Sunday, October 31, 2010

Birding the Susquehanna

On Saturday my hubby and I decided to visit the Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River. This time of the year the Bald Eagles are migrating and hundreds of them can be found at the river right below the dam.  The eagles attract birders and professional photographers from all over. I felt a little out of place with my Canon Powershot when I see the professionals photographers there with their bazooza lenses. But, then I am just taking my photos for fun and to keep a record for my birding log and not for the fame or money. Sorry, the zoom on my camera does not give me the clearest shots of the eagles on the rocks across the river.

So on to the birds I saw at the river. Beside all the Adult Bald Eagles we saw various stages of the juvenile Eagles. The adult Bald Eagle has the white head and tail and striking yellow bill and feet. The adult plumage starts around age 5. There were also high numbers of Great Blue Herons, Cormorants and Black Vultures, pigeons and seagulls. I was told earlier in the day there was a Peregrin Falcon and a Golden Eagle. The Bald Eagles are the main attraction. The eagles put on a great show and are awesome to watch in flight, chasing each other and stealing fish. The Eagles usually show up starting in late October and stay maybe thru March. There are some Eagles that are at the river year round. The Eagle population is steadily increasing over the years since the pesticide DDT has been banned.

This picture below shows some adults and some of the juvenile Bald Eagles in various stages.
Below , is the closest shot I could get of their big and awesome looking yellow bill.

Below a picture shows one adult eagle perched on top of the rock and below are all the cormorants, black vultures and pigeons.
Below,  are a few adult Eagles, juvenile Eagles and a few Great Blue Herons hanging out together.

My header shot is of the river showing some beautiful yellow fall foliage. When we looked in the binoc's there were also eagles sitting in these trees.

Thanks to the wonderful host of these fun memes and thank you for stopping by to see my post.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Backyard Bird..Tufted Titmouse

I enjoy watching and feeding my backyard birds. The Tufted Titmouse is one of my year round backyard birds. The are a small songbird, they have a white face and a grey crest and a short stout bill.

They love the Black oil Sunflower seeds and peanuts


This is my entry for Camera Critters and to see more cute critters visit

Thanks for stopping by and thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Backyard Birds

Lately I have been enjoying some FOY which is first of the year birds in my yard. The Purples Finches and the White Throated Sparrows are two birds I usually see more in the winter months.

Click here to see more of Wordless Wednesday  and click here to see more of Outdoor Wednesday

Thanks to the host and for stopping by to see my birdie post.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Birding Shenandoah

Hubby and I visited Shenandoah Nat'l Park yesterday, we love taking daytrips and Shenandoah is close enough for a quick visit. Driving the Skyline Drive and seeing all the pretty fall colors was wonderful. We both agreed that this fall the colors are not as spectacular as in previous years. We have been visiting and camping at Shenandoah Nat'l Park for more than twenty years now. The Fall colors can be stunning.

Sulphur butterfly

 I really enjoy hiking the Limberlost trail located in the central section of the Sklyine Drive and the park. Around the trailhead parking lot and along the trail there were many apples trees and berries which attracted a large amount of birds. We found out from other hikers on the Limberlost that we had just missed seeing black bear. The Black bears are another reason why I love visiting Shenandoah.

Slate colored Dark Eyed Junco

The Tufted Titmouse and Dark Eyed (slate colored) Junco had the highest individual counts of all the birds I saw. I did see and hear, Bluejays, Cardinals, Eastern Bluebirds, American Crows,  Eastern Towhee, Kinglets, Hairy Woodpecker, unidentified Hawk and Turkey Vultures soaring above the drive and overlooks.

Pretty reds at the Big Meadows

I am link up Mary's Mosaic Monday and Drowsey Monkey's Mellow Yellow Monday and Marytheteach's Ruby Tuesday and That's My world

Special thanks to all these wonderful host, I just love participating in these fun memes.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog and my Shenandoah post.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Backyard Skywatch

Lately our skies have been so clear, hardly a cloud in sight. But, two days ago I was able to watch somewhat of a sunset from my backyard.  The geese flew over just in time for a few of my photos. Not in the V shape but a single line. I guess they are heading to the lake on the other side of my street. This may be a great winter to watch my backyard birds. I have been seeing many RedBreasted Nuthatches, Purple Finches, Goldfinches and those cute little Kinglets. I am waiting to see my first of the year Pine Siskin.

I hope you enjoyed my backyard skywatch and to
 see more wonderful skies from all around the world
 click here: Skywatch Friday

Thanks to the Skywatch team of Sylvia, Sandy, Wren, Fishing Guy and Klaus.
Also thanks for stopping by to visit me.

Some of my other skywatches Chincoteague-sunrise

I would to know how other bloggers post thumbnails of  their other skywatches at the bottom of their post. I would appreciate the help if someone can tell me how to do it?  Thanks.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Our neighborhood reservoir

This is the reservoir that is within walking distance from my house. On Sunday, hubby and I and the dog took a walk on the fireroad and came back along the lakeshore. The reservoir is low so we are able to walk along the shore. It not good that the reservoir is low but I do love to walk along the shore. When the water is at normal levels the water is right next to the tree line. During our walk I saw along the waters edge all these feathers. There is a line of white feathers all along the waters edge. I can only assume they are from the Canada Geese that frequently visit the lake. If anyone can id the feathers, in case I am wrong I would appreciate the help

If you click on this shot you get  a better view of the white feathers along the shore.
Feathers along the shore mostly small white feathers

As you can see the water level is low, we have had a dry summer.

A little bit of Autumn colors

My Goldie Girl just had a bath so no swimming allowed.

Some more pretty colors along the fireroad

I am linking up with 2sweetnsaxy's Watery Wednesday and
Susan's Outdoor Wednesday  Click on the links to visit these fun memes.

Thanks to these great hosts and thanks for stopping by my post and blog.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Snow Geese

For my post today I am linking up with a few memes, Mary's Mosaic Monday and Sally's Blue Monday and That's My World You click on the links to visit these fun memes.

These photos were taken last weekend during my trip to the Delaware shore and Bombay Hook NWR. It was a great day to be outside the sky was so blue and clear. So my blue for the week is the blue sky and the water is blue.

My birding friends and I were surprised to see so many Snow Geese at Bombay Hook last weekend. It seemed like they arrived early this year. Apparently small groups of migrating snow geese have arrived in October in previous years. This group looked close to a thousand. We were happy to hear their honking and we had fun watching them.

Bombay Hook is one of my favorite places to bird. On this day beside the Snow Geese, we saw Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Marsh Wren, Yellow Crowned Kinglets, Ruby Crowned Kinglets, Yellow Rump Warblers, Northern Harriers, Kestrels, Canada Geese, Mallards, Black Ducks and other shorebirds. But, the Snow Geese stole the show, just because of their numbers.

Thanks to the wonderful host of these fun memes, Mosaic Monday, Blue Monday and to the group of  That's My World.

Also, I appreciate the comments and visits to my post and blog. Have a wonderful week!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Birding Delaware's shore

I am linking up with Friday Ark   and Misty Dawn's Camera Critters Click on my links to visit these wonderful memes.

These are some of the birds I saw while birding with my friends on the Delaware Shore. We birded all day long at the Bombay Hook NWR and the DuPont Nature Center. 

Below is a mixture of gulls and terns. The Royal Terns will have dark legs and beaks

Cormorants and Terns

This one below is a young Forster's Tern. A non-breeding adult will have the black eye patch and orange legs.

I wasn't expecting to see a Brown Creeper land on the poles near the Terns and Gulls

Two American Oystercatchers with their carrot beaks

Thanks to the host of Friday Ark and to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bombay Hook skywatch

This past weekend I was able to go to Bombay Hook with some of my birding friends. These are a few shots I took while walking on one of my favorite trails there. One of the nice birds we saw on this trail was a Marsh Wren. I surprised to see more Autumn leaves at Bombay Hook then in my neighborhood. Bombay Hook is south of where I live and I expected the leaves to turn colors later there.

I like the view of the sky thru these pretty Autumn trees.

Catbird and the blue sky

Marsh Wren

These are my skywatch photos and to see
beautiful skies from all over click here Skywatch Friday

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birding Ocean City, Md

These shots are from Sept 18 and a quick visit to Ocean City, Md. Birding at the beach and Ocean City's inlet is usually good. On this day the most common bird I saw was the Ruddy Turnstone and a lot of gulls. The inlet and the rock jetty is the place I head to for birding in Ocean City. It was a crowded weekend for Ocean City it was biker week. I have never seen so many motorcycles, they were on the crowded road  and every parking lot.

The weather was perfect for spending the day at the beach.

Ruddy Turnstones

They can be id by the necklace they wear around their necks and their orange legs.

Cute seagull

I love the shadow this gull has created, it looks like he is leading an orchestra

Fishing boats coming back in

I am linking up with 2sweetnsaxy's Watery Wednesday and Susan's Outdoor Wednesday Click on the link to visit these fun memes.

Thanks for stopping by to see my post, have a great week.

Happy Monday!

  Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Believe you can and you're halfway there." Glenn Hwy, on the road to Gl...