Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chincoteague Cattle Egrets

 For my post for World Bird Wednesday   I am showing the pretty Cattle Egrets we saw during our visit to Chincoteague.

My post about the Chicoteague ponies can be found here Chincoteague ponies

These three were standing right on the trail we were walking on, they did not seem to mind us being there.

Chincoteague is a great place for the Cattle Egrets to hang out. I have read that they like to ride on the back of horses and cattle. The plumage on the breeding adult shows a beige color on the crown, breast and back. They are the smallest of all the egrets.

This is my World Bird Wednesday and to see more click on my link and visit Springmans Pine River Review. Thank You Springman and thanks for stopping by to see my post.


caite said...

love the fluffy beige crown on the birdie in the last pic.

Ruth Hiebert said...

For some reason they remind me of youg teen boys who have just gotten a new haircut and feel a little shy about it. :)Really they are beautiful.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The first time we saw the cattle egrets in that fancy plumage we were in Louisiana. Someone told us that was breeding plumage. I am not sure if that is correct; I am going to go to my Sibley as soon as I send this.

Whatever -- they are beautiful and your photos are just lovely.

TexWisGirl said...

you got some great shots! they are such silly looking birds most of the time. i like them running along with the herds... :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My---aren't they just so cute? I love those little egrets, Eileen. You captured some great pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

These cattle egrets are very cute. Great photos Eileen.

Springman said...

What a Bird! Its definitly a first see for me. These egrets are so different from the ones I've seen. I love that fluffy look!

Unknown said...

I love Cattle Egrets in their summer plumage :)
Lovely shots of these fellows!

I was once at Chincoteague when I was 17 :D

Elaine said...

What cuties they are!

diane b said...

Isn't it great when they don't fly away when you walk past? They all look like little old ladies with a hunched back.

Indrani said...

We find egrets here too.
Great captures of them of them from your world.

rainfield61 said...

If they are big enough, they may carry me around.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, they're cute. They could be little wind-up robo birds!

BirdingMaine said...

Great photos of the Cattle Egrets! A few wayward Cattle Egrets make their way to Maine during the summer months. But not a common bird here.

Bill S. said...

Those are some great pictures of these beautiful birds. I always look forward of seeing a couple each year.

FAB said...

Lovely shots Eileen with their feathery bonnets.

Unknown said...

Great post Eileen. I've never seen them before. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

jeanlivingsimple said...

I find Cattle Egrets fascinating birds. Great photos of them and very interesting read!

Jen Sanford said...

Beautiful birds and photos! I've never seen one!

EG CameraGirl said...

How cool! I'm pretty sure I have never seen these birds here, so I've only seen them other bloggers' sites.

936000 said...

Great photos! Happy bird day! lol!
Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Lovely shots!

theconstantwalker said...

Lovely birds to see Eileen.
A great series.
Many thanks for sharing them.

Sondra said...

Totally enjoyed seeing these guys!!!

tiptoethruphylsgarden.blogspot.com said...

Aren`t they cute?Great pictures,phyllis

Amila Kanchana said...

Beautiful shots! We have them here too,lots! I like them best in breeding plumage.

Hootin Anni said...

Aren't these amazing birds? We had a pair of them perch in a cottonwood tree across the street one time...I love watching them. [When they hunch over for so long, it reminds me of the Hunchback of Notre Dame]

My Thursday Post:
Easter Songs

Thanks for visiting with me yesterday, and hope your day is super.

Empty Nester said...

Those are the prettiest egrets I've ever seen! Excellent photos!

SquirrelQueen said...

They are beautiful birds, I have never seen them before except in photos. Eileen, you find some of the most remarkable places to visit.

Larry said...

Nice shots of the Cattle Egrets Eileen! They look so fluffy in their breeding plumage and those orange legs and beak sure stand out!

Ebie said...

Hi Eileen, I have never seen this variety of egrets. Love the colors!

You always find great places to photo shoot and enjoy your birding hobby.

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty bird this is! I wonder what the are thinking whilst on cattle or horseback! Of course there is the reverse - what are is the cow and horse thinking of that pretty bird strutting on their backs!
Oh it would be fun to read their minds!

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Eileen..they just look so soft and pretty. I was curious the last time I came here, so I googled Chincoteague and played with the pronunciation (ha ha)..so I see it's a 37 mile long barrier island situated off the E. coast of Maryland and Virginia? The map helped to put it in perspective. The story of the ponies is cool... Assateage right? Well, I enjoyed this and seems so many places I've never seen. I am from the W. Coast-Ca (probably mentioned that). Anyhow, thanks! Wishing you and your family a fabulous Easter-

JRandSue said...

Remarkable images,stunning photography.

AVCr8teur said...

Happy Earth Week! I guess the egrets are there waiting for their ride. :)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've always wanted to visit Chincoteague to see the wild horses! You got wonderful photos of these egrets, Eileen!

Carletta said...

Lovely shots of these handsome Egrets!
I love the lengths you go and visit to get some of these wonderful shots. You do follow your passion. I admire that. :)

Mike B. @ slugyard.com said...

Wow- I'd love to see a photo of them hitching a ride on a cow!

Happy Monday!

Wishing everyone a great day and a ha ppy new week! " Leave the road, take the trails." "The mountains are calling and I must...