Monday, June 5, 2017

White Ibis


This week I am sharing and featuring the White Ibis for my Wild Bird and Nature Notes post. The White Ibis was a common bird seen all around Florida. I believe some have been seen in the Mid-Atlantic states.

As you can see this White Ibis has white plumage and pink face skin. The adults have black tipped wings, visible in flight.

It is said their range is from Virginia and west to Texas and is very common in Florida.

Seen below are the White Ibis mixed with the Wood Storks, Heron, Swans and ducks.

A juvenile White Ibis can be seen below with the brownish feathers.

Thank you for stopping by and as always I appreciate your comments.

My list of memes for today, I hope to see you there. Thanks to both of the host below.

Thanks to Michelle for hosting Nature Notes
Thanks to Stewart for hosting Wild Bird Wednesday


  1. Were those photos taken at Lake Morton? always.

  2. Hari OM
    there's an awkward elegance to this bird which is most appealing! Here's to a peaceful week. YAM xx

  3. Lovely photos, have a nice week!

  4. Look at all those birds living in harmony together. If only people could do the same. Loved your past on the White Ibis
    Have a great week!

  5. Hello Eileen,
    Wonderful pictures of these wonderful different birds. Great!!

    Best regards,

  6. Lovely Birds. Nice photos.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  7. That's the first time I see White Ibis, thanks most sincerely for amazing me more and more, Dearest One !

    Wishing you a most lovely new week
    I'm sending blessings of joy across the miles

    XOXO Dany

  8. Que lindos! Adorei! Que tua semana seja maravilhosa! bjs, chica

  9. Lovely pictures of the White Ibis Eileen . . .

  10. Hello,

    Beautiful photos! The White Ibis is a very special bird, and very pretty.

    Happy Monday, and enjoy the new week ahead.

  11. looking at all these beautiful photos made me think I have not seen a flock or even one or two in our yard for weeks now. must be the drought. but it rained 3 days and is raining now, so they might come back... love the stork and ibis mix

  12. i don't see a lot of white birds ... when i do it is very shocking ... they are not that camouflaged ... have a great week. take care. ( ;

  13. Those are crazy, goofy looking birds. How fun to watch them.

  14. Good morning Eileen, oh my gosh, this must have been just an incredible experience. Excellent captures catching them alive in nature!

  15. Great photos Eileen. An interesting bird, the ibis, sort of graceful and goofy looking at the same time. Have a great week,

  16. Wow - what an amazing bird - and such flocks. You have the most interesting birds on your blog - I'm forever learning something new. Happy week ahead - we finally have some sunshine in the Pacific Northwest.

  17. what a beautiful and very special bird. cool legs, great images!!!

  18. So gorgeous, Eileen, and how amazing to see these birds so close! Thank you so much for sharing, and I hope you have a fantastic week ahead!

  19. you got a shot of Thibidoux...he's pretty recluse

  20. Great photos of the White Ibis. It is beautiful with pink face, pink long beaks and pink legs and white feathers.

  21. Hi Eileen,
    fantastic photos of the white Ibis. Gorgeous !
    Best, Synnöve

  22. What a great crowd of them and great shot Eileen.
    So good to see your still blogging .
    I'm sure I'm repeating myself in everyone's blogger box today but it's Willow .
    After having gotten locked out of my blog several years back I took to Instagram in frustration ,
    now that Honey Bee is doing a bit of blogging i wanted to pop in on all the ole buddies that I have missed.
    Have a wonderful day , good to see your photos again.

  23. Wow, Eileen! Really great shots in a fine sequence

  24. Hello Eileen! What a treat for me! I've never seen these birds before & enjoyed your photos very much!
    Have a lovely week!

  25. I remember seeing the White Ibis in Florida, and all the other birds you showed. Brilliant place for bird life and I loved your photos as always. Thank you Eileen and have a great week :)

  26. Wow, that's a lot! And they're beautiful!

  27. Excellent images of the White Ibis. Have a wonderful week ahead Eileen.

  28. Look at them all perched together, what stunning photos, and the baby with darker feathers, a beauty.

  29. Terrific shots. That water was pretty deep he was wading in and what a long beak he has.

  30. Hello Eileen, I was looking for some interesting blogs to follow and came across your and your lovely photographs. I use a Cannon Powershot SX 40 too and love it. Unfortunately I'm too lazy a lot of the time and don't take it with me when I go out so miss out on some great and interesting shots. I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
    Carol Blackburn
    The Musings of Carol

  31. ...interesting red bill and legs.

  32. Lovely post Eileen and super pics of the White Ibis.

  33. You have some awesome bird pictures from your time in FL.... Love the White Ibises... I've never seen one (I don't think)... Maybe someday --we'll make a trip to Flagler Beach -and see some for ourselves. Thanks for sharing.


  34. Again a new-to-me bird here :) I always enjoy dramatic they look with the contrast in their colors!

  35. Wonderful pics as always! Have a great week, Eileen.

  36. Love these shots...perfect!!!...:)JP

  37. Interesting that the Juvie's are brown..I guess that's camouflage. Great series!!

  38. Truly one of nature's wonders. Thank you. Have a great week.

  39. I love to see that Ibis beak!

  40. I saw 2 white Ibis today while I was out and about. I would love to see a juvenile. Beautiful photos my friend. Hugs, Diane

  41. Hi Eileen

    The white ibis is such a striking looking bird with its pure white feathers and red beak and legs.

  42. I haven't seen an ibis with red legs before. The ones from home usually have black legs.

  43. Beautiful photos Eileen!
    That is a lot of long legs.

  44. What an unusual bird! Nice photos, as usual.

  45. It looks awesome. It's pure white.:)

  46. In the first photo it almost looks as if the bird is knee deep in mud, sort of. Neat photos though anyway. hope you are enjoying the week so far :-)

  47. Hello,
    very nice pictures, dear Eileen!
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    All the best for you,
    Edith from Germany

  48. Beautiful Eileen! Have a happy day! Thank you for all your comments on my blog. And I do apologise for being so quiet.

  49. I love to see the White Ibis when ever I've been in Florida, especially when they are in flight with their black wing tips. Amazing to see such a mix all feeding togeather, there's a message for the world there.
    Take care, Gordon.

  50. We have 3 species of ibis here - two common and one less so. I'll see if I can get some pictures.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  51. Such lovely photographs Eileen, their feet and beak so pink!
    I also liked the last two showing them all by the water and the youngster too.

    Have a lovely week

    All the best Jan

  52. Beautiful captures. Photo #1 is my favourite.

  53. The ibis is something of an eccentric looking bird!

  54. Such an interesting bird. Hope you are having a good week, Eileen.

  55. You gotta love those red legs and beak of the ibis. Thanks Eileen.

  56. Those birds are all beautiful. My favorite picture is of all the different types of birds together :)

  57. Beautiful capture on the white ibises… we get to see only black headed ibises here, and it’s really wonderful to check the details on white ibis here. The juvenile is quite different from adult

  58. Hello Eileen,
    Although they are common, the White ibses are gorgeous birds!
    Funny how juveniles can be so different from the adults!
    Warm hugs and take care :)

  59. I have seen this one a few times. First time I was very confused by it looks. But breading plumage is gorgeous.

  60. Such strange, wonderful birds! I enjoyed seeing them.

  61. Great series, Eileen. They are fantastic photos!!
    Buen miércoles.

  62. I've only seen the White Ibis and Storks in Florida many years ago. They are such a beautiful bird. That park, by the way, looks way fun to bird!

  63. "Our" wood storks always arrive in June. I should go to the areas they frequent and maybe I can find some. Thanks for the reminder.

    Your ibis are clearly in breeding colors with the deep red bill and feet/legs.

  64. I love these photos and I always enjoy seeing white ibis, especially in my own yard!

  65. Love seeing these interesting birds, Eileen! They look very happy in their beautiful home! Hope you are having a good week. xx Karen

  66. I have never seen it here before. Nice to see it through your eyes

  67. Wow!!! Gorgeous!
    This white ibis has shown you beautifully in this post.
    Really pretty done!

  68. lesandsyl@yahoo.comJuly 26, 2017 at 3:32 PM

    We get daily visit from group of 20+ ibis. Yesterday, most of them laid down flat on the ground spread eagle. Never saw this and cannot find one photo on the web. Any clue what this means?
    I will take pix if this ever happens again.


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Happy Monday!

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