Saturday, July 14, 2018

Saturday's Critters #239

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are some birds and a butterfly from my yard. The Great Blue Heron found my little pond and was seen often sticking it's beak in the pond and eating something. I think it found some tadpoles or frogs to eat. After a few days, it went missing I am hoping it found a way back to it's nest with the other herons.

The juvenile Great Blue Heron takes a walk around the yard and finds my little pond.

The White-breasted Nuthatch is a regular visitor to the feeders.

A Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly on our Bee Balm.

The House Wren can be heard loud and clear even while I am inside my house. It is loud!

American Goldfinches and House Finches are regular visitors to the feeders. Those darn squirrels chewed a hole in my thistle sock.  I had to save some thistle seeds in a different feeder.

The young Great Blue Heron was seen walking all around my yard.  Below it is next to our shed.

The female Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments this past year !

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. I love the Heron peeking around the tree and finding the birdbath. Sweet. We have Red-breasted Nuthatches out here---one of my fav birds. Quite different looking.

    1. Hello, I wish the Red-breasted Nuthatches were around here. Once in a while I may see one. Thanks, enjoy your day!

  2. It is amazing how so little birds can be so loud! We always say this with my husband when we hear them sing especially in spring. Very beautiful critters also today in your post.
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Listening the birds singing is peaceful. Thanks so much, enjoy your day!

  3. Hello Eileen,

    I enjoy so much alle the birds and butterflies in your yard. It must be wonderful to have a visit of a Great Blue Heron.
    I can see in your garden that you have daylilies and Bee Balm. The same plants are flowering here too right now. I also see a japanese maple. It was very nice to see a part of your garden as well.
    Happy Weekend!

    1. Hello Marit, the maples trees are growing all around our yard. Saplings seem to spread like crazy. Thanks so much, enjoy your day!

  4. sometimes I am amazed that we have the same or almost the same species. Love it. As always, love the wren and the humming bird especially.
    Have a great week. Over here we need some rain but sun is shining and it is hot. Ponds are drying out.

    1. I think your Gray heron looks just like our Great Blue Heron. We could use some rain here, it has been dry.
      Thanks and enjoy your day!

  5. Hello Eileen,
    What a nice series this is.
    Photo 4,5 and 7 are super.
    I wish you a nice weekend.
    Best regards, Irma

    1. Thanks Irma! I appreciate the comment. Have a happy day!

  6. Hi Eileen, you are so blessed to have all these beautiful critters coming into your garden. You can view them from your window and you have the birds singing to you. My favourite is the Hummingbird flying in mid air.

    1. Hello Nancy, the Hummers are amazing to watch. Thanks and enjoy your day!

  7. Perhaps it’s the light, but the White-breasted Nuthatch seems partially leucistic. It looks very pale and I don’t see any of the rust colour in the flanks. Good to see the Great Spangled Fritillary. They seem to be everywhere around here too.

    1. Hi David, I think it is the lighting on the Nuthatch photo. A little too much light. Thanks for your visit and comment. Enjoy your day!

  8. Beautiful critter photos, Eileen. I love the Great Blue Heron checking out your yard. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful day.

    1. Hello Bill, it has been a treat to have the herons in the yard and nesting nearby. Thanks for the comment and visit. Have a great day!

  9. birds and butterflies OH MY.. so beautiful . love the Heron stalking his food.

    1. Thanks Sandra! We are lucky to see all the birds and butterflies in our yard. Have a happy day!

  10. Hello Eileen, the first image of the Juvenile Great Blue Heron is breathtaking! Great shot. As always I love the butterfly photo. Thanks for hosting this meme. Have a great day. Jo

    1. Hi Jo, the butterflies are beautiful. Thanks so much for the comment and visit. Happy weekend to you!

  11. ...the Great Spangled Fritillary butterfly is a showstopper.

  12. Beautiful butterfly. We don't have many flowers around our house, so butterflies are few and far between. It's nice the juvenile heron came by to visit. You have some fine critters wandering around your house.

  13. Hari Om
    As ever, I am in awe of your backyard offerings! Also of the songs of wrens - we have one here and its volume per ounce of weight must make it well beyond health and safety measures!!! YAM xx

  14. It's an amazing time of year. We don't have to search for beautiful flora and fauna to photograph!

  15. I think the Wren must be feeling especially happy this year . . .
    I have been hearing one LOUD and CLEAR!

  16. Great perch for the nuthatch and beautiful photo of the hummer! Kinda hard to top a GBH in the yard!

  17. I love seeing the little hummers in our flowers. You got some wonderful photos close to home! Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the critter fun! Hugs, Diane

  18. Another wonderful selection of critters, Eileen. I like the hummingbird especially as we don't have them here in Australia.
    Have a great week!

  19. Hi Eileen. I can almost hear that wren singing. just like our own wren, what they lack in size they make up for in their big voice. Your heron looks to enjoy being around your garden as much as those goldfinches and House finches love your garden.

  20. I love seeing the hummingbirds. You even caught his itty bitty FEET! Great photo.

  21. I love your young Heron, Eileen! Just wandering around checking things out!

  22. what a nice assortment of critters today. the butterfly is beautiful, i saw my first monarch yesterday, in my yard, it was so exciting!

    you are so lucky to be seeing the herons out and about, in your yard!! that's a great capture of the young heron!

    the hummer capture is gorgeous, i am still waiting for mine to return!!

  23. That's pretty cool to have a great blue heron in your yard! I can spend a long time watching a heron and wondering when he will move. they can stay still for a long time.

  24. So nice to have the heron around! Gorgeous butterfly. All your shots are wonderful as always. That darn squirrel, biting a hole in the feeder!

  25. I can never get enough of herons. They're marvelous birds.

  26. That butterfly is especially a stunner on that purple flower! They do know how to pick the best ones to post, don't they! All lovely!

  27. Petite little things those wrens but they do have a problem with being quiet. Cute all the same. Happy Day.

  28. Gorgeous shots of the blue heron and other nature photos!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Your yard is certainly attractive to the birds. Some humans would prefer manicured lawn grass but they do not know what they are missing!

  30. What wonderful pictures. I have seen a heron clean out a few small ponds. One day I raced one to see who caught the first fish. I love to try and get close. On the Gulf one can stand 25 feet away because they know you can't make it very fast through the surf.

  31. That is nice. I love the humming bird !

  32. Beautiful birds and butterflies, lovely colletion Eileen.

  33. Favorite picture is the blue heron by the tree and bird bath, though all the pictures are great.

  34. Love your critters..Wish I could get a good hummer picture..I probably need to move my feeder..Beautiful Blue Heron..Enjoy the rest of your weekend..

  35. Hi! There are many beautiful birds. Nice captures. Thanks for sharing.

  36. Never got a chance to post the wildlife photos of Colorado, Eileen so I hooked them up today. Thanks for hosting!

  37. To have a Great Blue Heron walking around in the yard - Fantastic!
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

  38. You have a pond? I want a pond!
    Beautiful photos Eileen. So nice to have so much nature right in your own yard.

  39. Beautiful critters! I haven't seen any hummingbirds yet this year. I keep putting food out for them though.

  40. Your photos are gorgeous !!!! Thank you for the opportunity to meet bloggers from around the world!!
    happy weekend !

  41. wonderful garden you have, nice visitors

  42. Terrific! You have a real treasure today. Thanks for linking up. Have a great week ahead.

  43. How cool to have a heron in the yard! All the birds shown are wonderful to have around too!

  44. I love your first photo of the heron peeping around that tree. And great capture of the hummingbird!

  45. Hi Eileen-
    How many can say there was a Heron in my yard? Wow!
    Absolutely delightful photos. Loved them all.
    Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  46. Oh my goodness, such rich vibrant colors today! A great critter collection hard to pick a favorite. This was my weekend to work so haven't posted yet, but am planning on it! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  47. All wonderful photos. I do love the heron peaking out from behind the tree. Enjoy your week Eileen :)

  48. I love discovering the "little things" on walks and you have a good eye for them, Eileen!...:)JP

  49. Bliss!

    Did you change the layout of your blog?

    I like it.

  50. Pesty squirrels!! They seem to always be able to figuire out a way to eat up all the bird food they can cram in! The goldfinch are so pretty. I miss seeing them every day from when we lived at the lake here.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...