Saturday's Critters #70
Happy weekend, everyone! It's Saturday and it's time to share your critters.. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who has linked up in the past and for those who are linking in on this week's critter party. And of course I always appreciate my blogging friends stopping by just for a visit.
Merritt island National Wildlife Refuge was one of my favorite places to visit during our Florida trip..We saw so many birds and critters..I am still overwhelmed with all the photos I took..
I love the cute Grebes! This is the Pied-bill Grebe.
I am sure someone could come up with a cute caption for this Green Heron shot.
I see you? The Manatee is known as a Sea Cow. This canal is a busy place but still part of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.
The Manatees seemed at peace with some fishermen and boats.
Above you can see the Manatees swimming in the Haulover Canal near the overlook. We saw twenty or more Manatees hanging around the viewing area at the Haulover Canal. The Manatees were an awesome sight to see..
A hug me shot... cute Manatee.
A Manatee hug.. you see them hugging with their paddle like flippers? There are about 4 Manatees in the shot above..We went back to this spot the next day and the Manatees were not there. So, we lucked out with this sighting..
Hubby and I enjoyed watching this Common Moorhen with their chicks..
The chicks are an ugly cute...I enjoyed seeing them swimming along with their parents.. I have so much more from Merritt Island I will be saving them for another post.. Thanks for stopping by and I always appreciate the nice comments.. I am looking forward to seeing your critters now..HAPPY WEEKEND!
Thanks to Tex Theresa aka Tex, I was able to add this link up button and thanks to Jennifer for creating my photo badge.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit: I'd-Rather-B-Birdin. Thanks to the gracious host: Anni. Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.
I can not say enough thank you's for the visits and for the nice comments.. As always I appreciate your participating with my critter party..Have a happy weekend!
Those Manatees are awesome. Would love to see them! As for those sailors who thought they were mermaids, they must have been awfully lonely.
Caption" Please... do not look as I wash down there!!", what a wonderful shot, you were there at just the right time.
Winners all. I'll be back with mine!
ALOHA from Honolulu,
The manatees are cute! Nice birds as well. Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen!
Hi Eileen, what a brilliant bird the Pied-billed Grebe is! And your shot of the Green Heron; it needs a caption for sure! Thanks for hosting this great meme. Happy Saturday. Jo
I love that grebe too. And you have Moorhen chicks? They have not even arrived to Sweden :(
Thanks for hosting :)
Hi Eileen, I love the detail shot of the Green Heron's feathers. Just beautiful. Happy weekend ahead. xx
Really stunning wildlife sights Eileen. Have a wonderful weekend.
Mersad Donko Photography
Great photos and interesting texts, Eileen!
Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters.
Have a lovely weekend! Hugs!
Good Morning,
magnificent pictures you show us again!
Manatees are here with us not on that account, I like the photos very particular!
Manatees are supposed a gentle nature, I like that!
I wish you a wonderful weekend
♥ly greetings from germany
These are great photos Eileen, not only of the birds but also the Manatees. I have heard they are making a comeback. Sure hope that is the case. They are amazing animals. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.
Hi Eileen!
Wow-I'd LOVE to see a manatee. How interesting. You lucked out seeing them.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Dearest Eileen; Oh! I tried think about the caption for that GREAT 'Green Heron shot'; Haha, leave the other of your friends but reminded me of how flexible birds are♫♫♫
I'M SO amazed with the Manatees photographs; 'A hug me shot' is really heartwarming♡♡♡
I hope you will have a wonderful weekend.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*
Although we live in Florida we have visited Merritt Island only once. It is a marvelous place! I can understand how you could use so many pixels there. That is where we first saw Manatees. We had hoped so see them again at Sanibel Island a couple of weeks ago but no luck.
For the Green Heron caption "I am SO ashamed!!!"
Fantastic critters Eileen, we have a similar mammal to your manatee over here called a dugong,I think they too are also known as sea cows. You certainly were lucky to see so many. My caption for the green heron is "Oops, forgot to do up my fly"
Good morning, Eileen,
Beautiful photos that shows you.
Manatees come here just for the zoo.
Green heron and the Grebe are beautiful.
Have a good weekend.
Best regards, Irma
You lucky duck catching those Manatees at the right time!! Grebes are so cool and this one with it's little ones was a great catch, Eileen!!...:)JP
Green Heron caption:
Does my butt look fat?
So much to see in Florida! Hope I get there some day!
Beautiful bird photos and you were there at the right time to capture the Manatees. So cute - a hug me shot.
Hello Eileen!!
Your trip to Florida was very interesting indeed!!You saw so many beautiful critters and birds!!Great shots of the Heron and the Grebe with the cute little chicks!Thank you for sharing!Have a happy weekend!
What a great post. I really like that Pied Grebe and the Manatee shots. You were lucky to see and photograph them.
The shot of the green heron is perfect. So much detail of its beauty.
Amaizing with the sea cows.
I so enjoy your birds and other critters. I love your manatees. Happy retirement!!!!
Lovely photos Eileen,especially the Green Heron......and I like the colours and reflections in the last one.
Happy weekend!
Super shots, Eileen! I don't believe I've ever seen a Green Heron except in photos.
i love the manatees!! such peaceful creatures. and the green heron is an awesome shot!! love the detail...color..."just doing a little early morning yoga"
Love the Manatees! :)
Great series of photos. The manatees are really interesting. My favourite shot is the last one with the beautiful reflections.
i love the pied-billeds! so darn cute! and the moorhen babies are ugly cute. :) the manatees are amazing creatures. so glad you got to see so many! and my caption for the green heron photo: belly button lint is the worst!
:) thanks for hosting, dear eileen!
Nice! I've never seen a manatee. Love the Green Heron!
what an awesome group of images. i adore the manatee, they evoke such a sense of calm and peacefulness!!
have a happy weekend!!!!
Hi Eileen and thank you for hosting. These are great photos from your FL trip. The heron is cute as can be!
Aren't the colors gorgeous on that green heron!
I drove a friend to Florida many years ago. It was my first time in Florida. She kept telling me about the Manatee, finally I said, "what is a manatee?" She said, "you don't know?" I didn't but I soon found out!
Great pictures Eileen!
I said OHhhhh and awwwww and oh my a few times. the shots of the manatees are wonderful and that last one of the moor hens is stunning. a place i would love to visit. that little green Heron shot made me say OH really loud.
Oh yes, I have a monkey and its view today.
The Manatees are just awesome Eileen. What a treat for you to see them so well and so many at once.
I really like the Green Heron shot which shows off the plumage so well. They are such a beautiful little heron.
Thanks for hosting the day today and have a great weekend of birding.
What great Florida nature photos! I sure don't see many manatees. I guess I'm not looking in the right place. Good shots.
Seeing manatees in the wild would be a thrill.
Wonderous shots, the green heron has a new yoga pose :) Thank you Eileen for hosting Saturday's Critters I look forward to it. Happy weekend!
Great shots. Cute capture of the green heron and I love the Manatee pictures.
How wonderful to see manatees! Weren't they called mermaids back in the day? The green heron's plumage is beautiful. Take care x
Love that green heron shot! You caught him "in the act." How cool to see manatees.
The manatees are just incredible. They are so much fun to watch and take photos of. You were here at a good time to spot them. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane
They are an ugly adorable-cute! Mama is proud as she leads her babies! I will get some critter today and be back tonight!
The birds are very pretty, but I was enchanted animals in the water. Regards.
Good Morning Eileen and Happy Saturday to you. Wonderful photos of your trip; the Manatees were very visible, usually they are submerged! Great shots of the birds. Happy Birding!
Such an awesome group of photos! Loved each and every unique creature...the manatee nose was a huge favorite! :-) As for a caption for the heron, how about "Is my slip showing?" :-)
Don't have a critter this week but will be back next Sat with a few.
Oh love the green heron and the babies with their mama. Great shots.
Hi Eileen,
The manatees sure are cute and unthinkable Coomon Moorhen could compete with The Whistler in, "Who has got the prettiest beak?".
Thanks for hosting.
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)
Incredible shots, Eileen! Oh my goodness, all are wonderful!
That heron is surely wishing it had a belly button! The Manatee are such unusual looking creatures - I've also seen them in FL.
"I preen for Eileen!"
Great shots of the manatees, Eileen.
I have to say that the mantees are one of the ugliest critters. But I love your other ones!
Eileen, great looks at the Common Moorhen and the Manatee. Thanks for sharing.
Ahhh! So you're the gal who does Saturday Critters that I read so much about! I sure enjoyed seeing your the Common Moorhen best, though she looks mighty uncommon to me. And, yes, I would be thrilled to see manatees.
I thought that I had said something, but I was wrong. I love the Manatees, they are so beautiful.
Great photos from your Florida trip, Eileen. Love the manatees!
I managed to see a Pied Billed Grebe a few years ago here in the UK. Quite a rarity here.
Wonderful series of nature's darlings ~ love the manatee and the red headed duck and ducklings!
Happy Weekend,
artmusedog and carol
Awesome shots, Eileen!
Wow, that is a really nice series !
i love the herons feathers - i have never seen them close up like that. neat-o!!
i have not seen manatees either ... the ones we saw were very shy. i had to see them through the glass. not great for picture taking. ( :
Great set of photos!
Hi Eileen, Now, I am very very jealous! I have never yet seen any Manatees. I think I need to plan for a trip to where they are. Have a wonderful Sunday tomorrow!
Your green heron shot shows the feathers so perfectly. Caption "I know that cell phone is here somewhere!" The manatees are a treat to see, I try to imagine swimming with them. I like the Grebe, they are cute and I've never seen one in real life. The moorhen chicks are darling, I love the red beaks contrasting with the black feathers.
What neat critters. Years ago I see a Green Heron, neat. Those Common Moorhen are great. Tom The Backroads Traveller
That last shot is a gem!
Fantastic photos ! I have always liked Manatees . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !
Impressive shots! Love the Manatees! Never seen those before!
When I lived in Jacksonville ('70's), I would go out on a friend's boat on the St. John's River --so that the kids could water ski.... We would see Manatees all over that river.... Interesting, aren't they????
Amazing pictures all.
Here is the caption: 'Practicing Yoga Asan!'
Great pictures - manatee are an animal I would love to see!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
Never saw a Mannatee picture from that close. Love it :)
And I love the green heron - looking like "oh! what's that!?" :))
Have a beautiful weekend!
Tinna ✐
I appreciate you sharing the link to this post for I'd Rather B Birdin'. Have a super week ahead!!
Wonderful selection of photos, specially the first shot of the manatee. i love the colours in the heron's feathers and so cute to see your moorhens also have chicks!
Oh, that looks like such a wonderful place to visit! What a GREAT Variety of critters!!
Hi Eileen, What a neat selection of photos from Merritt Island. Now I want to go there! :-) The Manatee is such an odd looking creature ... interesting shots! Have a great week ahead!
That would have been fun to see these! I did see the whiskers...
Oh, fantastic critters, as always !!
Have a happy Sunday !
Fantastic photos of the different animals. Great captured.
Best regards, Synnöve
The Moorhen pictures are beautiful in their contrast with their background..Love the Manatees as well..Hope you are having a good weekend Eileen..
cool pics. I love the Manatee hugs :)
I'm late to the party, but I said I'd be back and I'm in too. Eileen, I promise more timely next week!
Wow, incredible photos, what a beautiful day to be alive and how playful they all are for your camera lens!
The best manatee shot I've ever seen. You have great critter karma -- just like you do for birds. I'm so impressed. Love all the birds too.
How lucky for you to see the manatees! Wonderful photos of Merritt Island!
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