Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday's Critters # 515

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!

Hello and happy Saturday!

Wishing everyone a Happy Halloween!  πŸŽƒπŸ˜±πŸ‘»πŸŽƒ

 If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about them and take critter photos this is where you can share your critter post. Link up your post and share your critters, join in with my critter party ! You can share any kind of critters the real ones, pretend ones, statues and paintings, a new or old post!

May 15th, I almost forgot I did not share the last two days of our trip to Ireland. On this day we visited the Cahir Castle, the Rock of Cashel and drove on to our next stop in the town of Kilkenny. 

1.   Cahir Castle, located in the Tipperary County of Ireland. It is in the Cahir town center and sits on a rocky island in the River Suir. The castle dates back to the 13th century. When Lord Cahir died the castle became the property of the Irish state and named a national monument. 

2. Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail and the Cahir Geese that hang out on the River Suir next to the Cahir Castle walls. 

3. A gaggle of Domestic Geese have become famous in the town of Cahir, seen on and around the Castle grounds. 

4.  Rock of Cashel located in Cashel, Tipperary County Ireland. It is a complex of buildings dated from 12th and 13 centuries. 

5. Views of the countryside surrounding the Rock of Cashel, herds of cattle near the Hore Abbey, Pigeons and I believe the last two images on the right below are of a Raven. 

6.  Hore Abbey is seen from the Rock of Cashel complex. The former Benedictine Abbey was given to the Cistercians in 1270. Now known as the ruins of a Cistercian Monastery.  A herd of cattle are seen on the grounds around the Abbey in the photo below. 

7.  The River Nore and the Kilkenny Castle. 

8. The River Nore runs next to the Kilkenny Castle. There was a nice trail next to the river we saw lots of Pigeons, Mallard Ducks, Grey Heron and a female Blackbird. 

9. Below on the shore of the River Nore are the Pigeons, Hooded Crows and Mallard Ducks. 

Edit: Thanks to Margaret, the birds below are Jackdaws and not the Hooded Crows. 

10.  On the morning of May 16th, we had time to take a early walk along the River Nore and a walk on the ground of the Kilkenny Castle. In my mosaic below are views of the Kilkenny Castle walls next to the river, castle and park land, cute doggie, Eurasian Blackbird, Eurasian Wren, Eurasian Robin and a female Blackbird. 

11. The view of the Kilkenny Castle, we did not have time for a castle tour but we did walk around the grounds outside.  

12. From our walk on the castle grounds and river trail I did find a few birds, below is the Eurasian Robin.

13.  Also on the trail we found the cute Eurasian Wren.  

I hope you enjoyed these Ireland trip photos. Happy memories of our trip and travels. 

Thank you for sharing your critters and post!

Thanks to all my visitors and for your past and present comments. Stop back to see any replies to your comments. I appreciate everyone who loves and respects wildlife. Thank you for linking up a critter post.

Here is my linky:

I am linking up to Heidrun's Mosaic Monday  I hope you can stop by and visit Heidrun and check out the Mosaic Monday post.


  1. Beautiful birds, and wonderful scenes.

    1. Thank you William, for your comment!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Ireland is such a wonderful place -- I loved seeing the very early monasteries and castles when we were there. The Rock of Cashel is really amazing: such an icon of Irish imagery.
    Thanks for hosting Saturday Critters.
    best, mae at

    1. Thank you Mae, for your critter link and your comment.
      Hubby and I really enjoyed all the sights we saw in Ireland, it is a beautiful country.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Wow! Thanks for bringing us along Eileen. Aloha!

    1. Thank you Cloudia, for your critter link and your comment!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Impressive castle and beautiful critters!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you for your critter link and your comment!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  5. So blue, clear and beautiful! We love Eurasian robins!

    1. Thank you Angie, for your comment and your visit. The Robin is a cutie.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Lovely to see all the different birds you saw while visiting Ireland In image 9 those birds are not Hooded Crows but Jackdaws. Thanks for hosting, commenting and I hope you have a lovely week ahead Eileen.

    1. Thank you Margaret, for your critter link and your comment.
      I appreciate the correction of the Jackdaws on my Hooded Crow id.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Hello Eileen,
    Beautiful photos and collages.
    That is a beautiful castle.
    The robin is my favorite.
    I wish you a very good weekend.
    Greetings Irma

    1. Thank you Irma, for your critter link and your comment.
      I loved seeing the castles and the robin is adorable.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  8. A Irlanda deve ser mesmo linda e o castelo belΓ­ssimo, como todas as tuas fotos!
    Lindos mosaicos! Feliz Haloween! beijos praianos, chica

    1. Thank you Chica, for your comment and your visit.
      Happy Halloween to you!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Hari OM
    Fabulous new blog banner... and who can fail to be enchanted with all these wonderful Irish memories?!! YAM xx

    1. Thank you YAM, for your critter link and your comment.
      Our Ireland trip was wonderful.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I think in this post architecture clearly took over! And the raven , hi buddy!
    Beautiful pics of nature, architecture and critters, thank you for another trip to Ireland! Have a happy weekend and Halloween!

    1. Thank you Iris, for your critter link and your comment.
      I enjoyed seeing your Raven too.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Hello Eileen,
    I love to see your beautiful photos from Ireland. It's a country who has so many interesting historical sites, and the nature is so great. The little Red Robin comes to my garden too during the winter.
    Take care, and enjoy your weekend! Happy Halloween! πŸŽƒ

    1. Thank you Marit, for your comment and your visit.
      I enjoyed seeing the historical sites in Ireland and the nature.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Good morning Eileen :=)
    You saw so much on your visit to Ireland, and I enjoyed seeing today's mosaic's of the Cahir Castle, Kilkenny Castle, and the Abby. I love the widow with the stone seats on both sides, and the stone fireplace. It's remarkable that the ancient buildings of Cashel are still standing, and the green fields of the countryside views around the Abby are lovely. It must have been so pleasant to walk along the riverside photographing the birds. Your capture of the Robin and Wren are my favourites but they are all to be admired, especially the Grey Wagtail that I see so few times. Thank you for sharing your post and also for hosting Eileen.
    Have a great weekend
    All the best

    1. Thank you Sonjia, for your critter link and your nice comment.
      Hubby and I enjoyed seeing all these historical sites in Ireland, the birds were a bonus too.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  13. The Kilkenny castle looks magnificent. So are the nature shots.

    1. Thank you Roentare, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Great photos and descriptions from your Ireland trip! Wonderful views and critter sightings!

    1. Thank you Shiju, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  15. Whenever I am in Europe, wagtails are among the birds I most look forward to seeing, and it always leaves me wishing they occurred here. They really are quite wonderful.

    1. Thank you David, for your critter link and your comment.
      I will be visiting soon as I figure out this warning. The Wagtails were a treat to see, I loved all the Ireland birds.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Beautifu birds and lovely scenes. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Bill, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  17. ...all of the birds add to the beauty of the area. Thanks for taking me along on the tour. Be well.

    1. Thank you Tom, for your critter link and your comment.
      The birds do add beauty to these tours.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  18. Wonderful shots, Eileen! Thank you for hosting an Happy Halloween!

    1. Thank you Nick, for your critter link and your comment.
      Happy Halloween to you!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Not a lot of critters here, but there's a cat and some gullls! I love seeing your photos of Ireland -- and that Eurasian robin is a dear!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, for your critter link and your comment.
      Your cat photo was cute!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Replies
    1. Thank you for your comment and your visit.
      I am getting a warning while trying to visit your blog, hope to have it fixed soon.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  21. Such beautiful countryside and critters.

    A family friend years ago had his family roots at Kilkenny. He had his homestead atop a hill in Newfoundland named after it. These photos brought back lovely memories of that family. Thank you, Eileen.

    1. Thank you Marie, for your comment and your visit.
      Kilkenny was a lovely city to visit, I am glad it brought back memories for you too.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.


  22. Dear Eileen, I was really happy to see a few more Ireland travel photos from you. Funnily enough, there are also photos of the Rock of Cashel in my current blog post. At that time, however, I concentrated more on the old walls and the gravestones and high crosses and not on the birds there. There are many places that we visited in Ireland, too, but we weren't in Cahir Castle - thanks for showing, I got to know something new. You show lots of beautiful pictures and animals. And I'm particularly happy to see the great photo of the adorable robin.
    All the best, cozy autumn days, Happy Halloween and a good start to November, Traude

    1. Thank you Traude, for your critter link and your comment.
      I saw you have Glendalough in your current post, I will be sharing my visit there on my last Ireland post coming up soon.
      I enjoyed the gravestone and the crosses were lovely.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Critters and castles! A wonderful tour! Thanks for hosting.

    1. Thank you Jenn, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  24. Oh my, the Irish historic castles, and more modern rivers and favorite was the Eurasian Robin!

    1. Thank you Barbara, for your comment and your visit.
      I really loved seeing the Eurasian Robin, it is so cute.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  25. This was a great tour for you and made me regret I never went to Ireland when I was so close. So much history, such pretty landscapes, and a few sweet birds. Thanks for sharing your memories.

    1. Thank you Inger, I appreciate your visit and comment. Ireland was on my bucket list for so long, I was thrilled to take this trip. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Hi Eileen. Your trip to Ireland produced lots of varied pictures. The Grey Wagtail is in nice full breeding plumage for your photo. And who doesn't love a castle? Thanks for the link today, and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thank you Phil, for your critter link and your comment.
      I enjoyed seeing the cute Grey Wagtail and the castles, a great trip!
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  27. Wow! ~ Great photos of Ireland ~ so professional looking too ~ Happy Weekend to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thank you Carol, for your critter link and your kind comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  28. Great photos!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Lea, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  29. my favorite is the view looking down on the abbey. so beautiful and i love the windows in the cubby with the benches. I did note sitting on the bench one could not see out the window. we have a different view of comfort since they built this magnificent castle

    1. Thank you Sandra! I loved the view of the abbey too, beautiful countryside. I appreciate the comment and visit.
      Take care, happy weekend to you!

  30. Hi Eileen, Coincidentally, one of my neighbors just returned home from a 10-day trip to Ireland. He is an old guy, like myself, who has done quite a bit of traveling around the globe. He said Ireland is one of the most beautiful, interesting places he has ever visited. I love the photos you shared and admire the way you create your collages. Your photos confirm one thing my neighbor told me, the fields in Ireland are the greenest green he has ever seen. You and my neighbor have just about convinced me that I need to put Ireland on the list of places I hope to see in the short time I have left. 😊 Thank you for sharing all your photos and for hosting another Saturday’s Critters. Happy Saturday and week ahead to you! John PS I especially love image #12, the Eurasian Robin!

    1. Thank you John, I appreciate your visit and comment. Ireland has been on my bucket list for years, I was thrilled to be able to take this trip. It is a beautiful country, so many lovely views and historical sites to see. If you get the chance to go, I would highly recommend a trip to Ireland. Have a great weekend.

  31. I take pride in knowing my waterfowl, so when I read Cahir Geese, I stopped reading and immediately Googled them. The #1 result was your blog! After reading a few other results, I returned to your blog to find that had I continued reading, I would have seen that you described them!

    1. Thank you for the comment and visit! That is funny, that my blog was coming up 1st on Google. Maybe because you had already pulled up my blog post. The people who love in Cahir, really love those domestic geese. Have a wonderful weekend.

  32. ireland...the one place i really long to visit!! i knew the countryside was pretty but did not know until you visited, how many beautiful birds there are...i think that robin is my favorite. the castle is gorgeous as is that river!! i am so glad you were able to capture so many images and share them with us!! have a great weekend, and many thanks for hosting!!

    1. Thank you Debbie! Ireland has been one of my favorite trips. I loved the birds and castles too. Take care, enjoy this nice weekend.

  33. Hello, Hope you are doing well and sound.
    Amazing place, Cahir Castle, Rock of Cashel looks great. Beautiful birds photos.
    Thanks a lot for hosting. Greetings.
    Happy Halloween

    1. Thank you for your critter link and your comment.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  34. You really got a lot out of your trip to Ireland. I love that you know all the birds you saw and that you so many of them.

    It is amazing how deep their history is. Ruins dating back 1265!! Here in Oklahoma history is pretty sparse before 1850 or so.

    Thank you so much for hosting!!

    1. Thank you Alan, for your critter link and your comment.
      We did see and do a lot in Ireland, the ruins were a cool sight to see.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  35. Love the Eurasian Wren and all the photos of critters you saw in Ireland. The castles and ruins are so amazing. We just saw a small slice of Ireland. It was fun to scroll through these photos today.

    1. Thank you Ellen, for your comment and your visit.
      Ireland was my favorite trip.
      Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  36. I've enjoyed all your shots from Ireland, Eileen. And it is good that you got to see so many different birds.

    1. Thank you RedPat! We really enjoyed our trip to Ireland. Have a great weekend.

  37. My favorite is number 6. Love the old ruins and the cows!

    1. Thank you Karen! I love the Abbey ruins with the cows. It is a pretty scene! Have a great weekend.

  38. Fantastic trip around Ireland Eileen. The trip is Tipperary, beautiful.

    1. Thank you Bob, welcome back! I appreciate the link and comment. Take care, have a great weekend!

  39. You have documented your Ireland visit with so many enchanting scenes, and quite a few bird species I cannot hope to see in the wild.

    1. Thank you Ken, for your critter link and your comment.
      Take good care of your self!
      Have a happy day and a great new week!

  40. Beautiful views of the castle - great angles and snaps! I also love the Grey Wagtail - love the Grey v. Yellow colors. Thanks for hosting. Have a Happy Weekend!

    1. Thank you for your critter link and your comment.
      The Wagtails are pretty birds, I was happy to be able to see them in Ireland.
      Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

  41. Great post! Hore Abbey looks mysterious and interesting. Thank you for hosting.

    1. Thank you Linda, for your critter link and your comment.
      The Abbey ruins are a beautiful site.
      Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

  42. These ancient castles hold remarkable intrigue and mystery.

    1. Thank you Maria! The castles and the ruins are a beautiful sight to see. Take care, have a great new week!

  43. Precioso vuestro viaje. Me ha gustado ver las fotos. Buen Halloween Eileen. Por aqui hay mΓ‘s tradiciΓ³n de asar las castaΓ±as y comer dulces.
    Mucha lluvia seguimos teniendo.
    Buen domingo.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thank you Laura, for your comment and your visit.
      Happy Halloween!
      Take care, have a wonderful week!

  44. Hello Eileen
    Many thanks for sharing these photographs from your trip to Ireland
    Lovely to see the birds, my favourite is the Robin ...
    However, I also thought that photograph of Hore Abbey with the cows nearby was lovely.

    I do hope you've enjoyed your weekend, have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, for your comment and your visit.
      I really loved seeing the Eurasian Robin, it is so cute.
      Take care, have a wonderful week!

  45. You know my heart just soars when you include your Wren spotting in your posts, and to think it was a Euroasian Wren from your wonderful Ireland trip, makes me smile even more! Happy Halloween Eileen!
    Wren x

    1. Thank you Wren, for your comment and your visit.
      I loved seeing the cute Wren too.
      Take care, have a wonderful week!

  46. Domestic Geese look so pretty....
    Happy Halloween....

    1. Thank you Tanza! I appreciate the link and your comment. Have a great week!

  47. Hello Eileen, you certainly saw some incredible sights on your trip and thank you so much for sharing them today. I enjoyed all the wildlife photos also. It is always interesting to see different birds in other parts of the globe. My favorite birds are the robin and the wren. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Denise! I really loved the Robin and the cute Wren. Have a wonderful week!

  48. First of all I loved the quote (I think it was in the post below or above this about never being too old for dream (or, I hope, to accomplish at least some of them). Second, I love seeing your travels -- Ireland is so green and beautiful and I love how you see birds everywhere! We've been choosing the wrong places for that. (One of my dreams is to do better LOL)....Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Sallie! Ireland was my dream trip, a trip that has been on my bucket list for a long time. Take care, have a great week!

  49. I enjoyed seeing the diverse range of birds you encountered during your trip to Ireland.
    I especially love the Robin.

    Hugs and blessings, Eileen

    1. Thank you Veronica, for the visit and comment. The Robin was one of my favorites too. Take care, enjoy your day!

  50. Good Evening, dear Eileen. Now holiday, All Soul`s Day, is over here in Germany. And I read first here the quote of Peter Pan. There are marvellous word, I agree. By the way ... I take some wings, each week with reading / seeing the different blogs, like your fantastic viewing in nature!

    Thank you so much being part at

    Many hugs by Heidrun

    PS: Sorry for the failing translator. Some adequate comments writing in English is a dare for me, because me vocabulary is to small. Therefore I couldn`t write my whole post in english.

    1. Thank you Heidrun! I enjoy the Mosaic Monday party. I had no problems with my translator for your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the rest of the week.

  51. Your last two days in Ireland seemed very enjoyable by all the lovely photos.

    1. Thank you Yvonne. I have one more day to share, this was the next to last day. I am sorry I did not make it clear.
      Take care, have a great day!

  52. Me gustan todas tus fotografΓ­as de Irlanda, un paΓ­s que me encantarΓ­a conocer. Abrazos y feliz dΓ­a.

    1. Thank you Teresa! I loved Ireland, it is a place I have always wanted to visit! Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  53. beautiful views and lovely birds...
    Have a great day

    1. Thank you for your link and comment. Thank you! Happy weekend to you! πŸ™‚

  54. Hello Eileen, I had lost this post of yours because I had an upsetting week, last week.
    I enjoyed now browsing your memories of Ireland and the beautiful shots.
    Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Luisella, I appreciate your comments and visits. I hope all is well now. Have a great day!

  55. EstΓ‘ uma verdadeira maravilha esta reportagem fotogrΓ‘fica da Irlanda... do Castelo... da Abadia... e do ambiente natural que enquadra todas as paisagens irlandesas, que tanto me deslumbram!
    Grata por mais uma partilha super especial! Beijinhos

    1. Thank you Ana! I did enjoy this Ireland tour, the abbey and the castles are amazing sights to see. Have a great day!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that ...