Friday, January 28, 2011

Camera Critter yardbirds.

Again, I am posting some of my backyard birds for Camera Critters. Being stuck in the house for two weeks after my hand surgery I am only able to check out my backyard birds.

I did notice today that a new backyard bird ..the American Tree Sparrow.  A lifer for me even though I thought I had seen these birds on one of my bird club walks. I did not add it to my birding life list. Which now stands at number 259.

The American Tree Sparrow a winter bird for me here in Maryland is easiest id by it's two tone beak. My pic's are not the greatest because the bird was chowing down and would not stay still.

So here are my yardbirds and my new lifer, the American Tree Sparrow. You can see the top part of the beak is dark and the bottom is light colored.

CORRECTION: I have been told by some experts that my id of the Tree Sparrow is not correct, my photo is actually the Song Sparrow. So now my life list goes back down to 258. Oh, well I will keep looking for the Tree Sparrow.

The male Downy Woodpecker seen from my dining room window. Males have the red on the back of their heads.

The White Breasted Nuthatch outside my dining room window

The Carolina Wren ouside my window, they are cute little birds.

Gee, I have been making all kinds of errors on my post. Betsy pointed out my picture below is of the Northern Flicker and not the Yellow Bellied Sapsucker that I saw in the woods across from my driveway. I knew it was a Northern Flicker and sorry I just typed the wrong name.

It is a yellow shafted northern flicker and I was seeing a beautiful flash of yellow from this birds wings as it flew from tree to tree. Being stuck in the house for two weeks I have serious cabin fever and I was going from window to window checking out my birds.

I hope you enjoy my critter post  and check out Misty Dawn's Camera Critters to see more cute critters.

Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting and thanks for stopping by my post.


Elaine said...

You have some wonderful visitors to keep you occupied! All the work you put into setting up your feeders is paying off now.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm thinking you must have a great backyard to attract so many birds! :)

rainfield61 said...

You have many sweet visitors in the winter.

Sara Chapman said...

Such beautiful, neat little shapes the birds make!

Tracy said...

I always love your critters! Such beautiful spectacles you have visiting this time of year. I certainly hope you are staying warm in all of those white flakes...your tired of them yet?
take good care!

diane b said...

He is sure giving you the eye. You are lucky to have so much to watch while you are housebound.

Sarah Knight said...

Wonderful shots!
I hope your hand is better soon : )

Unknown said...

Great selection of birds!!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

Unknown said...

Seems like a good use of your time during recovery! I hope the recover is quick so you can get back to normal -- being laid up is not fun!

Anonymous said...

Delightful shots!

Kay L. Davies said...

Hand surgery - sounds grim - hope you are fully recovered soon.
Meanwhile, whatever the sparrow, it has the most wonderful expression on its face, it could be any kind for all I care. I love that photo.
-- K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

excellent photos!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Gorgeous shots as always Eileen!

Three Horses, have a great weekend!

Jeri ~ said...

Great shots - love the sparrow, he appears to be smiling for the camera!

Bettey said...

Very cool shots! This was my first time participating in Camera Critters I think :)

Hood Photo Blog

Bob Bushell said...

They are beautiful, I rate them number 1.

Anonymous said...

aawwww....the first photo is supercute!!!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Your good at identifying these sweet birds!'ll be thrilled when you do find him! They are charming..I would do that too Eileen (lol). Have a wonderful weekend~

Marie said...

I hope you feel better from the hand surgery soon -- sending good thoughts your way!

Your photos are just gorgeous -- I love the birds -- such a nice variety.

Visiting via Camera Critters


Kay Baughman said...

Hi, Eileen,
I love your little sparrow. Song or Tree--he's a charming critter! I think sparrows should wear name tags.
I've been a little ID-challenged myself lately--I was writing a post about it and then got sidetracked when I decided to join the Camera Critter meme and saw your sparrow.
Your backyard birds are really great and you take such nice photos. Thanks for sharing!

SquirrelQueen said...

You have some of the sweetest little birds in your yard. The little sparrow in your first photo is just adorable.

I hope your hand is healing and will be back to normal soon.

Linda said...

You captured some great photos of the visitors to your feeders.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, I am so thrilled by your bird pictures! Great job! I especially am fond of the Woodpeckers! Have a super day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Eileen, I posted about this---don't know what happened to it.... Duh!!!! Anyhow--I love your bird pictures... I do think the last one is a Northern Flicker though --instead of a Sapsucker... Check it out.... Our Flickers look just like this one...

Have a great day --and stay WARM.

Saturday's Critters # 584

  Welcome to Saturday's Critters! Hello and Happy Saturday!  If you love all God's creatures like I do and also like to blog about t...