Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bald Eagles at the river

Hello, I am linking up with Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday.

For this weeks Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday I am showing off our National Bird the Bald Eagle. Hubby and I visited the Susquehanna River not too far away from us here in Maryland. This river attracts many Bald Eagles during their migration and some Eagles are there year round. In past years around Thanksgiving week close to 200 Eagles have been seen at this river.

 Above are various shots of the Bald Eagles at the Susquehanna River In Maryland. We saw many juveniles and adult Bald Eagles, they are an awesome birds to see. This week it was reported that there were around 55 eagles being seen. The river and dam attract lots of birds, beside the eagles, we saw various species of gulls, cormorants and of course the vultures are always nearby. I missed seeing the Red Phalarope that was being seen at the river above the dam.

I had to zoom in pretty far just to get this shot. LOL, but you look REAL close you can make out the juvenile Bald Eagles and some  of the adults with their white heads perched on top of some of the rocks. Also there are some gulls, pigeons and cormorants . The juvenile eagles are dark brown with white underwing coverts.

Another week has rolled around, we have changed our clocks back an hour to Standard Time and Tuesday is Election Day. I will be happy to see Election Day come and go. I do my part and I will vote but, I am so tired of seeing the ads on the TV. They could save the money they use on TV ads for much better use. They could donate their money to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. My mind is already made up about who I will be voting for and what questions I am for and against and their constant TV and radio ads will not change my mind.

The photos above were taken yesterday morning before we headed to the river to see the eagles. In the mosaic above, I have a shot of the moon and sky, and lots of Pine Siskins.

 In the shot above, are a group of Pine Siskins, a Tufted Titmouse and a female Purple Finch.

To see more wonderful photos and mosaics please visit Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday
 Thanks to Mary of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia and Sandy .  Thanks also for stopping by to see my post.  I wish everyone a happy week!


Montanagirl said...

Very cool about the Eagles! We'll have to go to Ft.Peck and see them again this year too.

TexWisGirl said...

i am totally jealous on the bald eagles! :)

saw our first goldfinch here today. :)

Sue said...

Cool eagle viewing. When we lived in IL, we used to go to the Mississippi River and watch them mid-winter "fishing" at the lock and dam.
I agree about the election--I'm SO sick of all the advertising coming in the mail and the "robo-calls". It can't end soon enough!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful, and you saw a Purple Finch, that's fantastic.

Maria said...

Cool images Eileen!

DIMI said...

Hallo Eileen!The photos of the eagles are amazing!!I saw an eagle in a village last year!I admire them!Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures with us!Wish you a lovely week!

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I took my husband for a little drive this afternoon to the lake to see if we could see any eagles. They have been sighted there in yeaers past until the lake freezes. We did see some ducks out on the lake but no eagles today. Will try again another day. I am amazed that you see so many. Valerie

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Wow, great shots! Bald eagles are so majestic. This makes me think of my dad as he loves bald eagles and would have loved to see all these!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to see the eagles. All of your mosaics are just gorgeous.

Leslie's Garden said...

I always love all of your shots, Eileen! I loved the shot of the bald eagle, so beautiful and majestic. I also love how your feeders attract so many different birds. I've never used a shelf feeder, but seeing yours makes me want one. Do the squirrels bother it? Hope you have a great week lined up.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I'd give my right arm to see those eagles... WOW--that is awesome. I'm SO envious!!!!!!

I'm trying to 'shoo' my Pine Siskins up your way --but they won't leave the Adams Kitchen... ha ha


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I always enjoy the wonderful photos you capture of birds, Eileen. It is good to see eagles thriving again and the photo of the tufted titmouse on the feeder made me smile.

Thank you for all your kind wods of support for the Hurrican Sandy victims. I have been voluteering at a temporary shelter in Brooklyn for people that lost their homes. It is wonderful to see how many people are helping and donating goods that are needed.

Lorrie said...

Great eagle watching! They hang out around our town, too. Such majestic birds. I hope the election goes well. Have a good week.

Lynne said...

The Bald Eagle views are amazing . . . I love the bird feeder views too!

Rajesh said...

Beautiful birds, just love them.

Betty Manousos said...

great eagle viewing!

bald eagles are so beautiful! gorgeous shots as usual and i also love those feeders with those little birds.

a brilliant post, eileen. what a treat for the eyes!

have a great day/week ahead~

Kerri Farley said...

I rarely get to see Eagles!! What a treat!!

Indrani said...

Terrific captures, collected and presented well.

Phil Slade said...

So many eagles Eileen - amazing numbers but there must be lots of food for them. You seem to have so many birdy places to visit near you it must be hard to choose some days. Good to hear you are sticking to your principles and can't be swayed by the politicians nonsense. About the Snipe, they are both migrants and winterers -most pass through but smaller numbers stay. Have a great week, the election will soon be over.

Jill Harrison said...

lovely images and walks this week Eileen. So sorry that Mosaic Monday is not up, but thanks for stopping by anyways. I might have to save my post till next Monday!
Have a wonderful week. I hope that no-one you knew was affected by Sandy.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i LOVE the bald eagle!!

awesome shots!! it's always so exciting to see this majestic bird!!!

Pondside said...

What beautiful mosaics - the moon is spectacular!
In about two weeks we'll be treated to an amazing gathering of bald eagles as they come to feast on the dying salmon in our streams. The salmon come here to spawn and then the gulls come to eat, followed by the bald eagles. We are close enough to the streams that the eagles often sit in the trees near the house - what a wonderful sight!

Anonymous said...

Bald Eagles are gorgeous, but I LOVE that last shot of all the babies, too cute =)

HappyK said...

What a treat to see so many eagles at one time.
I've seen eagles a few times around the lake where I walk.

My name is Riet said...

Your bird posts are always so interesting Eileen. I don't know much about birds and I don't believe we have any of those big b irds here but I am learning here.Thank you. Have a nice week.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love your eagle pictures; going there would be the greatest way to spend Thanksgiving Weekend that I can imagine.

mick said...

The eagles are magnificent birds but the little birds at the feeder are so cute!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures and beautiful winged ones, Eileen, as always and such a beautiful shot of the moon!! Hope you have a wonderful week!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Fantastic wildlife photos ~ always wonderful to visit your blog ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Carver said...

What a treat to see the eagles. I also enjoyed the other birds and shots.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Fantastic Collage pics!

Debbie said...

i am SO happy to visit you today!!

also so happy you got to see the bald eagles, that gets a double WoW!!!

and i so agree with you on the whole election, t.v. commercial thing, enough already. i, too, will be happy when it over!!

Sharkbytes said...

Eagles are becoming fairly common here again, but not 200 at a time! Very impressive.

Al said...

Nice photos. I lived in Maryland for three years but never saw a bald eagle!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bird shots - and those bald eagles - wow, lucky you!

Zizi Santos said...

Você tem o privilégio de poder fotografar esses pássaros maravilhosos. que bom! Assim eu posso conhecer e admirar!
Tenha uma boa votação e faça a sua escolha pois nós daqui do Brasil, também seremos influenciados pelas escolhas.

Joyful said...

Very interesting mosaics today. Lovely birdies ;-)

Ebie said...

Those Pine Siskins gathered together are so cute! Nice shot of the moon Eileen!

Rohrerbot said...

All birds on my list to see:) Love those shots. I was looking forward to seeing your trip....glad it didn't disappoint. That would be incredible. The Titmouse on your feeder is a such a cool find. I'll be glad to see this election over. I get so stressed out on days like this....I've voted but what if the wrong person gets into office. When Bush moved into office not for one BUT two terms!, I had the hardest time liking this country and their decision making process. It was an embarrassment during my travels. People would criticize me and go on about "my" President. In Spain, there was a huge rally in Madrid. At that point, I became Canadian:)

NatureFootstep said...

love the titmouse. Wish we had it over here.
I understand you find t´he election a bit too much. We even have it here nd we are not even voting. :)

Liz said...

I'd love the opportunity to see a Bald Eagle in real life!
Love your backyard birds too.

Dan Huber said...

Wonderful photos Eileen. I am hoping to see some eagles soon too.

Eden said...

Great shots. The birds are so beautiful.

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