Friday, October 15, 2010

Birding Delaware's shore

I am linking up with Friday Ark   and Misty Dawn's Camera Critters Click on my links to visit these wonderful memes.

These are some of the birds I saw while birding with my friends on the Delaware Shore. We birded all day long at the Bombay Hook NWR and the DuPont Nature Center. 

Below is a mixture of gulls and terns. The Royal Terns will have dark legs and beaks

Cormorants and Terns

This one below is a young Forster's Tern. A non-breeding adult will have the black eye patch and orange legs.

I wasn't expecting to see a Brown Creeper land on the poles near the Terns and Gulls

Two American Oystercatchers with their carrot beaks

Thanks to the host of Friday Ark and to Misty Dawn for hosting Camera Critters. Also, thank you for stopping by to see my post.


  1. Wow..a Brown Creeper..guess its on its way south too. Nice Critters~!

  2. Great captures, so well framed and composed.

  3. Great photographs especially the second one with the Cormorants and Terns sitting on the Groynes. Have a lovely weekend, I am sure you are off out again bird watching. Jackie in Surrey, UK.

  4. Hi Eileen :)
    belle queste foto... uccelli in posa per il sorriso ed altri colti nella loro intimità.
    Belle !
    Ciao Myriam :))

  5. Another stunning header photo! Nice shots too of the birds, particularly the brown creeper.

  6. Very cool! I have only seen a Brown Creeper once in my life.

  7. You saw a nice assortment of birds. Your header shot is gorgeous!

  8. What a lovely bird post you have here :)

  9. Great selection of birds. Nice shots too.

  10. Love the photos- those brown creepers are hard to get good shots of, nicely done!

  11. Beautiful birds and lovely scenes. Nicely photographed.

  12. I have gone birding once or twice at a sanctuary near's a very lovely thing to do if you can spot the birds high up! :)


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Have a happy day, Eileen

Saturday's Critters # 554

Welcome to Saturday's Critters!  Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about th...