Saturday, November 21, 2015

Saturday's Critters #101

Saturday's Critters #101

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in with this week's critter party.

Sorry, still showing some vacation photos, I may have one more day of pic's to share. These are some various birds and critters seen on the day of drive to the coast and Cape Flattery. We stopped at the Warmhouse Restaurant in Neah Bay for a late lunch. We also walked on a beach called Hobuck, we saw they also have nice cabins for rent.

A wind blown Great Blue Heron.

I am drawn to any dog I see while on vacation, this one was running on the Hobuck beach with his/her human.

Hobuck beach surfers, a black doggie and a gull.

One of my Washington State lifers. The Greater White-fronted Goose seen out the window of a restaurant in Neah Bay.

They are cute geese.

Another shot from the Neah Bay restaurant of a seal resting on the marina pier.

It is not often I am able to get some barn images so when I saw this cool elk on the field I had to stop for some photos. For Tom's THE BARN COLLECTIVE  seen our drive to the Cape Flattery in Washington..a herd of Elk seen in a field near the barn and farm.

Luckily no one was behind me on the road so I was able to pull over to take these shots of the herd of elk and the barns.

More barn and elk images for Tom's Barn Collective.

I hope you enjoyed my critters and birds. I am so happy you are participating with my critter party or if you just dropped by for a visit. Thanks so much for the comments too. Have a safe and happy weekend..

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme. Also, for this post I am linking up with  Tom's @ The Barn Collective Thanks to Tom the host


JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great photos - I've not seen the white fronted goose, what a find. We love the elk herds around Washington- we have two local herds but have only seen them once. Some friends have had them come right into their back yard.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I love all the Elk images and that first wind swept Heron. Thanks for hosting Eileen and have a wonderful weekend. I see you are back to therobit thing again!!!

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent choice of critters. So glad you got to see the White Fronted Geese and that nice herd of elk.
Take care

Unknown said...

I love the elk and the wind ruffled heron. Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen, and thank you for hosting.

Ohmydearests said...

It looks like you had an incredible holiday! That restaurant looks great! Love the dog and all the birds! Oh and the elk!

Linda said...

Hello Eileen,

Since I live in a big city like Montreal I rarely get to see elk and lovely country scenes. Gorgeous series, thank you so much for sharing.

orvokki said...

It is interesting to see elks in pasture. In Finland them roam as wild in the woods and fields (and causing a number of collisions with cars when exceeding the road) They are close even to the populated area.
Fortunately, I have not seen often close to them, only far from the road.
Your photos are lovely.
Have a nice weekend.

Irma said...

Beautiful series of photographs of the animals.
Perfect photographed.
Best regards, Irma

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

That bull elk certainly is impressive! Thanks for hosting, Eileen, and have a nice Thanksgiving week!

Christine said...

A super collection of critters, Eileen! I am drawn to red barns so I really enjoyed seeing those photos of the elk.
The seal was another fun photo!
Have a great Saturday!

Jeevan said...

Excellent photos on the critters... it must be wonderful staying at those cabins and get hold to beach and cool breeze. I love barns, and this is pretty one in the presence of grazing herd of elks!

Phil Slade said...

Good Morning Eileen. You really captured the feel for a windy day with the heron - he looks a little blown away. Great to see the elks and it's good to hear that you were able to stop the car for the pictures. It's very frustrating when I see something to photograph but there's a car hanging on to my back bumper.

Enjoy your weekend, and thanks for allowing me to join in today.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh, great post again♪ The first 'wind ruffled heron'made me wish to take pictures like yours some day. High possibility (^_^)彡☆
The barn and elk scenes are breathtaking and the luck is for us as well, Dear friend. And the wild seal resting on the marina pier is fascinating to see; as long as safe for people p:-)
Thank you SO much for hosting great link and wonderful post♡♡♡ 

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Lynne said...

So much to see . . .seal, elk, duck, doggies, birdies . . .
I get my "Critter Fix" through you . . .
Those did look like nice rental cabins . . .
Thank you for hosting Saturday's Critters for 101 times . . .

MadSnapper n Beau said...

critters make me happy, today all of your critter photos are making me happy and warm and fuzzy feeling. that windblown heron is AMAZING.

Jenn Jilks said...

So many photos of great delight!!!

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

That's quite a harem of elk.

I know that pup. That's George. Hi George!

Lea said...

Elk! Wonderful!
Thanks for hosting this fun meme!
Have a great week-end!

Alexa T said...

How amazing to see all these critters in their habitat... I love them all, gosses are the ones that I can see in here too, sometimes in the countryland travel!
So thankful that you shared such beautiful nature through camrea lens and your stunning linky place in every saturday...
Always warm greetings! Alexa T.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lucky you to have seen that herd of elk! Neat!

Laura. M said...

Very good photo series, you had a good view from the restaurant
Good weekend Eileen ;)

Debbie said...

such a great group of images, i was not surprised to see that awesome capture of the dog on the beach!!!

i love seals, seeing them in the wild is so exciting!!!! i enjoyed the herd of elk, lucky you to see them!!!!

Sharon Wagner said...

I like the pretty landscapes today.

Uppal said...

The panoramic spread of your pictures make them look so special and classic.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i was going to say the 1st shot is my fave, but then i saw the red barn ... gorgeous scene there. awesome!! what a great trip. love it! happy weekend to you Eileen. have a great one. ( :

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Lovely critters and great photos! The geese look indeed very cute and your photos are incredibly sharp and bright.
Enjoy your weekend!

George said...

You got some great pictures of the elk near the barn.

Inspired By June said...

Wonderful captures, Eileen! The elk are so beautiful!

DeniseinVA said...

Cool collection of photos with many intersection critters today Eileen. Very enjoyable photos as always. Thanks for hosting and have a great day :)

Linda Kay said...

The shot of the bull elk is my favorite. Ever wonder how they can run through a forest with all those antlers?

Florence said...

Looks like you had a beautiful trip and saw some beautiful wildlife. Loved the barn!

Linda W. said...

I'm glad you were able to see a large elk herd while you were in WA state. They are one of my favorite wild animals to spot.

Gail said...

Fantastic photos of very interesting critters.

Have a blessed weekend.

Bob Bushell said...

I ceartainly did enjoyed one of your vacations, and your lifer as well, well done Eileen.

sandyland said...

superior photos especially elk and strolling cavalier dog !!

Anonymous said...

Great collection of critters. Love the geese. They look like my Lucy, who is a Toulouse.

Tom said...

Quite the sights!

photodoug said...

Eileen, a bounty of critters. Thanks for sharing.

Linda said...

Neat shots! Thanks for hosting 101 times! I just posted my 150th squirrel.

Jayne said...

Wonderful photos! Glad you were able to stop and get the photos of the elk!

Barb said...

My son and d-i-l live next to an elk reserve in CO and have them in the yard all the time. In the summer, they come and help themselves to my d-i-l's planters! Love that wind blown Heron and the seal!

Ela said...

Beautiful collection of photos, Eileen !!
Have a nice weekend :)

Country Gal said...

Lovely assortment of photos . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

HappyK said...

Oh those elk are magnificent!!

Ailime said...

Hi Eileen, how are you? Magnificent photos! I love horses and these are beautiful! Wish you a good Sunday and week. Hugs,

TexWisGirl said...

love the elk scenes! sweet geese and happy pup. but i loved the ruffled up gbh.

Caroline Gill said...

What lovely photos, Eileen. It's snowing - just a little - here!

The Yum List said...

That dog looks like she owns the beach.

Rose said...

Oh, wow, that is a lot of elk...I would probably have caused a wreck if I had been there and someone behind me...what a wonderful capture.

This N That said...

I love the GB Heron all fluffed up,,Great shot..Handsome elk..Nice photos ..I hope you are enjoying your weekend..

Al said...

You've posted a great selection of critters for the weekend!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hobuck beach is really a beautiful and scenic place -- Like you, I'm of course drawn to the dogs I see, but I have to say that seal would have really had a lot of my attention!

rupam sarma said...

Beautiful clicks, Great post

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, at last I got here! I loved seeing the seal, ducks and elk. But the dog is my favorite! Thanks for hosting. Have a great day. Jo

Icy BC said...

Gorgeous pictures, Eileen! I am too drawn to dogs when I see one :)

Nancy Chan said...

I always enjoy your critters posts. Gorgeous pics of your travel and critters you have photographed. Have a blessed Sunday!

Tom said...

I don't get a chance to see a nice barn with a herd of elk grazing in the forward often. Thanks for sharing this Eileen. Please find some more barn mixed in with your critters.

Betty Manousos said...

good morning eileen!
i love all of the pictures here but i think the elk images are my fave. i always enjoy your critters and posts.

have a blessed day!

facile et beau - Gusta said...

beautiful images. I love the elks. Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice day

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great shots, Eileen. I especially like the elk!
Thanks for hosting, have a great week.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi!Many beautiful bird's and elk's photos. I think some of them are very rare. Male elk's photo is very cool. Thanks for sharing.

Lowcarb team member said...

What a fantastic selection of photo's here ... I like them all, but great to see the seal.

Do hope your weekend is going well, and many thanks for all your lovely comments on the low carb diabetic blog ... it's lovely to receive, read and share them.

All the best Jan

GranthamLynn said...

Wow beautiful shots. Sorry I didn't get your feature up. I'll do it this week. I'll visit your links and invite them to come over and visit your feature!
Have a great Sunday and a beautiful week.

carol l mckenna said...

Great photography as always ~ love the seal on the boat ~

Happy week to you,
artmusedog and carol

Donna Sexton said...

Great photography. Such a variety of animals. Thanks for hosting and stopping by my blog.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Dogs on the beach are great to look at and admirable companions no doubt, but I was on a beach in Maine a couple of years ago which was littered with dog poop from end to end. I guess some owners are not very responsible.

Maude Lynn said...

I love the elk! So beautiful!

magiceye said...

Lovely images!!

Sandi said...

That seal looks ginormous! Am I the only one afraid of seals now? Seriously.

The elk! WOW!

Gayle said...

I confess I had this fleeting thought, 'rare to see a barn from Eileen'. But when you found one it was unique---elk. Love it. Happy Day.

Anni said...

Love the elk photo!!! We had them in our back yard in when I was growing Colorado. Love to hear them.

Your greater white fronted geese are showing up a lot here in Texas....but I haven't seen any yet....only heard reports through emails. Lucky you.

Thanks for linking up at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend Eileen.

Sonja said...

I love the ruffled up Heron in the first image. You certainly captured a variety of photos while you were in the Olympic area.

Merlesworld said...

No elk around here so unusual to see them, they are lovely to look at are the peaceful animals they appear so.

Hannah said...

I've been living in Washington for 22 years, Eileen, and have never seen elk here, so I appreciate your photos and traveling expertise. They are interesting in the field with the barn, I like the shot with the antlers and little one together.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great Elk (and barn) pictures! And that restaurant in Neah Bay has to be one of the most wonderful bird blinds ever! Great shots and I assume a nice meal along with the photo-ops! Pretty sweet.

Stephanie said...

Love seeing your weekly critters. Great shots!

Lois said...

Seeing all these cute critters is reminding me I need to get some more critter shots so I can participate!

genie said...

What a varied collections of shots this week. Elk, birds, a dog, a prissy have given us a bit of everything. I really enjoyed looking at your photos tonight.

Anonymous said...

lovely collection.

Kathy said...

The blue heron is definitely having a bad hair day!

Ana Freire said...

Great images!
I loved them all, specially that one with the elk... we don't see any over here!... :-)
Remarkable work, Eileen!
Have a great week ahead!

NatureFootstep said...

lots of nice deer´s but I love the image of the windblown Great Blue :)

Thanks for hosting :)

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
fantastic photos of your day outside. So beautiful are the birds and the deer and also your dog.
Best regards, Synnöve

Celeste said...

Oh my that Blue Heron shot is so funny. He really is having a bad hair day isn't he? Love the elk shots too.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...