Saturday, December 8, 2012

Top Ten 2012

We are almost at the end of 2012, very hard to believe this year flew by. For my Camera critter post I have a post on my top ten birds I most want to see and some photos of my previous top ten. I started this list years ago and have been marking off my lifers as I see them.

TOP TEN BIRDS... from 2009 most wanted to see in 2010 first post on my TOP TEN
1. Snowy Owl.. seen @ Assateague...added Snow Bunting... a link to mSnowy Owl
2. Whip-poor-will.........Seen at Magee Marsh, Ohio
3. Blackburian Warbler...a male.....Seen  at Magee Marsh , Ohio  my Blackburian Warbler
4. Green Jay....maybe a Texas trip
5. Snipe...Seen in the Paper Mills flats here in Maryland my Wilson's Snipe
6. Horned Lark...seen Freeland, MD added the....American Woodcock... seen at Magee Marsh, Ohio
7. Yellow Breasted Chat...seen on a Bird Club outing my Yellow-breasted Chat
8. Bittern... any......American Bittern seen with the bird club in Huntley Meadows, Virginia
9. Chestnut-backed Chickadee..  seen on our Oregon vacation July , 2012
10. Whooping Crane.....seen Aug 4, 2012 at the Patuxent Whooping Crane research center

I saw lots of Chestnut-backed Chickadees during our trip to Oregon, July 2012.

We visited the Whooping Crane research center at Patuxent NWR in Aug, 2012. My Whooping Crane post about our Whooping Crane tour at the research center is here Whooping Crane.

The Snow Bunting is one of my favorite top ten birds and I was so happy to see it here in Maryland
 at Fort McHenry.

2011....Top Ten Birds..Most want to see in 2012

1. Barn the wild
2. Atlantic Puffin...saw the Tufted Puffin In Oregon, July 2012 still need the Atlantic Puffin
3. Evening Grosbeak....male..I have seen the female Evening Grosbeak here in my yard Nov, 2012
4. Black Rosy-Finch
5. Roadrunner
6. Pine Grosbeak....male
7. Western Tanager....male...male seen during our July 2012 vacation to Oregon
8. Green Tailed Towhee
9. GreenJay
10. Townsend’s Warbler..seen on a backyard feeder in Carlisle Pa, Feb 2012

I was thrilled to see the Tufted Puffin, the male Western Tanager and the Townsend's Warbler even though the sighting was only for a short time and I was not able to take their photos.

On the list above I need to go on a vacation to Texas and Arizona? I could knock off a few of these birds with one trip.

 A real treat to see the female and juvie Evening Grosbeaks in my yard in Nov, 2012

                                            2012 Top Ten Birds... most want to see in 2013

1.   Barn Owl the wild
2.   Atlantic Puffin
3.   Blue-winged Warbler
4.   Golden-winged Warbler
5.   Saw-Whet Owl
6.   Burrowing Owl
7.   Limpkin
8.   Black Tern
9.   Common Redpoll
10.  Pine Grosbeak

Since we are having this irruptive year, I might be able to see the Common Redpoll or even a Pine Grosbeak in Maryland or neighboring states. The Burrowing Owl and Limpkin are possible to see during a planned Florida trip in March or April. The two warblers will have to wait until spring. I am hoping to add many more lifers to my list in 2013. Happy Birding.

 To see more beautiful photos and cute critters please visit: and Camera Critters and I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host Fiona of Green Day, Misty Dawn of Camera Critters and to Anni of I'd Rather-B-birdin.  Thanks for visiting my blog and post. I wish everyone a very safe and happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wow I'm astounded at number of birds you have seen and photographed, what an amazing list of lifer-birds.

I could only daydream about such a list but I am overjoyed at seeing yours, Eileen :)
Thanks for sharing!

Jidhu Jose said...

Hearty congrats for your 500th post

Sue said...

Well, I could help you out with the Pine and Evening Grosbeaks--we have TONS of them at the feeders this year. Never saw the Evenings down here since we moved in 5 years ago. We had them all the time up in the Upper Peninsula. We do so love our "ski-boys" (the yellow band around their eyes remind us of ski goggles)

LindyLouMac said...

I enjoy very much sharing your sightings with you Eileen and look forward to continuing to do so in 2013.

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

that Whooping Crane looks like he's bookin' a hurry to get away from shy?

i love the little grossbeak! they sure do have beaks that look too big for their cute little faces!

i know what you's hard to believe that 2012 is just about over! yikes!! 2013 will be a very good year...i can feel it!!

i bet it will be your BEST birding year yet eileen! you really have added SO MANY lifers to your ongoing...never ending list, eh?!! congratulations! it's a lot of hard work...IDing ALL those birds!!

happy saturday!

Nancy said...

Love the bunting... congratulations and good luck on your new list.

Reader Wil said...

You are a true expert of birds! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos. Thanks also for wishing me a goos flight! I wish you a merry X-mas and a happy 2013!

Rohrerbot said...

Nice post. I like how you have a list of birds you want to see. It makes for better planning of the trips. I agree....if you plan a trip out to Arizona you could knock off a lot of these birds....and more:) No Snowy Owls here. If you came to Southern Arizona, I'd make you a list of places that you had to go visit to get some of those birds:) The Crane Research station for me this year was family is back in Wisconsin and in an area that has Whooping Cranes. I hope to see them in the wild there as they come to our town...then I'll be able to count the bird as legit. There are starting to make a comeback in Wisconsin but unfortuneatly have a difficult time in the South because people like to shoot them. It's one of the reasons I haven't gone there myself:) And the hurricane in Florida last year wiped out a bunch of them which was sad.
Your Snow Bunting is incredible. I remember it when you posted it awhile's definitely on my list:)

rainfield61 said...

And new list will come.

With more accomplishment.

grammie g said...

Hi Eileen...I am so sorry I haven't been by,I can't believe how time get's away from me, and how you all get a post out every day : )!! I just went through some fantastic photos from your past post, fabulous is all I can say!! The sunsets , and sunrises are so stunning...I would love to see the Eagles, I have Red polls : )!! Your feeder buddies are great..I love watching the Nuthatches!!
Congratulations on your 500th : }}}

TexWisGirl said...

you're doing really well! yes, plan a trip to texas for the roadrunner - in the summer or fall. :) not too many others on your 2012 list i can help with, however. :)

vivi ka said...

I love your posts and i am very happy that i met you!
Good luck at your new list! I am looking forward to see what next!
Have a great weekend! :)

Anonymous said...

A Green Jay? I'll have to look up that one!
I wouldn't mind seeing a Snow Owl myself...
Beautiful captures, Eileen, esp the Snow Bunting! WoW! =)

Lynne said...

I find this very inspiring . . . and may consider checking out our local bird club. Thank you Eileen for inspiring me in more bird siting in 2012!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Good luck in 'catching' your most wanted birds next year!

Your snow bunting is gorgeous, I saw my first last year and hope to see some again this year (now I know where they can be found!)

Montanagirl said...

Nice post and photos, but my favorite is your shot of that Snow Bunting! Would love to see one of those up close and personal for a photo op.

Icy BC said...

I love the snow bunting too. I wonder if we have them here in Metro Detroit..

Also love all your top-ten bird lists past and future!

Indrani said...

Wow! Great collection!
Ready for a book now I am sure.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The snow bunting is a beautiful bird. Nice shots- all of them!

Dan said...

All are incredible for they represent your adventures and something you're passionate about.

Vores have said...

Beautiful photo series showing.
Wish you a good day :)
Hanne Bente

Red Nomad OZ said...

It's always a pleasure to mark off a new bird - but even more of a pleasure to enjoy its beauty! While I may never see your birds for real, your pictures are so marvellous I feel like I already have!

Bob Bushell said...

Lovely, the Snow Bunting is my favourite, precious.

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful birds!

Anni said...

Once again, super bird photos Eileen!!! As for your 'birding bucket list for 2013"...come on down to Texas...I know a perfect spot in late summer for Green Jays. ;o)

Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this weekend.

Phil Slade said...

You obviously keep a close eye on your lists as well as the birds Eileen. You are just so well planned too - yet more places to visit, and I just don't know how you find the time. The Snow Bunting shot is just fabulous of course. Have a great week's birding.

HansHB said...

Great post for the theme. Lovely photos and interesting text.

BlueShell said...

You are a lucky woman....yes you are!!!
Thank you for sharing! You are a dear!

Anonymous said...

Lovely captures. Congratulations on all your sightings!

Jori said...

Such beautiful, interesting birds!

Maria said...

The snow bunting is beautiful!

Carol said...

Quite a list, Eileen, you have seen so many beautiful birds, and traveled to so many fantastic places, I've enjoyed the posts. The year flew by :)

Anonymous said...

What stunning and colorful captures of the birds...each one a beauty.

Unknown said...
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NatureFootstep said...

auch, top 10 list. I guess my list would be mostly from Scotland and Morocco. :) Nothing special from Sweden this year.

podso said...

Yellow seems to be a theme to many of your favorite birds and the color cheers this dull, rainy, cloudy day! And congratulations on 500 posts!

eden said...

Great shots! You are so lucky to see many beautiful birds in the wild.

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...