Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday's Critters #217

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love God's creatures  like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

I am going to be blogging and commenting less starting after this Critter post.  I  will be posting just once a week with my Saturday's Critter party.  I just feel the need to slow down and take a break, blogging, commenting and computer time. 

I have some of my yard birds to share, with the weather lately I have not been able to go far from home.

The female Junco looks a little more brownish than the darker male Junco.

The Blue Jays try stuffing in as much as they can into their beaks at one time.

We have had some little snow storms and some icy storms, the first week of February. Below are some Cardinals and White-Throated Sparrows and some Juncos sitting on the deck and plants. 

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year ! 

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Oh how I love the cardinal and the blue jays - wow - three in one picture. We don't have those out here on the west coast - we have the sweet little juncos though. Happy weekend.

Tom said...

...a nice colorful collection.

Anonymous said...

I love your warmed birdie bowl. I'm sure they appreciate a nice drink of water this time of year.

I saw my first dark-eyed junco this week.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I think the Cardinals are such a delight to the eye on a winter's day! Hope you are staying warm and dry. YAM xx

krishna said...

They are so cute!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thanks for sharing such great close-ups of your visiting birds today Eileen.

Daniela said...

Enjoy your Saturday and your Sunday ahead,
darling Eileen,
thank you for the amazing creatures you always share in your wonderful shots!



Sussi said...

beautiful birds and photos!

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!
It’s always a joy seeing your beautiful yard birds!
Great captures of my favorite bird the Cardinal and the preety Junko!
Wonderful pictures with these colorful little beauties!!
Have a happy day and a lovely weekend!

Sue (this n that) said...

Hi Eileen, it was a pleasure seeing all the birds in your garden. How sweet to see that Blue Jay stuffing his face - so funny, just like our chooks this evening when I threw them pieces of bread!
Thanks for your lovely post... many of the best things can be found in our own backyard can't they xx

Marit said...


Your birds are so beautiful, and The Blue Jays are always my favorite! Wonderful photos.
Happy Weekend!

italiafinlandia said...

Red Cardinals and blue Jays...what a colorful wildlife!
Thanks for sharing.
Enjoy your weekend!

chica said...

Como sempre nos encantamos aqui com tuas fotos e cliques. Adorei! Lindo fim de semana! beijos, tudo de bom,chica

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eillen I dod not know whether you know it or not but Jays have a CROP which most other birds do not have and that is why they can take in so many seeds at a time as they are storing them there. Love all your photographs Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

rupam sarma said...

Hii, Beautiful Bird pics.
Loved the post. Have a nice weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I was talking to someone recently about colours, and I think we should have a colour named in honour of a cardinal - maybe Cardinal Crimson! Years ago someone published a colour chart to describe bird colours, so that there would be some uniformity in description. It never really became the norm - but I would love to get my hands on a copy. It was in the form of a book if I remember correctly.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shots, Eileen. Those blue jas are still my faves...
Have a great week!

Giga said...

You did not have to go anywhere, because you could see beautiful and colorful birds anyway. Have a nice day.

Brian King said...

The jays and cardinals are regulars here, but I see juncos very rarely. They're beautiful little birds.

Shiju Sugunan said...

How nice to have these many beautiful birds visit you. The Blue jay stuffing photo made me laugh.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Always lovely to see your colourful yard birds!:)

Joyful said...

Hi Eileen, you are blessed to have a lot of bird visitors even when you don't go far from home. I always enjoying seeing your Bluejays and Cardinals: two birds I never see.

I understand about the need to blog and comment less. Sometimes I feel the need to slow down also though I just took a long break. I hope you feel more refreshed in a few weeks time. Enjoy your slower pace and thank you for always visiting my blog and commenting. I really appreciate it. xx

Jenn Jilks said...

I hear you! It's been bitterly cold. I'm usually down in the warmish wetland, in the sun, but I'm not sure it is frozen solid!

Nancy Chan said...

You can't go out far, but these beautiful birds can still come to you to be photographed! They love your yard!

Linda said...

Our favourite winter birds have been visiting your garden :)
I've added 2 links this week, must of missed adding one of them awhile ago.

Phil Slade said...

Hello Eileen. I guess I understand about your wishing to slow down your blogging a little. It is far from easy keeping a regular blog going and finding both words and pictures to satisfy readers. I think you have done and continue to provide us all with wonderful posts and great service through the link-ups. Another informative picture post today. Thank you.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I've recently slowed down too. I feel your pain. :O)

carol l mckenna said...

Eileen ~ always beautiful nature photography ~ favorite is the cardinal!

Happy Weekend to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Thank you for hosting. I hope you enjoy your break, and thank you for always taking the time to leave a comment on my post when I enter.

MadSnapper said...

these are gorgeous pics, love that blue jay and our cardinals are back yesterday. enjoy your time off. i gave up FB a week ago. i go there and scroll only to see if anyone died or my family posted something, i am not posting there are commenting. cut my computer time in half by giving up FB. my blog is my lifeline, so keep on with it. email is a thing of the past.

Debbie said...

you have beautiful yard birds eileen...and when we can't get out much, we are so lucky to have them!!

i enjoyed the information on the juncos, i did not know that and now i wonder if i have ever seen a female! i also enjoyed the male cardinal today as mine are missing in action!!

i will miss seeing you thru the week BUT less time at the computer is a very smart idea. better to enjoy the time doing what you love, birdwatching!!! have a great week and many thanks for hosting!!!

Jo said...

Hello Eileen, thanks for hosting this meme. I love joining in. I understand your need to slow down and thank you for always visiting my blog and commenting. Have a great rest, see you next Saturday! Jo

Mary Hone said...

I love the colorful cardinals. And enjoy slowing down, and taking a break.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The winter birds are so welcome especially when it's snowy. A great time to keep those feeders full! I'm posting less often now and it sure has been easier. I hope you enjoy your weekend my friend. Hugs, Diane

Lois said...

Pretty photos of your yard bird friends. I definitely understand about taking a break. Enjoy!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Your back yard birds are brightening up my week! You have an eye for the beauty of nature. Enjoy your break and I look forward to next week's post.

Sondra said...

That's a great combo shot 3 species in one frame! We've had the rain when you've had the snow it has been flip flopping around and today we have dreary skies and rain.

Red said...

You've been on a marathon with this wonderful blog. You deserve a break . Congratulations on what has been done in this blog.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I have no critter for you today but went here to take a look at yours anyway. I see you will slow down for a bit. I totally understand. Take care and enjoy your garden :) See you in a week, take care! :)

Carol Blackburn said...

You will be missed, Eileen. But, I hear you loud and clear. In fact, I usually start checking blogs and FB when I get up around 5:30 a.m. and this is the first time on the computer this morning (10:50 a.m.). I just felt the need to take care of other things like shoveling the 3" of snow we had last night, cooking up some ground beef for Taco Bowls, and making my 2 grandsons a big breakfast for helping me shovel, and do the clean up before hitting the computer. I feel much better having those things done and over with instead of being here typing and looking out at what needs to be done. Something shifted in the Universe, LOL. Spring is coming and maybe we are nesting. Be blessed! I look forward to your posts.

Bob Bushell said...

The Blue Jay is a wonderful bird. Good luck for you Eileen, slowing down, take it easy now.

HappyK said...

Very NICE. Birds sure come in beautiful colors.

Nancy J said...

There is so much in your own yard, a Red Cardinal, that bright colour is gorgeous in winter, and the water bowl, heated, something I would never have to do to keep fresh water there. Enjoy your days, and your spring must be on its way.

Bill said...

The birds are beautiful and they sure seem to like visiting your yard and feeders. :) The cardinal is absolutely gorgeous. I haven't seen one in a long time. Take care and enjoy your break.

Jeanie said...

You have some serious color going on in your yard with the blue jay and red cardinal. Now all you need is a white seagull and you've got a flag thing going!

A Colorful World said...

Love your deck birds! I particularly love those Juncos. Sorry I didn't join in this week....will be back next week, for sure!

DougPhoto2009 said...

Eileen, enjoy your well-deserved blogging hiatus. Look forward to your Saturday visits. Thanks for sharing.

Betty J. Crow said...

I understand about taking a break. I got blogger burnout big time and took most of 2 years off. I just didn't enjoy it anymore. After the break, I'm enjoying my blog again. Love your bird shots. Especially the juncos. :)

William Kendall said...

Cardinals are a particular delight to see.

Angie said...

Since we moved to Montana, I miss the Cardinals ....

Blue Jays seem to travel in packs - they seem a little like bullies to me, sometimes!

I understand slowing down with the blog ... I have only been blogging for 11 months, and I usually only do one post per week. I have often wondered how people do almost daily posts, and keep up with comments, too!

Jeanna said...

You don't have to go far to see the sights. That jay is pretty funny and reminds me of the greedy red-winged blackbirds we have so many of.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindos e belos pássaros.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

RedPat said...

We had dozens of Juncos this morning and a nice assortment of others - Cardinals, Chickadees, Downy woodpecker, etc
Enjoy your break. Get lots of nice pics to show us on Saturdays, Eileen!

Our photos said...

I love these colorful birds ! Enjoy your break !

Christine said...

You are so fortunate to have so many blue jays & cardinals visit you! Love these shots of the pretty birds!
Thanks for hosting & have a great weekend!

GreenComotion said...

Lovely collection of feathered friends in your locale, Eileen, in spite of the cold winter north of us.

I hope you have a wonderful break!

Thanks as always for hosting.
Have a Happy WE!
Peace :)

Victoria said...

Oh, I love the blues on your eastern jays...such a soft colors and beautiful markings. Have a great week!

Aimz said...

The first bird in red - the expression on his face made me chuckle, he looks less than impressed by something.

orchid0324 said...

Good morning Dearest Eileen; When I saw your picture of the deck,I've noticed the cord, Wow warm water for your birdies ♡♡♡ How sweet of you and I LOVE your colorful birds gathered for your house.
I wish I could see bright colored cardinals♫♫♫ Happy to see them enjoy staying your deck :-)
Take care and Have a wonderful coming new week, still having cold wave some time here.

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos . I to have stepped back from blogging more now a days as other things have my attention . I do like how our male Cardinals colour pops from the white of our snow . Thanks for sharing , have a good week !

Linda said...

Love the blue jays! I understand the need to spend less time on the computer. I need to wean myself away from Facebook because it is taking too much time.

The Yum List said...

I know the feeling of needing a break. Staying on top of a blog is time consuming.

Ella said...

Hello Eileen!
Small or large, they are all God creatures!
Enjoy your sunday!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hello friend!!! beautiful images .. Well done .. Regards

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Have a great time on your "furlough." Will look forward to checking in whenever you do post.

Florence said...

Such marvelous colors!!
Enjoy your blogging break! I will look forward to your Saturday posts!!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, It seems like a lot of bloggers have slowed down. I know I sure did about the middle of last year. Time in the blogosphere can add up quickly. Your Saturday Critters is one of the best and I'm so happy to hear you will be continuing it. Thank you, as always, for sharing, hosting, and for your kind comments on my blog as well. Wishing you a happy week ahead!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

I just saw your "slow down and breathe" post Eileen and I hope that you can do just that. I have the worst time with being able to scroll down on my computer to even leave comments and struggle with that and the knowledge that I need to be doing more sometimes stresses me, not being able to. I used to post 8 years ago almost daily and now I am good if I post every couple of weeks. I love it so much, but even with retirement, it seems I can never catch up with any one thing and I feel frazzled. Have a wonderful restful week and thank you for holding on to Saturday's Critters. Your posts are always very nicely done. Hugs~

This N That said...

Enjoy your break..There comes a time...
You are so faithful about commenting..It must take a lot of your time..I understand the need..Will miss you and your pictures!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love your Winter birds and your wonderful photos as always. I went to only one post a week last year -- it is all I can handle and still visit other blogs (which is part of the fun of blogging). So I completely and totally understand your need to slow down and breathe. And thank you again as always for all your wonderful comments and your IDing help ... and, now, especially for hosting this lovely meme. Even when you are needing to slow down. Please know you really are appreciated!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You do get a lot of have them all in one pic is AWESOME!!...:)JP

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Eileen! I totally understand about the need to slow down and breathe! I'm also hoping that life will slow down a bit for me too. I so enjoy your posts and great photos - Wasn't the ice ugly this week? Warmer temps coming for us, and I hope you have a good week ahead!

ellen b. said...

Enjoy your break, Eileen! Great chubby birds!

Laura. M said...

Your birds are very beautiful, Eileen. it's a pleasure to come see you. Buen lunes.

Lady Fi said...

Lovely shots!

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, I had such a long work weekend so I'll catch up next Saturday with my critters! I certainly understand you're cutting posting time, it's such a hectic life we lead, but it's good to still keep in touch. Especially your lovely photos, they always push me more to get out and touch nature, which we can let slip by us too quickly. But not you two, you are wonder hikers! Enjoy your week.

Lynn said...

It's such a gift when birds visit, isn't it? I had a flock of bluebirds visit my back porch on Sunday - I watched from the sofa. It was lovely.

Sandi said...

Beautiful pictures!

Enjoy your time...sometimes we just need an the saying goes: we are human beings, not human doings.

rainfield61 said...

Enjoy your breathing time, even birds do need this.
This will bring your life to a healthy pace.
Thank you for your comments also.

Sandi said...
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Ohmydearests said...
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Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "If you never go, you will never know." "Travel, before you run out of ...