Saturday, August 4, 2018

Saturday's Critters #242

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

These are my critters for today's critter post. On the way home from our local bike trail we road past this farm with two donkeys and two horses.  I had to stop and take some photos, I love donkeys.

My hubby met and talked with an older local man while hiking on our local fire road trail, the man  told hubby about another eagle's nest nearby that we did not know about.  So July 18th we hiked this fire road to find the eagle nest. It was too late to see the eagles but now we know where the nest is for next year. We have lived here almost 29 years and we still have not hiked all the local fire roads.

While checking out the Eagle nest, I noticed  a duck far away floating in the lake just under the nest, it turned out to be a Red-breasted Merganser.  This bird is rare to be seen in Maryland this time of the year. Are the winter birds already on the move?

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.

Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!


  1. Awwwwwwww...the little donkeys are so sweet with their chubby bellies.

  2. How nice to encounter donkeys! Donkeys are way cuter than horses.

  3. Hi Eileen-
    Love this great collection with some cool donkeys.
    I also love donkeys.
    My favorite characters are Eyor and Donkey from Shrek :)
    Thanks for hosting.
    Happy WE!
    Peace :)

  4. Lovleytohave so many walks around your area and seeing these beautiful horses adn donkeys is great. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  5. You are blessed, Eileen! You get to enjoy nature through your many hikes. Love the donkeys, horses, and birds that you have photographed. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!

  6. Lovely Donkeys, nice and beautiful. Have a superb weekend Eileen.

  7. Hello Eileen,

    Thank you for beautiful photos, and your comments om my blog too. I have never seen a donkey before. They don't live here.

    Happy Weekend!

  8. Hari OM
    those are some well-kept donkeys too! So often they are found unkempt and half-starved. Hope your weekend is shaping up well. YAM xx

  9. It is good to see those donkeys in a field. I am so accustomed to seeing them used as beasts of burden in various parts of the world where they live short, miserable lives.

  10. As you said, we love God's creatures.
    Happy Saturday to you!

  11. Hello Eileen,
    These are beautiful pictures, nice that you have found the nest of the bald eagle.
    Maybe next year you can take pictures of the sea eagles that have youngs eagles.
    Best regards, Irma

  12. That is great to have so many places to explore. That donkey looks as if "donkettes" are expected. Yes, there are already signs of migration way down here in Florida. We had a Louisiana Waterthrush last week. They are normally one of the earliest land migrants. Also our first Black-and-White Warbler, but they are known to breed into south Florida. Hoping for shorebirds but the water in our lake continues to be too high, covering the mudflats along the shore.

  13. ...the horses look like they are in my next of the woods, enjoy your week ahead.

  14. Hello, Eileen. I love all your pictures, but the last two are my favourite. I think it's because of the colour of the water :-)
    Thank you for hosting.

  15. Tão lindas as fotos e passam uma paz... Lindas!! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

  16. be still my heart on the donkey pics. I do love donkeys. we are in our house 29 years also... there are nest like this about 7 miles from us, but I have not seen them in several years

  17. I'm hoping to get an Eagle sighting this winter. In January one of the State Parks has a guided tour of the eagle nests. Last winter I got the flu and missed it. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen again. Love donkeys. Our neighbor has one and you can hear him in the early morning hours. I think he might be part rooster. :)

  18. Excelentes e belas fotografias, gostei.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana apesar das altas temperaturas.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  19. A lovely walk Eileen! I'm really missing the sun that is supposed to reappear this weekend - Yay!!

    Did you see on the news about the pair of eagles at the National Arboretum. One of their 12 week old eaglets fell from a branch and disappeared. He was missing all weekend - But safely found this past Monday on the streets of Northeast D.C. --teenagers!! :-)

    Have a good weekend!

  20. That's amazing. You must have a lot of fire roads.
    Have a great weekend!

  21. How wonderful to have so many fire roads so near you that you can take off on an adventure to. That Bald Eagle's nest is huge and it looks like when the time comes you will get some terrific shots. The adults will still maintain it even now. The ones that I have followed for 4 years come to the nest almost daily all year. Thanking you for your kindness and friendship. Mary

  22. I love donkeys! What wonderful photos! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  23. I love donkeys- miss our Jack so much. He was just the sweetest.
    That is one huge nest. I'm glad you found it so you can come back to check on it. Hope you have a great weekend.

  24. Lovely post, Eileen. Something very restful and bucolic about these photos. :-)

  25. PS: Thanks for hosting and have a great week, Eileen!

  26. Beautiful donkeys and horses! We have lots of horses in this part of KY, but donkeys are more of a rarity. I hope you get to see the eagles on the nest next year.

  27. We love seeing donkeys in with the cows and horses here. And how neat to find that eagle's nest. We see birds on the move here year round it seems. Enjoy your weekend!

  28. imagine the sad person who doesn't love critters.

    I can't.

  29. Something different, E! Thanks

  30. Eileen, nice juxtaposition with the donkeys and horses. Thanks for sharing.

  31. it was fun to see the horses today...and the donkeys!! i always talk to locals...well, i talk to everyone, but in this case a local talking to a local. it is how you find out all the good stuff and you can keep an eye on the nest. i have noticed 2 eagles nest in this area are gone...i guess they are allowed to do that. i have heard nests are almost always reused!!!

    have a nice weekend eileen, i think the rain has moved through already, we have a pool party to attend this afternoon!!

  32. You've got some great critters today.

  33. Wonderful donkeys and horses! Glad the farmer told you about that eagle's nest for next year. Have a great week!

  34. That's one humungous eagle nest. It must be very old. The big one here blew down in a windstorm last summer.

  35. I love donkeys, and it is always good to see horses.
    Glad you found another eagle nest to watch in the spring
    Have a great weekend!

  36. Love them Donkeys. We just lost our pasture buddy a few months back. Honks was a silly one

  37. Wow - not ready for migration yet … can we enjoy summer a little bit longer? Thanks for hosting!

  38. Donkeys are cool, I love them. We have a donkey sanctuary here in Co. Donegal and sponsored a donkey last year, His name was Binkey.
    Thanks for hosting Eileen and have a wonderful weekend.

  39. You've come across some unique sights lately, Eileen. I can't say I've ever seen a donkey in the wild or living the life in a pasture. I've seen buffalo on one of my favorite bike trails which happily ends at a bar. That one also has a big ol' goose that hisses at you in the spring when you go over the part it chooses to I'm guessing lay eggs. I've seen llamas around and they love to spit at you so I think I'd be happier visiting your donkeys.
    Last night's post was more of a hodgepodge of things I found funny but ended up with three animal videos and a cat photo so I guess it qualifies (although it rambles more than this comment).

  40. i linked in the wrong one...i'm not sure how i did that!!!

  41. Love the donkey photos and others are wonderful too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  42. You always have the grandest photos! Have a wonderful weekend!

  43. Donkeys always seem to be so calm and friendly, love those ones so close by.

  44. And the donkeys didn't even bother to come over and greet you, Eileen! Thanks for hosting us each week - I don't thank you enough!

  45. Wow, i love the donkeys ! Very nice !

  46. We spotted some donkeys when we were out this week!

    Lovely to see your selection here … perhaps the winter birds are already on the move!

    All the best Jan

  47. Love the donkeys and horses one lives across the road from me, and when he Brays it's it I always giggle. Nice to have another nest to monitor, that will be fun!!

  48. Great pictures Eileen . ..
    I like donkeys too . . .
    Something “kid like” and friendly about them . . .

    I would be thrilled to just see an Eagle’s nest . . .
    Then I could count on going back,
    keeping an eye out and eventually seeing an Eagle!

  49. Me too Eileen. There's something quite magical about donkeys. Such gentle creatures, and I believe, quite intelligent. Well done in finding the eagle nest. It's always good to chat to local people in the know.

    Thanks for the link-up. Have a lovely week ahead.

  50. Lovely capture on the horses and donkeys and also nice fences! Wish there’s an eagle or chicks posed from the nest.

  51. Lovely donkeys and wonderful to find an eagle's nest

  52. Well, thank that man for telling you two about the other nest! Super.

    I always enjoy stopping by here to visit. Love the donkeys!

  53. Love the equines !! Great shots of the Mergansers..Enjoy the rest of your weekend..Have a wonderful week..stay cool !!!

  54. I fell for donkeys when we lived in VA. They are such beautiful souls!...:)JP

  55. Good morning Eileen, love the photos and the pairs of critters just enjoying the land. But! Oh no, the birds can't be on the move yet, I'm still craving more hot summer days! August can be the hottest month in Minnesota. To be honest though this was the coolest, (still nice) but usually it's incredibly hot when we go to our family spot in Wisconsin. But hey we've got more summer days left for everyone. Because we're all gonna need when winter returns.

  56. So much climate change stuff going on, not surprised you are seeing ducks at a different time from usual. isn't it fun to find new places right close to your home!! Those fire roads make good hiking trails.

  57. You sure do live in a beautiful area! I never like riding my bike just for sake of riding. However, if there is a view and interesting sights, I'll ride all day.


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 564

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about ...