Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday's Critters # 395 & 12th Blog Anniversary

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! 

July 13th is officially my 12th blog anniversary, I am a little early. I am sharing some of my favorites birds seen over the last 12 years. Some were seen in my back yard and others were seen during our travels to various places.  I hope you enjoy.  Thank you for being a blog follower and for all your past visits and comments over the years.  

Click on images for larger detailed views of the mosaics!!

1.   2009..I am sharing my Spark Bird, the Eastern Bluebird.  I was lucky to see the Bluebirds nesting in one of my birdhouses. The juveniles would visit the feeders for some meal worms. 

2.   2010.. Bombay Hook NWR has always been my favorite wildlife refuge to visit. It is a great place to see the birds, below we saw lots of Egrets.  

3.   2011.. I am sharing various birds with a yellow theme. Top left is the Prothonotary Warbler, top right is the Hooded Warbler.

Bottom left is the eastern Meadowlark and bottom right is a White-eyed Vireo.

4.   2012...Hubby and I visited Curacao for our anniversary. It was fun traveling around the island looking for birds, enjoying the beaches and scenery. Below are the Black-faced Grassquit, Bare-eyed Pigeon, Yellow Warbler, Magnificent Frigatebird.

Middle row are the Ground Dove, Troupial Oriole, Bananaquit, Saffron Finch. 

Bottom Row are the Crested Caracara, Brown Pelican, Rufous-collared Sparrow and another Oriole and the Caribbean Flamingo. 

5.   2013..September I saw a beautiful variety of Warblers in my yard. The birds loved the Pokeberries and the Devil's Walking Stick berries.. 

Top row are images of the Cape May Warbler

Second row: Black-throated Green Warbler

Third row: Chestnut-sided Warbler three different photos  and the last one in the row is a Nashville Warbler

Bottom row: Black-throated Blue Warbler and  Northern Parula

6.   2014..included various trips where I saw the American Bittern in Chincoteague Island Virginia, Susquehanna River to see the Eagles, a Sora at the Viera Wetland in Florida, Black Skimmers in Ocean City Md, 

A cool sighting of Dusky Grouse in the Rocky MTN NP in Colorado, A cute House Finch dad with young in my yard, A Little Blue Heron in North Point State Park Maryland, Yellow-crowned Night Heron on nest at Jones Falls Baltimore.

Scarlet Tanager at Prettyboy Reservoir, Virginia Rail at Aberdeen Md, a Violet Sabrewing in Belize and last but not least a Snowy Owl at Edwin Forsythe NWR New Jersey. 

7.   2015.. Black Bellied Whistling Duck seen in Florida, the Prothonotary Warbler seen at Susquehanna River SP in Maryland, Sooty Grouse on the road to Hurricane Ridge Washington State, Varied Thrush seen near Mount Rainier NP Washington State.

Looking in my window a Screech Owl, a Summer Tanager in the back yard, Cape May Warblers in the back yard, a Belted Kingfisher seen at Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware.

American Oystercatcher seen at Chincoteague Island, Great Egret on nest at York Pa, a Tricolored Heron seen at North Point SP in Maryland, a Mottled Little Blue Heron seen at North Point SP in Maryland.  

8.   2016 was a fun year. I have lots of my favorite birds to share a different bird for each month of the year. We moved for a short time to Florida from Oct 2016 to March 2017. While we were in Florida, we visited so many parks and beaches. It was a like a 5 month vacation.  The top two rows are birds seen in my neighborhood or in a Maryland park, the last row of birds are from Delaware and Florida. 

Top row: Bald Eagle couple, Red-tailed Hawk, Barred Owl, Red-headed Woodpecker.

Middle row: Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Great Blue Heron, Scarlet Tanager and a Little Blue Heron.

Bottom row: Egret at Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware, Black-bellied Whistling ducks in Florida neighborhood, Reddish Egret @ Merritt Island NWR and the Roseate Spoonbill. 

9.   2017...I have a variety of birds seen during this year on on my blog. I have so many favorite birds, I guess it is best to say my favorite bird is the one I am seeing at that moment.  It is hard to pick just 12 photos for the year,. These birds are from Circle B Preserve in Florida, Lakeland Florida, my neighborhood, backyard and from a visit to Sunset Beach North Carolina.

Top Row: Green Heron @ Circle B Florida, Wood Storks @ Circle B, Painted Bunting @ Circle B and Great Horned Owl nest Lakeland Florida.

Middle Row: Monk Paraketts @ Florida, Great Blue Heron @Prettyboy Md, Ovenbird @ Prettyboy Md,  Belted Kingfisher @ Bombay Hook NWR in Delaware.

Bottom row: female Ruby-throated Hummingbird backyard, Northern Flicker @ Prettyboy, Black Skimmers @ Sunset Beach North Carolina, Tufted Titmouse backyard.

10.  2018...more of my favorite yard birds are seen. 
Top row: in my yard are the female Northern Cardinal, Eastern Bluebirds, Pine warbler and a Fox Sparrow. 

Second Row, American Bittern seen in a Maryland State Park, Summer Tanager off the fire road, Osprey nest at Piney Point Lighthouse Md, Brown Pelican at sunset at Point Lookout State Park, Md. 

Bottom Row are the Black-throated Blue warbler in my yard, Brown Creeper off the fire road, Screech Owl in my front yard, Pine Siskins at my feeder.

11.  2019...On this mosaic I am including my favorite birds seen during the year and some critters like the Assateague pony and the Black Bear. 

Top row: Snow Bunting, North Pt State Park Md, Assateague Pony, Purple Finches on my deck and Blue Jay on the deck railing.

Middle Row in my yard two Pileated Woodpeckers, Little Blue Heron at North PY State Park Md, Black & White Warbler with a female American Redstart at Shenandoah NP and A Yellow-billed Cuckoo seen off the fire road.

Bottom row is the Northern Fulmar seen in Iceland, Cooper's Hawk on deck railing, Black Bear seen in Shenandoah and in the yard a Cardinal couple.

12.  2020..What a year! The Covid-19 Pandemic curtailed our travels and activities with lots of social distancing. But, we managed to visit a few places before the lockdown. Most of the places were outdoor and nature related and easy to social distance. 

Top row: an Anhinga seen in Hilton Head SC, a Dark-eyed Junco on my deck railing, Pine Warbler on the deck, An American Goldfinch on the deck.

Middle row: Great-crested Flycatcher seen off the fire road, Scarlet Tanager seen in Shenandoah NP, Osprey on nest seen at Blackwater NWR MD, Common Yellowthroat Warbler seen at the NCR bike trail. 

Bottom row: Red-breasted Nuthatch seen at Hashawha Carroll Co Md, Black-throated Blue Warbler in back yard, Common Mergansers seen at Loch Raven Reservoir in Md and at my feeder a Tufted Titmouse with female Purple Finches. 

As you can see birdwatching was one of my favorite hobbies, I loved watching the birds in my yard, neighborhood and during all our travels over the years. 

"Birdwatching is your lifetime ticket to the theatre of nature."

I am also linking up to Anni's blog party found here I'd Rather B Birding   Anni always has some beautiful birds to be seen on her blog, check it out!

Here is my linky:

YOU are all # 1.

Thanks to all my visitors and for your comments now and over the past 12 years.  Stop back to see any replies to your comments.


  1. The mosaics of birds and animals are just beautiful. There are so many birds that I have never seen!
    Happy Blog Anniversary and have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Thank you Angie!
      There are many more birds I have never seen myself.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. Wow Eileen!! You are a true birder. What an amazing variety of birds of all colors.

    Thank you for being so diligent.
    Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you MB!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  3. Thank you for sharing so many of your favourite critters over the years with us. it was a terrific work to make all the collages Eileen. Isn't nature wonderful! Thanks fo hosting, saty safe and have a wonde3rful weekend and week ahead.

    1. Thank you Margaret!
      Nature is wonderful!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  4. Hello Eileen,

    Your blog have shown me so many beautiful birds and other animals over the years! They are all very pretty. Happy Blog Anniversary, and Happy Weekend!

    1. Thank you Marit!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  5. So many variety of birds and they are all so pretty. You hikes are very fruitful and interesting. Nice mosaics. Happy Saturday and great weekend.

    1. Thank you Nancy!
      Hubby and I do enjoy our walks with nature.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  6. Hi Eileen,
    What a great collages of your travels you have made.
    You really saw a lot of different birds.
    I enjoyed your blog.
    Would you mind posting my link, I can't.
    I wish you a nice weekend.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Thank you Irma!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  7. I remember lots of these birds and places the first time you showed them! We've been friends for a long time ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thank you Cloudia!
      I am happy to have found you and your blog.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  8. Beutiful mosaics of all those lovely birds. Happy 12th blog anniversary, Eileen. Have a great day and weekend!

    1. Thank you Bill!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  9. Hello Eileen,
    thanks for sharing your birding memories. Congratulations for your long-term blogging. Birdwatching is relaxing and interesting as a hobby.
    I wish you as many years' happy blogging and as many great captures in the future!
    All the best!
    Let's keep up the good job!

    1. Thank you Luisella!
      I do enjoy the hobby of birdwatching.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  10. Dearest Eileen, all the best to your "Blogiversary"! It was wonderful to accompany you through all your blog years - and I believe you that it was not easy for you to find a selection for your mosaics. Wonderful bird sightings - and also bear and pony made me very happy! With me you get to see cats, alpacas and ponies, among other critters & things :-)
    Have a nice weekend!
    XOX Traude

    1. Thank you Traude!
      I am glad to be one of your blog followers, I enjoyed your critters this week and every week!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  11. PS: I started blogging in July 2009 too! (7/30/2009) :-D

    1. These years have flown by!
      I am happy to have found your blog.

  12. Preciosos y variados collages. Gracias por compartirlos.
    Buen fin de semana Eileen. Cuidaros
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thank you Laura!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  13. The birds look so happy to be out and about.

    1. Thank you Amalia!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  14. How wonderful and Congrats to 12 years.
    This is obvious the best part with blogging. Quite easy so see what we did the past years. So many great memories pops up. You have a great number of fine birds and wildlife. And travels to remember.
    Thanks for sharing and see you a few more years to come.
    Take care! And have a great week.

    1. Thank you Monica!
      I have enjoyed your blog and wildlife photos over the years too.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  15. ...congratulation on this wonderful milestone, your passion certainly shows. Thanks for hosting an I hope that you are enjoying a beautiful summer weekend.

    1. Thank you Tom!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  16. Muitos parabéns pelo blog e venham mais 12 anos de excelentes publicações.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

    1. Thank you so much for your visits and comments!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  17. Heartiest Congratulations for 12th blog anniversary in advance. Keep blogging.
    Awesome post and pics.
    Stay well.

    1. Thank you Rupam!
      Yes, I hope you keep blogging too.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  18. Muito lindos teus pássaros,como sempre assim compartilhas! E PARABÉNS pelos 12 anos desse lindo e tão bem recheadoe colorido blog! Que festejemos muitos anos mais! beijos, chica

    1. Thank you Chica!
      I am happy to be one of your blog followers.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  19. And just think how many more are out there waiting for you, Eileen. Travel is becoming easier too.

    1. Thank you David!
      I would like to think there are many more birds out there waiting for me to see.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  20. Congrats to 12 years!
    As usual great and interesting photos.
    I love the mosaic.

    1. Thank you for your comment and visit!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  21. Such a feast for the eyes. Congratulations on completing 12 years. I realized that I was not following you, clicked the follow button today.

    1. Thank you for the comment and becoming a blog follower.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  22. oh i can look at them for hours ,for days !

    you have a gift of deep love for nature specially birds dear Eileen Thank you so much for sharing this love with us ,i absolutely Love your photos ,brilliantly taken always!
    more blessings to you and loved one!

    1. Thank you for all your nice comments Baili!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  23. Hari OM
    Felicitations for fantastic, fabulous offerings over those years and here's to many more!!! YAM xx

    1. Thank you YAM!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  24. You have photographed a wide variety of birds over the years. Happy blogging anniversary!

    1. Thank you Linda!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  25. Such a feast for the eyes! Love the egret reflection shots. This post is bird watcher’s paradise. Gotta love the other animal shots too. Happy anniversary. You have spent lots of time enjoying nature! Lucky woman.

    1. Thank you Marie!
      I do enjoy nature!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  26. Congratulations, Eileen! Your sightings have been amazing! Thanks for hosting us.

    1. Thank you Jenn!
      I appreciate you participating with my critter parties over the years.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  27. Wonderful show! I enjoyed traveling through the years with you. Best wishes for many more years of blogging and enjoying nature.

    1. Thank you Ken!
      I will always enjoy nature!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  28. Here's wishing you a happy anniversary Eileen. I think you and I have been blog pals for all of those years and it's always a pleasure and an education to see your pictures and to read your commentary from your travels and/or your deck & yard. Thank you for sharing your work with me and with all of your followers because as I know, blogging so regularly is a large commitment and far from easy. Take it easy this weekend.

    1. Thank you Phil!
      I am glad to have you as a blog pal, your bird posts are always a treat.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  29. Happy blogversary! Lovely collages of your beautiful captures!

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  30. What an amazing collection of photos, Eileen! It's fantastic that you have been able to record these bird sightings and learn much about the wildlife you have encountered.

    1. Thank you Nick!
      Learning about nature is so much fun!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  31. Wow, what an impressive collection Eileen! A very happy blog anniversary to you my friend, have a fantastic weekend. :)

    1. Thank you Martha!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  32. PS: Congratulations on the blog anniversary, Eileen! May you celebrate a great many more!

    1. Thank you again Nick!
      I hope to blog for a long time.
      Have a happy new week!

  33. You know how much I love yellow birds and in all these years you have many of them and they are all so beautiful and my eyes went right to the bear and the horse haha in amongst all those birds

    1. Thank you Sandra!
      I am always excited to see a bear in the wild.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  34. What a fantastic array of birds you have recorded! You two have a knack for the sightings and then capturing gorgeous photos of these little (and big) creatures we all love.

    1. Thank you Jocelyn!
      I do love all the creatures!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  35. Hi Eileen, what a great 12 years of blogging. I enjoy seeing all the birds you share, and the places too. ALL wonderfully photographed...Im so jelly over the snow bunting and snowy owl! Hope you have a great weekend. TC

    1. Thank you Sondra!
      Those are two of my favorites to see too.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  36. I'm really glad you like capturing photos of these birds...and spent the time doing so over the years. This post was a trip down memory lane. I remember when I first saw blue birds in my yard. They are all so cheerful. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Barbara!
      Yes, my blog is my memory keeper.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  37. Wow Eileen!! Firstly happy blogoversary! Look at all of those lovely critters...great photography and you have so many precious memories. Of all the photos, I think my favourites are the Screech Own and the Roseate Spoonbill!! Thanks so much for sharing!! :) (Btw eek at the bear in your yard!!!)

    1. Thank you Rain!
      I was shocked to see the Screech Owl looking into my window, it has been by a few times over the years.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  38. So this will be known as Eileen's bird book. Great photos and survey of birds you have seen.

    1. Thank you Red!
      I hope to see many more birds in the coming years.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  39. Hi Eileen, happy 12th blog anniversairy. Beautiful serie photos of the last 12 years. I love the bear too. We have only bears in the zoo. Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Caroline!
      It is exciting to see a bear in the wild, they are one of my favorite critters.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  40. What a great way to celebrate your blog anniversary!
    Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you Lea!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  41. Hi Eileen, Happy Saturday and congratulations on 12 great years of blogging. Wow, I love the way you put this 12th Anniversary post together! I started my blog a couple of years after you, in 2011, and I can honestly say, your blog is one of the best I’ve found in all of my experience with the blogosphere. This is so neat the way you went year by year putting together some of your favorite pics into the collages. You clearly spent some serious time on this and the results are great! :-) I enjoyed the collages and the descriptions are icing on the cake. Thanks for this great post and best regards to you from the Pacific Northwest! John

    1. Thank you John!
      Your comments are always so nice and very appreciated. I have come across so many talented bird photographers and bloggers, their photos are amazing. I enjoy seeing your scenic mountain, water views and hummingbird photos. I am glad to have found your blog. Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  42. Don't the years go by quickly! I always enjoy your posts and this one is a real winner! Congrats on the blog birthday, Eileen!

    1. Thank you RedPat!
      Yes, the years have gone by too quickly.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  43. Congratulations, Eileen, for 12 years of the Blog!
    I love birds and you have chosen wonderful collections for the past 12 years!
    I wish you will continue to mix us with more beautiful birds like these!
    Hugs and have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Ailime!
      Take care, enjoy your weekend!

  44. wow! Such a beautiful variety of feathered friends photos ~ Congrats on 12 years of blogging! Xo

    Dancing while I can,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  45. The Bluebirds are special, I would love is to see one. All the rest in collages, beautiful Eileen.

    1. Thank you Bob!
      Happy Sunday, wishing you a happy new week!

  46. Congratulations on your blogoversery. You have made a bunch of great posts over the years. Here's to at least 13 more years.

    1. Thank you Alan!
      I appreciate the comment and link!
      Have a happy new week!

  47. I am amazed. You sure have taken pics of some beautiful birds over the years. Congratulations on 12 years! Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you Betty!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  48. Congratulations on your anniversary! Sounds like it was a very fun time. This post is a bird bonanza. It must have been hard work to piece it all together the way you've done. Thanks for sharing your birding world. :))

    1. Thank you for the comment and for linking up!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  49. Replies
    1. Thank you William!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  50. So very many photos of the birds you've seen over the years. I've learned the names of so many birds following your blog!!

    1. Thank you Karen!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  51. Wow Eileen, what amazing pictures it must be fabulous to see those birds in person.

    Hugs diane

    1. Thank you Diane!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  52. WOw! You are an amazing birder.

    Love the fabulous collages.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you Veronica Lee!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  53. Great shots! Congratulations on your blog anniversary.

    1. Thank you Linda!
      Have a great day and a happy new week!

  54. What a treasure of feathered beauties. So many, I don't know where to begin...I will just say I love it ALL!!

    Have a great week ahead and thanks for taking time to link in at IRBB so we can visit!

    1. Thank you Anni!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  55. Congrats on completing 12 years in blogging!!
    Amazing post tracing back your travel in blog and bird watching experience from the backyard to various travels. It's absolutely a treat to watch different type of birds in one place "Viewing nature with Eileen", is a leaning experience of birds to me. Have a great week ahead and keep up the blogging. All the best!

    1. Thank you Jeevan!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  56. What a wonderful walk down memory lane..Happy Anniversary !!

    1. Thank you Missy!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  57. Dear Eileen. Happy Blogaverssary. I think I have had the privilege of knowning you for about two thirds of that time. Thanks for hosting this meme. I have linked my post to you. Have a great week. Jo

    1. Thank you Jo!
      I am happy to have found you and your blog.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  58. You always have the most gorgeous photo's! Pretty birds! :)

    It's taking me a while to catch back up.


    1. Thank you Sally!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  59. Felicidades por tantos años mostrando tantas bellezas de aves y demás. Me ha encantado ver esas aves tan bonitas. Besos.

    1. Thank you Teresa!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  60. Gosh that is so funny I too started my original blog right here in 2009! Wow, and I know I've commented on your Critter blog longer than I've posted to it because so many folks I blogged with also posted to your Saturday's Critters! It's been fun and I hope we'll all carry on for more years to come! Take care.

    1. Hello Karen
      Thank you for all your past comments and visits!
      I am happy to have found your blog, I hope your continue to blog too.
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  61. Happy Blogaverssary, Eileen! This post and all your others is why so many like me love your blog! Your photos are always the best, and I have learned to love birds even more and ID them because of you. Congrats on this milestone and onto the next 12 years my blogging friend! ❤

    1. Thank you Kim!
      Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  62. There are fantastic captures in the mosaics. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful week.

    Happy MosaicMonday

    1. Thank you Heidrun!
      Have a happy day and a great week ahead!

  63. Happy 12th bloggy anniversary to you! Such a wonderful collection of birds you've seen over the years. Amazing!

    1. Thank you Ellen!
      Have a happy day and a great week ahead.

  64. Very impressed with your collection of birds and other animals. Thanks for sharing them and have a great week :)

    1. Thank you Denise!
      Have a happy day and a great week ahead.

  65. Your passion certainly shows in all your collections, Eileen. You are good at it which is even more rewarding for you and us!!

    1. Thank you JP!
      Have a happy day and a great week ahead.

  66. Happy 12th Anniversary, It was fun to take a trip down memory lane with you via your birds. What an impressive collection and travel series. Here's to you spotting a wren again soon!
    Have a great week
    Wren x

    1. Thank you Wren!
      Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead..

  67. Happy Anniversary! Great shots.

    1. Thank you for all your past visits and comments.
      Have a great day and week ahead.

  68. WoW!!! amazing, amazing bird images!! all of the images/years were my favorite BUT 2010 with all of the egrets was a standout. the egrets in the trees and the white rose of sharon were so beautiful!! funny to pick that year over the eastern meadowlark and the white-eyed vireo, and all of the other colorful birds, but the egrets really stood out to me!!!!

    thanks for all the comments you have been leaving for me, i really appreciate it!! and happy anniversary!!

    1. Thank you Debbie! I always appreciate your visits and comments. I am so happy you are feeling better and are home now.
      I do love seeing these big groups of Egrets, they must have been ready to head south. Take care, enjoy your day!

  69. Thank you for these beautiful mosaics of all the birds, just lovely to see.
    Happy 12th blog anniversary.

    All the best Jan


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...