Saturday, November 20, 2010

CC..Outer Banks birds and critter

It was great to see the shorebirds and other birds in the Outer Banks. And I even got to see a what I think is a ghost crab, or is it a hermit crab or maybe a fiddler crab?  The ducks and snow geese are migrating so we were able to see a great variety of birds.  I still have some ducks and shorebirds I need to id.

                                              I believe this one below is the Semipalmated plover, it is a cutie.

Hooded Merganser

Not sure about this one, anyone know?

The front of my unknown shorebird

A crab...are those antenna looking things their eyes?

Poor thing was trying to get away from a fish crow. It looks like it only has one big claw.

These are my some of my critters from the Outer Banks and to
 see more cute critters visit Camera Critters

Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and thanks for stopping by to see my critter post.


jabblog said...

That looks a wonderful place to get some great shots, Eileen. I like the shots of the crab - wonder if he got away?

rainfield61 said...

Do birds eat crabs?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful pictures of the shore birds, Eileen. I have no idea what your mystery bird is. I'm sure that someone will know.

I have never been to the Outer Banks --but we go fairly close to there every year when we go to the beach at Ocean Isle. We're even going in December this year --which will be a first for us.

Have a great Saturday.

cat said...

Great shots! I hope the poor little crab got away.

Barbara said...

Lovely shots - I do like the beach in winter.

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Hi, beautiful pictures.. i liked..

Kay L. Davies said...

I love shorebirds. Your hooded merganser is so cute. Wish I could help identify your mystery bird. Not a sanderling, is it? Just a wild guess, I really know next to nothing.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Misty DawnS said...

Cool shots! I like the Plover - it IS a cutie!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Love that crab shots Eileen.

Snakes, have a good Saturday!

New Leaf said...

really beautiful photos and critters. I've never seen a hooded merganser before.. really unusual.

I think your mystery bird is a Semipalmated Sandpiper.

Found it here:

VioletSky said...

Am personally not so enamoured of the crabs... but the shorebirds are wonderful.

DeniseinVA said...

Your bird with the hair-do may be a a male hooded merganser. The only reason I know is that I took a picture of a bird like this last winter and someone told me that she thought it was this merganser. All your photos are marvelous Eileen, and I love that header.

Bob Bushell said...

Nice crab Eileen, how big is it?

Hilke Breder said...

Eileen, I believe the shorebird is an American Golden Plover. If not for the dark tail feathers it could also be a Black-bellied Plover. You have some magnificent photos of the ghost crab. I love your header photo with the sea grass, the leaden sea and the dramatic clouds.

Joanne Olivieri said...

How sweet and adorable. I also love that reflection in the first shot.

Martha Z said...

A wonderful critter post, Eileen, what a great place for viewing natures creatures.

giorno26 ¸¸.•*¨*•. said...

Foto molto tenere !
Buona giornata :)

Calico Crazy said...

What a great collections of critters and such a scenic location. That little crab sure does look frantic. ~ Calico Contemplations

Randy Emmitt said...


The mystery bird is a Black-bellied Plover. Best way to tell it from the American Golden Plover (very rare in NC) is when it flews you see black under the wings, dead give away.

Eds said...

They really look wonderful specially when they are at the beach! have a nice day hope youll visit mine....

Yoshi said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog.
You take a great photos of birds. All sorts of birds. I find it very difficult to photograph birds, especially the small one. So I am not good at this:)
First one is my favorite. It's so lovely.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Great series of shore shots.

Shahz said...

:-) Nice capture of the birds.. i haven't seen birds like that and i guess ill just enjoy seeing it in pictures...weeee

NatureFootstep said...

Hooded Merganser was new to me. That´s one unusual shape of the head. Thanks for sharing that.

NatureFootstep Photo

MĆ¼ge Tekil said...

These are the birds I have never seen before. Great post dear Eileen with very beautiful photos and information! Have a delightful Sunday!

Ingrid said...

What a funny bird in the first picture he could go to Ascott with his fashionable hat !

Lina Gustina said...

You're so lucky to see all these lovely birds :)

Thanks for dropping by...

Erika B said...

Great shots! I really love the one of the crab.

Erika B

Chris Petrak said...

Yes, Black-bellied Plover. Good series.

Coy Hill said...

Love your shorebirds Eileen! Guess I'm going to have to give them a try sometime.

Thanks for your nice comment on my squirrel post. I've taken a lot of squirrel shots but I think the background & lighting makes this series my best ever.

Johnny Nutcase said...

love 'em all ! but plovers make me especially happy. great shots and birds!

SquirrelQueen said...

You always have such a wonderful assortment of birds Eileen. I'm glad someone else could ID your mystery bird, the best I could do was say it reminded me of a plover.

Great shot of the Hooded Merganser, I finally got some photos of one last week.

Elaine said...

Your header photo is spectacular, and I love all the shorebirds.

Shelley Munro said...

Great shots. I enjoyed my virtual visit to the beach. Birds will never sit still for me to take photos.

FAB said...

Hi Eileen. Lovely series from your beach visit. I tend to agree with Randy and Chris ... Black-bellied Plover, although over here we call it a Grey Plover. Cheers FAB.

Indrani said...

Those are ghost crabs and you have lovely shots of the birds.

Willard said...

A beautiful series of photographs, but I have no idea what the unidentified bird is.

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! "Happiness comes in waves." Ponce de Leon Inlet Lighthouse, Ponce Inlet Florid...