Thursday, June 14, 2018

Around the Neighborhood

Happy Thankful Thursday! 

Photos from May 25-June 4th.

These are some images from our walks on the local fire road and to the lake. We had so many rainy cloudy days in a row, we were happy to finally see the sun shining. Time to get outside for a walk!

If you look closely you can see the beak and eye of an Acadian Flycatcher. This nest was seen just of the fire road. 

"Love your Mother Earth."

A pretty sky reflection on our lake. 

A Red-eyed Vireo seen off the fire road. 

I am pretty sure this is an Eastern Phoebe, they are known to have a yellowish belly.

Barred Owl sighted just off the fire road. 

A view of the fire road, it is lined with pretty ferns along the way. 

"Weeds are a flowers too, once you get to know them." Eeyore

A pretty weed, a pretty flower. 

We went off the fire road to walk to the lake and came across this big Black Rat Snake. 

Another fire road walk took us to a view of the Bald Eagles nest across the lake. Not the best shot, it was too far away but you can see two juvenile eagles on the nest.

Across the way, in one of those trees is the Bald Eagles nest.  

Another look at the lake before walking home.

"May your life be like a wildflower, grow freely in the beauty and joy of each day."  Native American Proverb

I am thankful for the rain but also for the sunshine.

I am thankful for each new day.

I am thankful for all your visits and comments. 

Thank you Michelle for hostingHappy Monday, enjoy your day and new week! Thankful Thursday
Thank you to the hosts of   Skywatch Friday

Thanks so much for visiting and for your nice comments on my previous post. Have a happy day!


  1. Wow!!! Quanto de lindo tens aí por perto. Só a cobra me amedontra,rs... Lindas fotos! beijos, ótimo dia! chica

  2. ...nice neighborhood, I can do without the snake!

  3. Great stuff. I am especially interested to see the nest if the Acadian Flycatcher.

  4. Thanks everyone for the comments!

  5. Beautiful scenes. I like that Eeyore quote. When I was a child, I never saw a 'weed' flower I didn't like.

  6. I love your trees, and green. And what a fun variety of birds.

  7. Wow!! The nest of Acadian Flycatcher is interesting!!
    They are smart birds.

  8. I haven't done an Around the Hood lately.

    Yes...Mother does wonderful things.

  9. Så fint du har det i naturen rundt deg.
    Men jeg liker ikke snakes.....

  10. That Acadian Flycatcher had great camouflage. I thought she was a bump in the tree branch. LOL

  11. love the peeking eye and the snake is awesome, also I love those daisies and the owl is my favorite

  12. Hello Eileeen,

    Beautiful birds and reflections! I love nature very much, but I don't like snakes.
    Happy Thursday!

  13. Hi Eileen, I love the birds in nests and adult birds, the reflections on the lake and I loved the Black Rat snake! Great post! Enjoy your day. Jo

  14. You've got your eys wide open to see all these little critters.

  15. Always a joy to travel through your eyes, Eileen! YAM xx

  16. That is a fabulous place for a walk! Thanks for the pics, Eileen!

  17. The Acadian Flycatcher, I was intrigued by the nest, and see they are built like hammocks, ( thanks to Google) and can disguise the twigs with hanging greenery, such clever birds. Lovely lake photos, a delight to see more of your walking places.

  18. Amazing what we can see when we choose to look. Lovely photos.

  19. HI Eileen, love the birds...the Acadian in the nest awesome, i have yet to see one! I almost think you saw 2 as the E. Phoebe normally has an all black beak, and that crazy tail pumping action. I love the snake sitting up tasting the air, awesome shot!

  20. Beautiful photos, I love the Snake, awesome.

  21. I was happy as a clam till we came to the snake. I'm such a woos! But oh, such lovely things here (apart from the hisser.)

  22. Your shot of the owl is my favourite.

  23. Daisy fleabane is the beautiful weed. Like the flycatcher nest, watched orioles in a similar nest this morning feeding babies deep in their "purse".

  24. Lovely photographs Eileen, I enjoyed the birds and the scenery.
    Enjoy the remainder of the week.

    All the best Jan

  25. Beautiful photos, but I am not much on that snake! Thanks for linking up today!

  26. Wonderful photos. The lake is beautiful and great picture of the snake.

  27. thanks for sharing...loved all the shots but especially the owl! I often think that you are a bird-whisperer to get these shots :)

  28. Such diversity in your neighborhood. I can do without the snake also. LOL I love when our Phoebes are outside calling. Have a great weekend.

  29. Another enjoyable walk . . .
    Amazing what we can experience if we keep our eyes and ears open.
    I found a baby Oriole yesterday, and got a picture with my cell phone.

  30. There is such beauty in nature.
    I'm thankful for all the twittering birds that greet me each day.

  31. Wonderful sightings in this beautiful place, Eileen! Love the owl peeking through the leaves. The nest is so pretty with all its dangling pieces. It must be so peaceful there! x Karen

  32. A lovely place for a walk and a great deal to see and photograph on it. Love the bird in its nest.

  33. Eileen - glad you were able to get out and about - what a glorious reward you obtained in the plethora of birds and other wildlife! Enjoy your weekend!

  34. What a wonderful walk you had. I was certainly taken aback when I saw the snake. Wow! Have a grand weekend!

  35. Beautiful pictures as always, Eileen..No snakes for me, thanks...Have a wonderful weekend..

  36. Lovely nature shots but, yikes, the snake gave me a bit of a shiver!

  37. Beautiful place! I would love it all except the snake. I would have screamed :).

  38. A wealth of beauty, birds, and other creatures!
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  39. Great to just see the beak of the bird from the nest :-)
    Nice picture you could make from it. The owl has also become beautiful. What a happiness you saw it. And brrrr .... I think that snake is scary and big!

    I never see any eagles so your picture is really great to see an eagle.
    A nice series of photos Eileen.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Greetings, Helma

  40. What an amazing variety of wildlife you captured! Love the snake photo and also the owl shot. Enjoy your weekend!

  41. Wonderful things to be thankful for, Eileen. Happy weekend to you!

  42. love your snake (though not snakes themselves :-). how close were you??
    enjoy your weekend Eileen.

  43. Nature is amazing.
    Thanks for these wonderful photos.
    Have a nice weekend
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  44. Woweee - amazing. Love the birds and the lakes - what lovely scenery. And the owl - what a treat. Happy weekend.

  45. Your bird picked a beautiful sport for her nest. What a view!

  46. Eileen - to answer your question in the comment you left on my blog - I am actually not sure what the rules are for public land, which is different than a national park. I just think it's common sense that if you know hikers have been in the area, you don't take a chance.

  47. great observations and photos!

  48. Eileen, vim avisar que entrou céu teu lá! Podes ver aqui:

    beijos, obrigadão,chica e lindo dia!!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly. " TCI resort, T...