Saturday, August 17, 2019

Saturday's Critters #296

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Our 2 day road trip to Maryland's Eastern shore also included a quickie trip to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware.

I enjoy seeing the American Avocets, Egrets and the Glossy Ibis at this wildlife reduge. 

American Avocets seen with a Yellowlegs?

Various Egrets and a Great Blue heron was seen in the area below with some Clapper Rail chicks. 

A closeup look at the muddy area above provided great views of a few Clapper Rail juveniles.

The Clapper Rails blend in well with the mud, can you find 2 juvies in the photo below?

A Clapper Rail juvenile runs across the muddy water toward a Great Blue Heron. 

The Mute Swans are not native swans in Maryland. The Tundra Swan is a native swan in Maryland, usually the Tundra Swan can be seen in the winter months. 

The Black-necked Stilt is a breeder at this wildlife refuge. I did not see any chicks. 

Shore birds, I believe these are the Long-billed Dowitchers maybe mixed with Short-billed Dowitchers. 

Random rants and in the news, for the critter lovers:

Are changes coming to the Endangered Species Act? Are Corporations profits more important than protection of an animal species. Apparently it is OK now to pollute habitats and cut down trees on once protected national lands. The Spotted Owl and other birds are at risk. We need to preserve and protect for the future. What happens when all the animals are extinct, what will people do when all the animals are gone. 

In Maryland, the Chespeake Bay is a treasure. Keep it clean.
In Maryland, we need to keep clean water for the oysters, we need a check on the warming water. Fish will die from living in polluted waters. Overfishing and crabbing can have a big effect on the blue crabs and a favorite Rockfish. 

Being an animal lover, I can not understand how some people think animals are put on this planet for the sole purpose of human use. 

" We all have a responsibility to protect endangered species, both for their sake and for the sake of own future generations." Loretta Lynch

 I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni.


Sami said...

We don't appear to get the Mute Swans here in Perth, just the Black Swans. Lovely collection of birds Eileen. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely weekend.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Some very interesting sightings here.

Nancy Chan said...

You are so blessed to be able to enjoy these lovely birds, God's beautiful creation. Thank you for hosting and have a blessed weekend.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That certainly was a worth while 2 day trip Eileen as you saw many species of birds. Love seeing the American Avocet. Thanks for hosting and I hope you ave a wonderful weekend

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
These are beautiful photos of your road trip.
Photo 3 and 7 are really super.
Do you want to place my link, I still can't.
Best regards, Irma

NatureFootstep said...

lol, loved to see your Avocets. :) The only one of them I have not seen. Such beautiful birds :) Great to see a rail too.
Are you sure about the Long-billed Dowitchers? I think they look like Snipes. Puts theirh head in the water just ours do! Great to see anyway :)

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

Beautiful images of many different birds. I wish you a wonderful weekend!

Bill said...

The refuge looks like o perfect place to explore and see nature. Lovely photos of all the birds, they are beautiful.
Enjoy your day and have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for hosting!

chica said...

Sempre consegues tão lindos momentos pra nos deliciar olhos e coração aqui! beijos, chica, lindo fds!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

even our gulf is polluted, our ponds are to. it is sad what we are doing to our environment.. that mud looks like shore bird paradise

Jenn Jilks said...

I hear you. We just cannot believe what is going on.
Thank you for documenting your lovely birds.
Have a good weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Contrary to the opinion above Eileen, the birds are dowitchers. There is insufficient definition to know whether they are Short-billed or Long-billed, which can be difficult to separate even at close range. The weakening of all the protections for both habitat and wildlife is mind-numbingly depressing. The gutting of the Endangered Species Act is just the latest in a series of Trump travesties. He really needs to be voted out of office, and the sooner the better.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Belas fotografias e aproveito para desejar um bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

italiafinlandia said...

What a nice series of critters! I truly like the Avocets...would be nice to see them sooner or later.
Of course I agree with the above quotation: we must save all endangered species!
Have a great weekend, Eileen!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, I had not heard that your ESA was under threat itself. Dreadful. Loved all your images today, but for some reason, the lofty stilt is the one I am lingering on most. YAM xx

Sandi said...

So beautiful, all the little creatures we share the world with.

Brian King said...

I've never seen a Clapper Rail...rather unusual looking bird.

Black Knight said...

Never seen before American avocets. Thanks for sharing.
As an animal lover I am always on the side of the animals!

Tom said...

...greed is the American way!

riitta k said...

It is always lovely to see your bird photos Eileen! But poor birds, they have such a muddy habitat :) Greetings & thank you for hostin.

Linda said...

The clapper rails are birds I haven't seen before, and they sure do blend in with surroundings. Lovely variety of sightings this week.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The Avocets sure are pretty and it's neat to see the Glossy Ibis...they are a rare sight here. Beautiful photos of these precious birds. I try to live in harmony with nature...and with other people! Wish we all could make more of an effort to get along. Beautiful photos! Happy weekend!

Cath said...

I am always amazed by how many different birds you find in your part of the world...I am in agreement with your statement at the's time something was done to save this planet of ours and protect the animals that inhabit it...they need us to do it as they cannot do it themselves. It makes me so angry when influential governments of the world have different priorities and sit back when so much of the natural world is being destroyed....shame on them! Leaders!? I think not.

Marie Smith said...

Those yellow legs join in with every flock around here.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

That was a lovely trip you took, Eileen, and you certainly photographed a host of lovely birds.
Thanks for hosting.

My Desktop Daily said...

It is unfortunate to see, Eileen, that nowadays big corporations, extreme government policies and personal gain and corruption are becoming the norm worldwide. Unless real change occurs now, we are going to witness the biggest wide-ranging extinction of animals that will rival that of the dinosaurs. As you say, once the animals are gone, the world will be a terrible, changed place.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I am just sick about what they have done to the Endangered Species Act and can only hope appeals can stop or delay. . Every time I think the news couldn’t get any worse does. They are doing everything wrong, we are living through a nightmare. .... the birds are wonderful ...I would love to see that many avocets! And all the birds you saw are favorites
Of mine.

HappyK said...

I did spot the two young ones in all that mud. They blend in well.
Enjoyed all the photos.
Happy Saturday.

Small City Scenes said...

I just love those long-legged birds. So interesting.

Bob Bushell said...

How beautiful are shore birds, great photos Eileen.

Sondra said...

Your sightings are great, love the little rails....trying to destroy the EPA, The Clean Water Act, The Endangered Species Act, Forcing a shut down of our National Parks, Pardoning home grown terrorists who took over a National Wildlife Refuge at gunpoint,, and many more atrocities will be the legacy of Trump, I hope we can get him and his party outta there before it's too late to undo his damage!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks, I hope there can be delays and appeals. Enjoy your day!

eileeninmd said...

It is sad, Someone needs to speak up for the endangered or threatened animals. Thanks for the comment!

eileeninmd said...

I do not like the direction our country has taken, on all topics. Thanks for the comment!

21 Wits said...

No, it's not okay, and sadly for as long as this president (and honestly any greedy GOP) is in office we're headed for more disasters. Such a sad state of affairs in so many ways. As for your sightings here, always a joy to view your discoveries and I often learn new things all the time from you. Enjoy your weekend!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great variety of shorebirds. Have not seen and avocet in a couple of years. Agree with your concerns about the serious threat to endangered species. So many factors are working against all species-- worst timing for such a policy change. No accident though!

RedPat said...

It is so fun to see all of the shorebirds with their long legs! Thanks Eileen!

Debbie said...

i was able to find the 2 juvie clapper rails in the mud, it wasn't easy and it did take a few minutes!! i love the swans, they are just so pretty...we are lucky to have such a variety of shorebirds!!

i am going to read up on the endangered species act and become better informed!!

sorry i am so late to the party today, i forgot this morning and we have been in the pool since noon. when i am outside, i disconnect from all devices!! it was a great pool day today, really beautiful!! enjoy the rest of your weekend and many thanks for hosting us critter lovers!!!

Our photos said...

That's nice !

Michelle said...

These are some beautiful birds and you have captured them well!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful photography our feathered friends and their habitat ~ We need to take of Mother Nature now and always.

Oh I soooo agree with you about protecting nature ~ this administration is whacked!

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Linda said...

Several environmental organizations have said they will go to court to save the endangered species act. California and Massachusetts have said they plan to sue. I find it appalling that we have come to this. The fragility of the environment has become apparent, yet greedy men don't care how much they destroy in order to become richer and more powerful. They have sold their souls and don't care.

diane b said...

So many birds. I like those little ones, the Avocets. You are so right about protecting our animals and their habitats, When they go so will humans.

Little Wandering Wren said...

You're right it's not easy to tell your Long-billed but your Short billed Dowitchers, given they are all head down in the water! Except perhaps the short billed bob up with nothing in their beaks? lol
I am learning lots about the ESA here, you have a great platform here and live in a country with freedom of speech. Thank you for speaking out on this issue :)
Wren x

Ailime said...

Hello Eileen,
I also love the animal kingdom and your photos are beautiful!
I had loved all of them.
Have a good sunday and week.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I think avocets look and sound exotic. Beautiful to view them I'm sure.
It is hard to believe in light of what we know is happening in the world climate/nature wise that there would be any backtracking on legislation to protect the environment. Confounding!

Cloudia said...

You are so right, E!

Gunilla Teckenberg said...

Hi Eileen!

Naturen har inget värde hos en del som inte begriper annat än att det enda som betyder något är pengar, så sorgligt att detta händer vår fina planet. Vi måste prata om det mera, skriva om det så att människor förstår vad som händer, utbilda oss mera för att ta alla dessa jobbiga diskussioner.

Vi som älskar naturen måste ge den en röst!


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful shore bird variety, Eileen. A fellow birder just told me about an Avocet that was HERE in CT!!! (apparently passing through)...:)jp

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Hoping nothing is done to endanger any environment. I'm at a loss as to how so many do not see there is a problem in this world.Our lives are linked with all the world and it's creatures. ishing you well!

Anni said...

I've only seen the three kinds of rails in Texas once, each. They're cool! And a favorite of mine is the avocet. A great series Eileen. Thanks for sharing with us at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to see so many beautiful birds.
Happy weekend wishes and have a great new week.

All the best Jan

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Another full and fun series of photos! I always learn something when I come to your blog, Eileen. A few times I saw geese overhead. The signal of the change of seasons.

I also read about the changes coming to the Endangered Species Act. I'm bothered by it, because I feel we don't have an administration that cares about the environment, and preserving our natural treasures and species that need us to protect them.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I wish swans were native to FL

Jeanie said...

Don't even start me on the endangered species act. What is happening to our country.

And your birds are fabulous.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...