Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Pelicans for Watery Wednesday

During our visit to the Outer Banks we saw a lot of Pelicans. There were quite a few Pelicans hanging out by the bridge at Pea Island. I think the Pelican is a cool looking bird... kind of pre-historic looking and one of my favorites and I love to watch them dive into the water for food. I was happy to see so many of them doing well and in one spot.

These are my shots for Watery Wednesday  Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting this watery meme.
And thanks for visiting my watery post.


jabblog said...

It must be wonderful to see these birds in their natural habitat, endlessly entertaining.

Dan Huber said...

very nice photos series.

Randy Emmitt said...

Been enjoying you Outer Banks photo, our neck of the woods. The coolest time I have had with pelicans is having them dive bomb for food near my sea kayak at Cape Lookout!

Jidhu Jose said...

wow ...nice photos
happy watery wednesday

Anonymous said...

Wow!!It is so great!!!)))

Beautiful shoots)))))))))))))))

Lesley said...

Yes, I agree about the allure of the prehistoric look of these interesting birds.

Chubskulit Rose said...

They still enjoy the water even if it's rough.

My Watery Wednesday

rainfield61 said...

You are right, Pelicans have existed for a very long time ago.

NatureFootstep said...

pelikans are fun looking birds.
But, to be honest, today I was captured by the new header of yours. It is stunning. :)

msdewberry said...

I've never seen a real live pelican before! It is cool to see them here.
Thanks for posting them!

Mike B. @ slugyard.com said...

Great shots. That is one BIG beak- plenty of room to hide a fish.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the pelicans!

lotusleaf said...

Yes, pelicans do look pre- historic. I enjoyed looking at your shots.

Kim, USA said...

Pelican do look pre-historic. It looks like they had fun in the water. Thanks for the visit!
Watery Wednesday

caite said...

I saw some pelicans too yesterday. Of course I was at Sea World at the time...

Maude Lynn said...

Love these!

Jan n Jer said...

Great shots, I love to watch pelicans, they are so comical!

genie said...

The more pelicans I see, the more fascinated with them I become. They are such interesting birds, and you have captured them beautifully. I love your header, too.

Martha Z said...

I, too, enjoy watching the pelicans. I like the way they skim over the water. I like that header, great capture.

Tink *~*~* said...

I love to sit on the beach and watch the pelicans dive for their dinner :)

Any idea what's happened to Worldless Wednesday? Shame if the owner has given up :(

Tink *~*~*

eden said...

Wow, beautiful shots of the pelicans. Happy Watery Wednesday.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful pictures Eileen!! We loved the Outer Banks when we visited this past summer. Hated to leave!

Unknown said...

i have never seen a real pelican up close. lovely creatures.

btw, your header photo is gorgeous!

Leena said...

Great shots! Pelicans are really fun looking birds, we don´t have them here in Sweden but I've seen them in Mexico.

Ebie said...

Terrific captures of the birds and the rough waters! Actually, they are one of my favorites to shot. They tend to sit still in time for my shutter to click.

Happy Wednesday Pam.

Arija said...

Beautifully precise formation flying. Nice shot

Ebie said...

Oops, sorry Eileen, I meant to type your name but your blog was th e next tab to Pam's.

Gunilla said...

Fantastic shot.
Amazing birds.

Have a nice day

penny said...

Nice shots of the Pelicans and sand dunes, Eileen. Two of my favorite things.
Thanks for the special view.

RNSANE said...

The state bird of Louisiana is the pelican and our Charity School of Nursing pin has a pelican on it. I was horrified when, after my move to CA, there was a rash of incidents where someone was sawing off the bills of pelicans so that they could not fish for food. Such terrible cruelty!

Your photos are wonderful.

Elaine said...

These are lovely shots! Pelicans are such fun birds.

indicaspecies said...

I like your nature shots. It must have been wonderful watching them.

DeniseinVA said...

Love your pelican photos Eileen. Aren't they amazing birds? I don't get to see them very often but always enjoy watching them when I can.

Carol said...

Great shots! I love the last one of the beach!

LifeRamblings said...

great shots. amazing pelicans.

Unknown said...

Such beautiful captures, Eileen! I'm jealous of your blog header photo! :-D j/k That shot would look beautifully framed, in any room!

Thanks for your comments. It's always so nice to get them!


Indrani said...

Pelicans are such beautiful birds, we have them visiting from June to Dec.

Maia T said...

Beautiful shots of these interesting birds.

Joanne Olivieri said...

They are gorgeous birds and I always enjoy seeing them. These are fantastic photos.

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