Monday, August 26, 2019

Our World, My World

Hello and Happy Monday,

Views of my world and my neighborhood, one of our recent walks on the nearby fire road. We start off in the same direction as the last two walks but cut off onto a new to me fire road heading toward a different section of the lake. 

Aug 21st , we started out our 3.2 round trip mile hike on the Shamberger Peninsula trail. Taking the cut off of the main trail to another fire road that came to a dead end.  We could see the lake through the trees but we were not very close to the lake. There was a steep hill down to lake, I was not up to bushwhacking my way down to the water. 

Various views of our local fire roads and walk on Aug 21st. 

I am sure these are Cedar Waxwings, I see yellow on the bottom of their tails. 

We pass by where I recently saw my Prairie Warblers, Cedar Waxwings and the Yellow-billed Cuckoo. The Cedar Waxwing were still there, hanging out high in tree.  All I could see was their bottoms. the top two photos are the Cedar Waxwings and the bottom photo is an unknown Flycatcher? 

We saw 3-5 of these birds hanging out together high in the trees. I see a little on it's chest and two wing bars? 

This tree has some nice sized nuts, I am not sure what kind of tree it is?  Maybe pecan nut? 

There is a section of bamboo plants in a clearing area, also where the nut tree and my unknown flycatcher were  seen. 

The fire road is already starting to be covered with fallen leaves. We watched two deer running away from us, no photo. The Bow Hunting season usually starts around Sept 15. We will have to find another place for our walks. 

Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there. 

Thanks to Cath the host of Country Scapes

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!


Marit said...

Hello Eileen,
I'm surpriset to see all the fallen leaves. Is it caused by drought?
Here have no leaves fallen yet. The bamboo trees looks nice.
Happy Monday!

rupam sarma said...

Hello, Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice week ahead.

Natalia said...

Those pictures are so pretty,what a lovely place for long walks☺

italiafinlandia said...

Bamboo is also picturesque to see...
Hope you find another interesting trail during the hunting season.
Enjoy your walks!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful photos of your walk to the lake.
I think the bamboo is really beautiful and it's so high, you don't see it here at all.
The leaves fall early on.
Best regards, Irma

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Another lovely fire road to walk down I love the Bamboo Eileen. Have a great week ahead.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

What would a walk in the woods mean without a mystery or two?

chica said...

Sempre há tanto a ver nessas caminhadas e que bom ru conosco compartilhas! Lindo!Ótima semana! bjs, chica

Tom said...

...if you aren't careful bamboo can take over the world!

Black Knight said...

Beautiful photos, the bamboo wood is amazing.
And yes... fall is coming.

Sue (this n that) said...

That bamboo looks really large. Lovely mosaics too. The walking trails look so inviting :D)

baili said...

beautiful park and lovely birds as always dear Eileen

bamboo trees look really interesting
i wonder why the road calls fire road ?

eileeninmd said...

Hello, the fire roads were created to put out possible forest fires. Thanks for the comment and visit. Have a happy day!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a pretty stand of bamboo. I don't think that's a pecan but not sure what it is! I like a mystery too! We always come home with something to ID! Enjoy your day!

Barbara Rogers said...

Hi Eileen, I enjoyed your post this morning. And thanks for your comments over on my blogs! Have a great week, yourself!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Happy Monday to your Eileen! The bamboo was just wonderful. It's always such a pleasure to visit here!

Bob Bushell said...

I love the Cedar Waxwings, do they flock together like ours Bohemian Waxwings ?

Cath said...

beautiful photo's Eileen....everything looks so green! Can't wait for your link up tomorrow...and I'll be back to take another look :)

Red said...

Great patch of woods to walk through.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would not want to be walking in that beautiful place during bow season for sure... I like bow and arrow but only at targets. years ago I was very good at it. about 55 years i think. i love that first view of the fire road, a place i would like to wander.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

bamboo grows like weeds...amazing we haven't made more use of this beast

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It’s such a good place to walk, I’m sorry about hunting season starting...that is true about the trails out by the lakes where we used to live here in Oregon, I always felt sad when I saw deer just before it opened, and wished them luck.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

can you believe another week is here? wow, the weekend just flew by. we got done a bunch of things around here. loved that. i love these temps that showed up as well. not humid. had a chance to keep the windows open. fresh air. so lovely. i love these temps wish they could stick around for a while. such a fan. have a great one! ( ;

Sally said...

Such pretty places to walk, Eileen. You're making me wish to move from this neighborhood; just not really anywhere to walk. :(

I don't think that's a pecan tree; my cousin has several and they don't look like that. But, I could be wrong.

Have a blessed day.

Lowcarb team member said...

Once again there are some wonderful photographs for us to enjoy, thank you.
Isn't the bamboo wood amazing!

Yes, Autumn is just around the corner, but I don't mind, it's one of my favourite seasons.

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

Laura. M said...

Me gustan tus paseos Eilee, sería un placer poder darlos juntas, descubriendo naturalerza.
Tr deseo buena semana.
Un abrazo.

Marie Smith said...

I’ve only ever seen one cedar waxwing. Such pretty birds!

RedPat said...

It is hard to id a bird from the bottom! ;-) Too bad about the hunting starting just as the leaves will be reaching a lot of color!

Bill said...

I enjoy your beautiful walks and photos. The bamboo is amazing, I never have seen it up close.
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day and a fantastic new week.

Helma said...

Hello Eileen
these are beautiful photos in your blog again. The birds are always beautiful to see but the bamboo forest is also very special to see: -_
I haven't posted in a month but I hope to change that again next Saturday and to link to you too ;-)
Very nice new week.
Greetings, Helma

Jeanie said...

It looks like a great place for your walk -- and some wonderful sightings, too!

Fun60 said...

I love the photo of the bamboo. Am surprised there are so many fallen leaves. Enjoy your week.

R's Rue said...


Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Beautiful captures Eileen. Wonderful views during your walk.

Tabor said...

Fun that you saw and recognized the Cedar Waxwings. I finally recognized an American Redstart this week. Working on my skills.

HappyK said...

A nice place to go walking. Like the shot of the bamboo.

Cloudia said...

the bamboo was wonderful to see, as your birds always are. What a pleasure to walk with you. Stay safe during hunting season safe at home that is!

Cath said...

told you I'd be back! thanks for linking up at CountryScapes...It must be so lovely walking there but a shame you can't do so during the Autumn months while bow season is on. I just love the bamboo photo...I guess it is not a native plant in that it problematic I wonder?

Chris Ferreira said...

Hi Eileen, Very beautiful images of your world and your neighborhood. I like places with a lot of nature.
Inventando com a Mamãe / Instagram  / Facebook / Pinterest

Su-sieee! Mac said...

That was a beautiful walk you took, Eileen. I've never seen pecans on a tree before. It's starting to feel autumny here in California, too. Cheers!

Nancy Chan said...

Today I came to know what is fire road. Beautiful birds and bamboo trees from your hike. Have a wonderful day!

Angie said...

Eileen - fascinating to see that bamboo in the midst of an otherwise "normal" forest. I am not ready for autumn, so those fallen leaves are a bit of a shock! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

Linda said...

I saw a few leaves changing color this weekend.

Lady Fi said...

So lovely!

Jeevan said...

Beautiful and inviting photos from your walk and trails! and what a natural surrouding to live by and it should be interesting walking on cranking dry leaves. Enjoy your furture trails as well


Vera said...

Beautiful pictures (as always). We have a large stand of bamboo at the back edge of our property.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Gostei de ver estas excelentes fotos e aproveito para desejar a continuação de uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Ailime said...

Hello Eileen,
What wonderful places to walk! So green! I love .
The birds are very beautiful.
Loved your sharing.

dee Nambiar said...

Such soothing sights from your walk. Loved seeing the Bamboo. It's been a while since I saw some. :)

Debbie said...

you always have such amazing sightings on your walks, the birds bottoms are funny!! you have to be good at identifying these birds as they are up so high!! my mom's neighbor has bamboo growing and it comes over on her property, she is always complaining about it!!!

the walking path is quite beautiful, i am envious that you get to walk so often!!!

William Kendall said...

Pretty shots, Eileen!

Country Gal said...

Lovely photos of such a pretty area you live in.

ellen b. said...

That bamboo is so interesting to see. Our son has been on many bow hunting trips. Not this year! Hope your week is going well.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots. No fun walking to a dead end road. Love the shot of the Bamboo so close together

Rose said...

I just now remembered I need to come back here...I had looked on my phone Monday or Tuesday and wanted to wait till on the computer to see better. I am glad others didn't think that was a pecan tree....I didn't think it was either but have no idea what it is. Pecan trees have leaves that are opposite of each a walnut tree...look Here. If you get the chance, I hope you photograph it as the season goes on...I am really curious...

Sandi said...

The bamboo is not native, is it?

betty-NZ said...

It's so much fun to discover new places to walk where you hope they will be lovely critters to shoot! Great finds and awesome scenery!

My Corner of the World

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "A walk in nature walks the soul back home." "May the joy of simple thing...