Monday, October 7, 2019

Our World, My World

Happy Monday,

It was an a busy and exciting weekend with my son's wedding and now we are dog-sitting the grand-dogs for a week. These are images from Oct 1st and 2nd. I saw at least 8 Monarch Butterflies in my yard, YAY finally. 

The Monarchs seem to love the butterfly bush. 

We took a walk on the local fire road on 10/2. The birds have a lot of different berries to, our Lantana is still blooming, there are a little fall colors around here and there. The ferns are seen all along the fire road. 

The Carolina Wrens are always seen around my yard.

Dark blue or purple berries, not sure of the id? Maybe Serviceberry?

A view looking down the fire road. 

Some nuts growing on a tree near the bamboo I found while on another day and walk. 

A different berries, these seem to be all around the forest. I am guessing maybe Viburnum?

I saw 3 Pileated Woodpeckers flying from tree to tree, I assume they were a family. 

Looking up, at the trees and sky!

A few photos from my son Brian and his bride Allie, the wedding was at the Wyndham Resort in Gettysburg PA.

Thanks for visiting and commenting, have a happy day and a great new week!

Please check out and visit the following memes and links. I hope to see you there. 

Thanks to Cath the host of Country Scapes

Thanks to Angie the host of  Mosaic Monday

Thanks to LadyFi  the host of Our World Tuesday!


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Congratulations to your son and to your new daughter-in-law. Maybe by this time next year you will be a grandmother!

Sandi said...


chica said...

A natureza é maravilhosa e bem mostrada em tuas fotos! Lindo o casamento do teu filho! Parabéns aos noivos! beijos, linda semana,chica

Tom said...

...your blue berries are Viburum dentatum, Arrowwood. Congratulations!

Natalia said...

Congratulations to the newlyweds, what a happy day and a beautiful couple! Wish them all the best! Your photos are stunning as always ☺

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for the plant id Tom!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Congratulations to you all! I have to say that the photos of the butterflies took my breath away!! They are just beautiful! WOW! Have a grand week!

italiafinlandia said...

Congatulations to the lovely wedding couple and to all the family all the best! It surely was an emotional ceremony!
The Monarchs are so pretty...and seeing so many must be such a treat!
Enjoy your dog-sitting week! ;)

eileeninmd said...

Thank you David! I am looking forward to becoming a grandmother sometime. Enjoy your day!

magnoliasntea said...

Thank you for including the wedding photos. I enjoyed getting a peek into your son's and daughter-in-law's special day.
Have a lovely week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you David!
Thank you Sandi!
Thank you Chica
Thank you Tom!
Thank you Natalia!
Thank you Cathy!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Toni! The wedding was lovely!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Luisella! I was happy to see the wedding went smoothly, everything was beautiful. Enjoy your day!

Jenn Jilks said...

Congrats on the wedding. Happy to see them happy!
I love your fire road,,, have a great week!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Jenn! I am happy to see them happy, it was a beautiful wedding. Enjoy your day!

Rose said...

So glad you are seeing some Monarchs...we are seeing a few along, but still nothing like last year. Or the year before. I hear a Carolina wren quite often, but don't see it often. They are my favorite bird...just makes me happy to hear them.

I need to look up those names for the berries...not because I doubt your ID, but just to see more about them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

waiting to see pics of the grandogs you are sitting. beautiful bride and dress.. have fun with the pups. butterflies are so pretty... soon we will be seeing snow. send cool air if you get any to spare

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindas as borboletas, gostei e aproveito para desejar uma boa semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
O prazer dos livros

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Rose!
Thanks Sandra!
Thank you Francisco!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
What a beautiful Monarch butterfly that is, I have never seen them.
Congratulations on your son's wedding.
I wish you a nice new week.
Best regards, Irma

Small City Scenes said...

Wow so many Monarchs. So wonderful. Fall brings out so many new things---foliage, nuts and berries.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love flutterbys

Powell River Books said...

We both took looking up pictures. Like minds I guess. We lucked out with our RV trip having rain only at night. Now that we are home the stronger storm has arrived. I do love sleeping in the RV listening to the rain patter on the roof. It's the same up at the cabin with the tin roof. Here in town it is sometimes hard to tell if it is raining or not unless you look out at the road. - Margy

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,

The Monarch are so beautiful! It looks like a fantastic wedding.
Happy new week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful wedding! I know you are so happy and they are too! Love your sweet birds and that big pileated! The butterflies sure are special to see too! Enjoy your week!

Hootin Anni said...

Congratulations to the newlyweds!! How wonderful. And, love your beautiful nature photos!

Bill said...

Congrats to the newly married couple, wishing them many years of happiness. Lovely photos especially the butterflies.
Have a wonderful day and new week.

RedPat said...

I haven't seen any Monarchs for a few days now so I think they have all left us! It has been a good year for them here.
I assume that is you in the pic with your son - your dress is gorgeous, Eileen!

HappyK said...

Those butterflies sure are beauties and the little wren is a cute little thing.
Glad all went well with the wedding. May the happy couple grow closer as the years go by.

Mikael Bergman said...

Very beautiful
I like the picture where they sit as they do in the painting on the wall

Marie Smith said...

Congrats to the newlyweds.

How great to have the butterflies stop by...

Michelle said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! I enjoyed seeing the wedding photos on Facebook. Just gorgeous!

William Kendall said...

Congratulations to your son and new daughter-in-law.

Louca por porcelana said...

Wonderful pictures!Such happiness,congratulations to all of you!Really a especial day!

DeniseinVA said...

First of all, congratulations on the wedding of your son. I wish him and his bride a very happy and long life together. The photos you shared of them are very heartwarming and her gown was gorgeous. I believe butterflies are symbols for new beginnings so the photos of them are a lovely start to your post. I enjoyed them all as always. Thank you Eileen and enjoy a great week.

Sondra said...

Best wishes for the newly weds, that is a fun photo of the men imitating the painting!! I love the Monarchs and the Pileated WP..have a great week!

Angie said...

Eileen - Brian and Allie look so happy - congratulations to all of you! I love the photo in which the groomsmen are imitating the picture behind them.

It seems only appropriate that the monarchs are visiting the butterfly bush. And in your backyard. YAY! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

ellen b. said...

So happy to hear the wedding went well. Beautiful bride and handsome groom. Enjoy your dog sitting!

rupam sarma said...

Congratulations to the newly weds. Best wishes.
Awesome butterflies.

Lady Fi said...

Congrats to your son! And how lovely to see butterflies at last!

Little Wandering Wren said...

A massive congratulations from here in Asia! I always love to see your Carolina Wren's in your posts Eileen!
Have a great week, you're probably exhausted!
Wren x

Debbie said...

i have seen only a few monarchs in my yard, but down by the beach, there were thousands. i am certain they have started to migrate!!

the fire road you walk on is really beautiful, it looks like the perfect place for a walk!! i see both carolina and house wrens year round (i'm pretty sure)!!

the wedding pictures are beautiful, congrats on gaining a daughter!!!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful Monarchs butterflies, and your son and Allie, happy wedding day.

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen! I just adore seeing photos from your lovely world. We truly do have a wondrous planet. I'm so happy for your new family member, it looks like a gorgeous wedding, beautiful bride, and handsome groom, and wishing them all the best for a lifetime of love!

Ailime said...

Hello Eileen,
So beautiful this butterflies.. I never have seen butterflies like these.
My congratulations for de wedding of your son.
I wish for him anda his wife the best hapiness.
Hugs and a good weeke

Jeanie said...

Your butterflies take my breath away. You must have one heck of a fast lens, too!

Linda W. said...

Beautiful monarchs! Thanks for sharing some of your son's wedding photos. Congrats to all!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many congratulations to the newlyweds, thank you for sharing the lovely wedding photographs.

So nice to see the butterflies, birds and plants too.
A lovely post Eileen.

Enjoy your week.

All the best Jan

Danielle L Zecher said...

I love all of the butterfly pictures! We planted a butterfly bush a couple of years ago. It's still pretty small, but I can't for it to grow and attract butterflies.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Are those almonds? I like thinking wild almonds grow somewhere. Your monarch photos are very vibrant and colorful. We have a purple butterfly bush that is feeding more butterflies, including monarchs,this year. I'm glad of that. Cheers, Eileen! :-)

carol l mckenna said...

I see more monarchs this year than any in other years ~ Love the wedding photo ~ Much happiness to them both ~ Gorgeous nature photography ~ a tad of autumn colors ~ love that little bird ~ ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

krishna said...

That's a very good news. Congratulations to your son and his bride.

Linda said...

Sweet wedding photos! Love the monarchs. Where are the grand dogs?

Jill Harrison said...

beautiful photos from your sons wedding. Thank you so much for sharing.
And the walk through the forest looks lovely. Enjoy the res of your week. And enjoy your dog sitting

Nas said...

Beautiful photos, loved them. Thanks for sharing!

Jeevan said...

Lovely capture on butterflies, berries and flowers and color changing in leaves look wonderful!! A pretty collage from your son's wedding and couple looks beautful and elegant. My greetings to them again :)

Laura. M said...

Felicidades familia y enhorabuena para los novios. Preciosas fotos Eileen.
Buen Miércoles.

R's Rue said...

Beautiful. Congratulations.

Vilt og vakkert said...

Hello! Glad to see your latest posts. Autumn is here and all our butterflies have gone to rest!
I send an invitation for Blogger's Sunday Walk to everyone who has joined some time ago. Participating has now become easier via InLinkz. The intention is the same: “to detach” bloggers from the computer screen for a while to use their legs, and then share the experiences of the trip. There will be an unpretentious photo assignment as well. Would have been really nice if you join us the last Sunday in October. I intend to have a post the Monday before to inform about BSW Fall 2019. Welcome, best regards Vilt og vakkert.

Here you can see the latest arrangement BSW Summer 2019:

betty-NZ said...

Fabulous butterflies! Congrats to the family :)

My Corner of the World

riitta k said...

The bridal pir looks so young and happy <3 Congratulation!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "A walk in nature walks the soul back home." "May the joy of simple thing...