Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nature is grand

I have a list below of memes I am joining for this week, and to save time I am doing one post for all. They are all fun memes to participate in...I hope you can join in with the fun  and check out some of the participating posts. Special thanks to all the wonderful host and their memes, I hope you have some time to check them out.

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." Vincent Van Gogh

This is finally the last of my Washington trip photos. On this gray day we were leaving La Push and heading south on Rt 101 near the coast. Before taking our rental car back to the Sea-tac airport we made a few stops along the way. One stop at the Grays Harbor Nat'l Wildlife Refuge near Aberdeen Washington and then the Nisqually Nat'l Wildlife Refuge near Olympia Washington.

"The sea, once it cast it's spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever." Jacques Yves Cousteau

Driving down the coast and below the resort at Kalaloch we stopped to view the beaches and the amazing numbers of Surf Scoters.

To really see this image it is best enlarged. All the small black dots are the Surf Scoters. It had to be the largest count of Scoters I have ever seen. There were more Scoters (a sea bird)  up and down the coast. It was an amazing sight to see, especially if you are a birder.

Above are some birds, the tree lined boardwalk and moss covered trees
scenes from the Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge near Aberdeen Washington.

Grays Harbor NWR Great Blue Herons spending time with the gulls.

Above are some images from our short visit to the Nisqually Wildlife refuge. I wish we had more time here. They have a boardwalk that is 4 miles.

A scenic view at Nisqually, the boardwalk, wetlands and sky.

For Tom's meme The Barn Collective I am sharing the twin barns at the Nisqually NWR. The two huge barns were once dairy barns built back in 1934 and the wildlife refuge was once called the Brown Farm. The forest here is a rare natural occuring deciduous riparian forest found in Washington.

I hope you enoyed the images and post. I appreciate your visits and nice comments. Thank you! Have  a happy day and new week ahead!

As always thanks to the wonderful group of hosts listed below.

Thanks to Tom for hosting The Barn Collective.
Thanks to Judith our  host of Mosaic Monday
Thanks to Monica for hosting NF Trees
Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to the hosting team of Our World Tuesday!
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


Alexa T said...

Always grand nature! And amazing quotes! I never was on a boardwalk like in your pics! Plus that all the critters shown by you, I can see them only through your lens...
Greetings for the new week! Have a great time!

Mersad said...

The touch of fog and moody atmosphere add a special touch to the landscapes. Lovely wildlife shots Eileen!

Mersad Donko Photography

Linda W. said...

Great collection of wildlife photos from your Washington trip! I've visited Kalaloch beach and it is one of my favorite beaches on the Olympic coast.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

super collages of the birds and nature.. i really like the last two photos, the boardwalk is magical, the barns are so beautiful

chasing the sun said...

Beautiful what nature can show us :-)

Tom said...

You sure can say that again! Thanks so much from including this neat pair of barns. Have a super week.

Celeste said...

Wow! Your Scoter shots are amazing! I have never seen that many all together in one area, what a fabulous sight. Thank you for sharing. Have a great week.

The Yum List said...

That's a great quote by Vincent Van Gogh. Seems true to my thinking as well. :-)

Barb said...

You took some amazing photos on this trip, Eileen! I love that one of the boardwalk leading the eye into the distance. I like that you always keep a lookout for the birds.

Cloudia said...

Your eye and your personality keep us happily coming back again and again dear Eileen!

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere."
Vincent Van Gogh



Small City Scenes said...

I love the Nisqually Wildlife area. Fun sights and walks. Nice barns too.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

You birders are special people. I'm glad you carry cameras and share your joy with us.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
You have a great 'eye' Eileen! The herons hunkering down from the wind is lovely - but the winner for me today is the boardwalk...... YAM xx

Michelle said...

A lovey selection of photos and those twin barns....what a find!

TexWisGirl said...

wonderful grays and pale blues. loved the 2 gbhs together, too!

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

I enjoyed the variety of wonderful nature photos Eileen and so well photographed. I can see you have such an appreciation for nature (as do I)and you have captured it so well!

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Lovely photos as always!!! Have a wonderful week!!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

A boardwalk that is 4 miles long? That is incredible! Wonderful photos!

magiceye said...

The last few pics are amazing!

Linda said...

Superb series, Eileen! The great blue herons are quite big! I really like the quotes you are sharing, too! Beautiful, as always, thank you so much for sharing. :)

Red Nomad OZ said...

Those barns look wonderfully exotic - they're quite different to any I've seen down here in OZ! The boardwalk going off into the mist looks great too! Have a great week, my friend!

Anonymous said...

So much to see! The GB herons look all fluffed out. Nice find on the twin barns.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Eileen, you truly show the magic that wildlife refuges so special. What great photos, and I love the twin barns!

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, and have a good week ahead too!

Joyful said...

Lovely beach scenes and collages, Eileen. That frog or toad in one collage looks huge. He must have a lot of good food where he lives ;-) Happy week ahead.

Liz said...

What a fabulous series of images, Eileen! I love nature too. That certainly is a huge count of Surf Scoters! I love those barns too!

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, beautiful nature walk. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day. Jo

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I have totally enjoyed your Washington posts Eileen. Even on a dull day your photos are lovely. So many birds and I love the 2 barns shapes.

Ohmydearests said...

wonderful images, as always! the scoters image is incredible! wishing you a beautiful week, Eileen!

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

Wonderful sea views and beautiful bird photos! Nature is grand and I'm happy you share this kind of views with us - I would probably never see them otherwise. It would be lovely to walk on that long boardwalk and the tree-lined one looks very charming too. Great quotations!
Have a lovely new week!

Crissi said...

Wonderful pictures -always grand nature!
Have a happy week Eileen
Hug Crissi

Lynne said...

I love all of your photos . . .
There usually is one that really captures my eye . . . and your talent . . .
The Barn Twins . . .

Reader Wil said...

You know so much about birds and every week I learn a new name .
Thank you for your visit and kind comment. I hope that you will have a great week.
Wil, ABCW Team.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

those barns are 2 cool. i bet they have a story or two. history and all. love that shot. so cool! love the boardwalk, that looks like a fun walk. have a great week. hope you have some time to relax too. ( :

EG CameraGirl said...

Love those twin barns! The boardwalk too! And I always like seeing the birds you photograph.

Linda Kay said...

Very curious that there are two barns so close together and so much alike. Hmmm. Always wonderful nature pictures, Eileen. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, The picture of the farm barns is especially nice. Have a wonderful day!

Uppal said...

Wide range of fantastic pictures!

Antiques And Teacups said...

What wonderful bird photos. I live be the ocean and love the herons and shore birds. Beautiful!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos! I've only ever seen one surg scoter I think, over here we get velvet scoters (and common scoters) in the winter, I love watching them.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Those twin barns are amazing!

Debbie said...

i am happiest when i am outdoors!! that's a lot of surf scoters, i don't think i have ever seen of of those!!!

it looks like you got pretty close to the herons, that's a great capture!!!!!

mick said...

A really great collection of bird photos, but for me the photos of the sea are the best! It is a very beautiful part of the coast.

Fun60 said...

A great collection of sea birds. That's such a long board walk!

carol l mckenna said...

All great shots! Favorites are the boardwalk and the matching barns!

Wishing you a magical week,
artmusedog and carol

Ailime said...

Good afternoon Eileen, the world is wonderful! All your spectacular pictures are proof that we have been offered a paradise! I liked all, but the last two are fabulous, in addition to the birds that I love. Hugs and good week. (I'd like you see a bit of a place near me.)

Birgitta said...

Great photos! You are a very good nature, bird photographer!

Christine said...

Even on an overcast day your photos shine! Brilliant shots of so many birds but I really loved the shot of the pier. Lovely light & the barns were so characterful!

Our photos said...

Wow, that is very nice ! I really like the last two photos !

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures, Eileen, as always!! So much colorful beauty!! And thank you, as always, for sharing the beauty with us!! I do hope you have a great new enjoy!! Enjoy!!

Photo Cache said...

Lovely shots, especially the pair of barns.

Worth a Thousand Words

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Eileen, always the best photos. Your shots are magazine worthy for sure.
Lovely collection. Have a great week.

Country Gal said...

Yes I believe in the first quote ! Wonderful post and fantastic photos love your header to ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

Al said...

What a beautiful place!

Rose said...

I don't know where to start...I know i will leave something out. I love your barn glad you joined the meme. I love all these shots. Those Great Blue Herons look so bedraggled in I think the 4th shot. And I love that shot of the boardwalk!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Delightful birds, boardwalk and barns Eileen and I agree whole heartedly that nature is grand.

Indrani said...

Excellent presentation of pics for the different themes.
Eileen, it shows you are a thoughtful photographer! :)

GreenComotion said...

Oh my - what a beautiful place.
The boardwalk is breathtaking.
Great one, Eileen!
Have a Super Day!!
Peace :)

Stephanie said...

Gorgeous photography as always. Love that long bridge.

ann said...

I have enjoyed your Washington photos so much since I have never been there. It really is a pretty state. I do enjoy your bird photos, too. You always take such wonderful photos of birds. Enjoy your week, Eileen.

Jackie @ travelnwrite said...

Looks like you enjoyed our home state of Washington. Wish we'd have been there so we could have met in real time!

Amy said...

oh waves at the beach always get me, I miss them.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Beautiful and breathtaking photos; Thank you SO much for sharing these wonderful scenes of nature♡♡♡ What a huge number of Surf Scoter♪ The last picture of big twin barns picture is really impressive to me. Love Gogh's quote, too.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
marvelous photos and impressions. the long bridge is awesome, but also the birds and frog. So beautiful !
Best regards, Synnöve

Ana Freire said...

Beauty everywhere...
That is so true, in all yours photos, Eileen!...
I loved it all... images, and quotes... and your impressions, from the different places...
Kisses! Have a great week!

Gayle said...

Quite a collection. The leading line of the boardwalk makes me want to go for a quiet misty walk and take deep breaths---aaah. Happy Day.

Life Images by Jill said...

I've enjoyed your posts Eileen. That board-walk would certainly be worth doing if you get to see so much birds and wildlife that you have shown here. Thanks Eileen. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anni said...

Beautiful photos! Amazing how close you can get to the animals!

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images Eileen.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! The Scoters photo is amazing. I enjoyed your mosaic photos very much. Thanks for sharing.

A Casa Madeira said...

Lindas todas as imagens;
Mas adorei a ponte!

4 Lettre Words said...

Wishing I was there! Gorgeous!!

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

I adore these parting shots.......especially the boardwalk at Nisqually. What an amazing sight and I bet walking out on that boardwalk was fabulous.

Richard Pegler said...

Hi Eileen. Sorry not to have been by for a while.

I guess I'm a bit behind the times as I don't really understand the concept of memes. However, I've really enjoyred your post, and Those last two images are very special.

Have a great week - - - Richard

Anonymous said...

You're doing the same as I do, so I also have some time left in the week, but you're posting lots more pics:):) Love the one of the blue herons, and the barns. My most favorite is one of the boardwalk, because of the contrast of man made and nature. Enjoy your week!

Debby Ray said...

What great photos and glorious mosaics, Eileen! You see so many wonderful critters! Happy Tuesday :)

Adam Jones said...

More wonderful pictures Eileen. Wonderful.

Helma said...

Wonderful to see.
Another attractive range of images of nature. The bridge in photo 6 is truly visionary sich.
Greetings, Helma

Powell River Books said...

I recognized the walkway at Gray's Harbor. We flew our plane there and walked the trails. It's rare to have a nature walk right next to an airport. - Margy

Valerie said...

A delightful series of captures Eileen. I imagine those wetlands provide beautifully for a myriad of birdlife - and great photography opportunities! Thanks for sharing.

DeniseinVA said...

Beautiful photos Eileen. I think we went to Nisqually when we were out that way. It rings a bell and I seem to remember those barns particularly. Have a great day.

Cath said...

so many wonderful shots Eileen....I especially love the pier and the barn ones.

Lois said...

Lovely photos Eileen! I have always wanted to visit Washington. It looks beautiful there.

Debbie said...

I forgot to mention how pretty your new header image is!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Isn't t wonderful up there? Our Tacoma kids have taken us to Nisqually several times and we love it as much as they do.

Ruth said...

Beautiful place. I am always surprised to see so many surfers at certain spots. Those guys (and gals) love their waves.

A Colorful World said...

Great photos, Eileen. Love the two Great Blues on the shore, and that shot of the wetlands! Beautiful place! Really nice barns as well. So different.

Sonja said...

That's an incredible number of Scoters, Eileen. It's looking cold in many of them!

Lea said...

What a great place to explore - a four mile long boardwalk!
Have a wonderful day!

Gail said...

I love them all!!!!

21 Wits said...

Nature is grand and you always have the best photos that prove it too!

Rohrerbot said...

Why do all good things have to come to an end??!!!!! The Surf Scoters! The best part of these trips come from cold temps and coffee and wonderful birding spots. Beautiful trek and congrats on the finds. What rail is that in the second collage? A Virginia or Clapper?

PS. Happy Birthday!

Lowcarb team member said...

Goodness me!
What a fabulous selection of photo's to look at - thank you.

I like all the quotes you have used to but especially the one by Vincent Van Gogh.

I hope you've had a very good week so far and may Thursday and Friday be good days too.

All the best Jan

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Certainly enjoyed the beautiful photos of your trip.

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

Beautiful photos, Eileen! Love the herons and the twin barns. It's been a while since I've been to the wildlife refuges - I think I need to visit again. Hope your week is going well. x Karen

Linda said...

Neat pictures! Love the barns!

diane b said...

What a fab place to visit. I would love to walk that boardwalk with you.

Stewart M said...

Thats a lot of ducks! And you are correct in your assessment of nature!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Awesome photos, Eileen. My favorite was that frog. Ribbit, ribbit. And the barns. They reminded me of very tall yurts. :-)
The View from the Top of the Ladder

NatureFootstep said...

everything is beautiful in your images. You have a great eye for composition and what is a beautiful thing :)

Rambling Woods said...

You really have the opportunity to get some wonderful nature shots Eileen.. Have a wonderful weekend... Michelle

Laura said...

Magnificent nature photos as always Eileen!

Anonymous said...

Love the shot of the herons and gulls. That boardwalk is amazing! Beautiful series of images.

Florence said...

Love all the birds. Wish I could have seen the scoters!

Angie Rose said...

Beautiful photograph of some lovely birds! Have a wonderful week ahead :)

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...