Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving Skywatch

It's time for some of my favorites memes...I am linking up with  Green Day ,   Skywatch Friday and  NF Winged.

 It is Thanksgiving Day and I am spending the day with my hubby, son and family.  After serving fifteen for dinner,  we should be able to chill and check out my birds and sky. These are some shots taken thru-out this past week. A pretty sunset, a few kinglets from our walk on the fireroad, a couple of Brown Creepers and the vultures making their way back to roost for the night.

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet above and another open winged kinglet below. LOL, if you look real hard you can see the ruby crown on the kinglet in the top of the photo.

 I have been wanting to see a Brown Creeper, and luckily in this day I saw two. Can you find the two Brown Creepers in the shot above? They blend so well with the tree.

I always love seeing these pretty green ferns growing along the fireroad  where we walk.

 A cropped shot of a Golden-Crowned Kinglet.  The sky is a beautiful blue, it was a lovely day for a walk on the fireroad. The Kinglets are quick movers like the warblers, they did not stay still for a second.

 These trees are around my neighborhood and on the fireroad, not sure what kind of trees they are but they seem to be the last to drop their pretty yellow leaves. I love this shot looking up at the blue sky, yellow leaves and the tops of the pine trees.

Another day the vultures are making their way back to the woods to roost for the night.

A pretty sunset to end the day! I am looking forward to a long weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday. I am one of the few people NOT going shopping on Black Friday. Will you be going shopping the first thing on Friday morning?

 I hope everyone in the US is enjoying their Thanksgiving Day and to all those not in the USA have a great day!

 Thanks to the gracious host Fiona of with  Green Day
To see more beautiful photos and pretty skies please visit Skywatch Friday
and to see more of the winged critters check out NF Winged

Thanks to Sylvia and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday! Thanks to the host of NF Winged. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post. I wish everyone a safe and happy weekend.


chica said...

Realmente após servir um jantar para 15 pessoas, deves relaxar. Esses pássaros são lindos e ajudam.

Ótimo dia do agradecimento! beijos,chica

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

HAPPY Turkey Day you and ALL your FIFTEEN (wow!!) guests!!


Kerri Farley said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

vivi ka said...

A wonderful "Thanksgiving Skywatch".
Have a great day!

Hilke Breder said...

Great post, Eileen! The ruby crown in the first shot catches the light - very nice! Kinglets are one of my most elusive species. I am always thrilled to see one, same with the Brown Creepers. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sue said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great day! Enjoy - and thanks for posting these pretty pictures.

Nancy said...

Beautiful images Eileen. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice photographs, you have such an eye. I think a walk after dinner would be great.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Debbie Miller @HooootOwl said...

Beautiful images! The golden crowned kinglet is a treat. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

TexWisGirl said...

no shopping for me. never!

the kinglets are such tiny birds! glad you got shots of them. we had vultures 'tornadoing' here yesterday, too. so cool. i really had to look for the 2nd brown creeper, but i did find it. thanks!

blessings to you, eileen. thanks for sharing life.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love the splash of colour on the kinglet's head. They're very similar to our goldcrests, lovely little birds

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful walk through nature. Your country is so beautiful. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Is it tonight? or do you celebrate it on a fixed day like Christmas?
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images Eileen.

A Joyful Cottage said...

It took some looking, but I did find the second brown creeper. Your photos, as always, are beautiful. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving to you and to your family !Lovely pictures!Thanks for sharing them!Thank you for your visit my friend!!Enjoy your Thanksgiving day!

Tammy said...

Sounds like a great way to spend the day! And ending with a great sunset is icing on the cake:) Happy Thanksgiving!

Ellie said...

Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. Cooking for 15 - phew that is a lot!!!

Karen said...

Terrific bird captures, and a lovely pastel sunset! Happy Thanksgiving!

Carver said...

Beautiful shots of the birds and sky. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful captures and what a wonderful walk, Eileen!! Perfect post for the day!! Hope you're enjoying a lovely, Happy Thanksgiving!! No, I'm not a shopper and particularly at this time of year!! Mine has to get done EARLY or not at all I'm afraid, but my kids feel the same way so it works for the family!!

Betty Manousos said...



Montanagirl said...

Beautiful post. That's a lot of Vultures! You couldn't pay me to go shopping tomorrow!!! LOL

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Lovely photos. I always enjoy nature shots. have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Indrani said...

Beautiful skies for the occasion!
Lovely post.

Laura said...

so beautiful Eileen, especially the sunset... happy thanksgiving:-)

Forgetfulone said...

It looks so beautiful where you are! Love your photos.

Unknown said...

lovely skies and bird shots.
i hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Liz said...

Beautiful skies. Happy sky watching.

Moments Before Sun Down

Stewart M said...

Creepers - or Tree Creepers as we used to call very similar birds in the UK - are splendid little things. We dont have them here - but I can only imagine how hard they would be to photograph.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

PS: here is a link you may like:

Ailime said...

Olá amiga, lindíssimas fotos e pude ver as duas aves uma do lado direito e outra do lado esquerdo da árvore:))! Lindo céu, belíssima vegetação! Ontem meu filho que vive aí no seu País em NY foi convidado para celebrar com amigos portugueses o Dia de Acção de Graças. Obrigada pela sua visita. Abraços. Ailime (Portugal)

Tiago Braga said...

Love that sunset colors, its always amazing to see the nature trow your camara =D

lenalima said...

Maravilhoso ....é mesmo relaxante! bj

Anonymous said...

Love the yellow leave tree shot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love your walks..wonderful birds. One of the creepers just jumped right into my vision..finally found the other one. I hate to shop ..def. not leaving home today,except to daughter's for leftovers this afternoon :)))

Gail Dixon said...

Nice images! I especially love the last one. The colors and silhouette are spectacular!

Vane M. said...

Lindas imagens...adorei o tom do sol batendo na árvore e o pássaro. Um abraço!
Feliz Green Day!
O mirante da imagem

Wally Jones said...

I'm sitting here enjoying post-Thanksgiving pie and coffee while looking at your wonderful images. Thank you for sharing - I can almost feel the crisp autumn air. Now if I can just get my kinglets to hold still for a photo......

Maria Luiza said...

Os pássaros relaxam mesmo, contemplá-los, muito mais! Sei bem o que é servir tantas pessoas! Cansa! Lindas imagens! Beijos!

Deanna said...

Looks like you spent a fine Thanksgiving day. Nice shots of the birds and what a lovely sunset!!

Calu Barros said...

Depois de toda trabalheira, nada como apreciar os lindos detalhes da mãe-natureza e seus filhotes.
Imponente paisagens, vida-verde-força!
Bom fim de semana.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Glad you have seen such a nice array of birds - even the buzzards! The ferns are nice, too. Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sky photos and birds! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful..

Felipa Monteverde said...

I really loved the last photo!

SandyCarlson said...

Those are some stunningly colorful shots. A gorgeous Thanksgiving!

DeniseinVA said...

No, I didn't go shopping on Black Friday either. Lovely post Eileen, always love your pictures. I'm impressed you cooked for 15. I cooked for eight and was absolutely exhausted, but it was so much fun. Happy Sunday to you and have a great week.

Lucinha said...


Suas fotos sempre lindas demais!
Pessoas como você que amam a natureza e tudo que nela existe, são acompanhadas pelos mais belos pássaros.
Hoje, fui num loja de jardinagem que abriu há poucos dias. Vi tanta coisa linda para enfeitar jardim e para atrair os pássaros que lembrei-me de você, por causa de sua paixão por eles. Incrível como isso pode acontecer entre pessoas que não se conhecessem pessoalmente.
Um lindo e abençoado final de semana.

Jenn Jilks said...

Fabulous photos! I love the greens. We are so brown these days.
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Hayu Maselli said...

Hello Eileen...Happy Thanksgiving first of all to you and family.
beautiful sky watch photos.
do you live near the forest?..oh for sure definitely paradise.
have a great weekend.

Memaria said...

I really loved your sky photos..and those trees..just beautiful!!
Have a great weekend!

DeniseinVA said...

Great post Eileen.

Debbie said...

pretty images eileen and some gorgeous blue skies!!

i hope you had a wonderful holiday!!

Rohrerbot said...

Vultures are amazing. I came upon a huge group of them yesterday! WOWSA! The Brown Creeper looks like our Tree Creeper. Such cute little birds.

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...