Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Linking up with Wild Bird Wednesday and Nature Notes and NC Sue @ Image-in-ing

For this week's Wild Bird I am sharing the Sora I saw while in Florida.. It came out into the open at the Viera Wetlands..just as I was driving by..The Sora was not a lifer for me my first sighting was Sora @ Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico and last year I saw it in a local Maryland Park.  They are always cool birds to see..

The Sora is a secretive bird in the rail family. It has a short yellow bill, black face and a triangle-shaped body..

I was able to click two some what clear shots of my Sora..

The Sora did not stay out in the open long before it hightailed back into the reeds..

 I hope you enjoyed the Sora and my wild bird post.. Till next week's wild bird post.. I wish you happy Birding and have a wonderful week!

Join in and post your birdies and to see more beautiful and wonderful bird and nature photos please visit:

 Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesday and Michelle's  Nature Notes and Sue for NC-SUE @ image-in-ing

thanks to all of our hosts... Michelle for Nature Notes and Stewart of Wild Bird Wednesday.

  Happy Birding and have a wonderful week!


  1. neer heard or seen this bird but if it is in the rail family then it is hard to find and photograph so you did very well to get these shots.

  2. Captaste muito bem o SORA! Lindas fotos! Ótimo dia! bjs, chica

  3. A Sora, what a fat little guy. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Really beautiful images. Love the light blue in the feathers of the bird!

  5. The Sora a new one for me. It has nice plumage.

  6. I don't know much about birds, but that one looks very interesting and unusual. What a fascinating face! Great photos!

  7. A very interesting bird, one I have never seen or heard of before. Great photos Eileen.

  8. Hello Eileen!
    I have never seen a Sora before!
    What a beautiful bird indeed!!
    Great captures!!Excellent shots!Great work!!Have a lovely week ahead!

  9. Thanks so much for sharing the photos. New to me and very unique looking. Enjoy your day, Eileen.

  10. Very nice photos of the Sora. Enjoy your day.

  11. Hari OM
    That's a totally new one for me - thanks for bringing it to our eyes!!! YAM xx

  12. Eileen, you know so much about birds and their names. This Sora is so cute and looks chubby.

  13. hmmm...never have seen one during my sunday safaris. But many more FL parks for me to visit.

  14. Wonderful photos ! Never seen one , it is a lovely looking bird to ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  15. It's a wonderful hobby, isn't it? I do enjoy your photos.

  16. my very first viewing of a Sora, a new one for me. so cute and a little odd looking..

  17. Hi Eileen, As one who loves trains AND birding, it is interesting to learn about the RAIL family of birds. Thanks for sharing your neat photos and teaching me something new!

  18. What an interesting and cute bird, new to me. A most lovely neighborhood it lives in too!

  19. I never even heard of it before.

    Congrats, Eileen!

  20. they're just neat looking birds!

  21. Hi Eileen,
    wonderful photos of this quick bird.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  22. Hello Eileen,
    This bird I've never seen.
    Good shots.

  23. I don't think I've ever seen one! What a great sighting! Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. The lovely Sora, you have a load of patience, beautiful.

  25. This bird looks like our water rail.
    Very nice that you could put this in the picture Eileen.
    Greetings, Helma

  26. Another bird I have not heard or seen before. Great captures!

  27. I've not only never seen this type of bird, but I've never heard the name, either. Thanks for broadening my horizons with beautiful photos! :)

  28. That's so pretty. I love the bird with its surroundings. Sure makes a pretty photo!

  29. Cool looking bird. I have never seen one. Terrific shots!

  30. Oh my! I've never seen a Sora. He/she is just beautiful! I hope to take a birding trip to Florida next winter. So many birds, so little time!

  31. Very strange bird, Eileen...I've never seen one like it.

  32. i have never heard of nor seen this bird!!! with markings and color similar to a sparrow, i am assuming it is much bigger!!!

    beautiful eileen, you sure have been spotting some unusual birds!!!!

  33. Really pretty bird! I've never seen one.

  34. I never heard of this guy. What a beauty! You must have very sharp eyes.

  35. Wonderful photos! I've only seen a Sora in the distance. They are very shy of humans.

  36. Apart from the short bill, it looks so much like our Water Rails. A brilliant set of pictures. I really enjoyed seeing them.

  37. I've never seen a Sora before, beautiful bird, nice shots!

  38. Great pictures ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  39. Well spotted like our Water Rail, a hard bird to see. Have to say it's one I have missed up to now

  40. I've never seen one and it sounds like photos are hard to get. Nice shots!

  41. This is the first time I've seen a Sora. I'd be so excited to see one in real life. It's beautiful!

  42. Beautiful bird, Eileen.
    I have neither heard of, nor seen this beauty before. Love the very natural surroundings.
    Sora - I had a neighbor by that name and she did drive fast (flew).

  43. What a beautiful colored bird!
    Have a nice week ... Frauke

  44. What a great bird. Like a beefed up version of our Water Rail.

  45. Can't say I ever spotted one of those before.
    Stopping by via Wild Bird Wednesday!

  46. They are a great bird and very hard to spot! We saw them a couple of times on the Texas Gulf Coast, never here.

  47. I am not very lucky with bird shots but I am learning.

    This is amazing.

  48. Hi Eileen, i don't think I have ever spotted a Sora. I will keep my eyes open for one around and about here in Florida. Nice picture of the bird. Reminds me vaguely of its cousin the Coot. Have a wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!

  49. Wow, what a beautiful colored bird ! Very nice !

  50. Thanks for a close up look at this shy bird.

  51. I can recall looking for one on the Texas coast without any success!

    Nice pics Eileen.

  52. I have only seen these one time...over in Illinois

    you can see my post of them here:


  53. What a cool bird. Such color and such great photos. That's why I enjoy your blog so much.

  54. Great pictures. I don't think I've ever heard of this kind of bird.

  55. You always share such nice posts, E

    ( '>

    ALOHA from Honolulu,

  56. Most impressive to see one come out. Lovely captures!

  57. What a beautiful bird!!! I've never heard of it - but then I am not that familiar with all the birds in America and their names. You got some very nice pictures!

  58. Beautiful pictures of the Sora, enjoyable background too!

  59. Interesting, especially that you saw one in Maryland.

  60. I've never seen a Sora bird before< Eileen. Pretty bird and looks quite large! It remind me of a partridge.

  61. Congratulations on your wonderful find, very attractive bird!

  62. I've never seen this bird before. It is a beautiful colour. That is the problem with wild birds they just won't do what you want :)

  63. I've never seen this particular bird. Please come share him at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/05/a-walk-on-beach.html

  64. Wow. What gorgeous images, and a unique article. I can't wait to check out more of your site.

  65. I did enjoy, how beautiful . . . a first time view for me!

  66. Hi Eileen, I was really excited to see such an interesting and very beautiful bird. I love those blue markings.
    The surroundings are just perfect for the bird's secretive nature too :D). Good finding !!

  67. Boa tarde, linda ave bem fotografada, desconhecia a mesma, sua publicação é excelente.

  68. A new bird for me. You got good captures of it.

  69. Interesting bird and a new one to me, thanks Eileen.

  70. a very hamdsone rail, well done on getting the photos!

  71. Eileen, have only heard this bird. Thanks for sharing.

  72. Hi Eileen!
    The first time I went to the Wetlands (a hot birding spot here in Tucson) there was a group of people with a guide who was pointing out the sora in the edge of the reeds. I couldn't get close enough to see, but I have looked for one since because the guide said they were so elusive. Maybe one day I will catch a glimpse. Great sighting! And great photos!

  73. Very interesting and informative post.

  74. I'd never even heard of a sora. It's an interesting bird!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/05/a-walk-on-beach.html

  75. Some birds are so fast! Your shots are great. Thanks for sharing--I've never heard of this bird before.

  76. Sora looks like a lovely bird. I noticed it has kinda round bulky body.

  77. Cracking looking bird - looks a lot like a water rail.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  78. What an amazing bird! I have never heard of a Sora - love the markings! xo

  79. this is one I have not seen before. Thanks for sharing the unusual bird :)

  80. WOW!!
    I am pretty sure it is not easy to spot the Rora, it must but even shyer than the rail!
    Well done Eileen!

  81. Another new bird to me..Interesting name.. Thank you for linking in Eileen... Michelle

  82. Hello Eileen. Yes I'm back from Menorca and catching up as best I can.

    The Sora Rail is a real nice find. I remember seeing one on the Isles of Scilly, the bird flown across the Atlantic by strong autumn winds. Didn't see it nearly as well as your pictures though!

  83. Three times I saw Sora last year. The first time I didn't have a camera with me and the next two times it was in and out of the reeds so quickly there was no chance. Congratulations on these shots.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

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