Saturday, December 7, 2019

Saturday's Critters # 312

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

Happy Birthday Brian, today is my son's 27th birthday. Wow, 27 years have flown by. I wish him a happy life.

Below is a list of my yard birds and a few bird photos. I watched my yard birds for less than an hour on the afternoon of Nov 26th.  It was sunny and around 60°.  A warm day for the end of November.  

I have a Northern Cardinal couple visiting. They are here every day, all day long.  I think this guy should have a headache from banging on my windows off and on all day.

 The female Northern Cardinal is sitting in our Blueberry bush, this bush is protection for all the song birds.  I have a pond/bog nearby along and a wood/brush pile. There are plenty of trees/bushes and native berries in our yard. We are next to miles of forest and have the lake nearby.  The birds have plenty of protection in my yard and a nice habitat. We also have a little black tub pond, three bird baths, one bird bath is heated.

I have been seeing 4-5 Dark-eyed Juncos.  This is a male below, he is a dark slate color. The female looks a little brownish-gray to me. These birds are like the Mourning Doves eating seeds off the ground.  I do have a thistle feeder, 2 sunflower seed feeders and 2 suet feeders.

The House Sparrow is not a usual yard bird for me. I was surprised to see him at one of my bird houses.  The bird house was made by my son when he still lived at home, many years ago.  The bird house is four sided, like an apartment building. I have also recently seen the Chickadee and a Downy Woodpecker entering this bird house.  

Can you find the Carolina Wren? Did you know leaving a pile of leaves on the ground can help the critters? Caterpillars, moths and butterflies can be overwintering under the leaves. 

 The female Downy Woodpecker.  The female Downy  does not have the red spot on it's head.

I also see 4-5, maybe more of the Tufted Titmouse. 

 The Carolina Chickadee often just grabs a seed and leaves, it is hard trying to get a nice photo of the Chickadee. Below the Chickadee is at the feeder and the WB Nuthatch is waiting on the deck rail.

I usually see the White-throated Sparrow early in the morning or later in the afternoon.This sparrow is another bird that usually is seen eating the seed off the ground. 

Top row: White-breasted Nuthatch, Northern Cardinal. Second row: Tufted Titmouse and the House Sparrow. Third row; Dark-eyed Junco and some what hidden Carolina Wren. Bottom row, half hidden Pileated Woodpecker and the Downy Woodpecker. 

Later in the day I was able to catch the Blue Jays on the deck railing, the Red-bellied Woodpecker at the suet feeder and a couple of male House Finches at the sunflower seed feeder. 

My list of bird sightings on the afternoon of Nov 26th.  Some are in photos above or the mosaic. I was not able to get photos of the Mourning Doves, Ruby-crowned Kinglet and the Northern Mockingbird.

1. Northern Cardinal couple
2. Blue Jay, a few
3. Carolina Wren
4. Carolina Chickadee
5. Tufted Titmouse, 4-5
6. Mourning Dove, 2-3
7. Red-bellied Woodpecker, a couple
8. Pileated Woodpecker
9. Downy Woodpecker couple
10. House Sparrow
11. White-breasted Nuthatch, a couple
12. Northern Mockingbird
13. Dark-eyed Junco
14. Ruby-crowned Kinglet
15. White-throated Sparrow
16. House Finch, a couple

I appreciate and thank everyone who links up their post and for all the wonderful comments !

I am cutting back on sending reply emails, unless someone has a specific question. I will reply under the comment. Thanks Always!

Here is a list of my linky parties;

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Anni.


Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful birds! I like the Red-bellied Woodpecker, it looks very similar to yellow crowned woodpecker that I saw here in Bangalore last December.

Small City Scenes said...

You have so many beautiful birds to watch. What fun. I wish we had Cardinals out here. Our Juncos are a little different I think. Similar but not as much black. Have a nice weekend

Nancy J said...

A heated bird bath, what joy when they arrive to find water that is liquid.Beautiful photos, and all the details, wonderful to know which one is which.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

very nice bird photos, every single bird photo is so interesting to watch! I love these great bird species that are not with me!
Thank Anni
happy weekend

Nancy Chan said...

Thank God for His beautiful creatures Beautiful birds. Happy weekend.

Gunilla Teckenberg said...

Hello Eileen!

Du har sannerligen ett rikt fågelliv i din närhet även under vintern. Jag förstår att fågelmatningen lockar men hur mycket jag än matar så är det enbart fyra eller fem arter som rör sig här vid mitt fågelbord.
Den röda cardinalen är en särdeles vacker fågel, speciellt i vintertid när den röda färgen lyser så starkt.

Trevlig helg Eileen!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
What treats to watch!!! YAM xx

rupam sarma said...

Awesome birds pics.
Thanks for the beautiful post.
Happy Weekend.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Eileen, you have such a selection of birds coning to your feeders and your photos are great of them. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Marit said...


The Northern Cardinal is very beautiful, and the color is stricking. Wonderful photos!
Happy weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

so many beautiful birds in your garden. Yes, I see the wren. And the tufted titmouse is soo sweet.
When I visit the forest feeder outside town I see maybe 8 species and they are not even many individuals. The nutcracker is the most common and some of the tits. It is also hard to photograph in that place. Earlier there was three feeders in different locations, now there are only one :(

Lea said...

Wonderful selection of birds - great photos!
Thanks for hosting!
Have a blessed day!

Ella said...

Hello Eileen
This morning is a paradise on your blog ... beautiful!
Thanks for sharing and for hosting!
Have a nice day and a happy weekend! ☺

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Aside from the Tufted Titmouse and Carolina Wren, Eileen, our backyards have pretty much the same species.

Karen said...

I've witnessed cardinals banging into windows too repetively... I wonder is it their reflection they're attacking, thinking it's another male cardinal? The females don't do it.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Karen, yes they are fighting their reflection..The male can be very territorial, chasing away other males.. Thanks for the comment. Have a happy weekend!

ReHiTu said...

It is not possible to see them in Turkey. Thanks for sharing...

My Desktop Daily said...

That cardinal is really something, Eileen! Wonderful photos as always.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

PS: Thank you for hosting, Eileen!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Lindos e muito bem apanhados.
Um abraço, bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

Brian King said...

Your yard was quite busy! Lots of great birds!

Anonymous said...

All great photos, Eileen and all GREAT birds!!..:)jp

Louca por porcelana said...

Gorgeous birds!Happy Birthday to your son!

Marie Smith said...

You live in an area which is paradise, woods and critters. So many bird species! I am envious!

Tom said...

...Cardinals have to be my favorites! Thanks for hosting Eileen.

Jenn Jilks said...

You have such an array of 'winter' birds. They are lovely.

Jeanie said...

What a splendid photo of the cardinal! Would you mind if I saved it in my fave photo files -- it would be a very good and detailed model for a feltie bird or a painting because the eye is so clear. Most of mine, the eyes blur into the black part above the beak! Lots of wonderful finds here!

Debbie said...

you see a host of beautiful birds eileen. i see all of these too, except #8, i have never seen a pileated woodpecker in my yard! your pictures are awesome today, the male cardinal looks like he is right inside the house. and the juno, that's a great image, mine have not arrived yet!!

i am glad you are cutting back on comments/emails, you need to, you are so kind with all your replies...but that must take forever. we know you love us, we do!! spend more time enjoying the birds and your walks and that wonderful husband of yours!!

have a great weekend and many thanks for hosting!!!

Debbie said...

and how nice that you still have the birdhouse that your son made!!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday to your son! We have lots of Dec birthdays in our family too! Love that you have lots of feeders and water for your sweet yard birds! It sure is fun to watch them. Love the pretty Sparrow! I finally got to see an owl in the wild so I am happy to join in the fun today! Happy weekend!

Sondra said...

Hi Eileen, you and I have similar yard birds although I have never had a house sparrow in my yard. I also have not seen a white throated yet this season! With all the clear cutting around us, it may affect their migration. All your photos are great and hope you have a great Weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no wonder you have so many cute little birds, they have their own heated spa bird bath... Happy Birthday to your son Brian. the Carolina wren is perfect camouflaged.. and adorable. I love black and white, and the downy woodpecker is perfect for that color sceme

Red said...

This is the start of Eileen's bird book awesome photos and very informative information about the birds you see.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful macro shots of our feathered friends ~

Happy Moments to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

R's Rue said...


Phil Slade said...

Hi Eileen. You have definitely got a well sorted garden for all seasons. What with feeders, natural plants for food and hiding places it's no wonder so many species like to visit. Your garden is a wonderful example to everyone. Loved your photos and laughed at the Cardinal knocking for breakfast.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Great variety of backyard birds! So far I have never seen a House Sparrow in our yard or even in the wetland preserve adjacent to our subdivision. Only saw one House Finch out there and none in our yard over all these 15 years living here.

Bill said...

Beautiful photos of the beautiful birds.
Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen and thanks for hosting.

RedPat said...

I love the wee Titmouse, Eileen! I have never seen one.

HappyK said...

Gorgeous pictures of the birds. Favorite is the cardinal.
Happy Birthday to your son!!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many Happy Birthday Wishes to your son Brian.

What a wonderful variety of birds in your photographs, I have enjoyed seeing them, thank you.

All the best Jan

Our photos said...

I love the Northern Cardinal. Very nice!

Linda W. said...

Oh I love cardinals! Wish we had them in the Pacific NW. Nice photos of the downy woodpecker too.

Jeanna said...

So well organized, that is a great list to go with your lovely photos. It's the weirdest thing but when I moved in the tree in front of my balcony was lousy with finches but I can't remember the last time I saw one. I would have linked up earlier but making cookies since first things this morning and now I can't get the smell out of my clothes or skin, lol. Not the best thing for my diet.

diane b said...

What a beautiful collection of birds that visit you. I like the Chickadee.

Linda said...

Nice pictures! Congratulations to Brian.

Unknown said...

Some of your birds do not live in Finland, unfortunately for me... :)
Nice to see them in your shots. The Cardinal is awesome!
Have a nice Sunday!

Anni said...

I think I will move in with have such delightful birds, and such a wonderful variety!
I'm happy you decided to stop by I'd Rather B Birdin today and take time to share your link! Thanks.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Very nice pictures of all these wonderful birds. Very special to see all of them.
But the Northern Cardinal is really amazing with his fantastic colors.

Greetings, Marco

Kathie said...

Beautiful bird photos!

21 Wits said...

Hello Eileen, I can't believe it's the 8th of December, and I just finished decorating our tree yesterday. Most of my other decorations are up too, but holly cow it's moving way too quickly around here. I'm sharing just a few of my beloved critters and some other goodies. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Helma said...

Hello Eileen
really great that you have a pair of cardinals visiting. I think that really beautiful birds. I saw what birds you saw one day (November 26) and my mouth fell open in surprise. So many beautiful birds in one day ohhhhhhh ..... how cool to say!
Your photos are great to see.
Unfortunately I forgot to link again !!!!!
I wish you a very nice new week.
Greetings, Helma

Rose said...

You got such a bunch of great shots....I so miss watching my birds. But crazy me, I decided to try it again, but guess what? the startlings came and wiped it out. It is unreal how they do. And I don't mind feeding them some, they want to live, too.
I just hate when they get it all.

Jeevan said...

Living close by forest should be blissful to experience nature at closest! Seems it was a perfect time to bird watch in your yard and I enjoyed your birds. We miss house sparrows in our city that was plenty once.

Lois said...

I love all of your photos, but the closeup of the male cardinal is my favorite!

The Padre said...

They Are All So Lovely But That Red Cardinal Is Tops - Fantastic Photos


Jill Harrison said...

What a wonderful list of birds you have visiting your yard Eileen. It must feel sometimes like you are living in an aviary. We have a limited list here, though still get visitors as we are close to a small bush reserve. In the mornings small necter feeding birds come and feed on our kangaroo paws. Have a lovely week Eileen.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You have the most incredible backyard ... your sightings on that one day are like what people would see on a tour of nature park famous for birding. And wonderful pictures ... I am in awe. I am looking forward to getting out again soon ... and to posting some of the (way too few) birds we saw this summer.

roughterrain crane said...

I haven't seen the sparrow with yellow eyebrows. This is very beautiful.

William Kendall said...

Such pretty birds!

italiafinlandia said...

Hello Eileen and belated Birthday wishes to your beloved son!
Nice to see the critters in your backyard, as always.
Have a nice rest of week.

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

That cardinal is a stunner! I sure wish I had the opportunity to photograph them. I only seen them here once, and I'm quite certain they were off course.
Enjoy the rest of your week!

Laura. M said...

Gracias por compartilo eileen. Nunca he visto un cardenalen vivo, siempre en fotos. Por aquí no se ven.
Preciosas fotos.
Un abrazo.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "Leave the roads, take the trails." "Lose yourself in nature and find peac...