Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saturday's Critters #99

Saturday's Critters #99

Happy Saturday, it's time to share your critters and post. Any kind of critter will do, even a new or old post.. I appreciate everyone who is linking in  and those who are just visiting this week's critter party.

I am sharing some of the birds I see out my treadmill window. I do not watch TV while on the treadmill like some do. But, my treadmill faces my front yard and there is a rhododendron bush, pine tree and the red maple right outside the window. The birds all love this bush, sometimes I sprinkle some bird seed on the ground for them to eat.. I am able to watch my birds while walking on the treadmill. I do have to stop my walking to take their photos though.

An Ovenbird on the left and a Wood Thrush on the right stopped by on the same day in September.These shots were all taken thru the window, I wish the images were better.

The Blue Jays are regular visitors. I had to put decals on my window to stop the Cardinals and some other birds from attacking their reflections.

The Titmouse flies in grabs a seed off the ground and will then open the seed on one of the branches.

Sometimes I see the bunny and the chipmunks.

This day I got a  blurry shot of the Gray Catbird.

My favorite sighting was when the neighborhood Mockingbird and some Cardinals chased this Red Morph Screech Owl into my front yard right outside my treadmill window. It was the first time I have ever seen an owl in my yard. I have heard them calling at various times. I still hear the Mockingbird fussing so I have a feeling the Screech Owl is still close by my yard.

I hope you enjoyed my critter post and images.. As always I appreciate my blogging friends joining in on my Saturday Critter party. Thanks for linking up and I also appreciate the nice comments and my visitors. Have a Happy Weekend.

To see more beautiful birds and cute critters, check out these two memes below.

Also visit:  I'd-Rather-B-BirdinThanks to the gracious host: Anni.  Also check out Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty for hosting this fun meme.


Ohmydearests said...

your treadmill window is wonderful! and so is that beautiful little owl! wow!

Lynne said...

Loved your critter variety . . .
The Screech Owl right outside your treadmill window is wonderful . . .
What a treat to see him so close!

Unknown said...

I love the owl looking at you through the window. Have a great weekend, Eileen!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a wonderul way to exercise and still be birding. Lovely critters in your garden especially that beautiful Owl. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend. Eileen do you know why we have to do the'robot ' thing now. It is taking too much time and anyway I cannot makeout some of the pictures so it takes me 3 goes to get it right. How it is just a blogger glitch!

NatureFootstep said...

todays higlight is the image of the owl. It is as if it want´s to hide in there.

Congrats to the sighting.

In Sweden they have a winter contest when they, for one day, count all species they find in their gardens. I can´t do that of course. A balcony is not a garden. And I would probably only get Great- and Blue tits. :) From what I seen in yours you would get a lot :)

chica said...

Adorei ver mais essa série de fotografias lindas! beijos, ótimo fim de semana! chica

Christine said...

You saved the best until last, Eileen! I think I'd have toppled off the treadmill in excitement to take a shot of the owl! I love it! You have a fab selection of critters in your yard!
Thanks again for hosting!

Hootin Anni said...

Neat critters Eileen. I would LOVE to say I had an owl [of any species] in my yard or close by!! Wow.

Sue said...

Oh my goodness--I just loved that owl photo---what a surprise!!
When I had a treadmill, I did the same thing---watched what was going on outside.
Never been a tv watcher myself.
Have a wonderful weekend, Eileen

Lowcarb team member said...

Eileen ... you see lots through your window, thank you for sharing them with us. The blue jays are such a lovely colour aren't they.

Happy Weekend Wishes

All the best Jan

Tom said...

Many disappear into their surroundings.

Tomoko said...

I like to see your birds as always.
What a pretty owl. Looks like he is curious to know you.
Thank you for letting me join you today,Eileen.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

I looked at the Ovenbird and thrush, which were positioned almost exactly the same, and casually thought you were showing two different exposures of the same bird. In the field it is easy to make a snap judgement and confuse the two, as I have nearly done. Love that owl!

Phil Slade said...

Good Morning Eileen. Thanks for the chance to join in your critter party today.

Well that's a new one on me, a treadmill list! But some great birds there with the Ovenbird and a Wood Thrush, not to mention the Screech Owl. Have a great weekend of birds (and walking).

Sara - Villa Emilia said...

What a wonderful selection of beautiful critters, Eileen!
The owl is gorgeous.
Have a lovely weekend!

EG CameraGirl said...

I envy your view! It would definitely encourage me to use the treadmill!

diane b said...

You have some great entertainment while on your treadmill better than TV

aspiritofsimplicity said...

i am always amazed at the amount of wildlife that you see.

Small City Scenes said...

I love that you got a picture of the Owl. Nice find.

Deb said...

Gorgeous photos. Love the owl shot. It looks quite intrigued with something. Deb

rainfield61 said...

I would like to buy your treadmill window.

Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos . Yup if I had a treadmill that's where I would put mi9ne smack dab in front of my window to watch the wild life in our yard . Thanks for sharing , Have a good weekend !

sandyland said...

blessed with all this beauty

Jenn Jilks said...

How lovely, your birds!!!!

Debbie said...

cute little birdies but that owl shot is off the charts!!

have a wonderful weekend eileen and many thanks for hosting!!!!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Eileen!:) A delightful assortsort of critters, especially the owl who seems to be looking at you through the window.

Gayle said...

I was enjoying all your shots and then. . .the screech owl! One of those once in a lifetime moments. Absolutely wonderful. Happy Day.

CountryCityCindy said...

I just blogged about my own Screech Owl yesterday! Wish her eyes were open. Your pic is awesome!
Take care,
I'm looking for new followers:

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

all those furry and feathered neighbors are a joy, aren't they. Now I just wish I could get our Miss Missy to accept the raccoons who LOVE our feeders. said...

Love the view from your window, that owl is amazing!!! Phyllis

Magia da Inês said...

Lindos e ao alcance da lente!...

Bom fim de semana com tudo de bom!!!
✿˚° ·.

Sharon Wagner said...

Oh my God! That owl is plotting something...

Katarina said...

Thanks for hosting, Eileen - and have a lovely weekend!

ShannonW said...

You have some awesome photos and an even more awesome view from your treadmill window. Happy Saturday!

Linda W. said...

That owl photo is so cool! Looks like he's being a peeping Tom looking in your window (or a peeping owl!) If I was walking on a treadmill I'd be looking outside too instead of starting at a tv screen.

Linda said...

What a gorgeous variety of nature critters, Eileen! Your owl is adorable! :)

Linda said...

Oh, and just so you know, thankfully I haven't had any issues with the robot verification and photos popup window today and yesterday, but I did two days ago. It seems to be sporadic, almost as if Blogger is testing it or something. I think the more feedback they get on this, either positive or negative, (and it has been negative), that it will make them realize that it is nothing more than a nuisance. :) Thus far, including myself, two of us have sent them our constructive negative feedback.

DeniseinVA said...

I would fall out of my shoes if an owl landed on a branch next to my window. Very exciting! Great photos Eileen! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

Cranberry Morning said...

What a great idea, Eileen! Peace and beauty! The catbird is one of my favorites. I'm traveling today so won't be linking up. Have s great weekend.

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said...

Hi Y'all!

Fabulous bird photos! My favorite bird, if I have one, is the wood thrush. When I hear that beautiful song I know it's spring.

Y'all come on back,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely critters. Love the cute owl! Have a beautiful weekend!

21 Wits said...

WGood morning Eileen, what a fine group of critter friends you have! They are great day brighteners!

photodoug said...

Eileen, the bunny and chipmunk - cute. Thanks for sharing.

Helma said...

Wonderful are your birds, butthe little owl is truly visionary sich!
Nice weekend Eileen

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Owl in the window is amazing!

Nice to see you have treadmill cheerleaders, Eileen.


carol l mckenna said...

All wonderful shots ~ my favorite is the owl! Great work!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

Ranten said...

Lovely visit in the garden! Happy weekend!

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, Happy Saturday to you and congrats on Saturday's Critters #99! I just added one of this week's Busy Bears! Thank you for hosting! Have a great weekend.

RedPat said...

What a great assortment of critters outside your window! Like everyone, I love seeing the owl - he looks rather startled!

Anonymous said...

Have never seen an owl, let alone in my yard! Have a beautiful weekend!

HappyK said...

Nice to get a shot of the owl.
Always enjoy your critter shots.
I've been seeing quite a lot of blue jays around the house here.

Beate said...

It's so amazing you get to see all these beautiful animals so close up while you're working out. I love it! I've never seen an owl like right out of the window, what an awesome picture. And I love the bunny and the chipmunk, too.
I've always wanted to take part in the Saturday's Critters and I finally managed :D Thank you so much for featuring it!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Bob Bushell said...

Oh yes, I really love the Ovenbird, it is special.

Merlesworld said...

Your birds are so different from ours.
I like the blue jays the best, maybe because they are blue.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

I love the blue jays - and the bunny and chipmunk were my favorite - until I saw the owl. What a special treat to have it so close - love the photo!!!!

Anni said...

Thanks for sharing your link to this post this weekend, at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Your photos/posts are always terrific.

Gail said...

A delightful variety of dining companions.

The Yum List said...

That owl is checking you out! I wonder what it thinks when you're on the treadmill? ;-)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a great catch of both the Morph Owl and the Wood Thrush...oh how I wish I would see them, let alone get a pic!!!...:)JP

Maude Lynn said...

The owl is amazing!

Pietro Brosio said...

What a wonderful selection of nice critters!
Happy Sunday!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hi Eileen! You don't need TV, you have a great show going on right outside your window -- The owl, how cool! A perfect reminder of what you miss by being glued to the TV!

Gillian Olson said...

Great photos, especially like the owl,

Stephanie said...

Wonderful selection of images. Have a great week!

Linda said...

Love how the owl is watching you! I think the bunny is looking at you too!

Looks like your have a linky-versary coming up.

GreenComotion said...

With such fine visitors, who needs the television?
Loved the many visitors to your garden and their photos!
Have a Great Weekend, Eileen!!
Peace :)

Jutta.K. said...

All your photos are great, but the best one for me is the last,
with this nice owl !
Greetings from Germany

Joyful said...

Wow, Eileen, you must live in the country as you have so many wild critters where you live. I enjoyed the Blue Jays as they are such a pretty colour. I'm a bit late to the critter party this week but have a happy Sunday.

Ela said...

I love your fantastic shots, Eileen !!
These critters are so beautiful !!
Happy Sunday !

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

What a great post, Eileen! It's great you are able to enjoy the wild life just outside your window. The owl is my fave!
Thanks for hosting.

Crissi said...

So lovely shots!
Happy Sunday
Hug from Germany Crissi

magiceye said...

Beautifully captured!

LInda aka Crafty Gardener said...

The screech owl was an amazing sighting. I'm a day late linking up, guess I've been too busy watching the birds :)

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Cool pics.. Lovely owl.. Cheers..

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I would think I had died and gone to heaven were I to have a Wood Thrush and an Ovenbird in my yard. And that red morph Eastern Screech owl is not too shabby either!

Neesie said...

You have such a fantastic collection of wild birds photographs here Eileen, they really are brilliant. Such variety too.
I have to admit I love the owl... he looks so surprised to see you.
I think I'd be forgetting all about the treadmill with these fantastic distractions ;D

This N That said...

Those birds look like home..Nice shots..I heard an owl the other night when I was walking Mollie late..I haven't seen one here though..Hope you had a fun weekend..Enjoy your week!!

TexWisGirl said...

love all your visitors, but the screech is a 'wow' moment!

Rose said...

That owl is really a cool, cool capture. We were coming out of our garage and a big old owl took off from the edge of it one night and that was such a thrill.

Anonymous said...

Love the owl looking in the window! Very cute!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh my gosh TV couldn't compete with your live action show. How wonderful! I'm sure I'd forget to walk I'd be too busy looking at the birds.

Kathie Brown said...

You have THE BEST treadmill location EVER! Who would want to watch TV with these beauties out the window!

I love the side by side shot of the ovenbird and the wood thrush. It's a very nice comparison shot of two species that are often confused with one another!

A Colorful World said...

Oh my! That screech owl is wonderful! What a treat! Loved seeing all the birds, and what fun to also have a rabbit and chipmunk to view! Great post!

I had a Critters post ready and was off on the mountain Sat and didn't get it posted...will join in next weekend!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Great photos of beautiful birds and etc.♡♡♡ The Screech Owl looks SO gorgeous and I wish I could see owl one day 'if possible' (*^▽^*)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

Wow! The owl is amazing. Maybe soon I can link up again with a few cat photos.

Ana Freire said...

I loved all the images!
Specially that one with the bunny... and that one, with the funny owl by the window! :-D
Take care!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
wonderful impressions of all these hungry birds. The rabbit is amazing !
Best regards, Synnöve

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so jealous i am green. a bunny AND a chipmunk inone shot? plus an OWL? oh my

Bethany Carson said...

Very neat to see the owl! Also awesome to see the rabbit and chipmunk peacefully eating together. I am afraid they would find no such tranquility at my house. Our dog would be intent on catching the rabbit (rabbit is her favorite item on the wild menu), and the cats would be after the chipmunk! Enjoyed your photos of the birds as well.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...