Saturday, October 3, 2015

Saturday's Critters #94

Saturday's Critters #94

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post..  I will be away from the computer during this post but I will catch up and visit and comment on your post as soon as possible. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

The last few years I have been seeing the fall warblers stop by my yard to eat some of our wild berries growing in our yard. This year we saw some warblers maybe not as many as previous years. Some of these warblers were in my yard and some seen in the local woods near my house.

If you click on these image you will see a larger image which looks better.

 On our devil's stick berries the Chestnut-sided Warbler.

Above the male American Redstart, another quick mover.

The female American Redstart in our Weeping Cherry tree. It is hard to get a clear shot of these fast moving birds.

Above is a breeder here at the watershed next to our house the Hooded Warbler. It was constantly on the move and hard to get these images.

The Hooded Warbler would not stay still for a second. It was hard just getting the shot above.

The Black-throated Green Warbler in our Weeping Cherry tree.

Above is a fall Tennessee Warbler, the line across the eyes is helpful for this id.

Above on the left is the Black-throated Blue Warbler and on the right the Cape May Warbler.

On one day, we were seeing two-three Cape May Warblers on the Devil's Walking Stick berries.  The brighter yellow colored warbler above is the male.

In the mosaic above is the female Black-throated Blue Warbler. It has an arc under the eyes and a small white patch on its side.

I hope you enjoyed my warbler post. Thank you for stopping by for a visit and thanks for the nice comments. I also appreciate everyone joining in with my critter party. Have a happy weekend!

Again I want to mention I will catch up with everyone's post as soon as possible..

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.
Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  


Indrani said...

You always have wonderful captures to show us. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!

Pietro Brosio said...

Very fine images and collages, beautiful green.
Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Pretty little birds all of them. Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen!

Jutta.K. said...

What a great diversity, beautiful photos
a cozy weekend wishes you
Jutta from Germany

Little Wandering Wren said...

Hi Eileen I don't think I've seen the Warblers close-up, they are rather pretty little birds aren't they?
Hope you are having a great weekend away.
Wren x

Ohmydearests said...

lovely little birds!

Mascha said...

Wow, you have so many nice birs there!
I had blackcaps in the garden, but not seen for a long time (since I have a cat... sigh!)
Enjoy the autumn sun

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet and delightful bird images Eileen. Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend :)

chica said...

Que lindos! Adoro vê-los em várias poses...beijos e ótimo fim de semana,chica

Forest Dream Weaver said...

The American Redstart looks really beautiful......they all do!
Thanks for hosting and sharing.

Happy weekend Eileen!

Tom said...

So many of your critters are hiding this week.

Charlene N. K. said...

They're very cute birds, I like them all! I'm glad that you can show us some of these birds that I haven't seen in reality yet.
Have a great weekend!

rainfield61 said...

All the critters are quick but good enough to show their face.

Lowcarb team member said...

Fantastic pictures here Eileen. That black-throated green warbler is brilliant.

Hope you have a lovely few days away ... I'm assuming you are away!

Take Care.

All the best Jan

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Wow, such varieties of warbler♡♡♡ How Lovely and Adorable they are♬♬♬ And Sweet to see the scene that they enjoy the berries, they all look happy(♡˘◡˘♡)

I'm having busy days after coming home and feeling so bad about not replying the kind comments for me...
Hope you're doing fine under the weather of changing season.

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

TexWisGirl said...

you sure get your share of beauties!!!

Snap said...

Hope you are having a great time! Love all these colorful warblers. Gorgeous! Thanks for hosting.

Sharon Wagner said...

What a bright headed warbler. So pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the green warbler and have a good time where ever you are. if you told us i have forgotten.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) Wow! So many colourful birds in your garden. How Wonderful!:)

Dee said...

Wow, those are really beautiful shots, Eileen. I hope you're enjoying this lovely autumn weekend... :)

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I'm late but eventually linked up. I love your birds - the Blue throated Warbler looks a little like our White-eye (posted today) thanks for hosting. Jo

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I love the little birds in the trees - their bright spots of color - or how they can hide among the leaves and berries.

21 Wits said...

Good morning Eileen, and birds united! Such a blissful life they have. I'll be back to post mine (you'll think for a moment that I was in Florida) but I wasn't. I had a very important shout out to post first this morning. See you later, enjoy your weekend.

Debbie said...

a great variety of birds, they are all so beautiful!!!!

Unknown said...

Good Morning Eileen, what a gorgeous grouping of birds! There would be several in your list that would be a new Life Bird for me! Enjoy you day.

Crafty Green Poet said...

The hooded warbler is very handsome! Lovely birds all of them though

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful nature shots and lovely macros of the warbler!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Gayle said...

Pretty birds, those warblers.

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful Migratory Birds today Eileen!!!!

I linked in today from I'd Rather B Birdin'

Bob Bushell said...

I love your birds, high up in a tree.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I have only seen one Redstart male and it was truly spectacular. Yes, the Redstarts are hard to photograph as they are super secretive and very quick. Have a good weekend and I hope your weather is not terrible due to various storms.

Ela said...

Wow !! I love the birds and I love these fantastic shots !!
Happy weekend :)

A Colorful World said...

Your warblers and restart are awesome! Beautiful photos! I can remember seeing our first restart and how excited we were to find a new bird.

Christine said...

You have a wonderful variety of bird and wildlife in your own backyard, Eileen! So many lovely birds!
Happy weekend!

Hannah said...

Your warblers are so cute! How blessed you are to have so many in your garden, the Devil's Walking Stick is quite a draw. Do you have problems with suckers and seedlings coming up everywhere? The Redstart is so remarkably colored, I haven't seen them.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What an outstanding variety! Happy weekend Eileen. YAM xx

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I do admire your perseverance and patience in taking these photos. They are always superb and just wonderful to view. Thank you!

Maude Lynn said...

Really pretty shots, Eileen!

NatureFootstep said...

you have so many gorgeous birds in your area. Love them all.

Thanks for hosting SC

Judi Gray said...

The Hooded Warbler is beautiful! What vibrant colours.

Linda W. said...

Great collection of pics of beautiful birds! P.S. Hope the hurricane misses where you live.

Lois said...

I did enjoy all of the warblers! You got some wonderful shots, even though they were moving fast.

chasing the sun said...

I love warblers! These sweet birds visit me in my back yard mid winter ..
Your pics are lovely :-)

Rose said...

Oh, Eileen, such beautiful birds. I loved seeing these.

Lynne said...

Delightful Warblers . . . I always think your photos are the best!

Stephanie said...

Nice series of images!

21 Wits said...

I promised I'd be back and I am! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

Linda said...

I like the name warblers! Your photo of the Black-throated Green Warbler is my favorite here.

rupam sarma said...

Lovely Birds, Awesome clicks

ulla laiho said...

I love your birds!

Your tree ‘Devil's Walking Stick’ looks like a tree, that I have on the country – ‘Aralia Elata’ – but I have never seen any berries on it.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Eileen Thanks for hosting such a wonderful meme. All your Warblers are lovely and such a lot of them. Have a great week aheaad.

Crissi said...

So lovely shots!
Happy Sunday Crissi

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

These are great shots, Eileen. I would have missed many- I can't focus that fast! Thanks for hosting!

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all,

Love your warbler post. Seeing lots of them here but they move so fast and usually are partially hidden in leaves. I can't get a halfway decent photo.

BrownDog's Human

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Beautiful bird photos!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely shots once again, Eileen. Thanks for hosting.

Tomoko said...

Love to see those colorful birds.
Such a beautiful paradise for your birds!
Thank you for your host Eileen.

This N That said...

Wonderful collection of birds..It's amazing t have such different birds than we do and we are not that far away geographically...Hope you had a good weekend...

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

takes a great lens or tremendous patience (which I don't have) to capture those little critters

Nancy Chan said...

Eileen, you always have great captures of your beautiful critters.

KL said...

Beautiful pictures. You are lucky to have so many unique birds visiting your garden.

Helma said...

Hello Eileen,
wonderful to see these beautiful colored birds. I'm still surprised every time the amount of beautiful colors that have vogles in your hometown. Wonderful to see.
Have a beautiful new week.

The Yum List said...

Are those berries edible by humans?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Eileen you have such a wonderful array of photos of Warblers here...I honestly do not think I have even seen one!!!...:)JP

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful set of pictures... You impress me knowing your birds like you do. I have never spent enough time trying to see and learn about Warblers... But---they are beautiful birds... Thanks for sharing.


Andrea said...

I wonder why there are no comments here yet, i seem to be the last linker as i didn't open the internet last weekend for my hoya chores.

That's a lot of berries for the birds!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Great shots of the birdies, Eileen. Your plants are providing well for them!

Donna@LivingFromHappiness said...

You have so many wonderful birds around...what a delight to see them as many have left ehre.

Laura. M said...

Despite being so hidden, you see them. Good photos.
Have a nice Monday Eileen ;)

Liz said...

They sound like our Wrens... very quick and difficult to capture!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

What a splendid variety of warblers in your back yard!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous yellow. what a amazing shots. hope you are well & having a great start to your week!! take care. ( :

deb @ frugal little bungalow said...

I love seeing all of these adorable little warblers! :)

J said...

What really sets your lovely photos apart from so many others is the ethereal surroundings you capture - the glistening water, the soft canopy of leaves, the blurry bundle of sticks....just like everything looks in heaven, I imagine!

Black Jack's Carol said...

Eileen, I am so sorry to have missed your meme last week. Each post is a nature-lesson filled with beauty. You did amazingly well catching those Warblers! And, so many different types! Wow! The Black-throated Green Warbler is especially sharp, and magnificent to see. You seem to have the growth around your home that attracts a very wide variety of birds. Thank you so much for hosting!

Anonymous said...

So many gorgeous critters!

Irene said...

Great shots as always, Eileen!

Jodi said...

Wow, great warblers. I'm so envious that all these come to your yard! I have to go far afield to find them, and that's only if I'm lucky. I'll definitely add more berry bushes to my yard in the next few years, maybe that will help bring me some warblers.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I loved your warblers! We had to go to Alaska to see a redstart! Should have come to you, would have been closer ;>))).... hope you're off on a wonderful trip.

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
faboulus photos of the quick birds.
I hope, everything is okay with you.
Best regards, Synnöve

Ana Freire said...

Hello, Eileen!... I´m back again, after a few days away from the blogs...
Now it seems it is your turn! ;-P
Beautiful images! Always a pleasure to come here...
Remarkable work, as usual!

handmade by amalia said...

This warbler is a very pretty bird with an inquisitive eye. Lovely photos, as always.
Happy Friday, Eileen.

Phil Slade said...

Hello Eileen. I finally caught up with you too on Friday afternoon. Goodness, you have so many warblers to choose from but the Black-throated Green is rather special. Most of our warblers have flown back to Africa now - just left with Chiffchaffs.

Have a great weekend. I'll catch up with you tomorrow after more ringing.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...