Friday, April 30, 2010

Various birds from Costa Rica

Go to Bird Photography weekly  to see more great birds.

This is my entry for Misty Dawn's Camera Critters to see more critters click on my link.

These are some more of the birds I saw while in Costa Rica and some of my new life birds. Most were seen while doing the wildlife cruises in Tortuguero and at Cano Negro near the Nicaragua border. It was great that our boat rides included a local nature guide. They were always able to spot these birds.

A cool bird seen was this one called the Great Potoo related to the nightjars. I just wished it would have turned it head. This bird is can easily camouflage itself. To me it looks like part of the tree.

The Bare throated Tiger Heron was another life bird. We saw this bird a few times in different places but this one looks like it is on a nest above the river.

Immature Little Blue heron

I believe this is also a Little Blue heron

The Anhinga is another life bird for me.

This is my Friday Ark  entry. And to see more great entries click here Friday Ark


rainfield61 said...

The Great Potoo was just stubborn to turn its head, or both of you simply lack of consensus.

Unknown said...

WOW, you sure added to your Life list down there.
Amazing birds you found!!!

gypsyrose said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments, I have looked at all 3 of your blogs and you have some amazing photos, its nice to see photos from another country, and see things that are new to me, look forward to seeing more of your photos

Johnny Nutcase said...

great ones, Eileen...really making me want to go back to CR asap! :) How cool are the pootoos! We saw one and were blown away at it. Love the tiger heron building the nest, too!

EG CameraGirl said...

Did you have a tour guide to help you identify all these birds or did you have to look them up in books? They are all so exotic to my Canadian eyes.

Kilauea Poetry said... tropical- the colors are splendid! Lovely birds and I wanted to say your mosaic is terrific on your column there!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Some unusual birds! Great photos!!

Michael said...

Good try with the pics. Some birds like posing more than others. That Great Potoo seems to like hiding.

penny said...

You captured some wonderful shots, Eileen. I haven't seen a Bare throated Tiger Heron before, its markings are beautiful.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Eileen: Wonderful photos from an eco rich environment.

eden said...

Great captures, Eileen. They are beautiful birds.

Diane AZ said...

Very cool Costa Rica birds. I love the Tiger Heron.

Carver said...

These are all wonderful shots and I particularly love the immature little blue heron.

Dawn Fine said...

i really love those nightjars..I have not been able to find any on my own..they blend in so well.I have had them pointed out to me..
I would love to bird another country someday!

mick said...

Great photos of a lot of different birds. The Great Potoo is certainly well hidden.

MYM said...

Very nice! Just wonderful photos :)

Chubskulit Rose said...

Great selection of birds!

Nostalgic marveling

Kelly said...

...what a trip you had. So many new birds. I really like the plumage on the Bare-throated Tiger Heron...very cool! The Great Potoo looks like he is part of the tree...great eyes finding him!

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Great captures Eileen. Wonderful photos. I haven't seen any blue Heron. Thanks for sharing.

Kim, USA said...

I like birding too but my hubby is not into it. Nice shots too. Happy Monday!


Marice said...

those are wonderful photos :)

u may view mine here

Americana Lady said...

Wow, how special to see all these birds. They are all so interesting! Joan

Larry said...

Hey Eileen, I have decided that Costa Rica will be my first tropical birding trip. Everything down there would be lifers for me!

Great photos all! I especially like the Little Blue Heron.

Kristin said...

Thanks for the informative post. The Great Potoo in the tree really looks like part of the tree to me too. :-). Very clever indeed.

Looks like they have quite large birds in Costa Rica.

Anonymous said...

Great birds, Eileen. You had a wonderful trip and I am enjoying living vicariously.

Isn't "great Potoo" a wonderful name for a bird?

Bradley Hsi said...

So many amazing birds, you are very good at seeing them and capturing them in camera.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a happy new week! "What is life but one grand adventure."   Deception Pass State Park, Washington...