Saturday, October 9, 2021

Saturday's Critters # 408

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

On Sept 19-21, 2021 hubby and I visited Chincoteague Island, the National Wildlife Refuge and National Seashore in Virginia. I love seeing the wild ponies. It is a great place to see migrating birds, shorebirds and waders, geese and ducks. 

Click on photos for larger viewing.

1. These are images from our first day Sept 19th.

On the top row are the Laughing Gull, Chincoteague wild ponies.

Second row: juvenile Little Blue Herons, Snowy Egret with Great Egret, Cattle Egret, adult Little Blue Heron.

Bottom row: Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Bald Eagle, sunset and full moon rising.

2. The Cattle Egret showing it breeding colors on it's crown and back. 

3. The Chincoteague ponies, some egrets were seen on the ground and on the backs of the ponies. 

4. Adult Little Blue Heron with a few first year Little Blue Herons are actually white in color showing a two toned bill.

5. I am guessing at these 3 birds, 2 were larger in size which I believe are the Greater Yellowlegs and the smaller bird in front is the Lesser Yellowlegs.

6. The Great Egret is obvious with it's long yellow bill and dark legs and feet. 

7. Snowy Egret with the taller Great Egret. 

8. A pair of Bald Eagles perched high in the trees.

9. A closer look at one of the Bald Eagles. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, my photos and our visit to Chincoteague Island NWR. 

I am also linking up to Anni's blog party found here I'd Rather B Birding   Anni always has some beautiful birds to be seen on her blog, check it out!

Here is my linky:

YOU are all # 1.

Thanks to all my visitors and for your comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves critters and has linked up their critter post.


Mae Travels said...

Your egrets are just beautiful, Thank you for hosting Saturday Critters!

best... mae at

Cloudia said...

I always look forward to our time together Eileen!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

This is another lovely place to visit with lots to see. Love all those horses, and all the different Egrets especially love the shot of the Cattle Egret in breeding plumage. Thanks for hosting take care and have a good week ahead,

Nancy Chan said...

Cute Cattle Egret with its fluffy crown. Beautiful ponies and birds. Enjoy your weekend.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen, How lovely all your photos are, and the light on the little Egret makes a wonderful picture. Your sunset view and the ponies in the distance are stunning images, and I like the Snowy Egret and large Egret standing together in the water. These outdoor images are all wonderful. I miss getting out and travelling to places like this, where you can see Bald eagles, and many other water birds, however it's a pleasure to see them here. Thank you for hosting Eileen.

Irma said...

Hi Eileen,
What beautiful photos and collage.
I especially like the full moon and the sunset.
Also the Bald Eagle is great.
Would you mind posting my link I can't do that myself, there are some birds in my photos, but I would like to show the photos anyway.
I wish you a nice weekend.
Greetings Irma

rupam sarma said...

Hello, Hope you are doing well. Loved the post and photos.
Greetings from India

Marit said...

Hello Eileen,
The Cattle Egret is so beautiful, and the Snowy Egret too. I like these big birds.
Take care, and have a great day! Happy weekend!

Angie's Recipes said...

They are so beautiful! And I love sunset and full moon rising shots too. Thank your for sharing them, Eileen.

chica said...

Que bela visita a essa ilha e refúgio natural.
Muito lindas tuas fotos, como sempe!Adorei ver!
beijos, lindo fim de semana,chica

biebkriebels said...

You have made such beautiful photo's, thanks for hosting every week.

Bill said...

Love the Egrets and the moon shot is absolutely beautiful. Have a great day and weekend. Thanks for hosting.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Mae! The Egrets are beautiful birds!
Have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Cloudia, thank you for the comment and visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Margaret, thank you for the comment! I did enjoy seeing the Cattle Egret.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Nancy!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sonjia!
It is a great place to see a variety of birds. The Egrets are one of my favorites.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Irma! I linked your post and I appreciate your comment.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marit! The Egrets are beautiful birds.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Angie!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Chica!
Have a great weekend!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Snowy Egrets continue to make forays into Ontario each summer. It is an uncommonly handsome bird in breeding plumage.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marianne!
I appreciate the link and comment!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bill! The Egret are lovely birds to see!
Have a great weekend!

Tom said...

...the Egrets are the winners for me. Thanks Eileen for hosting, enjoy your weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, David
I thought the Cattle Egrets are beautiful in their breeding colors too.
Thank you for the comment, enjoy your weekend!

Jenn Jilks said...

I love all the critters, but the wild horses are amazing. I've never seen one.
Thanks for hosting. I hope you have a great weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Tom!
The Egrets are my favorite too.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Jenn! I do love the ponies, they are beautiful.
Have a great weekend!

NatureFootstep said...

loved to see the ponies and the birds. Favorite this week is the Yellowlegs. Beautiful ones. :)
Take care.

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful the wading Birds, and the wild horses, serene Eileen.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

As usual, a lovely selection of critters, Eileen! The egrets are magnificent!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Monica!
We had a great getaway seeing lots of beautiful birds.
Have a happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Bob!
Take care, enjoy your weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Nick!
Have a great weekend!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Magnificas estas fotografias.
Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You got to see so much and I know you were thrilled to see the Eagles. The ponies are the highlight for me though. What beautiful animals...just amazing! Happy weekend!

Phil Slade said...

You have so many lovely places to visit Eileen. And there's always lots of birds. Love those horses, and the different Egrets and herons, especially the Cattle Egret in breeding plumage. Thanks for allowing me to link up today. And enjoy your week ahead.

Barbara Rogers said...

Such beautiful critters...and a wonderful place to see them. I've read about Chincoteague since I was a girl...and of course seen some videos.

William Kendall said...

Quite a diverse group of animals.

Rain said...

Hi Eileen!! :) Lovely photos, but especially the Cattle Egret! Nice hairdo on that bird, a great photo!! :)

Villrose said...

The different egrets are so fascinating.

Marie Smith said...

The cattle egret is a beauty. Love its touch of yellow feathers. The ponies would be fascinating to observe. I’d love to see the little herons. That was a wonderful trip.

Betty J. Crow said...

You sure found a variety of critters. I'm hoping to see the eagles soon. There is a nest down one of my favorite rambling roads. Hopefully they will come back this year. I've been trying to get a cattle egret pic for a while, but so far no luck. I've seen them far off in the pastures, but never close enough to get a pic. Happy Saturday!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Diane! Yes, it is always a treat to see the Eagles.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Phil! The Cattle Egret is one of my favorites, it does look beautiful in it's breeding colors.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Barbara! Chincoteague is such a fun place to visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you William!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Rain! The Cattle Egret is a beauty!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Marie!
The Cattle Egret was a great bird to see!
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Betty!
We have a few Eagle's nest in our area, they will be fun to watch this winter.
Have a great weekend!

Jeevan said...

Excellent capture on the birds, and interesting to note that blue heroes are pretty white as younger! The ponies got vast grasslands for grazing. Have a nice weekend

Debbie said...

late september is the perfect time to get out and take a trip like this. you sure did see a variety of birds, all of these i really enjoy seeing. but for me, the eagles always steal the show, they are amazing to see!!

i rarely see cattle egret and how cool it is to see the egrets with the ponies. all of nature, living and playing in harmony!!

again this week, i cannot link in and i cannot see anyone who has. if it is not too much trouble, could you link me in?? thanks so much eileen...and many thanks for hosting!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want to see those ponies, and I love the shot of the cattle egret with the wild hair sitting in the golden light

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jeevan,
Thank you for the comment and visit.
Have a great weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Debbie! Yes, it is a good time to see the birds, a lot of migrating now.
The Cattle Egrets are a treat to see.
Have a great weekend!

Ellie_In_Moz said...

Dear Eileen, I love the ponies and the different egrets and LOVE your moon shot. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this meme. I have linked up my post. Have a great weekend. Jo

Mbul Kecil said...

bald eagles in a beautiful twig...

i also love the beautiful cattle egrets... i've never seen before...thanks for sharing your amazing photography

Lea said...

Great photos!
I especially like the photo of the Snowy Egret and the Great Egret together.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Rostrose said...

Dear Eileen,
I really enjoyed your visit to Chincoteague Island. So nice to see the ponies and all the wonderful birds. Oh, and what a beautiful full moon!
All the best and a very happy October-weekend

Black Knight said...

A beautiful moon shot among the pictures of fantastic critters.
I think I'll never see an eagle here.
Love the ponies, my grandsons often go to play with them.

Marco Luijken said...

Hello Eileen,
Nice pictures of all these birds. Wonderful.
And so special to see that eagle. So amazing.

Greetings, Marco

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
A delight, every one of these images!!! YAM xx

Penelope Notes said...

Wonderful seeing the ponies and interesting to realize not only humans ride these creatures but birds too.

Angie said...

Eileen - we visited Chincoteague when the kids were in middle school, and I was pretty engrossed in work. Birds were not even on my radar screen back then! Would love to return for the bird-watching, as evidenced by your photos! Fabulous!

RedPat said...

Seeing wild ponies is thrilling! Great shots as usual from you, Eileen!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

Nice size and comparisons of field marks between the white herons and egret species.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful nature photos ~ herons are awesome and love the wild ponies of course ~ Xo

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

italiafinlandia said...

What a great collection of critters! Love the egrets,the ponies and the eagles. You surely had a great time there. Thanks for sharing. Happy Sunday! Take care!

Our photos said...

Very nice. I love the moon-photo !

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Eileen
Don't these Saturdays come round quickly! I do hope you've had a good week.
I enjoyed seeing your photographs, such a lovely selection.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and my good wishes for the new week ahead.

All the best Jan

HappyK said...

Lots of wonderful critter photos. Love the first collage!!

Sondra said...

I always enjoy seeing the ponies when you visit them the foal on the right side looookkkkkssss so sweet.
The birds are great, Good comparison of the Gr and Le yellowlegs.
Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

That Cattle Egret makes me smile! Thanks Eileen for sharing your great knowledge of birds!

Linda said...

I wonder if I go back, will I see a bald eagle?

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sandra!
I have loved these ponies all my life.
The Egrets are beautiful.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jo!
I appreciate the link and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Lea!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Traude, for the link and comment!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

The Eagles are a treat to see.
Thank you for the visit and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Marco,
Thank you for the visit and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you YAM!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the link and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Angie!
Chincoteague is a great place to see the ponies and the birds.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you RedPat!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ken!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Carol!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Luisella!
We always enjoy our visits to Chincoteague.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the visit and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Jan!
The days and weeks do go by quickly.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Karen!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Sondra! The foals grow so quickly, they are sweet.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ellen!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Linda!
The eagles nest in the winter months can be seen from the wildlife drive.
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Hi Eileen!!! Beautiful and varied images... Well-done... Have a nice day and week ahead...

Anni said...

Eileen, you always have such terrific travels & wonderful images to show us. Today I especially like the eagle in the distance & the orange crowned cattle egret!!
Thanks for joining us at IRBB this weekend.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ana!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Um abraço e bom Domingo.

Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Anni!
Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks so much, I appreciate your comments.
Have a happy new week!

Królowa Karo said...

What beautiful photos!

Inger said...

I absolutely love this post. It's so educational, so pleasant to look at. And I never noticed that the Great Egret had those dark legs.

DeniseinVA said...

Fun to look at your latest photos Eileen. Thank you! Happy Sunday and enjoy your week.

EricaSta said...

Thank you for hosting. I enjoyed reading.

...but I couldn't linking my Post there. I don't know why.

Therefore here

Happy MosaicMonday

eileeninmd said...

Thank you for the comment and visit!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Inger!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Denise!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Heidrun,
Thank you for the comment and visit!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

21 Wits said...

Hello Eileen, what a gorgeous day out and about your captures are beautiful as they enjoy their day. Take care and enjoy your week ahead and I'm hoping we can keep this lovely weather a bit longer too.

eileeninmd said...

Thanks Karen!
I hope we keep the good weather and mild temps through the winter.
Have a great evening and a happy new week!

Ela said...

I love all these critters but a bird with a disheveled white hair is my favorite!
Always nice to visit your blog dear friend !
Take care !

Soma @ said...

So many wonderful photos, I always learn something new from your posts! I didn't know about Cattle Egret, beautiful.
Have a great week!


eileeninmd said...

Thank you Ela! The Cattle Egret is a beauty!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy new week!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Soma! The Cattle Egret was great to see, a beautiful bird.
Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

stardust said...

Hello! In addition to the lovely critters, the sunset and the full moon are fantastic. Have a nice week.


Veronica Lee said...

Love the glorious photos and collage, Eileen.

The Cattle Egret is my favourite.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Yoko,
Thank you for visiting and for the comment.
Have a great day!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Veronica!
The Cattle Egret is my favorite too.
Have a great week ahead.

Laura. M said...

Preciosos todas. Pero me quedo con la maravillosa puesta de sol.
Buen jueves Eileen.
Un abrazo.

Teresa said...

Siempre nos traes bonitas fotografías. Besos.

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Laura, for the visit and comment.
Take care, enjoy your day! Happy weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Thank you Teresa!
Take care, enjoy your day! Have a Happy weekend!

bread&salt said...

Moon Shot looks great! I love egrets (snowy egret and great egret) very much.

Angie said...

Eileen - I don't think I have ever seen a Cattle Egret looking so fuzzy - thanks for including the explanation about breeding plumage! I also liked the picture with the Snowy Egret and Great Egret in the same photo - it made me think of an older brother looking out for his younger sibling! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...