My Bird Photography Weekly photo, click on my link to see other entries. Bird Photography Weekly
My Camera Critter this week is the Yellow Billed Cuckoo. To see more cute critters go
and visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters.
This is one of my cool summer visitors, seen in the woods next to my house. According to my field guide they are a common woodland cuckoo and they like to be near outreaks of tent caterpillars.
My Camera Critter this week is the Yellow Billed Cuckoo. To see more cute critters go
and visit Misty Dawn's Camera Critters. Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters.
This is one of my cool summer visitors, seen in the woods next to my house. According to my field guide they are a common woodland cuckoo and they like to be near outreaks of tent caterpillars.
To see more Nature Notes go and visit Michelle at Nature Notes at Rambling Woods
and to see more wonderful birds and critters please visit the Friday Ark
Thanks for stopping by to see by Cuckoo and thanks to the host of these great memes
Because of the angle, I feel your presence in the photos. Did you have to strain your neck? Wonderful captures. Is the cuckoo moving his neck and looking at us?
"caterpillars" -yum to them, I guess.
I've never seen one of these before, he is a very interesting little fellow.
It's nice to see a photo of a warm day and a warm bird!
Excellent! A Yellow-billed Cuckoo would be a lifer for me! Look out tent caterpillars! ~karen
I love these shots. What an interesting little bird that is.
I can feel your excitement. It is always so good to get what we want.
How very cool. I've never seen one before. But I HAVE seen plenty of tent caterpillars!
My Nature Note post is here:
Very nice shots. His bill certainly is a strong shade of yellow!
What fun and nice images of an equally delightful bird~
Such a fascinating little bird and you got some great photos of it. Thanks Eileen, I've enjoyed my visit.
Fabulous! I've never seen one before, but I see the resemblance to the roadrunner, also a cuckoo.
Rarely seen photographies of birds that nice, even without sound.
Please have a wonderful Friday.
What a pretty little bird. I've never seen a cuckoo before, but I know we have one here in the NE US. Thanks for sharing your photos! ~ks
Eileen, I love your photo of the Cuckoo. Birds are so hard to capture with a camera. Good job.
Hugs, Jeanne
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Great pics! Cuckoos are interesting to me because of their prevalence in literature. It was due to their curious habit of letting other species raise their young for them. Writers used to think it was pretty funny to compare a man with an adulterous wife to the hapless bird left to raise the cuckoo's babies. I'm not quite sure I see the humor, though, in making fun of the poor guy...
I have never had the pleasure to see one before. Thanks for bringing this species to my attention. Maybe I will be lucky enough to see one this spring.
I hate to admit this, but I didn't know that cuckoos were real birds. This one seems to be as curious about you as you are of him. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice! This is a new bird for me.
Very nice bird and shot. Great blue sky!
Now that is a bird I would love to see!
Lovely shots of the cuckoo. I've only ever seen them in a clock. hee hee hee
Eileen, come by my blog. I've got an award for you.
You did a fabulous set of pictures!Adorable bird and wow I liked a lot the colours!
purrs and love
Very interesting bird. I don't think I've seen one in the wild. Or maybe I did and didn't recognize it.
I've never seen one of those! Great photos!
Beautiful bird!
How AWESOME! What a cute bird! I've never seen a cuckoo in 'real life', only in pictures (and clocks hehe).
Count me as one who's never seen one. It's nice to have your wonderful shots to identify them.
Great header shot!
Mine’s here: Carletta’s Captures.
Hello Eileen, I've never seen one before. You've taken a good photo of this yellow billed cuckoo, very interesting creature!
I like how you captured this shot in the midst of the tree. It looks really cool. ~
Very ah.... beaky, nice unusual piccy here Eileen, not what I traditionally imagine of a cuckoo
You're pretty good in spotting critters Eileen, great shots!
The Flock of Seagull and my family wants to say Happy Weekend!
great shots!
My Camera Critters, happy weekend.
Awesome shots, I love that Summer sound of a Cuckoo. Thanks for sharing Eileen:)
So that's what a cuckoo looks like!
I played too :)
Such a beautiful captures of the cuckoo. My first time to see that kind of bird. Love all your images
Another American bird I've never seen in my life before! Lovely! :-)
Wonderful pictures of a beautiful bird, Eileen!
I have seen them, but not successfully photographed them.
Fab pictures. Don't think I have seen that one before either.
Beautiful bird up in that tree! I am so amazed at so many of you who know birds so well! And, capture their beauty so well too...
Nice photos of the cuckoos.
Cuckoos! pretty neat birds! I found a nest last year and kept checking it but i left the area too soon to see it hatch. Nice photos, Eileen!
Great shots of a bird I have never seen before. What a great capture. I think I would have been too excited to snap the picture.
...great photos!! I LOVE cuckoos, but don't get to see them often. Last year I saw them only three times and only got two nice photos. I love the sounds they make as well...
Very cool! I envy you your cuckoos!
I have never seen one of these - very neat! Nice catch!!
Very nice captures of the Yellow-billed Cuckoo Eileen. We used to have a Roadrunner on our property when we moved here 30 years ago. All gone now. I miss the Roadrunner.
This Yellow-billed Cuckoo would be a lifer for me. I would love to see one, and hear it too.
is that a cuckoo? Does not look at all as ours. :)
It has a proud look.
Wonderful photos, Eileen. We have yellow-billed cuckoos down here in Texas as well, but while I have heard them over and over again I have never gotten a good look at one down here. Which makes your pictures even more impressive, to me.
Happy birding!
Beautiful captures ;-)
I don't think I've ever seen a yellow billed cuckoo before. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
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