Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snow Birds

I am linking up with Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin.

These are my backyard snow birds. Some shots are from the day after Christmas and some from this morning.  Right now we are getting a snow storm it is expected to drop a few more inches on the ground before ending later tonight.

 This is a view from my dining room window. It looks out over the deck and bird feeders.

I love to watch my yardbirds in the snow, they seem to go into a feeding frenzy when it snows.

The two shots above are of the male Cardinal taken the day after Christmas.

 The Pine Warbler this morning before the snow started.

 The piggie Bluejay eating all the peanut suet balls.

Pine Warbler in the snow this morning.

Poor little warbler looks cold with the snow on its back.

 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters please visit:  Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the host Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.  Thanks for visiting my blog and post. I wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.


  1. Amazing photos of the different birds. The red one is wonderful, but the green bird is lovely.

  2. poor little warbler! love the cardinals in snow! nothing better for winter scenes!

  3. Fantastic shots, all, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cardinal! So beautiful & colorful! WoW! =)

  4. They really stand out against the white snow! Beautiful, indeed, but kinda makes me glad I'm now in south Florida.

  5. OMG Eillen!What a magnificent shots and photos!You are so lucky having snow in your area!!The cardinal bird looks amazing with the snow on the top of his head!!I realy love this picture!!Hope you are well with the snow storm!Wishing you a lovely weekend my friend,and a Happy New year to all your family!

  6. Lovely series Eileen. The red of the Cardinal on the white of the snow is always special. Happy New Year and thank you for all the great posts in 2012.

  7. Eileen, these are stunning wintry photographs of beautiful birds! I'm especially fond of the snow dusted bird images but all are so very lovely. I bet it's hard to step away from your dining room window with so many vibrant sights outside. Wonderful post!

  8. Love your birds Eileen and your photos are wonderful. The little Warbler looks like his feathers are all tufted up keeping him warm.

    We had a wee (teensy tiny wee) bit of snow last night. Maybe an inch or so.. It was very pretty, Mr. IGH and I went for a walk. No wind, many bright lights, snow falling lightly . . . very nice. I am hoping this is finally our beginning of winter snowfalls.

    I agree, when the snow arrives, the birds seem to gather in droves to catch some food at the feeders . . ,

    It looks like you have a perfect setting to watch your bird guests. Enjoy . . .

  9. Hi Eileen, hope you enjoyed Christmas despite the snow storm. You sre doing a great service to those birds in providing lots of food when their natural foods disappear. The red Cardinal looks so bright against that snow background, as does the more subdued colours of the Pine Warbler. Keep up the good work with the feeding and I hope it stops snowing soon for you and the birds. Happy New Year to all over there.

  10. Oh Eileen! What wonderful captures of our feathered friends in the snow! I love the beauty of the red cardinal against the white show. That little warbler sure looked nice and fat, hopefully he's staying warm because it sure does look cold!

  11. The little warbler looks frozen.I`m wondering if I see them here but think that they are goldfinches,have to read up on them,thanks for sharing,phyllis

  12. The cardinal is just gorgeous! Something about the deep red against the white snow is so picture perfect. I've been seeing quite a few cardinals out here lately and I love it.

  13. Well shot, they are a dream, lovely.

  14. The snow covered cardnial and pine warbler look so cute.
    Love your view of the birdfeedes and trees.

  15. Lovely shots of the birds in the snow.

  16. Beautiful shots!
    Love to see the beautiful birds in the snow.
    Here it's raining.
    Wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

  17. cardinals are gorgeous any way ... but in the snow they are out of this world fabulous. so pretty. great bird shots!!! ( :

  18. There's nothing prettier than a snowy day with a Cardinal in the picture.... Gorgeous!!!! I'm SO envious of your snow. We have some --but not much. Sigh!!!!! ha


  19. I actually envy you your snow! We have just not had nearly enough cozy winter days yet for my liking. :-)

    I don't mean to be rude and overlook the other feathered darlings on this post, but oh - that glorious male cardinal! He definitely steals the show! We don't have cardinals out here, and I miss them! Such beautiful photos, thank you for taking them - and enjoy the snow!

  20. The snow was really coming down, wasn't it. Good pictures of the birds. I'm glad that you are feeding them!

  21. The cardinal looks like he is dressed as Santa Bird...white beard with the snow on his face. lol Beautiful pictures!

  22. gorgeous birdies!! we didn't get any snow!!

  23. What a wonderful cardinal - I had some visiting this week 15 minutes after I filled my bird feeder. Such a pleasure to see them.

  24. The male Cardinal really stands out against the snow. And that poor little warbler looks so cold in the blowing snow. Wonderful shots from your backyard Eileen.

  25. Love those Red Cardinals in the snow. Makes for a great photo. That little Warbler is a cutie too.

  26. Eileen...We got our second mini snow here today and the blue jays and the woodpecker stopped by for some dindin. It was really a treat for the old eyes. We did not get to Chestertown for Christmas because my anemia was just too bad. Now I have had an iron infusion so am on the mend. It broke my heart to miss the yearly trip. Was going to head for the Wildlife Preserve at Rock Hall again. Guess it will have to wait til next Christmas. Your cardinal photos with the snow are heavenly. That red is drop dead gorgeous. Your blue jay looked to be as hungry as ours. Happy New Year. genie

  27. Pretty winter photos. The poor little warbler looks so cold.

  28. What great snowy shots!--Love the snow in the cardinal's beak! Have a Happy New Year!

  29. Impressive shots of the birds especially the Cardinal.

  30. Wow, you got the red cardinal, and the pine warbler, what champs they are to be out in the snow like that.

  31. Hello Eileen
    Nice pictures you show.
    Ønskerdig a Happy New Year :) Hanne Bente

  32. OMW Eileen, those birds look so striking against the snow, especially the cardinal. Excellent photography. I would struggle no end in snowy light yet you captured the scenes beautifully each time. I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous 2013. Blessings. Jo

  33. The birds are beautiful in the snow. They need to feed as much as possible to keep alive in the cold. I wish you a Happy New Year!

  34. OH i LOVE the first picture...
    then i saw the one of the cardinal with the little pile of snow on his beak...and it sure made me smile!!

    loving all your snowy backyard birds!!

    HAPPY new year eileen!!

  35. Hope they can survive during winter. Wonderful shots, Eileen.
    Thanks for dropping by.
    Happy New Year!

  36. lovely photos - the cardinal looks so magnificent against the snow! The warbler is very pretty

  37. Great shots, but I think that warbler needs to continue south. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  38. hi eilleen, loved seeing your winter scenes, beautiful little birds , oh, that poor little warbler in snow!

    what a fantastic set of photos as usual! i totally enjoyed it.

    big hugs~

  39. Wow, the snow doesn't phase them at all. I thought they would want to go into hiding and get warm. Great captures!

  40. How glorious! It's true, isn't it? Birds feed like mad in the storm!
    We have hunter next door, too. Makes me sad.
    Cheers from Cottage Country!

  41. Wonderful bird shots -- they're definitely stocking up in case the snow covers all the food sources! So lovely (but it does look sooo cold -- I can only imagine that much snow in my yard -- as you know we aren't used to snow in Oregon or here either of course.) It sure does give you some great bird photo-ops though. Thank you for sharing.

  42. The red cardinal in the snow is absolutely gorgeous!! Wow!

  43. I love the photos, especially those of the Cardinal -- so pretty!

    Visiting via Camera Critters :-)

  44. Altho, I'm not one who likes being out in the snow myself, those images of the cardinal with snow falling around As are all your beauties this week Eileen.

    Thanks for lending and sharing your link this week at the Bird D'Pot!! And, have a happy New Year!

  45. Love all your wintry birds! Have a great new year!

  46. You just can't beat a snow day for watching the feeders, it sure beats trying to get around on the roads. Happy birding and Happy New Year!

  47. Oh my what wonderful shots! The birds look cold but oh so beautiful!!:-)


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