Sunday, April 12, 2015

Around the yard

I am linking up with   Mosaic Monday and Our World Tuesday   They are both fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts.

I have finally begun to see some new birds in and around the yard.. I am happy to see new birds arrive and the winter birds are fewer..I am still seeing the Junco and the White-throated Sparrows.  But YES, Spring has sprung.

I have been seeing a few Purple Finches, love the raspberry color on the male. The Pine Warbler has returned, two of them hopping around my weeping cherry tree. I am starting to see some Pine Siskins moving thru again. The Blue Jays never seem to leave..I believe the hawk is a Sharp Shinned Hawk. The Chipping Sparrows have returned,  are all shown in the above mosaic.

 My Crow with the cross-bill is still being seen around..

 On the left is the Chipping Sparrow and on the right is a Pine Siskin with a Goldfinch.

My Pine Warbler seems to like the peanut suet balls I buy at Walmart..

The neighborhood Great Blue Herons have also come back to the same tree they have been nesting in for years.  The tree and Great Blue Heron nest is across from my neighbors yard, from my house there are a lot of twigs branches in the way..

A pretty male...raspberry colored Purple Finches are also stopping by.. It is nice to see the migrating birds moving in..Winter is finally over! WHEW, I though it would never end...

I hope you enjoyed my post. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. I appreciate the nice comments..

I use Pic Monkey to create my mosaics, you can use Pic Monkey free or pay for an upgraded version.
I hope you can join in on our fun at  Mosaic Monday and   Our World Tuesday

 Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday and to the hosting group of Our World Tuesday: Arija, Gattina, Lady Fi, Sylvia, Sandy and Jennifer.  I wish everyone a happy week ahead!


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos, what a wonderful selection of birds

Ela said...

Eileen, these are so gorgeous shots !!!

rainfield61 said...

I saw a couple of eagles this morning when I was training for my early June half marathon run.
No camera, no pictures.

TexWisGirl said...

BEAUTIFUL purple finch! wow! and i'm amazed that crow can eat!

Irma said...

Hello Eileen,
Beautiful pictures, the first collage I love.
Also pictures 4 and 6 are super.

Nancy Chan said...

I am glad I came to your blog and get to see all the beautiful photos. You are so blessed with all these birds visiting your place.

This N That said...

The Purple Finches have been here all winter..Surprised you don't have them as well..We don't get Pine Siskins..Lots of Song Sparrows..I have babies in my birdhouse..Great shots Eileen..

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Lovely pictures, Eileen!
Seeing your photos, I always wonder why your birds look so much more colourful and handsome than ours... :) Especially the Purple Finch is so very pretty.
Have a great week ahead! xx

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I'm jealous. I want purple and goldfinches here *pouty face*

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, What a nice post! I really like those Purple Finch photos! Glad to hear that Spring has sprung in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing all your pictures! Have an excellent Sunday!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Wonderful captures! Hope you're having a great weekend.

Debbie said...

the purple finch is extraordinary!! i hope the hawk does not hang around to long, or decide to eat any of these beauties!!

have a wonderful sunday, the weather is amazing!!!

Carol Mattingly said...

Love your Mosaic Eileen. Carol

Giga said...

Beautiful birds. Finches in these colors have not yet seen. Bird with beak distorted somehow copes with food and enjoys it. Regards.

Bob Bushell said...

More than lovely, they are stupendous.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that purple finch is so pretty and i like the bottom left, i think a hawk, the white tummy blue head. i think Herons are so funny to look at in trees.

Celeste said...

Woo-hoo! Spring has sprung! I am so glad that you are finally out of the deep freeze Eileen :) Lovely to see all your spring birds arriving.
Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, Such a pretty variety of birds. The Purple Finch is just beautiful. The MadSnapper told me about picmonkey a while back and I love using it. Hope you have a nice afternoon.

DIMI said...

Hello Eileen!!
Such beautiful birds visiting your yard!Wondrful captures!Like your collages and the Purple Finch shots!!Have a happy week!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The spring/summer birds are such fun - love the photos.

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I love the purple finches. And this is the second time in as many days that I see a Sharp Shinned Hawk on blogger. (the first one was on Betsy's post this week) I'm so glad your crow with the cross bill made it through the winter. Happy week ahead to you. Jo

Nancy J said...

So many, and it does look like they are returning with the warmer days. Lovely series, and names, so good for me down here, as we do not have so many of your species.

Stacy said...

Love the nesting Herons in the neighborhood! That is so cool. Glad it is finally warming up enough for the birds to come home for the season.

Unknown said...

Love the Pine Warbler and the male Purple Finch, they have such nice colors! You're feeding them good, they like to return to you :))
Have a beautiful Sunday

Tinna ✐

Cloudia said...

I like your friends a great deal

ALOHA from Honolulu,

Little Wandering Wren said...

And a very happy week to you Eileen, I love all your little birds in your mosaic! Those purple/raspberry male finches are especially gorgeous, even more so as they seem to be bring your Spring with them to your bird table!
Wren x

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

So glad it is spring for you at last! Love the birds, the purple finch is beautiful.

Merlesworld said...

I'm fond of small birds, I often watch them in my garden the bigger ones don't come in very often.

Rose said...

These are wonderful pics...would love to have a heron nesting that close to me. And the purple finches are so beautiful.

Maude Lynn said...

Fabulous pictures!

HappyK said...

Wow you some amazing shots.
I really like the purple finch.

Stephanie said...

Pretty birds!

Brian King said...

Awesome variety! Very nice shots!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Eileen

The purple finches are so beautiful and unique! I used to see mainly sparrows at my birdfeeder in Brooklyn. I recently put up a birfeeder here in Colorado and mainly a fast little bird of some sort visits it. I ahve to see if I can identify it.

Enjoy the better weather!

The Yum List said...

Is the cross-bill a normal feature?

Linda W. said...

Wow, you get quite a variety of birds in your yard! Nice mosaic of your photos.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you--thinking winter would never end. I've only seen Purple Finches here once. They must all be at your house! Lots of Goldfinches are visiting this spring, and I'm seeing more bright yellow feathers each day!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Fantastic photos of all these different birds.
Best regards, Synnöve

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely variety of birds. That poor crow with the crossed beak. I hope he is getting enough to eat. Have a great week Eileen.

Anonymous said...
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Tom said...

What a wonderful collection of feathered friends! Tom The Backroads Traveller

David M. Gascoigne, said...

What a wonderful variety of backyard species. The Purple Finch is especially stunning.

Gemma Wiseman said...

A colourful collection of feathered characters. The collage beautifully displays how cute they are.

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

A nice variety and you know who they are! LOL I call ALL the little brown birds I see that it is the CHIPPING ones building a nest outside the side door thie year :)

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Awesome!!!. Great birds and mosaics.. Well-done my friend..

Lorrie said...

Beautiful photos. The purple finch is so pretty. The cross beak on the crow is something I've never heard of - it's certainly distinctive!
Enjoy all the twittering in your yard. So glad winter is over for you.

Maggie said...

Such an amazing assortment of birds, so much to wonder at.
I'm patiently waiting for the house martins to return to their nests in our outbuildings. Right now they're somewhere between Africa and Normandy.
Have a great week.

Cranberry Morning said...

Don't you just love these wonderful creatures! The purple finch is so pretty!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the crow. we seem to have the most coolest crows and bluejays lately. they have such character. love that! ( :
happy week to you!

bj said...

your photos are stunning...all the birds are just beautiful

Snap said...

Hi Eileen,
I'm always happy to see Mr. Crow return to your yard. It's a habit now!!!! Lovely images of your very busy feathered friends. So nice to have so many lovely visitors to your yard.

Life Images by Jill said...

It is lovely to see the spring returning to your world and these lovely little birds in your garden. We went bush walking today and they bird song was so lovely. Have a happy week Eileen.

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, your shot are amazing. Love all these birds and I am going to share this with my hubby as he loves bird watching and even has an app for his phone to identify and hear their songs.
Love your mosaics. I've used PicMonkey for years and love it. I have the royale version.

Have a great new week.
Hugs, CM

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Spectacular purple finches, Eileen. I never see them...but I'd like to!

Mary Hone said...

I love all those! How fun to see such a great variety right in your own yard.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Eileen so many birds getting busy nesting around the area....

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and colorful birds. Treat to the eyes.

Anonymous said...

You have such a collection of variety of beautiful birds. I am afraid my area is not as plentiful with cute birds. So nice to drop in and look at yours.

Anonymous said...

Such pretty bird shots.

DawnTreader said...

Lovely birds. I'm always fascinated with the brightly coloured ones because we don't have many of those.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

I find it hard to tell the female goldfinches from the pine siskins and imagine both have been at my feeders at the same time.
Every time I see that crow I wonder if there might be a veterinarian that would volunteer their services to trim the beak and make life better for the poor thing.
Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Eileen.

Ingmarie We said...

Wonderful photos as always. You are a fantastic bird photosgrapher! The purple finch is so sweet. Have never seen it before. Have a nice week.

Rohrerbot said...

Definitely a Sharpie Eileen. Great pics...especially love the Purple Finch. Exciting the prospects of Spring. You just never know who is going to show up. Still glad your crow is going alright:)You get some great views on some tricky and often hard to see birds. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Wow , cet artіcle est belle , ma sœսr est d'analyѕer
ces choses , donc je vais l'informer .

Feel free tߋ sսrf to my blog

Our photos said...

Nice photos !

carol l mckenna said...

Gorgeous montage of nature's feathered friends ~ Beautiful shots!

Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Adam Jones said...

My goodness! I've seen some deformed bills before, but that might beat them all. Incredible!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful birds and superb captures as always, Eileen!! That is some bill on that crow!! They're all looking pretty happy with the food and the season!! Hope you have a great week!!

Carver said...

Great shots of the birds. I know they are happy winter is ending.

Photo Cache said...

I can only imagine the sound of your backyard when the birds start to come.

Worth a Thousand Words

Gail Dixon said...

Such a nice collection! The purple finch is so vibrant and beautiful. Glad you're finally enjoying spring!

Amy said...

beautiful birds! I love the pink ones! thanks for your comment at my blog :-)

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Such a nice variety of birds, Eileen - I love the herons. The purple finches are pretty. Glad that spring has headed your way! xo Karen

Pat said...

Such sweet little yard birds. The Purple Finch is so pretty.

Sonja said...

Purple Finches are certainly colorful. It is an unusual colour for a bird. I can imagine it must be great to be seeing all those migrants after the very long winter you've had.

Fun60 said...

Quite a selection of birds there. I have never seen a deformed beak like that before but it seems to manage OK.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; OMG, GREAT series of wonderful photographs of varieties of birds♡♡♡ Purple Finch is SO GORGEOUS and the blue heron looks cute compared to the one I can find :-) Oh,sparrows are so agile that they won't let me take their photos(^^;)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Debby Ray said...

Eileen...these are all FANTASTIC shots and mosaics! I have been trying to improve on my bird photo skills since I got my long lens last fall. I am getting better at it but still have a ways to have it down, girl! We have had most of these birds at our feeders all winter...even the purple finches which are a favorite of mine. I could watch them all day...wonderful post!

Helma said...

Ohhh ..... what great to see that purple finches !!! Just beautiful. I have these birds never seen in my life. A beautiful bird blog Eileen.
Greetings, Helma

jp@A Green Ridge said...

OH my goodness, Eileen...I am behind but catching up! Thank you for giving me that close up of the Siskin and Finch!!! I have been playing at my own feeders comparing them and finally, I can SEE their differences!!! And all these years, I thought they were female finches!!!...:)JP

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos/mosaics.
I don't have the patient and/or talent to photograph nature, so love seeing what others have to share.

21 Wits said...

Great gads! Wow you have a lovely collection!

NatureFootstep said...

a big family you have around you :)
Cool to see the crow can cope. :)

Liz said...

You've got some great birds in your yard!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful yard birds every one and I'm glad Spring has sprung for you. Lovely having the heron rookery in the neighborhood! It's amazing to see them in trees isn't it!

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...