Monday, March 27, 2017

Common Hill Myna


I am sharing another Florida bird  and a new lifer for me. It is the Common Hill Myna or Mynah bird and was seen at the Circle B Bar Reserve. This was an easy bird to spot in a tree right near the parking lot. As far as I know this bird was only there for a few days or so.

The Common Hill Myna is a native species in Asia, they were first sighted in Florida back in 1950.

These non-native birds compete with native species for the nesting cavities. They can eat lizards, fruits, berries and seeds.

Finding lifers on the East Coast is becoming difficult unless they are rare birds and sightings. LOL, I think I may have to move to the west coast and find new birds.  I may have 4  new lifers from the last 5 months in Florida.

Thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Muito lindas fotos! Ótima semana! bjs, chica

  2. Hari OM
    What a pretty fellow... YAM xx

  3. Beautiful photos, Eileen. Wishing you a nice week.

  4. Hello,

    Beautiful photos from Florida! A very special bird. Love to see all of them you show us :)

    Happy Monday,and enjoy the new week!

  5. Love the myna bird photos! I have seen a Myna bird exactly one time, and that was when I was a kid and we were visiting Florida. There was one in a shop, and when we entered, it said, repeatedly, 'Warm out, ain't it!' LOL

  6. Wow, he is great. So colorful and different. I bet you were excited to add him to your list.

  7. congrats eileen, this one is a beauty!!! our backyard babies are going to become pretty mundane after the time spent in florida!!!

  8. the only Mynal I have ever seen was in my beauticians porch. that was the loudest talking bird ever heard. bet these make a racket to

  9. I once posted a picture of a pair of mynas we saw in the Everglades ... and got a long angry rant from a commenter telling me how horrible these birds are. ..(I soon had to block this guy from commenting because he was so angry all the time I couldn't deal with him ...the only time I've ever done that.). I still think they are interesting birds even if they are an invasive species. Florida does have a lot of birds and plants that aren't native.... I take and post pictures of everything interesting we see no matter what!

  10. Wow, very unusual looking bird. Yes, you'll have to visit the west coast sometime - I'm sure you'll find lots of "new to you" birds out here.

  11. Hi. That looks like a pretty big bird. The orange marking makes it unique. I've heard of Mynah birds, but have never seen one. What kind of tree is he in? Looks like there are little poofs of moss scattered here and there. Have a great day Eileen.

  12. What outstanding colouring, He is regal up there.

  13. It is beautiful, and its orange feathers at the head add to its charm. Regards.

  14. what a beauty. love that colors. happy week, Eileen. have a great one!! thanks for your visit. hope you and yours are well and having a smile today and always. ( :

  15. Love these shots ... especially your last one against that brilliant blue sky.

    Happy Monday and Happy week too ...

    All the best Jan

  16. Splendid photos Eileen. Love those yellow markings, so striking against the black. Have a great week :)

  17. Hello Eileen! Great photos of the mynah bird! I have only heard about them & the funny things they can repeat! Sounds like you'll be heading west in the near future!
    Have a great week!

  18. I love that orange beak! Nice shots.

  19. In reading the comments, I had no idea what their personalities were - I think that despite the varied opinions of them, they seem like a pretty cool bird, but then I don't have to live with them! :-)

  20. This is a first time for me to see a Myna bird! They look a lot like crows. I wonder how they traveled from Asia to the US in the 50's? Amazing!

  21. Very colourful highlights on these birds!

  22. Interesting bird. My my, what a beak, looks dangerous to me.
    Have a great week!

  23. That Common Hill Myna is a striking bird, Eileen! What fabulous birds you encounter at home and on your travels, even if you are having to spread your wings a bit to see new species!

  24. Interesting head coloration..Great shots..

  25. Quite the handsome fellow, isn't he!!! I bet you were thrilled to see it.

  26. I didn't know we had mynah birds here in Florida. Good catch.

  27. Glorious captures, Eileen! I love Mynah birds, they are so beautiful and intelligent! :)

  28. These are spectacular pictures.

  29. The bright orange beaks are very eye-catching..

  30. Oh we also have myna here. I remember in Thailand they have them at the entrance of the zoo to the aviary. And they greet tourists with different languages. We stayed longer there at the gate than the aviary, hehe.

  31. Pretty and interesting bird! Good shots! Have a nice week!

  32. Oh we have an exotic myna introduced into Australia and our species is a real pest! I hope this one doesn't take off and multiply where you are...

  33. We have Mynahs here (although a different species) - are your native or introduced?

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  34. Hi Eileen,
    this bird is amazing and extraordinary. Good job.
    Best, Synnöve

  35. What a beautiful bird. I don't think I've heard of myna before.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  36. Beautiful bird... I have never seen one ---but somewhere in the back of my crazy mind, I have heard of a (what we called) a Minor Bird... Not sure if that is the same bird ---or not!!!!?????

    Beautiful pictures.


  37. I love his head markings! The black & yellow is such a great contrast.

  38. How wonderful to see a Myna Bird in the wild. Great photos! Congrats Eileen!

  39. Ohw ... and again I have not linked my blog !!
    so embarrassing but next Saturday I do eht really know. Then I released and can then at least as early at the computer.
    Greetings, Helma

  40. Très bel oiseau, jolies photos ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  41. WOW! What a bird! Thank you so much for sharing...I love the yellow up around its eyes.

  42. This one is a beauty - so wonderful photos Eileen!
    Happy day Crissi!!!

  43. Hi Eileen. I think I saw those in India, a long way from Florida. I guess the two places have similar climates so maybe the mynah does well in the USA? A nice newby for you though. Have fun this week.

  44. Interesting, handsome bird
    Hope you are having a great week!

  45. Gee Eileen,
    I didn't think I'd see them in the US!!
    I've seen them all over the place in Australia and Africa, what a traveller!!
    Lovely shots :)
    Keep well!

  46. Hello Eileen,
    Wonderful pictures of this beautiful bird.
    So special to see this tropical bird. Great!!

    Best regards,

  47. Great photos Eileen! I used to have a friend that had a Myna as a pet. That bird talked more than any other bird I've known. (known?)

  48. Odd looking bird its always great to get a lifer. Visiting our Grands in Arizona

  49. Looks very large . . .
    Congratulations on the sighting.

  50. ,hope you are doing wonderful friend!
    loved this rare looking beauty

  51. I have seen different Mynas before but this one looks different. Interesting!

  52. Great shots of this Myna bird!

  53. Great photos Eileen and your lifer list is growing...Michelle

  54. I've never seen one-->reason #100 that I should visit Florida!! Hope you have a wonderful week.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that ...