Thursday, January 26, 2017

Honeymoon Island Beach State Park


I am linking up with Lydia of Where the Wild Things Were and the Favorite Fotos linky.

On Nov 21st hubby and I visited the Honeymoon Island Beach State Park, Dunedin Florida located on the Gulf of Mexico.  They had a beautiful white sandy beach, lots of pretty seashells and of course lots of birds.

A closeup of the Terns.

A pretty sky and white sandy beach.

A Great Blue Heron in the surf.

A large flock of Terns and some gulls.

The beautiful beach, sky and Gulf of Mexico.

Jellyfish and seashells.

Brown Pelican

An Osprey

A Gopher Tortoise

My list of things I am thankful for:

For all the blogs I read and follow.
I am thankful for small acts of kindness.
I am thankful for you here reading my blog.

I hope you enjoyed my post and photos. Thank you for your visit and comments on my post. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

Thanks to Michelle for the meme Thankful Thursday

I am also linking up to Skywatch Friday, I hope to see you there.
Thank you to Sylvia, Yogi and Sandy for hosting Skywatch Friday.


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes eileen I did enjoyy this post and the blue sky and sea looks gorgeous as does all the birds you saw and photographed

Sue said...

Lovely post, Eileen.
And I really like your header too!
Have a great weekend

Marit said...


Beautiful photos of the white sandy beach and the birds. The Terns are so pretty. Thanks for sharing!

Happy Thursday!

Jo said...

Hi Eileen, I enjoyed seeing close-ups of the Terns with tufted quiffs. And loved all the other birds and pretty beach scenes. What lovely pristine beaches you have. Looks so welcoming. Jo

Christine said...

Oh what a slice of paradise! Gorgeous beach and wonderful photos of the birds and pretty shells - the jellyfish not so much, lol!
Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day, Eileen!

Seraphinas Phantasie said...

Hi Eileen,
gorgeous photos of this fabulous place and all the beautiful birds.
Have a great Thursday ahead, Eileen.
Best regards, Synnöve

magnoliasntea said...

Oh my goodness, I love the beautiful white sandy beach. Great bird photos, too.

Giga said...

Wonderful beach and beautiful birds, but I do not like jellyfish. :)

Deb from frugal little bungalow said...

I love that closeup of the terns fluffing their feathers! :)

Sussi said...

wonderful photos!

Gayle said...

The sweeping sand of the beach is so inviting. Happy Day

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thankful for blogging and for bloggers to. I love all these photos. that beach is just gorgeous. I was only there once, back in 1986 and it looked nothing like this. it was only rocky shore line, it is really beautiful now

Tanya Breese said...

i enjoyed all these photos, especially the close up of the little has bands on his legs, guess he's been caught before! have a great day :)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love Dunedin...such a quirky little town. And this is a beautiful beach. We went there a couple of years ago and enjoyed it. Isn't it fun to see the tortoise? They are so cool! Hugs!

chica said...

Simplesmente maravilhosas,adorei! Já de volta! bjs, chica

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I love Honeymoon. You got some great shots. The causeway onto the island is a good stroll too, for birds

Phil Slade said...

Hi Eilen. Boy! Those skies are so blue and the sand so white. It all looks so inviting with good birding too. Love the terns and their yellow bills and the ossprey waiting around.

Have fun!

Existe Sempre Um Lugar said...

Boa tarde, a selecção de fotos é maravilhosa, a excelente definição e a bela cor, mostra na perfeição a natureza que é única e encanta, a praia de areia branca e as lindas aves são o máximo.

Debbie said...

WoW!!! eileen, so much beauty where you are!! i really enjoyed the terns and those gorgeous blue skies!!! and the tortoise, he is really cool!!

Florence said...

Oh dear, now I must take a trip to my nearest beach on Galveston Island. Thanks for the reminder of how wonderful beaches are in mid-winter. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Laura. M said...

Beautiful white sand beach. And very cute to closeup of the Terns. Eileen. I have never seen them before.
Buen jueves.

Nancy J said...

That sand, the terns close up, and blue skies, all truly wonderful views, and although we are in summer, your blue skies are a real lift, as we have had so many grey days.

Aritha V. said...

Eileen, thank you so much for your beautiful photos. The beach is so white, so nice. I never saw that in my own country! So, it is interesting to see your sea, your birds and other animals. I am glad I was here.

John's Island said...

Hi Eileen, I love the pics in this post! If I must pick a favorite (difficult!) it would be the second picture … closeup of the terns. The one little tern looking down at his/her feet seems to say, Why do I have these bands on my legs? :-) That is a beautiful beach! Thank you for sharing and I am Thankful for your blog and for the kind comments you leave for me. Have a happy weekend ahead!

Linda said...

Eileen, you have made my day with these brilliant photos!!! And what a treat to see the tortoise, too! Thank you so much for sharing and I hope you are having a great week. :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We've only been there once -- it was so fun -- we need to go again -- this is an overnight trip for us to get there -- but we will do at least one more of those this season I hope.

Merlesworld said...

Blue sky a long white beach and birds make a pretty much perfect day.

The Yum List said...

What a beautiful stretch of beach.

Charlene N. K. said...

Every picture in this set is a beauty!

Cloudia said...

Glorious glorious!

This N That said...

I didn't know that Herons went surfing..Great shot..Love the blue sky, water and sandy beach..Have a good weekend.

RedPat said...

I've been there too and loved it! Great pics, Eileen!

Michelle said...

These pictures are just heaven to me! I love a peaceful beach. You have captured it perfectly. Thanks for linking up today.

Lois said...

Lovely photos. My grandmother would have taken that tortoise home and made gopher stew out of it!

HappyK said...

Wonderful pictures.
Love the Terns and what a gorgeous blue sky.

Anonymous said...

Honeymoon Island Beach State Park an amazing place. Thank you a this beautiful look around.

Al said...

So pretty - what a wonderful beach.

Tom said...

WOW, what a place!

rupam sarma said...

Hello, Loved to read your post.
Beautiful pics.
Greetings :)

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Those white sand beaches are so beautiful!! Great photos.

Gunn said...

What a nice and interesting posting.

Anu said...

Wonderful series of birds! Great photos. That closeup photo of terns are so fantastic. One of the sterns is ringed.

Ohmydearests said...

what a wonderful post! that second image made my heart skip a beat! have a beautiful day!

NatureFootstep said...

so much treasures on that beach. Love it all. Hope you walked barefooted :)

Lady Fi said...

What a lovely beach!

Photo Cache said...

What a wonderful place, the beach is lovely and the local furry residents are pretty.

Worth a Thousand Words

Ana Freire said...

Wow!!!!!! Great shots, Eileen!!!
The second one... absolutely stunning!
A very beautiful beach!
Have a great weekeend ahead!

amo sin blogg said...

Your photos are really beautiful.
You are a clever photographer.

I wish you a nice weekend.

Hugs from Anne-Mari

Lea said...

Wonderful bird photos!
The white sand and blue sky with fence is my favorite photo
Hope you having a great day!

Crafty Green Poet said...

what beautiful white sands and the terms are lovely too! Dunedin is the old name for Edinburgh!

doodles n daydreams said...

What more could you want, white beaches, blue skies, lots of nature and great company.


Jan K. alias Afanja said...

Wonderful shots of the beach and all the birds.
And o my ... what a lovely blue sky ... :-)
Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Such a beautiful place to visit. Looks like a delightful day. Thank you for sharing the awesome photos. Have a nice weekend.

Bob Bushell said...

What a array of birds, love 'em Eileen.

magiceye said...

It is a visual treat to visit your blog!
Thank you!

thomas said...

Beautiful beach shots,love the one with the fence

Indah Nuria Savitri said...

Such a beautiful place, Eileen! How I miss going to the's super cold down here. Happy happy 2017 and happy blogging as well :)

Alexa T said...

Such loveley white sandy beach, blue skies and waters! Looks like a summer day at the shore... Beautiful birds and the seashells on the sand.

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Oh My, what beautiful blue sky and beach with sweet birches and others♡♡♡ The flying pelican photo is amazing♩ I wish I could see the blue one as we have white ones in our city park and kind of mascot of our city. The surfing skinny blue heron gave me sweet smile :-)
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Eileen; Wow, Armadillo and not in the park, how wonderful to be able to see such unique critter♡♡♡ Painted Bunting is so lovely♩ I have new pictures of cormorants to share. I will check the difference from Anhinga :-) I always LOVE to see "The Green Heron" in your post, wishing to be able see another color p:-)

So sorry for my late linking, Dear friend.
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*

krishna said...

you beautiful captured the blue heron..

Lowcarb team member said...

So wonderful to see those blue skies - and of course the birds and tortoise.
Lovely images

All the best Jan

Pat Tillett said...

What a beautiful place!
That white sand looks like snow. Great photos!

Lydia C. Lee said...

What a gorgeous spot! The sand is a a lovely colour in the dune, and I'd go wild If I saw a tortise like that, just walking along!! Thanks for shairng with #FavouriteFotos. Hope the memories made you smile!

Lydia C. Lee said...


eileeninmd said...

Thanks Lydia! Yes I have many happy memories of our travels. It is a beautiful beach and park. Have a great day and happy week!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...