Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday weekend

Hello, I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

 I was lucky to have off work on Black Friday not to go shopping but, hubby and I headed for overnight trip to Ocean City Maryland. The weather was gorgeous, a little cold but not too bad. We walked on the boardwalk and the beach, we looked for birds and we ate. Thrasher's Fries and Crab Cakes are two of our favorite Ocean City foods.

The Brants were hanging around Ocean City's inlet.

 Sometimes the Brants would take off out of the water, fly in a circle and land back in almost the same spot.

We did not have to fight off any of the Black Friday crowds here. They inlet parking lot was almost empty except for the gulls.

As if we did not have enough to eat for Thanksgiving dinner, Thrashers Ocean City fries were open and delicious.

A walk on the beach with the Sanderlings is always fun. They look so cute running around on the beach.

I thought this horse and buggy ride was cute, we still prefer walking.

A nice walk on the beach will help to work off the Thanksgiving Day dinner.

One of the many gulls we saw while walking on the beach and boardwalk.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and Thanksgiving holiday. For those of you who fought the crowds at the stores on Black Friday I hope you were able to catch some great bargains.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


  1. lovely scenes. looks like you travel there at a perfect time ... no crowds. smart. ( :

  2. Great photos and my idea of the best way to "spend" on a Black Friday!

    We went for some walks too . . . it is Brrrr in Western Michigan . . .

  3. Well done on resisting that shopping and going for a birdy walk instead Eileen. It was a much cheaper and healthier option even allowing for the fries, LOL. Ggood to see your Sanderling too - snap. That's a nice looking Ring-billed too. Have a great week ahead

  4. lovely photos, the sanderlings are so cute! The gull in the last photo looks very handsome against that vivid blue sky!

  5. Brilliant Eileen, my fave are the Sanderlings, they are beautiful. Nice shots.

  6. Looks like you had a great time on the beach by yourselves. The Sanderlings are so cute and the shot of the birds in flight is great. Hope you had a nice break.

  7. Nice trip, it sure beats getting caught in the crowds. I don't think I ever seen photos of OC so baren of people.

  8. I hope OC wasn't damaged to bad by Sandy .....
    Lovely images - especially LOVE the gull portrait :)

  9. How nice to have the place all to yourselves. Such pretty pictures.

    No shopping here, either. I started putting up Christmas decorations--had the stereo blasting out tunes and even managed to stuff more pie in-HA!

  10. what beautiful beaches!! i don't see much damage from super storm sandy!!

    gorgeous blues and pretty shore birds!!

  11. I love those Sanderlings, so brilliant how they rest standing on one leg! ;)

  12. All the Sanderlings are found missing one leg.

  13. sounds like a good use of that day! the brants are neat!

  14. I hate shopping so this is the perfect way to spend a day - in my opinion.

    Lovely blue skies and birds!

  15. It was the best work off! You had a wonderful day and beautiful pictures.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a great week ahead!

  16. PERFECT place to go to escape Black Friday madness... I would never EVER participate in shopping on Black Friday--never have/never will. I hate crowds and I hate shopping. SO???? I'd be out birding also... (However, this year we were exploring Fall Creek Falls with some family.)


  17. I would love to visit! Wonderful captures Eileen.

  18. That looks like a lovely quiet beach - just the way I like them :))
    The weather does look wonderful too - must have been a lovely day out :)

  19. What a wonderful thing to do on Black Friday, certainly beats the retail madness! Happy Thanksgiving.

  20. Lovely scenes Eileen!Great pictures!So pretty birds!I hope you're feeling better now!Thanks for sharing !!

  21. Beautiful pictures from your trip. Love the gulls.

  22. Weekend getaways are always the most fun! Looks like you had some nice sunny weather...which helps when it's cold! Beautiful mosaic with lots of blues, whites and touches of red!

  23. You and I had a similar time, from your photos. I love your beach and surf shots - I could smell that Atlantic air.

  24. Brants, Sanderlings.....very cool birds:) I'm with you on the walking vs horse buggy. Glad you had off on Friday. I like how you both go to fun places on the weekend. We do that over here but it seems like you can go to ocean, river, or trail within a stones throw:) I like how you put the mosaics together. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  25. Hi Eileen
    Sounds like a good alternative to fighting crowds for things you probably don't need.
    A long walk on the beach would be welcome, especially after a big meal.

  26. Ocean City looks like a fun place, especially on black Friday! I'm not one for fighting either! Inlets are fun places to check out birds, too! You never know what might show up!

  27. I'll take a walk on the beach over shopping with crowds anyway! ;-) Beautiful images!

  28. Beautiful looks as if you had the place nearly to yourselves. Perfect! ☺

  29. It doesn't look like much storm damage there? Lovely pictures! Have a great week!

  30. Gorgeous photos, Eilleen! It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday weekend. Ocean City was very lucky not to have any damage from Hurricane Sandy!

  31. I was like you, no shopping on Black Friday either, was at the beach as well :) beautiful photos, Eileen.

  32. Those Sanderlings look so cute and cuddly standing there on the beach.

    I love crab cakes, too, and would happily have joined you. Sounds like you had a fun getaway.

  33. Sanderling are great birds - we try to catch up for banding when they are down are way - they always remind me of wind up clock-work toys (which rather dates me I assume!)

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  34. These are beautiful photos of the beach and birds. I wish I could have been here instead of having to shop for a new computer.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  35. Dá vontade de estar nesse lugar.LINDO!! beijos,ótima semana!chica

  36. Lovely photos as usual! Love to see the beach and all the birds. Have a nice week.

  37. the beach is wonderful in any weather. I particularly like it in the wind on a winters day. It blows and cobwebs and the cares away for at least a little while.
    Have a wonderful week.

  38. What a perfect way to celebrate Black Friday! Much more fun than shopping - at least I think so.

  39. Eileen! morning! I am a sucker for Crab cakes. They were divinely inspired, I swear.

    Thanks for your words re my grandson's turkey hat. I thought it was great fun!

    Glad you had a nice trip away from the stores, instead of in the stores. I love to shop online these days. Keep the Black Fridays for the 30 somethings that can handle it.

  40. A lovely selection of photos Eileen and it looked like a very nice place to visit. I loved the photo of the Sanderlings and it was so nice to see some sunshine especially as much of the UK is flooded at the moment!

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cooking for fifteen sounded very taxing!

  41. the birds, the shore, no kind of black friday!!
    LOVE all your beautiful pictures eileen!!

  42. Seems like you picked a perfect day for a visit at Ocean City.
    You go some terrific pictures!!!

  43. Ah, a fun place to visit. Love the little Sanderlings!

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. Beaches are special kinds of places. Very nice selection of photos.

  46. Wonderful photography of an exquisite place ~ ( A Creative Harbor) on Blogger ^_^

  47. Looks like a great day and definitely better than shopping on Black Friday Weekend! The gull is so beautiful! Love your captures for the day as always!! Have a great week, Eileen!

  48. Thank you once again for this wonderful world of yours. Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  49. Excellent collage and lovely bird captures.

  50. What a beautiful day to be out and you took some wonderful shots.

  51. such a lovely spot to go for a walk. those Sanderlings look gorgeous.

  52. It sounds like a very good week-end. The beaches are beautiful and of course the Sanderlings are great.

  53. That looks like a great place - lovely photos. Despite living in Maryland for three years I never made it there.

  54. A walk on the beach .... A beautiful way to spend a day.

  55. A great place to visit. :( I love those Brants geeze. It is a lovey species.

    BTW, what is your Black Friday about? It is not familiar to me.

  56. Great captures Eileen!
    Love and enjoy it very much...
    Warm greetings, Anna

  57. What enchanting photographs, it all looks really lovely and I know that you had to have enjoyed every minute~

  58. I love beach walks too. Wonderful photos!!

  59. Empty beaches, blue skies, problem free parking, birds to watch or crowded shopping malls. Such a difficult choice!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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