Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday's Critters #98

Saturday's Critters #98

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

Can you believe it is the end of October? This month just flew by for me. I am sharing more of the birds and critters we saw during our visit to the beaches and the Hoh Rainforest in the Olympic National Park.

Top row: flock of Snow geese, Perched on the seastack various Brown Pelicans, and Cormorants and Gulls, Green-winged Teals in flight. Second row: Red-throated Loon, Cute puppy dog, gulls. Third row: male and female Elk, squirrel. Bottom row: Mallard, Hooded Merganser & friend, Mallards.

I am watching you!

A foggy look at the seastack with the perched Brown Pelican on the top left side and a lot of Cormorants.

A flock of Green-winged Teal flying by the beach!

I hope you enjoyed my critter post and images.. As always I appreciate my blogging friends joining in on my Saturday Critter party. Thanks for linking up and I also appreciate the nice comments. Have a Happy Weekend.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


  1. cute dachsie, beautiful elk, adorable squirrel and i like the flock of birds against the rough surf. thanks for hosting!

  2. Yay! I finally have a Critter post I can share! :)

  3. Great collection of critters. They are all beautiful! Have a lovely weekend, Eileen!

  4. You saw lots of birds and critters. I love the elk. Have a great weekend, Eileen!

  5. A ffantastic selection of critter in this post Eileen. Thanks for hosting ann I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend.

  6. Hi Eileen, wonderful photos you've shared. I just love the misty ocean shots with the birds flying by. The deer is pretty great too. Have a great weekend. xx

  7. Lovely series, great landscape view...
    Oh yeah, the time flies so fast -
    Have a nice weekend

  8. So nice to see images from your travel. Especially the teal image. Love it
    Thanks for hosting :)

  9. Beautiful critter photos! :)
    Happy weekend and happy Halloween!

  10. Hello, and Happy Halloeen to you Eileen!:) What a great post with lovely photos of so many different critters. Love the one of the Green-winged Teals in flight, and the misty scene with the cormorants. Nice to see the Elks and the sweet bunny too,but enjoyed seeing them all,and you did a great job of showing and naming them all.

  11. Lindo m,osaico e fotos todas!Adorei! Belo fim de semana! bjs, chica

  12. Awesome pics
    ~ Have a nice weekend ~

  13. If never before seen the word 'seastack.' What an interesting photo. Thanks for hosting, Eileen.

  14. Hi Eileen, cute bunch of critters. I have mine ready to link to yours but cannot see a link. I'll be back and check later. Have a great day. Jo

  15. October flew by for me too, Eileen. Sad because I love October. BUT I'm hoping November goes by just as quickly since it's the most overcast month of the year in Ontario. ;)

  16. Good morning, Eileen
    Love the elk photo---they're so dark, aren't they? Nice shot

  17. Thanks once again for hosting Eileen! It is a pleasure to visit and see your photos of some many critters!
    The female elk is so elegant! Love that picture!
    Have a fun weekend!

  18. Hi Y'all!

    Oh, love the sea birds.

    When we're here in the mountains my Human really misses the sea and the seabirds.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  19. Without a doubt the last image is my favorite!

  20. Thanks very nice blog!

    Here is my blog post ::

  21. Wow!! Love, love LOVE the G W Teal above the waves!!

  22. I love those Elks. What fantastic animals. Have a great weekend Eileen.

  23. i love the watching you that is watching you and here we are watching what was watching you.... love all the critters

  24. Saturday's Critters pops up and I wish I had a photo . . .
    I saw one, does that count . . .
    Snickers and I were on our morning walk yesterday and she saw the huge yellow and white cat first . . .
    The one that saunters through our yard sometimes and sets Snickers into a barking fit . . .
    Usually she would stop and watch him/her . . .
    Instead . . . she seemed fearful, hurried those tiny furry legs down the road, darting her eyes back to see if yellow/white was following her.
    She had a "get out of dodge" pace . . .
    Could have been some great photos . . .
    Not like yours though . . . yours are

  25. Fantastic look at all the wonderful wildlife from this area Eileen. Thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Thank you for hosting and Happy Halloween.

  26. Hari Om
    Wonderful collage... but that teal flight is simply fabulous!!! Happy weekend to you and yours Eileen... YAM xx

  27. Hello Eileen, I'm back at last from a much-needed break from blogging. This is a really nice post!!

  28. so many great images in your mosaics today!!! i thought the "cute puppy" was goldie, the flight shots are awesome and that bambi spying on you looks very dark, i wonder if they grow darker for winter!!!

    many thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!!!!

  29. I love the photo of the elk....that is beautiful!

  30. Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing ! Have a good weekend !

  31. A sea stack - that's a first for me and I really like the photo.

  32. That's quite the rock! And a nice perch apparently.

  33. I love the PNW and so nice to see more of your visit. Fun shots!

  34. Superb captures and great collage making with variety of critters... Love the birds across waves in the last pic

  35. Eileen, nice collage of critters. Thanks for sharing.

  36. All so lovely to look at but my favourite row is:
    male and female Elk, squirrel... great shots.

    Enjoy this last day of October and may the new month of November be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

  37. A pretty plethora of pics, Eileen! Love the elk.

  38. Great photos! Such an interesting montage!

  39. Great shots as always. Thanks for sharing your beautiful nature shots. I'm sorry mine aren't of nature. And their actually not even natural today. I hope you don't mind. Hope you enjoy them. (insert wink)
    Have a great party.

  40. Hope you don't mind I'm commenting here on the post below, but I've never seen white turkeys before. The brown turkeys roam the streets and yards here, just like the deer:) Have a great weekend!

  41. great collection as usual, eileen! i, especially, like the photo of the elk.
    happy halloween!

  42. You can just keep showing us pictures from your trip ... they are all gorgeous. Can't pick a favorite because I love them all. It is raining and cold and it's Halloween ... probably won't get many trick or treaters ... more can't for me, right? Wrong ... I am on a diet, ugh! Know anyone who will want my leftovers? Have a great day, Eileen ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  43. You saw so many wonderful critters (wild and tame).... and put the collage together beautifully. I love that 'watcher' .... he really is keeping an eye on you. Thank you for hosting this lovely party!

  44. Fantastic collection of photos !!!

  45. Awesome shots, Eileen! Happy Halloween!

  46. Love those birds, Eileen! It must have been a wonderful trip!

  47. Looks like October was a great month for you Eileen - out and about exploring, fabulous photos as usual :)
    Wren x

  48. Lovely collage of photos and other excellent nature photos ~ That deer photo is my favorite ~ Happy Halloween to you ~

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  49. Beautiful shots of the deer and the teal..I have no critters this week..Sorry

  50. Love seeing all of the birds on top of the rock sunning themselves. Even though they can drive me nuts, the squirrel is my favorite.

  51. Second picture - who's watching who?

  52. can not believe it is time for November - wild - time is flying by. love all the beach birdies. ( ;

  53. Thanks for sharing and for hosting! Love the teals!

  54. Gorgeous captures, Eileen! I hope you had a great Halloween. :)

  55. Seeing your nature shots is always such a joy for me! Winter is getting ready to come so my world is gray :(

  56. ã‚·
    É muito agradável ver tantos animais diferentes nos seus posts.

    Bom domingo! Ótima semana!
    ❀Ù‡° ·.

  57. As always, an exceptional, excellent array of photos Eileen. Thanks for sharing at I'd Rather B Birdin'

  58. I particularly like the foggy view of the rock stack

  59. Beautiful collection of critter images!

  60. All great critters. Today my favorite is the deer. : )

  61. Hi Eileen, Very neat photos and I say that while trying to put aside my prejudice for anything having to do with the Pacific Northwest! :-) Congrats on another excellent Saturday's Critters. Wishing you a fine week ahead!

  62. Gosh Eileen, I wish I knew my birds like you that flock of ducks in the last shot!...:)JP

  63. I have had dachshunds but never a long-haired....but love them. You see some wonderful critters!

  64. Wow what a fabulous array of wildlife you found in that beautiful spot...

  65. The picture of the deer is so beautiful! He/she lives in paradise! I'm glad your way of shooting is through a lens! Everyone should be so respectful!

  66. Wow, such an abundance of cute and adorable critters! Sorry I missed linking this week! Enjoy your week.

  67. Again, lots of beautiful items with a wonderful range of beautiful animals. I have here and also looked over there and I see many beautiful things pass.

  68. All of them are great photos, and the one with the flock of birds flying in front of the waves is fantastic!

  69. Loving each shot!...
    Great images, as usual!


Hello, thank you for visiting my blog. I always appreciate your comments.

BTW, Anonymous comments unless a name is included will not be published. Also, comments with links will be deleted.

Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

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