Monday, October 11, 2010

Birding the Potomac

For my post today I am linking up with a few memes, Mary's Mosaic Monday and Sally's Blue Monday and Marytheteach's Ruby Tuesday  You click on the link to visit these fun memes.

On Saturday we visited The C&O Canal and the Great Falls on the Potomac River. It was a beautiful day the weather and sky were perfect to be outside. I was looking birds and my hubby just enjoys the river and the falls. I can almost always be guaranteed to see the Great Blue Heron here because across the river is a Great Blue heron rookery. The Canada Geese, Mallard ducks, Cormorants and Turkey Vultures were another common sight. I did see a few warblers in the trees along the canal but they were too quick for me to snap a shot. It was neat to watch this kayaker near the Great Falls. We couldn't miss seeing him with the bright red kayak and his blue life vest and helmet.

Virginia Creeper

A great blue heron and if you look closely some turtles

A beautiful sky

Please visit these great memes listed above Mosaic Monday, Blue Monday and Ruby Tuesday. Thanks to the wonderful host of the fun memes. And thank you for stopping by to visit my post and blog.


A Bit of the Blarney said...

Gorgeous pictures! The clouds are so beautiful and the water looks so clean and clear! Wow! Cathy

Carol said...

What a fantastic trip to see the river, gorgeous! I love the mosaic!

A Garden of Threads said...

A picture perfect day, the mosaic is wonderful. Great shots of your day and I hope it was as wonderful as the shots. Take care.

Lola said...

Wonderful shots- lovely cloudscape!

Happy RT!


rainfield61 said...

The creeper is so outstanding, lovely.

LifeRamblings said...

lovely captures. what a beautiful setting. Love the reflection of the heron in the first photo! Happy RT!

Anonymous said...

HI Eileen! Oh, what gorgeous photos you're sharing today! Hope you're doing well and thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Fantastic photos and beautiful flora and fauna.

Darryl and Ruth : )

SmilingSally said...

I looked closely and spotted those turtles.

Happy Blue Monday, Eileen! Check out my book giveaways. I just added another one.

EG CameraGirl said...

Great shots, Eileen. I would LOVE to visit there. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your mosaics brought back memories to me, Eileen. When my son lived in Washington DC we often visited the C&O canal and walked along it! The falls are pretty and watching all the birds there is such an enjoyable past time.

Anonymous said...

Eileen these images are incredible. Beautiful post!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Great photos - Thanks for sharing your day with us.

Marie said...

Hi Eileen. What a lovely post. The trip seems amazing.

DeniseinVA said...

Splendid photos Eileen. I haven't been to the Falls in a couple of years. We used to walk along the C & O Canal all the time but haven't done that either for quite a while. You've sown a seed :) Have a great week.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

What a beautiful place. I don't think I'd want to be in that kayak, though! I love the Virginia Creeper against the gray rocks. Beautiful mosaic!

Carolyn Ford said...

This is such a gorgeous series of photos. What a beautiful place to spend some time! The water, the sky, the birds, the kayaker, the splash of a little red really adds to the scene! Such a pretty landscape! said...

Obviously I don't know the area or anything else about your part of the world, but I love to follow your blog and see all your great photographs. Many thanks, Jackie in Surrey UK.

Liz said...

What a lovely day to spend on the river. Great photos.

My Ruby Tuesday links:
Moms... Check Nyo

Chubskulit Rose said...

Great shots Eileen!

Ruby Tuesday

Anja said...

Dear Eileen, always when I visit one of your blogs I am amazed by your fantastique nature fotos. It looks really wild with the kajaker! Anja

Bob Bushell said...

Those are so beautiful Eileen.

Unknown said...

Beautiful shots for all the memes!

Kim, USA said...

The guy in the kayak looks so tiny along those huge rocks. ^_^ Happy weekdays!
Indian Corn
Favorite Snack

eden said...

Beautiful place and photos, Eileen. Looks like it was a wonderful trip.

LV said...

A truly beautiful showing today. You assembled some very nice shots.

Donnie said...

Loved your photo mosaics too. My husband envy's the kayaker.

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

What a grand place. Lovely photos.

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Absolutely Wonderful!!! Thanks to the lovely weather indeed!!!

Carletta said...

Terrific reflection of the heron!
I need to put those falls on my to see list. :)

eastcoastlife said...

I love the beautiful Nature you captured with your lens. I wish we could have such beauty in our tiny country.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The kayaker is so brave, kayaking by himself.

Elaine said...

Beautiful! You always find such lovely places to go on the weekends.

Jo said...

Lovely trip on the river with such beautiful photos, Eileen. Thanks for sharing. This is my last visit from North Africa (sadly!) I will be online in South Africa in about two days' time and visit again soon. Till then, Blessings from Jo

Kelli said...

what a beautiful spot, thanks for sharing your great photos

Gemma Wiseman said...

Great photos! Love all the water views! Especially love the dreaming blue heron and her reflection AND the virginia creeper wandering over the rocks!

Anonymous said...

love all these red imagesx lynda

Dianne said...

every shot is beautiful!!
the little red kayak looks so lost in all that foamy water

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Nothing soothes the soul like a day by the ocean." "Sky above, sand belo...