Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lettuce Lake Park


Is January flying by or what? I wish there was a way to slow down time, it is going by much too quickly. These are images are from Nov 14-16th. I never got around to showing my photos of November's Supermoon and a sunset. Also, our visit to Lettuce Lake Park just outside of Tampa Florida.

Sunset from our neighborhood.

Some clouds over the Supermoon.

November's supermoon reflection on our local lake.

The boardwalk at Lettuce Lake Park, it is a beautiful park. We saw pretty views of the water, trees and boardwalk.

White Ibis on the tree top.

Common Moorhen  with a group of turtles.

A twisted Great Egret across the lake.

A small alligator and a turtle.

Here is my list of thankful things:
Not having to set an alarm.
A Good night sleep.
Being outside in the fresh air and sunshine.
All my life's experiences, good and the bad.

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thank you for your visit and comments on my post. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Thanks to Michelle for the meme Thankful Thursday

I am also linking up to Skywatch Friday, I hope to see you there.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.


  1. Hello Eileen, your Supermoon images are stunning. And as always, the birds and wildlife are also beautiful. Have a great day. Jo

  2. Tão lindas tuas fotos sempre! beijos praianos, lindo dia!chica

  3. Hi Eileen,
    stunning photos of the full moon. Gorgeous !
    The birds and nature are also fabulous.
    Best regards, Synnöve

  4. Hi Eileen-I agree-the month is going very fast!
    Love the Super Moon shots--very nice!
    Enjoy the day

  5. Unas imágenes, preciosas..Feliz año..un saludo desde Murcia.

  6. Hello,

    Beautiful supermoon, clouds, birds and photos! Happy Thursday, and Happy Weekend ahead!

  7. Beautiful images Eileen, the first three are brilliant.

  8. Love you super large moon. You are making beautiful pictures!

  9. How energetic and positive thoughts you own dear!
    This world needs such humble hearts who are warm with the love of life and nature and realize the blessings given by creator.
    These photos are outstanding! !!
    Second one hold my eyes irresistibly!
    Wish we can slow down the time ,in my forties I really need it ...

  10. Pretty area around the boardwalk, with great birds Eileen!!!
    Love the moon's reflection.

  11. Yes, the time is going so quickly. The photos of supermoon are great.I like most of the photo of White Ibis. Beautiful birds.

  12. excellent moon shots, I like them a lot. love the tree topper birds and the tree in the fence. and I am thankful for all the things you listed and about the bad things in life, when I look back, they were the forerunners to good things in the future. I did not see that then

  13. Hi Eileen, Those photos of the moon are awesome! I like the turtles, too. My kids got to see a huge turtle on the beach at Santa Rosa Island many years ago.

  14. What gorgeous moon shots!! As always, I love the birds and turtles....the gators...not so much. Hope you have a wonderful rest of January.

  15. I used to work just across Fletcher Blvd from the park...ran the loop every workday...have been back many times. Time to return. The last time I was there they were rebuilding the boardwalk on the eastern side of the park...where the birding is outofthisworld.

  16. Wow - that golden moon is beautiful!

  17. Love those supermoon photos! And the turtles are too cute, almost like stepping stones in the water. Have a great day!

  18. Your thankful list speaks to me too! Have a wonderful day!

  19. I certainly did enjoy your post. I particularly liked seeing the tiny gator. I think the turtle could take him. :)

  20. These are truly wonderful treasures you've got! So much reason to be thankful for. Thanks for sharing your joys and blessings.

  21. Thankful things, no alarm is so good, I had forgotten about the many years when I ran to its tune every morning!1 Love those moon photos, super colours and great camera settings.

  22. Wow!!! Love all your amazing supermoon photos!!! Happy you decided to share it with us. Have a nice day:)

  23. you have a lot to share these days in florida, you are seeing so much. you almost need to blog every day!!

    your moon shots are awesome, as always, and the twisted egret, what a "comfortable"?? position!! the ibis are a real treat for me as well!!!!

  24. i hope you got my comment, it was a little wacky!!!

  25. What a neat name for a park! Eileen, your photos are gorgeous and the!!! Fantastic capture!

  26. Thank you so much for taking the time to bring us so many amazing pictures

  27. You continue to have a wonderful time Eileen. It's obvious from your words and pictures. And Lettuce Lake Park? With a name like that how could it be anything but a tasty place to spend the day?

    Fabulous moons too.

  28. Thanks for the nice warm tour, Eileen!

  29. the turtles look like stones you can walk on :)

  30. I live the moon shot, and the orange tint. Funny how the moon can reflect different colors depending up when and where you photograph it!

  31. Wow! I love seeing the reflection of the moon in the water! And it's so much fun to get outside and see so many birds. The weather's been beautiful, hasn't it? Enjoy your evening! Hugs, Diane

  32. Wow Eileen! Those superman shots are amazing! I loved the shot of the ibis in the trees too! The variety of birds and wildlife in Florida is wonderful for nature lovers!
    Enjoy your day!

  33. A beautiful collection of photos. Love the sky photos as well your bird shots. I live in Florida and love all the bird photos

  34. I agree, they times just flies by.
    More wonderful pictures.

  35. I like seeing the Ibis in the tree tops. I like your moon shots. Something I really need to work on this year!


  37. The moonshots are awesome. Yes January is on the way out, how did that happen?

    Worth a Thousand Words

  38. I have missed visiting you Eileen. Great to be back and I loved your photos. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my blog post. Appreciated them very much :) Happy New Year!

  39. cloud covered supper is just superb... marvelous click

  40. Wow Eileen, beautiful shots of the Supermoon! Great birding shots too, in Lettuce Zlake Park! Great name...

  41. I love all your photos, especially the clouds over the supermoon pic.

  42. Hello, Amazing pics. Thanks for your post and all pics.
    Greetings :)

  43. Love those first shots...specially that big old moon.

    Love that one with all the turtles! It makes me smile.

  44. I love your moon reflections - gorgeous!
    Lettuce Park - just the name alone made me want to see more. A lovely spot indeed.
    Cheers Eileen, have a great weekend :D)

  45. Wonderful moonshots!

    Happy Weekend!


  46. Beautiful beautiful images especially your sky shots

  47. lovely photos, specially the moon shots! Great to see the egrets at the top of the tree!

  48. A wonderful series of photos!
    Love the birds
    The boardwalk photo is so very beautiful
    Have a great week-end!

  49. Gorgeous moon and sky shots for Friday ~ thanks ~ ^_^

    Wishing you a Happy Weekend ~ ^_^

  50. Gorgeous pictures. The one with the reflection of the Moon in the lake is stunning.

  51. Outstanding moon shots, Eileen..especially the cloud covered moon..Have a good weekend.

  52. Amazing photos. I truly admire those who can capture the full moon.

  53. Such beautiful moon shots, lovely to see.

    Lettuce Lake Park, what an interesting name!
    It certainly provided some wonderful photo's.

    Enjoy the upcoming weekend

    All the best Jan

  54. The moon, sky and bird shots are fabulous as is the Spoonbill on Tuesday's past

  55. Dearest Eileen; Great photographs of super moon and sunset♩ Oh, I haven't posted sky shots p-:) Wonderful boardwalk at the park. I LOVE your 'twisted Great Egret' photograph as I can see and enjoyed many times of their softness of the body(♡^.^♡)
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

  56. Your moon shots are always fantastic -- winter does go by quickly when you live where you can go outside and play every day! I hope you are spending a couple more months in Paradise.

  57. Eileen-your photographs of the birds and moon are amazing. I am especially fascinated by Herons and Egrets, since we really don't get to see them much around here. It is a treat seeing these captures.

  58. Such lovely thoughts on your list!! *-* And such magical place this park to have a good walk and see beautiful things! a very large supermoon and so nice sunset! I remember that I waited so much to see it, but It was wrapped in some clouds! lol... I'll wait for another chance (in 18 years from now)!
    Gorgeous views through your magical lens, as always! Thank you so much!

  59. Great work as usual, Eileen!...
    The first 3... They are amazing!


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

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