little thrush..but wow on all the fungi..I guess I need to learn more about it...Michelle

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...