Thursday, May 14, 2020

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Happy Thursday! 

 We are thankful, safe and happy! Taking life one day at a time. We go out for our walks weather permitting, still keeping the social distance. So thankful for sunny warm days!!

On this day, we took our walk at the local park called Hashawha, I have blogged many times about our walks in this park. Spring is a good time to see the warblers and other birds that moved back in for the summer. 
The trail at Lake Hashawha.

 Various birds seen were the Wood thrush, Tree Swallows, Cardinals, Baltimore Orioles, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Carolina Wrens, Yellow Warbler and the Common Yellowthroat Warbler

 The male Common Yellowthroat Warbler is a common bird seen in this bird for the summer. We saw and heard a lot of them during our walk.

 The Baltimore Oriole is Maryland's state bird. I always enjoy seeing the Orioles. 

 The Yellow Warbler is a beautiful bird, the male is a bright yellow with reddish streaks on it's chest.

This is the juvenile Orchard Oriole, I love hearing the birds singing. 

The trail was getting muddy from all the rain we had the day before, we had to turn back near these Redbud trees. 

 The Wood Thrush has a beautiful song, it is a bird I can id just by it's song.

I am thankful for the simple pleasure of seeing and hearing the migrant or spring birds.

I am always thankful for your visits and the comments.

Live simple and be happy!  😊 Spread joy & happiness!

Thank you Michelle for hosting Thankful Thursday
Thank you to Yogi the host of   Skywatch Friday


italiafinlandia said...

The birds you are sharing today are particularly colourful...and so cute.
Enjoy your walks and happy Thursday!

At Home In New Zealand said...

It sounds like a great place to walk and to see lots of different birds. Song birds always fill my heart with happiness :)

chica said...

Um SHOW sempre aqui a cada nova publicação! Muito lindas! beijos, ótimo dia! beijos, chica

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Warblers have been hard to find here this spring, at least for me they have. Miriam and I were out yesterday afternoon in a spot where Yellow Warbler is virtually reliable, but not this year. The bird in your final picture is a Swainson's Thrush, Eileen, not a Wood Thrush. The spots on a Wood Thrush are very dark and prominent, and go right down under the belly. The spots are often vaguely heart-shaped and can be distinguished from each other. I understand that you are able to identify a Wood Thrush by its song, but that song didn't come from this bird!

Tom said...

...thanks Eileen, there's still a lot to be thankful for!

eileeninmd said...

Hello David, that is weird I was practically standing under this bird while it was singing. I could have sworn it was the Wood Thrush. We watched it move around and sing for some time. The Swainson;'s is a migrant so it could be possible. Thanks for the comment. Wishing you a happy day!

Marit said...


Beautiful birds! The Yellow Warbler is so lovely. The color is so special.
Enjoy your day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As one who has seen neither, I looked them up. Based on the image you provide, Eileen, I'd probably say that was a wood thrush also; based on this excellent comparison page (use the arrows at top right to flick through). YAM xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Swainson's Thrush also has a very pleasing musical song, Eileen, with at least a passing similarity to a Wood Thrush. Great sighting either way. Yesterday we saw both Swainson's Thrush and Hermit Thrush on the trail behind our house.

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
What beautiful photos and collages.
So many species we never see here, the yellow warbler is really great
Best regards Irma

R's Rue said...

Thankful you continue to share your journeys with us.

Joyful said...

I love the scenery and the wooden "lookouts" reminded me of the bird sanctuary in my neck of the woods. The variety of birds in your collage is just outstanding for me, a non-birder who appreciates birds. Enjoy your weekend Eileen. xx

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for sharing your walk and these beautiful birds. Now I have heard many a thrush, but never knew there were 2 so closely identified...will ask the next one I meet which one he is!

Rose said...

Oh, wow, got some great captures of the beautiful got to go listen to the Wood Thrush.

RedPat said...

What a lovely assortment of birds that you saw! Stay well!

ellen b. said...

Good morning Eileen. Spring is such a great time to enjoy birds of so many varieties. What great photos you got of all these different birds. Love seeing them.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

today i have been thinking how thankful I am for all my blogger friends. this stay at home would have been unbearable with all of you.. reading and commenting and emailing has kept me sane.

Meditations in Motion said...

What a beautiful place to go birding! Hubby and I went birding in the woods yesterday. We saw a Canada warbler, black-throated blue, wood thrush, veery, ovenbird, and a dozen scarlet tanangers.

Hootin Anni said...

The only birds I can ID from their song is the mockingbird, cardinal, meadowlark, & quail. Some others it's just a guessing game - maybe 80-90% right. Love the beautiful trail on such a sunny day!

Bill said...

Thanks for sharing your walk Eileen and all the birds you saw. Beautiful photos!
Have a lovely day and stay safe.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Lovely pictures!
I saw a Baltimore Oriole the other day for the first time.
What a wonder they are!

carol l mckenna said...

Oh so lovely ~ gorgeous nature photos ~ especially love the feathered friends ones ~ ^_^

Be Well, Be safe,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Yam and David for the id help and link. Enjoy your day!

Michelle said...

Your bird photos are beautiful. I like watching birds at our feeders. Had a pileated woodpecker show up the other day. What a giant. Thanks for linking up.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That yellow warbler really stands out! What beautiful birds you saw on your hike. We've had a good week too. Today....not as many! lol Love seeing what you see when you hike! Take care!

Red said...

That wa a great outing for birds.

Nancy J said...

Love the walk to the muddy patch, and those feather colours, a real boost right now to see so many birds along the way, safe and full of sound.

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Oh my!! Your photos are so very vivid now that I have my new lenses. They are just beautiful! Thank you and have a wonderful day!


Bob Bushell said...

Fabulous series of birds, my favourite is the Yellow Warbler, so beautiful.

HappyK said...

Such a nice walk and so many beautiful birds. Great photos as usual.

DeniseinVA said...

You always see a lot of interesting birds on your walk, all beautiful! Thank you Eileen and enjoy the rest of the week :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Both the trail and the birds at Lake Hashawha are lovely.
Great photographs.

All the best Jan

Sondra said...

A really Good Thursday post, Your photos are great! I enjoyed seeing the Wood Thrush, I heard 4 a couple days ago not one showed himself!! Have a great weekend..

Marie Smith said...

So many beautiful birds singing their hearts out by the look of it,

Phil Slade said...

That's a lovely trail Eileen.And your list of birds is very impressive. The Yellow Warbler is especially beautiful with those fine red streaks. The Wood Thrush too is rather nice with all those spots. Shame about your rain. Over here we are having one of the driest ever springs.

Stevenson Q said...

Magical sky you have given us Eileen! No wonder why these cute winged friends of ours look so happy :)

Jim said...

Great sky.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Another great walk!! I love all the birds you found.

Laura. M said...

Que suerte ver esa gran variedad de pájaros. Por aquí solo gorriones, urracas, palomas y mucho estornino.
Te deseo un buen fin de semana.
Un abrazo.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Looks like a beautiful spot for a walk and a very productive outing. Have a nice weekend, stay safe and healthy!

Karen said...

Another lovely walk! I enjoy seeing all the birds.

Jeevan said...

Wow! You caught gorgeous birds from your walk and glad you able to take walks safely there. The yellow warbler and oriole are eye-treating.
Have a nice weekend and take care

Small City Scenes said...

Wow such a lot od birds. So colorful this time of year. Love the baby Oriole

DeniseinVA said...

Lots of lovely birds here and a beautiful area to walk. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a great weekend :)

Minerva said...

I just love your bird photos. And especially the Orioles!

betty-NZ said...

Wow! What a great variety of fantastic friends and skies!

Feel free to share at My Corner of the World!

William Kendall said...

As far as I know, orioles don't appear here.

Jeanie said...

Oh Eileen, what an array! It's truly a rainbow of birds. You do see the best ones. I don't know what kind of seed you use or what you're putting in it but I bow down in awe! Happy weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

the Baltimore Oriole is one of the most beautiful birds I know. If I make a search in my files I will probably have an image of it.
Take care and stay safe Eileen. :)

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