Friday, November 26, 2010

Conowingo Eagles

My hubby and I love to go and see the Eagles at the Susquehanna River here in Maryland our latest trip was on 11/20. During the winter months hundreds of eagles can be seen perched in trees, on the electric towers, sitting on the rocks and fishing in the river. The drive for us is less than an hour but, some people drive hours to get there just to see the eagles.

To all... please have respect for the birds and wildlife.  I do believe photographers can get their great shots without having to stress the birds.

Today, I found out that there is one photographer getting closer to the eagles and other birds, scaring  them away to the disappointment of all the other birders and photographers. This photographer is crossing the line and is harassing the birds. He is kayaking out to an island to get a closer photo. This idiot has not only done this once but has been seen on various days.

On the day we were there at least thirty or more Great Blue Herons standing along the edge of the island. The island is in the middle of the Susquehanna River below the dam.

This "photographer" is the talk of various wildlife photography forums and now these wildlife photographers are taking pictures of the idiot walking on the island and in his kayak. You can do a search on flickr to see some great eagle shots and photos of this jerk in his kayak. Apparently, I am not the only person who is mad at this guy. How far will this guy go to get his photo? He is totally disgusting and obviously not a birder. I have to say that not all professional photographers are rude idiots and just uncaring to the wildlife.

 My eagles photos are not the greatest, my lens does not reach far enough to get a good shot, you can click here to see Great eagle photography.  The flight shots are awesome.

Black Vultures circling the island, these birds were perched on the tower but all took off flying at the same time.

From what I have read while the idiot is there walking on the island the birds all take off and fly away.

I love the birds and would never harass or stress birds or any animal to get a photo of them. I do not understand why some people have to get closer and closer to the wildlife. Not only are they scaring the wildlife away they are ruining the moment for other people that are there just to enjoy.

Sorry my Camera Critters post is a rant but I just need to have my say.
To see more cute critters click on my link. Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and thanks for stopping by to see my post.


Iowa Gardening Woman said...

I love eagles! I had never saw one until I was in my 30s but now they are regular visitors in our area and on the Mississippi.

Too bad one person has to spoil it for so many, I hope he tips his kayak and freezes his ba........oops I been buns. :)

Unknown said...

My wife and I were at Conowingo on the 19th and 20th and as usual we really enjoyed ourselves. Thanks for sharing your photos.

You have a right to RANT! That individual is out of control and it amazes me that he goes on and does his own thing when there are so many there that patiently wait along the fence.


wenn said...

they look majestic!

Jo said...

That is so sad that one person is spoiling the birding for others AND he's stressing the wildlife. Has anyone managed to see this man on dry land, ie on THIS side of the island and asked him to desist? Perhaps he doesn't know he's being selfish. Have a great weekend, Blessings from Jo

Kay L. Davies said...

Good for you, Eileen. A rant is probably what is required. I don't suppose the idiot can be arrested? Also good for you, giving up close shots in favor of not stressing the birds.
Interesting photos AND rant!!
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

Wow - eagles are magnificent! And those vultures look slight scary.

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos Eileen. How very beautiful they are. I hope the photographer you mentioned changes his ways. I love getting photos of wildlife but their well being is more important to me than getting that perfect close-up. I am thankful that I have a moderate zoom lens.

Maia T said...

Your photos are amazing. You are so lucky to live at such a short distance to such a magnificent place.

Michelle said...

With the proper lens, one doesn't have to intrude on animals' natural behaviors. Best of both worlds! Lovely shots AND rant. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

After all the photos taken of him, does he not know he's being watched? He really IS an idiot it sounds like to me! Maybe they should make that island off limits to humans w/ a HUGE fine for trespassing! That oughta stop him

Melissa B. said...

These Snaps are certainly Superior! Thanks so much for sharing...

Coy Hill said...

Nice to see your eagle shots. Those birds are simply amazing. I'm trying to plan at trip soon.

Sorry to hear that a jerk is messing up a good thing, seems to happen all the time no matter what one is involved in. I sure hope he reads you post!

Dimple said...

I really like the "group" shot of the vultures--there are so many of them! It is too bad one person can cause so much dissatisfaction in so many people. I hope someone will talk to him, if that hasn't been tried already. Maybe he will reform...

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautiful shots!

Thanks for visiting My Camera Critters post.

Lina Gustina said...

I agree, we shouldn't annoy the birds...
Amazing birds :)

Thanks for dropping by...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I would be afraid to go under the vultures. They may just swoop down and fly away with you.

In my photo with the pigeons, I was afraid of the poop, this is worst. LOL

Elaine said...

It must be exciting to see so many eagles at once. Too bad that one idiot spoils things for everyone else. Some people just don't get it and are totally self-involved.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm so sorry to hear theirs a photographer harassing the birds! That's so unkind!

BirdingMaine said...

I know the location intimately, as I used to live in south-central PA and made the trip several times.

As far as this so called "photographer" is concerned, he gives a bad name to the rest of us as he is breaking many rules set forth by the ABA and many photography orgs, not to mention the stress he is inflicting on the poor birds. Has anyone ever confronted the fella and let him know what he is doing is dangerous to the well being of the birds he is harassing?

I have had run in with several "photographers" who bait Owl's and Raptors with store bought mice, all in the glory to get the great photo. I have seen others trespass, damage vital habitat and a whole list of unethical and illegal activities. I report them without a second thought about it.

I am proud to say that my photography is captured WITHOUT any stress to the birds and wildlife, and without damaging their habitat. Anyone who does any different is NOT a photographer, but is an ignorant bully to wildlife and ought to be hung out to dry. (I'm being as nice as I can with my words because this subject strikes a chord with me!)

Your photos are wonderful for the distance they were taken. You should be proud of them and the fact that you did not need to harass wildlife to get your photos. Kudos to you!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful spot to bird watch!

Empty Nester said...

I walk my little dog, Tucker, every day and the ponds where we walk have some beautiful birds there each day. Until the stupid dog owners who ignore the leash law (we do not walk in a dog park) let their dogs run loose and into the water where they scare the birds away. I've gone so far as to contact our animal control guys who have done, sadly, very little. I have ranted about these owners (not the dogs, they're just being dogs) on my blog before and I would love to give each of them a card with the site on it!

Your pictures are wonderful, BTW!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen...... Rant away---I agree with you. Has anyone confronted that guy and tried to talk to him????? How about shooting a hole in his kayak????? ha (Sorry--that was bad!!!)

Glad you did get to see some eagles at a distance --and also the blue herons and the vultures...

I'd love to go to that place.... Hope you get to go back on a day when the 'idiot' is NOT there.


Indrani said...

Great message there.
I wonder what the birds think exactly about the long black noses we carry around.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Eileen,
It's too bad that guy is disturbing the wildlife with his ways.

I always enjoy your photos, from wherever you are.

Thanks for your comment on my SkyWatch post. I haven't been getting Camera Critters posts together lately. I have seen squirrels around. Maybe I'll get my camera out some time and get a post done one of these Saturdays.

Willard said...

I have only been to Conowingo once, but hope to return soon. Hopefully the negative publicity will discourage this person and others from ruining the situation for everyone.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Great shots. When we lived in PA we crossed the Conowingo Dam on many occasions but never saw that many eagles in one place.

Darryl and Ruth : )

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